Public Profile for minus_human
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minus_human's Public Profile:
"Hands clutched for his arms and he shattered wrists, punctured faces. Forms tackled his torso and he snapped necks, crushed spines. He tossed lifeblood skyward, nailed beating hearts still. All the world had become rotted leather, and he was the only iron. The only iron.
He was of the People"
'You know nothing of war. War is dark. Black as pitch. It is not a God. It does not laugh or weep. It rewards neither skill nor daring. It is not a trial of souls, nor the measure of wills. Even less is it a tool, a means to some womanish end. It is merely the place where the old bones of the earth meet the hollow bones of men and break them.'
"You would sound me. Make clear the riddle of the Scylvendi heart. But you use your own hearts to map mine. You see a man abased before you, Xunnurit. A man bound to me by kinship of blood. What an offense this must be, you say. His heart must cry for vengeance.And you say this because your heart would so cry. But my heart is not your heart. This is why it is a riddle to you."
Cnaiur urs Skiotha - the most CAPS LOCK MAN ALIVE