On April 24 2011 13:55 Flanagan wrote:
I'm not trying to say that someone has been doing it for a good while before you, but...
It's kind of ironic someone mention the NASL event where he did it against an opponent, but he's been doing that for a few weeks on his stream now. You CAN FE (timing is 15 hatch 15 pool 15 gas), drone up to 18, have ovies to 34, and then save larvae on both hatch to 3. You can pop 6 roaches immediately... perfectly. The money lines up damn close.
I posted a thread about no queen early game after messing with it for a few weeks, and then created this thread not long after.
Just as going mass queen has some great benefits, so does going no queen provide some great advantages in games as well.
The 15hatch version is (I want to say) about 80 seconds slower than this build if you plan to do any kind of aggression. But if you're defending and you scout properly, that can also be a solid build.
15hatch roach is different than this build though and is designed with a different purpose in my opinion.
Also, I haven't been able to see this catz game, but if he did what you describe, it doesn't surprise me that he'd lose to tanks. Going hatch first is a much slower means of doing this build, and is centered more on economy and defense than early pressure.
edit: Just watched EG Master's cup Strelock/slush set1, and + Show Spoiler +it's a prime example of why hatch-first no queen roach is a terrible, terrible build. It's just too much slower, and doesn't exploit any window. It's also build-order countered by several terran openers, including the simple 1-1-1 that strelock did.