I also recently saw great improvement in my late pvz. I usually just cannot deal with the broodlords but I'm getting it now. I beat a diamond zerg who was number one in his division and according to bnet on his way to masters i assume because he had the little green up arrow next to his name.
I also need to think about getting practice partners for all the different match ups. maybe not PvP as i think I'm pretty solid in that match up. Defending the four gate is simply if you have good force fields then it is an easy win from there. I suppose I'll head down to the practice partner thread and see if i can pick out a few diamond zergs and terrans.
getting a good practice partner is the best way to learn right? Aside from getting a coach which i might do later on, when i go as far as i can with practice partners. It feels like i am flying through platinum.
Any input on how to find a GOOD practice partner and anything else i can do to learn faster?
Edit: Yes! made it to diamond now from rank 8 to 1 then to masters maybe yea?