But what better convey how excited I am atm :D.
Hello New guy here. :) Wc3 Rehabilitated. - Page 7
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United States361 Posts
But what better convey how excited I am atm :D. | ||
Valhalla18444 Posts
We expect a little more out of an individual post, though. | ||
Canada1981 Posts
On March 13 2010 08:02 zomgzergrush wrote: Concentrating on one matchup first, even better. IMO, P by nature is the most forgiving race for noobs to start out with, good choice. PvZ also happens to be THE most epic mu in the game I'm not biased I swear... buuuut I'm not EXACTLY sure but once you get around the C~ ranks P start having quite a hard time, sair reaver and those builds take LOTS of apm. I've heard of people talking about switching races then, it's hard as T takes a lot of positioning and army management and Zerg macro is with hatcheries everywhere. | ||
United States35 Posts
On March 09 2010 17:32 heaven- wrote: REHABILITATED* (sorry it was like 3 AM ;p) First of all I'd like to apologize in advanced if I am posting this in the wrong spot. Hello I am completely new to sc...... weird enough too as I have played wc3 for 4 years and some wc2 before then. But anyway I want to start by saying that I am soooo amazed by 2 things in sc. 1. The depth of the game it self, even with the tiny bit of knowledge I have gotten from this game i can say that this game is easily 10x more complex and deep than wc3. 2. The community support. It is huge, 1000x bigger than wc3's. This website is amazing there is so many resources and knowledge its incredible. And looks like i picked up the game at a perfect time too, got to watch my first sc vods and they were the TSL. So nice. I am not even going to begin with the "Im new what do I dew" question because there is just so many resources available on this site. Its just great! Anyway my goal is to get decently good at this game. So if you have any suggestions I would love all the help i can get. I have been reading liquipedia and watching vods and some replays already. This is my plan of action and I'd love some feedback on what you think. if its a good idea or not. I really don't want to pick a permanent race at the moment as i want to have a broader view of the game. But this is the way i see it. There is a total of 6 match ups in this game (mirrors included), but 9 match ups to learn (i.e TvsP, PvsT). From what I have seen there is almost endless amounts of strats to do per match up. I mean if you just look at build orders on liquipedia there is like 8 builds per match up. So that already seems very overwhelming(in wc3 there is like 1 build per match up, and if you are orc 1 build period haha). So my plan is basically to take it a step at a time and sort of learn 2 basic strats per match but learn 1 and 1/2 at a time. Let me explain the 1/2. For example I want to start with learning ZvsT build 2/3 Hatch muta (getting some of the lingo down ! ![]() (This is the technique i used to learn to play the piano. Took it one song at a time till i perfected a song moved on to a different chord etc feel like it was a faster way to learn the instrument than what i did to learn the violin which was a much broader learn a lil of everything at once approach..) After that i suppose the next step would be to chose a race and further improve on what I have already learned. Let me know what you guys think. I do have one question, How ambitious is it to say that I hope to be Rank D+/C- iccup Within 6 months. Is it crazy? or achievable? What about C? I know it would probably be easier if i stick to one race but I am weird like that and I refuse to do it! ![]() Anyway sorry for the long long post, any suggestions advice anything is appreciated. Thanks in advanced!! Hi Im a C/C- terran and protoss user. im also a leader of team [FuN]. we help new guys like you out all the time. op [FuN] on iccup. we also have vent. pm me for vent info if you ever want to come on and game with us.Our biggest success was Blade[FuN] started 2 seasons ago. he came from one of those other gay games lol no offense, i think it was something with germans or some shit. anyways. he Got 4789 points his second season of iccup and high D+ his first. Fortunetly for him he also got a sc2 beta key lol lucky kid. anyways com on by sometime we will game | ||
United States361 Posts
my iccup account is Negato and my msn: Yeah_f_u2@hotmail.com I just got back from work, imma eat dinner and brb. Time to start up some SC! | ||
United States70 Posts
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United States632 Posts
On March 14 2010 04:11 Drums wrote: Hi Im a C/C- terran and protoss user. im also a leader of team [FuN]. we help new guys like you out all the time. op [FuN] on iccup. we also have vent. pm me for vent info if you ever want to come on and game with us.Our biggest success was Blade[FuN] started 2 seasons ago. he came from one of those other gay games lol no offense, i think it was something with germans or some shit. anyways. he Got 4789 points his second season of iccup and high D+ his first. Fortunetly for him he also got a sc2 beta key lol lucky kid. anyways com on by sometime we will game i sent you a pm too | ||
United States361 Posts
kod ftw. then back to sc! rawr. | ||
Switzerland553 Posts
Start sc learning BOs will be boring and frustrating after some days then you just change game ^^ | ||
United States361 Posts
![]() | ||
United States361 Posts
![]() ![]() Its just easier to defend a ramp and micro/macro right next to your base than to push out. ![]() >< Still suffering from terrible macro. | ||
United States1935 Posts
I pop in and out a lot | ||
Scotland1970 Posts
On March 16 2010 03:37 heaven- wrote: ![]() ![]() Its just easier to defend a ramp and micro/macro right next to your base than to push out. ![]() >< Still suffering from terrible macro. When they turtle, set up a contain and then outmacro them by taking another expansion. If you're having trouble doing this on a map like Python, try it on Destination first: the double-bridges makes it VERY hard for a turtling Toss player to break the contain due to needing to funnel their units across. It basically forces them into a harrass-orientated play. if you keep adequate defences at your expansions, say a cannon or two (which is fine if you have the base advantage), their harrass won't work all that well. | ||
United States361 Posts
Kind of funny how close the game was, I would have been embarrassed not proud that i almost lost to a guy who's played for 4 days. "hahaha im no D- hahah" ok ![]() :D | ||
United States361 Posts
So rough ![]() My friend got C- in like 3 months. My goal was 6... i wonder how he did it. Even more, i wonder how Zenio got A- in a year :O I wonder what Day9 would say? | ||
Canada1981 Posts
On March 17 2010 03:40 heaven- wrote: Man, I keep jumping between D- and D. So rough ![]() My friend got C- in like 3 months. My goal was 6... i wonder how he did it. Even more, i wonder how Zenio got A- in a year :O I wonder what Day9 would say? I hope I'm not just an idiot but who's Zenio? Also often people just make new accounts or smurfs so if you're looking at their profile on iCCup it may not be correct. | ||
Korea (South)4667 Posts
1. The depth of the game it self, even with the tiny bit of knowledge I have gotten from this game i can say that this game is easily 10x more complex and deep than wc3. YES YESSSSSSSSSSSSS <3 HE UNDERSTANDS! | ||
Canada242 Posts
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Scotland1970 Posts
On March 17 2010 05:37 Nub4ever wrote: I hope I'm not just an idiot but who's Zenio? Also often people just make new accounts or smurfs so if you're looking at their profile on iCCup it may not be correct. Zenio is an ex-WC3 progamer if I remember right. | ||
United States361 Posts
On March 17 2010 07:31 theramstoss wrote: Just curious, don't you have any school work to do? yeah thats exactly why i have like 2 hours if that a day. i go to school in morning then work till night, i play at night. tho its spring break right now... :D Zenio wasn't exactly a pro-gamer. he didnt get paid i dont think. He was an orc player, who played for a Chinese team called eXpertise. He was a decent orc player. Did not get much done tho, couple of league wins here and there. Assuming he never played sc before ( which he probably did, since he is Korean) getting A- in a year is pretty good. Even if he started as D+/C player already still good. I dare say C+ even. ![]() | ||
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