TL Renewal Clan
Hello, I'm starting this thread up because I got some good response in my Blog post about it. Basically I'm going to start up a Liquid clan on the new L2Renewal server that's going live 2nd of April. Link to Linage 2 Renewal
Hellbourn client and guide to installing L2 Renewal
After you install the client DO NOT start the linage2.exe or the Linage 2 launcher. Instead, download the auto updater from renewal site. Put the auto updater in your linage2 folder and patch with the auto updater. Then start the game from l2.exe in your system folder.
Would be awesome if you guys could join #Teamliquid.l2 on quakenet. would make communication so much more easy. You can use if you don't want to install the client just connect and type "/j #teamliquid.l2"
For those of you new to Linage 2, welcome to an epic game with loads of drama and flame. The number one reason I love this game is purely because of the drama this game causes. Shitstorms and flame wars are common occasions and help to fuel the fights in game.
Now that being said this game is and oldie but goldie. It's a game that's been trough a lot and has changed ever since it came out. The game dev's are constantly adding to the game. The game has a typical SK MMORPG graphic style with borderline nude female characters and buff and rough looking males.
The game don't got WASD movement as the most new MMORPG's does but uses click to move. This can be frustrating for new players but it really doesn't limit the movement in game. Since this is a private server the grind aspect has been reduced by a lot. Retail Linage 2 is one of the most grind intensive MMORPGS and lot's of players bot there.
Although I don't got all the info about the amount of grind needed in this server I can assure you that it won't be that of retail Linage 2.
This game revolve around sandbox pvp. Clan wars and Alliance wide wars is to be expected. There is also Castle sieges and Fortress sieges that occurs on set dates.
Non stop action is the best translation for this game, If you are wondering about the pvp system used in this game is that everyone can kill everyone anywhere except towns. Although if you do kill someone with out them being flagged for pvp (you get flagged by hitting another character or if you heal a pvp flagged target friend or foe does not matter)
you will get PK status and karma points, your name has 3 states "white" when you are not flagged for pvp or have PK status, "purple" when you are flagged for pvp and "red" when you have PK:ed someone. The only way to remove your PK status is by gaining experience (killing a mob usually is enough if you don't got a big PK record) all pvp kills and PK kills are recorded in numbers (numbers only though, great tool for e-peen fights).
Sawk has released some more info about the customized areas and systems. Click Here for more info
Ok, so we got 1 week to server opening. Time to organize some stuff.
First thing is that comm's are pretty important if you wanna have a good pvp experience, we got a private TS3 server that I would love to have you guys over at, you do not need a mic but please join in for when we pvp. (Makes it so much easier to call targets, assists and such)
We also need to get some info about which classes you guys want to play (You are free to play what ever you want of course) . We are planing some pvp parties and got 1 mage party setup right now and we will tailor the rest to the classes you wanna play.
So I'm gonna send you all a pm with TS3 info and such.
First thing is that comm's are pretty important if you wanna have a good pvp experience, we got a private TS3 server that I would love to have you guys over at, you do not need a mic but please join in for when we pvp. (Makes it so much easier to call targets, assists and such)
We also need to get some info about which classes you guys want to play (You are free to play what ever you want of course) . We are planing some pvp parties and got 1 mage party setup right now and we will tailor the rest to the classes you wanna play.
So I'm gonna send you all a pm with TS3 info and such.
Some very basic archer info for those who don't know which you want to play
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So far we have some archers so it will fit really good with more.
The human is the all-around with good stun resist good hp/cp and good damage output. Got a good trigger called counter dash which makes you insanely fast.
The elf one is the fast one with high critrate and high attackspeed. It got insane kite capabilitys and also got a good trigger which makes it very important in partys.
The d.elf one is a glasscannon. Low hp/cp avrage speed and lower attackspeed. Huge damage bursts and crit dmg is insane. The trigger it got is the worst of the three archers but the pure damage it puts out is insane. for solo pvp or small group pvp this one is the worst of the three.
The human is the all-around with good stun resist good hp/cp and good damage output. Got a good trigger called counter dash which makes you insanely fast.
The elf one is the fast one with high critrate and high attackspeed. It got insane kite capabilitys and also got a good trigger which makes it very important in partys.
The d.elf one is a glasscannon. Low hp/cp avrage speed and lower attackspeed. Huge damage bursts and crit dmg is insane. The trigger it got is the worst of the three archers but the pure damage it puts out is insane. for solo pvp or small group pvp this one is the worst of the three.
Basic info about dps classes.
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We got some different DPS classes in L2.
Mage's are obviously great dps but are pretty squishy. They often got loads of de-buffs and weaken skills which makes them really usefull for pvp party's.
Archers has the most steady dps and makes for great pvp party's. Relays on good main targeting and everyone being able to assist.
Daggers have really high burst damage with backstab and other blows, really good for knocking out healers but is hard to keep up as a healer for cause they run so fast and easily get out of heal range.
Then there are tank's and other hybrid dps classes such as Gladiators/Tyrants/Titans/warlord and of course tanks which can fill more purposes then just pure dps. Tanks usually have "cubics" heals and great debuffs. All which are nice to have in addition to a normal pure dps party.
Mage's are obviously great dps but are pretty squishy. They often got loads of de-buffs and weaken skills which makes them really usefull for pvp party's.
Archers has the most steady dps and makes for great pvp party's. Relays on good main targeting and everyone being able to assist.
Daggers have really high burst damage with backstab and other blows, really good for knocking out healers but is hard to keep up as a healer for cause they run so fast and easily get out of heal range.
Then there are tank's and other hybrid dps classes such as Gladiators/Tyrants/Titans/warlord and of course tanks which can fill more purposes then just pure dps. Tanks usually have "cubics" heals and great debuffs. All which are nice to have in addition to a normal pure dps party.
Some great additional info from wassbix. Thank you.
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Some L2 Info I thought I'd post for all the new people
Gear upgrades:
Life Stones - these stones are enchants on your weapon that gives them either
A) Stats (crit, dodge, etc sometimes weight limit increases!!!)
B) Active buff/Active Skill/Active random shit (Fireworks woooooh)
C) Passive buff
D) For all the sociopaths - prevents your weapon from dropping
Higher lvl will affect the +stats ceiling and level of the active/passive
Grade will give you a higher chance for better augs (random as hell and not really reliable, mass of mid grade lvl 76 stone will be more useful than a few high grade)
For full list -
Numbers -
This is a simple system if you're in it for open pvp, gets bit more complex for Olympiad
You either want might/focus for fighters / empower/wild magic for nukers / bishops either go for def or celestial shield active (short invul skill they already have but now they get two) / Summoners either get a active nuke for ghetto nuker / heal for ghetto healer / might for ghetto dps / fireworks for cheerleading
SA or special ability -
C grade and above weapon have 3 special ability such as (acumen, empower, focus, etc) depending on the weapon type and who its for. This is a big big boost to the weapon. Bishops must get an acumen SA / nukers acumen/empower (your call bigger mcrits or more stable dps) / focus for archers/daggers / health or acumen for tanks (depends on the tank, phoenix knight want the cast speed for their heal)
Depending on the server, you either just buy it / its a drop/ you have to grind (this is lineage 2 after all!) lvl 0 SA crystals by killing certain mobs and absorbing their "soul".
level of the SA crystal depends on the weapon grade, oh and everytime you absorb it has chance to fail (eh aint that bad) and chance to fail AND blow up (FUUUUUUUUUUU)
Leveling guide -(if server follows retail on SA)
Effects list -
Tatoos -
Basically stat shifting
Every class has these stats
Int - Magic damage / magical debuff land rate
Str - Physical damage
Con - Max Hp / Cp (Cp is like HP pool but pvp only, eats thru CP then HP) / Stun resists
Dex - Crit / Atk spd / Move speed
Wit - Casting speed / All cc resists except stun and resist debuffs
Men - Mdef, Max mdef, resistance to stuff that reduce your mdef and resists (least valuable stat)
Numbers -
Tattoos give you 3 slots to shift them around (variation of +1/-1 to +4/-4) Each classes have different tattoos they can use and they are listed in the official site i believe
Bishops go all out +con/-str or dex + +wit/-men
Fighters have bit more freedom on balance of glass cannon or sturdiness
Tanks go either +con/-dex or str and +wit+int / -men
Casters go all out +int +wit / -men
you buy em with Ancient Adena that drops from a hobo dwarf
A list of tattoos here -
Elemental Imbue - Basically you "socket" elemental stones into weapon and armour to increase that elemental damage or decrease it. Here is a guide
Nobless / Heroes -
Nobless is obtained from a quest chain involving couple raid bosses, it lets you make CP pots and gives you the nobless buff (you can revive once without losing any buffs) This is very crucial as it completely dictates the longevity of your pvp group. A Bishop with nobless is worth around 2-3 bishops in terms of effectiveness in real open field pvp.
Heroes - The ultimate in e-peen technology. For every single class that exists in the game, there can be a single hero. They get special hero spells which are actually OP as fuck (Massive increase in atk/increase in def/AOE fear/AOE debuffs).
Also they get OP hero weapons they can buy and they have some insane modifiers (remove buffs on crits etc). Though how OP they are depends on enchant rates, if its high a +16 X weapon will be better, if everyones running around in low S +6 weapons then yeah it will be pretty OP.
You obtain it by participating in 1v1 honour duelz in the Olympics that open daily at certain hours and at the end the highest point class becomes a hero. Before you get excited about showing everyone your 1v1 skills, becoming a hero is completely dependent on gear / clans feeding each other kills / being a class that no one plays / luck
A) Only self buffs are allowed. so decent selection of weapon aug for depending on what you need
B) Alots of weapon aug actives (a buff/ maybe a nuke/a heal/a celestial shield/a recharge)
C) Lot of elemental armour set - a sps? water resist set, etc etc
D) over-enchanted - no gear limit so better geared you are better off you are
E) no consumes allowed and this is the only small window that actual player skills matter - mana drain a guy run around in circles with pet out for 6 minutes
Just a little addition to the hero guide, cause I think I was being too harsh on the system. Although, most of it is gear based (especially over enchanting), the weapon aug system does allow for some creativity and can be fun. In general, Daggers/Archers/Mages are mostly gear + luck based but summoners, support/tanks, orcs allows a bit more freedom.
Daggers/archer/mages dont really have room for much, they walk in buffs themselves with whatever augs and just nuke -> whoever has higher dps or lucky crits wins.
More strategic example would be an Orc Destroyer purposely setting his Hp to 30% from the start (you can do this with weapon SA/Aug changing) and secretly starting the fight frenzied. Then, when in range, quickly switching to a bow vs an archer/mage and hope to end it in 1-2 trades since otherwise you'd get kited to death.
Though the funniest thing I've seen done in oly was a pally that went cloth vs mages and spam mana drain while in UD and then just run around in circles with a comedy 2-h sword and beat them to death.
So it can be fun, if you can handle variance (crit crit crit crit) and you can put in the time to get the gear. Also, you'd be beast versus zerg clans cause the AOE fear land rate is stupidly high (unless they changed it).
Gear upgrades:
Life Stones - these stones are enchants on your weapon that gives them either
A) Stats (crit, dodge, etc sometimes weight limit increases!!!)
B) Active buff/Active Skill/Active random shit (Fireworks woooooh)
C) Passive buff
D) For all the sociopaths - prevents your weapon from dropping
Higher lvl will affect the +stats ceiling and level of the active/passive
Grade will give you a higher chance for better augs (random as hell and not really reliable, mass of mid grade lvl 76 stone will be more useful than a few high grade)
For full list -
Numbers -
This is a simple system if you're in it for open pvp, gets bit more complex for Olympiad
You either want might/focus for fighters / empower/wild magic for nukers / bishops either go for def or celestial shield active (short invul skill they already have but now they get two) / Summoners either get a active nuke for ghetto nuker / heal for ghetto healer / might for ghetto dps / fireworks for cheerleading
SA or special ability -
C grade and above weapon have 3 special ability such as (acumen, empower, focus, etc) depending on the weapon type and who its for. This is a big big boost to the weapon. Bishops must get an acumen SA / nukers acumen/empower (your call bigger mcrits or more stable dps) / focus for archers/daggers / health or acumen for tanks (depends on the tank, phoenix knight want the cast speed for their heal)
Depending on the server, you either just buy it / its a drop/ you have to grind (this is lineage 2 after all!) lvl 0 SA crystals by killing certain mobs and absorbing their "soul".
level of the SA crystal depends on the weapon grade, oh and everytime you absorb it has chance to fail (eh aint that bad) and chance to fail AND blow up (FUUUUUUUUUUU)
Leveling guide -(if server follows retail on SA)
Effects list -
Tatoos -
Basically stat shifting
Every class has these stats
Int - Magic damage / magical debuff land rate
Str - Physical damage
Con - Max Hp / Cp (Cp is like HP pool but pvp only, eats thru CP then HP) / Stun resists
Dex - Crit / Atk spd / Move speed
Wit - Casting speed / All cc resists except stun and resist debuffs
Men - Mdef, Max mdef, resistance to stuff that reduce your mdef and resists (least valuable stat)
Numbers -
Tattoos give you 3 slots to shift them around (variation of +1/-1 to +4/-4) Each classes have different tattoos they can use and they are listed in the official site i believe
Bishops go all out +con/-str or dex + +wit/-men
Fighters have bit more freedom on balance of glass cannon or sturdiness
Tanks go either +con/-dex or str and +wit+int / -men
Casters go all out +int +wit / -men
you buy em with Ancient Adena that drops from a hobo dwarf
A list of tattoos here -
Elemental Imbue - Basically you "socket" elemental stones into weapon and armour to increase that elemental damage or decrease it. Here is a guide
Nobless / Heroes -
Nobless is obtained from a quest chain involving couple raid bosses, it lets you make CP pots and gives you the nobless buff (you can revive once without losing any buffs) This is very crucial as it completely dictates the longevity of your pvp group. A Bishop with nobless is worth around 2-3 bishops in terms of effectiveness in real open field pvp.
Heroes - The ultimate in e-peen technology. For every single class that exists in the game, there can be a single hero. They get special hero spells which are actually OP as fuck (Massive increase in atk/increase in def/AOE fear/AOE debuffs).
Also they get OP hero weapons they can buy and they have some insane modifiers (remove buffs on crits etc). Though how OP they are depends on enchant rates, if its high a +16 X weapon will be better, if everyones running around in low S +6 weapons then yeah it will be pretty OP.
You obtain it by participating in 1v1 honour duelz in the Olympics that open daily at certain hours and at the end the highest point class becomes a hero. Before you get excited about showing everyone your 1v1 skills, becoming a hero is completely dependent on gear / clans feeding each other kills / being a class that no one plays / luck
A) Only self buffs are allowed. so decent selection of weapon aug for depending on what you need
B) Alots of weapon aug actives (a buff/ maybe a nuke/a heal/a celestial shield/a recharge)
C) Lot of elemental armour set - a sps? water resist set, etc etc
D) over-enchanted - no gear limit so better geared you are better off you are
E) no consumes allowed and this is the only small window that actual player skills matter - mana drain a guy run around in circles with pet out for 6 minutes
Just a little addition to the hero guide, cause I think I was being too harsh on the system. Although, most of it is gear based (especially over enchanting), the weapon aug system does allow for some creativity and can be fun. In general, Daggers/Archers/Mages are mostly gear + luck based but summoners, support/tanks, orcs allows a bit more freedom.
Daggers/archer/mages dont really have room for much, they walk in buffs themselves with whatever augs and just nuke -> whoever has higher dps or lucky crits wins.
More strategic example would be an Orc Destroyer purposely setting his Hp to 30% from the start (you can do this with weapon SA/Aug changing) and secretly starting the fight frenzied. Then, when in range, quickly switching to a bow vs an archer/mage and hope to end it in 1-2 trades since otherwise you'd get kited to death.
Though the funniest thing I've seen done in oly was a pally that went cloth vs mages and spam mana drain while in UD and then just run around in circles with a comedy 2-h sword and beat them to death.
So it can be fun, if you can handle variance (crit crit crit crit) and you can put in the time to get the gear. Also, you'd be beast versus zerg clans cause the AOE fear land rate is stupidly high (unless they changed it).
Update: To get memebership and you have under 50 posts I'd like to see some dedication. Please join mIRC channel and pm me there to get ts info and to be added to the clan list.
There are many people that wants to join and many who just made their account just for this event. Please understand my concern and hop in on IRC.
Removed member list
Feel free to make your own. Dimensions are 24x12.
Will put up a poll about which one we will use when we get a couple.
Here's some pvp vids for you who like to watch that before you try a game.
Quantium Base (These dudes will be playing on this server)
Uprising Rivals 2 Part 1
Uprising Rivals 2 Part 2
Uprising Rivals 2 Part 3
I will update Op with more info as thread goes on. Please help me if you got any more info you would like to share.