REHABILITATED* (sorry it was like 3 AM ;p)
First of all I'd like to apologize in advanced if I am posting this in the wrong spot.
Hello I am completely new to sc...... weird enough too as I have played wc3 for 4 years and some wc2 before then.
But anyway I want to start by saying that I am soooo amazed by 2 things in sc.
1. The depth of the game it self, even with the tiny bit of knowledge I have gotten from this game i can say that this game is easily 10x more complex and deep than wc3.
2. The community support. It is huge, 1000x bigger than wc3's. This website is amazing there is so many resources and knowledge its incredible. And looks like i picked up the game at a perfect time too, got to watch my first sc vods and they were the TSL. So nice.
I am not even going to begin with the "Im new what do I dew" question because there is just so many resources available on this site. Its just great!
Anyway my goal is to get decently good at this game. So if you have any suggestions I would love all the help i can get. I have been reading liquipedia and watching vods and some replays already.
This is my plan of action and I'd love some feedback on what you think. if its a good idea or not. I really don't want to pick a permanent race at the moment as i want to have a broader view of the game. But this is the way i see it.
There is a total of 6 match ups in this game (mirrors included), but 9 match ups to learn (i.e TvsP, PvsT). From what I have seen there is almost endless amounts of strats to do per match up. I mean if you just look at build orders on liquipedia there is like 8 builds per match up. So that already seems very overwhelming(in wc3 there is like 1 build per match up, and if you are orc 1 build period haha). So my plan is basically to take it a step at a time and sort of learn 2 basic strats per match but learn 1 and 1/2 at a time. Let me explain the 1/2. For example I want to start with learning ZvsT build 2/3 Hatch muta (getting some of the lingo down ! ) . So spend time learning the strat perfecting etc... that is taking care of 1, but also i feel like i'll be half learning some TvsZ. Then I would move on to learning PvsZ a build there etc... Sort of knocking it down 1 match up at a time. At the same time working on the mechanics. (This is the technique i used to learn to play the piano. Took it one song at a time till i perfected a song moved on to a different chord etc feel like it was a faster way to learn the instrument than what i did to learn the violin which was a much broader learn a lil of everything at once approach..)
After that i suppose the next step would be to chose a race and further improve on what I have already learned.
Let me know what you guys think.
I do have one question, How ambitious is it to say that I hope to be Rank D+/C- iccup Within 6 months. Is it crazy? or achievable? What about C? I know it would probably be easier if i stick to one race but I am weird like that and I refuse to do it! .
Anyway sorry for the long long post, any suggestions advice anything is appreciated. Thanks in advanced!!
Osaka27125 Posts
Thank you sir! I had seen one of those but not the 2nd one . Ty Ty.
Perfectly realistic to become C- in 6 months considering you have RTS experiance already. Of course it's going to depend on how much effort youre willing to put into it. 
If you ask Kolll he'd say you suck unless you get B- by then end of your first 6 months or so.. ^^
you played Warcraft2, you skipped Starcraft, you then played Warcraft3 for 4 years.
Something's wrong.
Funny you mention he was the guy i dled my first rep pack from. Only to find out that this guy is 14!
Talk about raw talent.
On March 09 2010 17:50 intrudor wrote: you played Warcraft2, you skipped Starcraft, you then played Warcraft3 for 4 years.
Something's wrong.
Well wc3 was already out at the time, I just didnt really know about it. to be perfectly honest i barely even played wc2... I played free castles and then I bought Wc3.
Anyway I've seen the light. =]
SC ftw ;P
That's an interesting way to learn the game. I think the fastest way to reach c- would be to pick just one of those races and try and learn the 3 mus. The opening build orders are only really half the early game, the other half is tweaking it to your opponent. On the other hand, going one mu at a time would give a very complete understanding of the game which is awesome especially with sc2 coming up. I'd say your way sounds fine but I imagine it'll be very frustrating to start over 9 times. Gl!
Yeah I think a big part is going to be whether I give up or not. Its always easier to go back to right clicking people in wc3 with my blademaster but I hope I stick to it. If i do I think ill do just fine
I'm a C Terran myself, and I'd be willing to play you every once in a while if you want some free practice and any advice I can offer. (We can focus on specific build or w/e, but my knowledge of Zerg is not that good in ZvP/ZvZ)
Best of luck in your endeavors, your methodical approach is certainly good, and your goal is achievable if you are willing to put some constant effort in.
Be sure to watch Day[9] daily, he sometimes really slows down to the tiniest aspects of the game, explaining them simply and repeatedly so I guess it would be a really insightful learning experience to listen to some of his casts. You can find his thread in the Broodwar section.
Also, it's REHABILITATED. Just a pet peeve of mine
On March 09 2010 17:32 heaven- wrote:I do have one question, How ambitious is it to say that I hope to be Rank D+/C- iccup Within 6 months. Is it crazy? or achievable? What about C? I know it would probably be easier if i stick to one race but I am weird like that and I refuse to do it!  . Well, it took me 4 months to get to C/C+, but I play only one race (zerg), however, I find analysis other races inside gameplay (idk if that's the right term) very helpful. Learning all 3 races isn't a bad idea as long as you work on it. (for example: some of my friends play all 3 races, but since they don't like 1 or 2 matchups they just tend to cheese on them and doesn't focus on the "standard" strategies). Anyways, gl :}.
Sorry about the Typo. 3 AM 
I had to reinstall windows on my computer and I am unable to install iTunes or Quicktime for some reason. It just starts the installer but then dies out and computer starts to lag but no installation ever comes. ( im saying this because i assume you need itunes to listen to a podcast, or im retarded)
Yeah Proom I'd love to play you sometime. Actually Wed Im off from school and work! :D..gonna be a sc all day for me. My Name in iccup is Negato. I am not sure what Cheese means but i guess its some sort of all in strat, which i suppose is not bad to learn but mb later. not right now
United States4126 Posts
How fast you improve depends on how much you're willing to apply yourself to the game. If you have enough dedication to play for several hours a day, you can easily achieve C- within 6 months.
From your post, it seems like you want to play all three races. From personal experience, I don't recommend this. Not only does it require you to learn 6 more matchups, but it'll be harder for you to learn overall because you'll have so much more to learn than if you were practicing with just one race. I recommend choosing one race after playing around with the three, and sticking with the one you're most comfortable with.
I wish you luck in your endeavor.
the quickest way to C would be to only play one matchup:
"C- Heartbreak Zerg wanted" type games, but that's not fun
On March 09 2010 18:36 Bill Murray wrote: the quickest way to C would be to only play one matchup:
"C- Heartbreak Zerg wanted" type games, but that's not fun I dont think the OP is searching for the quickest way to get to some rank, instead he's looking forward to improving his skill level :}.
Be sure to PM me if you're up for any games (top left corner)
On March 09 2010 17:50 heaven- wrote:Well wc3 was already out at the time,
yes. but SC was also already out at the time. Bad excuse.
On March 09 2010 17:50 heaven- wrote:SC ftw ;P
USA29055 Posts
lol@inc what a pimp.
heaven i didn't know u were learning sc. we should play sometime! i have basically the same exact goal as you lmao and i started a few weeks ago; difference is I have played sc wayyyy back so i at least remember some stuff; also i've kept with the scene. but im fuckin terrible lolol.
It's hard to say how far you can get in 6 months without knowing where you are at now. That being said though, I am pretty sure anyone can go from 0 to D+ in that time if they just put their mind to it. Your main obsticles, as a WC3 player will be to constantly put workers to mine and needing to select individual buildings in order to macro.
If you want to improve, I suggest having a focus of practice for each game such as "This game I will make sure I do the build order perfectly", "This game I will make sure I hotkey everything correctly and only use the hotkeys", "This game I will focus on positioning and micro", "This game I will make sure I spend my money without queueing". Look at your replays and note down what mistakes you are making. Some might not be obvious to you so if possible get a friend to help you occasionally.
I approve of your ambition to play all the matchups because they all come in different flavours, so that will make it easier to keep playing and be more fun.