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GOM Code S/Code A May 2011 Results and Standings
2011 LG Cinema 3D Global StarCraft II League May/Code S
Saturday, Apr 30 5:10am GMT (GMT+00:00)
GSL May 2011
Code S Ro16 Day 2
Match 1:
TSL_Clide < Metalopolis > TSL_Killer
TSL_Clide < Tal'Darim Altar LE > TSL_Killer
TSL_Clide < Dual Sight > TSL_Killer
+ Show Spoiler +
TSL_Clide < Tal'Darim Altar LE > TSL_Killer
TSL_Clide < Dual Sight > TSL_Killer
Killer wins 2-1!
+ Show Spoiler [Overall] +
No (24)
If you have time (12)
116 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Clide vs Killer (Game 1)?
No (33)
If you have time (12)
80 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Clide vs Killer (Game 2)?
Match 2:
ST_Virus < Xel'Naga Caverns > oGsInCa
ST_Virus < Dual Sight > oGsInCa
ST_Virus < Metalopolis > oGsInCa
+ Show Spoiler +
ST_Virus < Dual Sight > oGsInCa
InCa wins 2-0!
+ Show Spoiler [Overall] +
If you have time (11)
No (3)
60 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Virus vs Inca (Game 1)?
Match 3:
IMNesTea < Terminus SE > TSL_FruitDealer
IMNesTea < Dual Sight > TSL_FruitDealer
IMNesTea < Metalopolis > TSL_FruitDealer
+ Show Spoiler +
IMNesTea < Dual Sight > TSL_FruitDealer
IMNesTea < Metalopolis > TSL_FruitDealer
NesTea wins 2-1!
+ Show Spoiler [Overall] +
No (20)
If you have time (6)
81 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Nestea vs FruitDealer (Game 1)?
No (39)
If you have time (6)
89 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Nestea vs FruitDealer (Game 2)?
Match 4:
anyproPrime.WE < Xel'Naga Caverns > ST_July
anyproPrime.WE < Terminus SE > ST_July
anyproPrime.WE < Metalopolis > ST_July
+ Show Spoiler +
anyproPrime.WE < Terminus SE > ST_July
anyproPrime.WE < Metalopolis > ST_July
anypro wins 2-1!
+ Show Spoiler [Overall] +
Yes (30)
If you have time (8)
83 total votes
Your vote: Recommend anypro vs July (Game 1)?
No (24)
If you have time (3)
101 total votes
Your vote: Recommend anypro vs July (Game 2)?
Pre-match polls:
Thread polls:
+ Show Spoiler +
Killer (20)
51 total votes
Your vote: Who will win Clide vs Killer?
Inca (15)
45 total votes
Your vote: Who will win Virus vs Inca?
Fruitdealer (16)
60 total votes
Your vote: Who will win Nestea vs Fruitdealer?
Winner Interviews:
Thanks to Phosgene
CSN Recap:
How to watch:
Official GOM Stream
I couldn't care less. (38)
No (20)
231 total votes
Your vote: For future LR threads, should team tags be included with the player?
Just another poll for future LR threads.
Having no team tags make it a bit easier on the LR creator, lessens the clutter in the LR threads and it puts more emphasis on the player rather than the team. (also see BW LR threads)
Please vote.