Its surely a reachable goal. How was you when you play WC3. If you can get a 10+ winstreak, you can reach D+/C- level I think. I played SC when it first came out, played 3 years of WC3(quit one year after the realease of TFT). Actually if you are a veteran WC3 player, all you need to learn in SC is macro, you have a pretty good micro from WC3 already. And ofc the commitment to play many games a day. Thats a must.
Koll did B- in 6months. anything is possible if you just dedicate time and effort into it
don't have much to offer in terms of strats and such, but welcome =)
Welcome to the light buddy !
About your strat of improving i can say its preety good. you need good understanding of all races if you wanna be really good in this game like Mondragon orr you can be good with one race but play like robot like kolll.
When i started sc i played random for like few months geting the basics for all races and then after i swtiched to my favorite matchups which are pvz pvt zvp now but i can play all races good which is condition to be really good in sc. If you dedicate alot of time and serious training then i guess you can hit C-/C in few months with no problem.
If you need any help im alwyas free to help msg me on iccup my acc is Get.DuDuk
i thought i'd give my opinion. I did D+ in 6 months, but i only played hard for 3 months. During this time I watched practically every pro vod that came out for the matchups i play (and about half of those that i don't play). Since theN I have been busy and only played casually, but i think if you played hard for 6 months straight C- would be doable. Also it may be easier for you since you played RTS some before. I started out at 60 apm so it took me quite some time to naturally improve to 170
having played war3 myself in between PGT and ICC when it got popular (yes, i betrayed you all ^^), there are a good number of noticeable differences that will really help you out -
I'm speaking from an experienced perspective, having ranked to C+ on iccup and gotten a 56% ratio with a 750 win count on Azeroth (which is pretty good I'd say, for my one and only account).
My SC and WC3 friends are all playing SC2 now, and from what I hear from WC3 players, here is what is hard to adjust to:
- constant worker production (to an extent of course) - macro view of the game (i.e. I may have lost the battle, but I secured an expo and am defending it with HT/reavers/cannons so I'm ahead economically) - tricks/deceptions (hiding buildings means what?) - scouting your enemy - SO important in all SC matchups
but also some useful things:
- WC3 level micro is definitely necessary for your SC openings. Especially in mirror matches, one screw up will probably cost you the game. - in WC3, you understand while you go heavy on a certain unit against a race (because they'll go a certain unit against you, for example) - in SC it's like that too, and I think the unit mixes will come pretty quickly.
That said, I went from SC -> WC3 -> SC/SCII so I don't have a pure WC3 perspective
hope that helps!
First of all, welcome.
On March 09 2010 17:32 heaven- wrote: Anyway my goal is to get decently good at this game. So if you have any suggestions I would love all the help i can get. I have been reading liquipedia and watching vods and some replays already.
Define "decently good"..... Reading liquipedia, watching vods, watching replays, and searching the forum for any specific questions are definitely good ways of increasing your knowledge of the game. Another thing you will need to do is practice specific micro tricks. Play some friends on a "Micro Tourney" UMS game, it will test your micromanagement of certain units. Another thing you could do is find some of the specific training maps (hotkey training maps, macro training maps, mutalisk micro, vulture micro, etc.....). Get good at those, with a solid strategic understanding of the game, and you'll have the ability to hit C and beyond.
I do have one question, How ambitious is it to say that I hope to be Rank D+/C- iccup Within 6 months. Is it crazy? or achievable? What about C? I know it would probably be easier if i stick to one race but I am weird like that and I refuse to do it!  .
You can definitely hit the D+/C- ranks if you play fairly often. But you should be warned that the skill difference between ranks is actually pretty big (the biggest probably between B+ and A-, although CPU and D- can give it a run for it's money). You will also run into people who are of a higher skill, and are either warming up for more serious games, are working their way up the ladder, or are purposely smurfing, so that will knock you down. Take these games as learning experiences, so you can see how a better player can tear you apart from the smallest of mistakes. The higher you get in the ladder, the less often this will happen.
My "goal" when I first started was to try to stay out of D- in my first season. I managed to do that. After that, my goal was to hit D+, eventually. I had no intention on becoming "decent" at this game. I ended up hitting C- pretty comfortably in my third season (9 months). In this period of time, I averaged about 1 game per day, and 1 vod/podcast/whatever else per day, so somewhere around 45 minutes per day. That is not a lot of time. My macro and micro are terrible still. If you were to put some serious effort into getting better, you can definitely hit C pretty quickly.
Don't be afraid of asking questions. I've asked a few stupid ones myself. If you really try to figure out the game, you will have many epiphanies during the process.
For a really awesome perspective of the game, watch Day[9]. Watching his casts ended up helping me jump from a struggling D player to a pretty solid C- in just 1 season, with no real change in mechanical skill (I had an increase of 1 apm that season.....).
Another thing you can do to get better is to join the ICCUP training program (or at least hang around in the channel). There are always people in the channel willing to practice, so if you are having a hard time with one specific thing, ask for help. Joining any clan/team helps, but the ICCUP training program has a lot of people in a similar situation to yourself, making it a really good choice.
Most importantly - GL HF
On March 09 2010 23:43 ThePhan2m wrote: Koll did B- in 6months
...by doing the same build every game.
Not to undermine the significance of his achievement, surely not anyone can do it, however I'm really not impressed by him at all. While he does hold some decent and legitimate skill, he completely lacks the experience usually found amongst gamers that reach the B ranks in a few years of playing. Maybe it has something to do with his age as well, I'm sure he has the ability to mature into a great player.
His losses to Gosi Terran (I think?) in the TSL are proof of his lack of experience/adaptability.
On March 10 2010 01:18 minus_human wrote:...by doing the same build every game. Not to undermine the significance of his achievement, surely not anyone can do it, however I'm really not impressed by him at all. While he does hold some decent and legitimate skill, he completely lacks the experience usually found amongst gamers that reach the B ranks in a few years of playing. Maybe it has something to do with his age as well, I'm sure he has the ability to mature into a great player. His losses to Gosi Terran (I think?) in the TSL are proof of his lack of experience/adaptability.
I'll bet alot of people that have been playing sc for there whole life couldn't do that even if it was "the same build"
On March 10 2010 01:21 Saturnize wrote:Show nested quote +On March 10 2010 01:18 minus_human wrote:On March 09 2010 23:43 ThePhan2m wrote: Koll did B- in 6months ...by doing the same build every game. Not to undermine the significance of his achievement, surely not anyone can do it, however I'm really not impressed by him at all. While he does hold some decent and legitimate skill, he completely lacks the experience usually found amongst gamers that reach the B ranks in a few years of playing. Maybe it has something to do with his age as well, I'm sure he has the ability to mature into a great player. His losses to Gosi Terran (I think?) in the TSL are proof of his lack of experience/adaptability. I'll bet alot of people that have been playing sc for there whole life couldn't do that even if it was "the same build"
And your point, besides repeating a part of what I wrote, is what?
On March 10 2010 01:18 minus_human wrote:...by doing the same build every game. Not to undermine the significance of his achievement, surely not anyone can do it, however I'm really not impressed by him at all. While he does hold some decent and legitimate skill, he completely lacks the experience usually found amongst gamers that reach the B ranks in a few years of playing. Maybe it has something to do with his age as well, I'm sure he has the ability to mature into a great player. His losses to Gosi Terran (I think?) in the TSL are proof of his lack of experience/adaptability.
I totally agree. And he lost to Fenix btw.
I started on WC3 TFT ladders, then moved back to SC/BW. If you study hard enough and play a lot of games, reviewing your replays and matching them up to make sure you have a seamless build order, you can make D+ in 2 months.
I guess I'll just put this out about races. I'm only D/D+ but Terran is really hard early on as their armies take lots of babysitting and Bio is the most demanding (macro/micro) wise ingame. (I think T_T) Protoss are easiest to play, most of the time but in PvZ they have some trouble vs zerg. Zerg are really hard to macro as you've got hatcheries everywhere. Also they're really gas heavy. Also if you want I play T if you wanna play some games :D
been playing for ~6 months and still D/D+ T_T
I, for one, don't have the ambition to practice a whole lot in order to get better. However, the game is more fun if you win more often/have the mechanics to use more interesting strategies.
When starting off, you are going to spend a good chunk of time just improving your mechanics. If you go on iccup and try doing 3 hatch muta you will likely mess it up every time and may not even get to the mutas much of the time. This can be very tedious trying to get better while getting demolished.
My solution was to play games that are more fun depending on your skill level. When I first got on iccup, i mostly played 3v3 on BGH. Total noob thing to do, but trust me, it is more fun playing 3v3s than getting smashed in 1v1s. Also, even though you won't learn the perfect BO or strategy in a 3v3, you will find that your mechanics do improve and you have a lot of fun doing it.
After that I moved on to occasional 1v1ing and primarily 2v2ing. Once again, in 2v2s the build orders are very different, but you get great mechanics practice and it is much more competitive than 3v3ing. In the past I was always a low D/D- player, but my friend and I easily hit D+ as a 2v2 team(because the skill level is lower amongst 2v2ers generally) It was way more fun for me to learn that way rather than try to grind out a 10% win ratio your first iccup season.
This all might be moot for you if you have enough rts experience, though.
yeah dude half my clan is playing sc now lol we aren't really trying in w3 that much anymore -- its hard to practice cause ladder is hack-filled now. I'll PM my msn.
also checking out ur reps! xD
Pretty sure you can get to C- in a month playing 2~3 hrs day with a decent trainning schedule.
Unless something has changed, posting your MSN publicly isn't against a rule.
Anyways, most people are giving good advice and you seem to have a lot of motivation so instead of repeating the same "get good mechanics" thing I will wish you the best of luck!
It all depends on how good you are at understanding build orders and timings of each race. If it's true that Wc3 had very few build orders to learn then you won't be used to timings at all. Watching progamer VODs and replays might help you learn build orders and general timings.
More importantly, you should watch and analyze your own replays after each game, for maximum improvement. Players have general tendencies at each rank and if you get an idea of what their weaknesses are through watching every replay you will be able to beat more people. Afterwards you'll have to develop an insane amount of mechanics and metagame knowledge in order to compete. This is where pro replays and VODs are most effective (I highly suggest TSL2 VODs because commentary is in English and it's much much more useful to have commentary when you want to understand something).
I think a great way to improve is to play as all three races. By doing this you can implement strategies that others use against you.
Welcome to TL and SC 
I think with prior WC3 experience, C- in 6 months (while difficult) is achievable. Took me like 6 months to go from D- to D ~.~