So, after going like 25-4 on my NA account I felt kinda baller, and was hoping to get masters league. I figured I'd head back to EU and rank up that account as well (low diamond) and first few games went as expected.
THEN suddenly I lost my mojo. 20 games later it's looking like I'm going to be demoted to Platinum very soon, I've won only of my last 15 games and it was against a very low Plat dude who cannon rushed me.
It's not like it's one of those "Oh my god, how do I keep losing" I know why I'm losing, I just can't stop getting supply blocked, forgetting to build probes, and other rubbish. I sit on more resources now then I did when I was in Silver.
There is one scientific answer to this kind of failure - I have had my mojo stolen. The question is who took it? and why? I've tried going and playing other games for a few days, only to return even worse than I was before.
Well, you know what you're doing wrong, so why not try to play games in which you focus on only these things? I try to stay at least 10 supply ahead in pylons, because with 4 gates, you need one pylon per round of units.
Whenever i lose my mojo it always gets returned to me after a week or so, i figure it's the computer gremlins getting tired of playing with it so they give it back. Mojo might also return on its own if you manage to pump yourself up enough: FUCK YEAH STARCRAFT2!!! best way to do this is watch pro sc2 players and imagining you can play like them, your mojo will sense your situation and will return to you by the sheer force of your willpower.
You're slumping dude. just chill out and play some 4v4 for a bit, you'll be feeling better in no time.
I think the reason the breaks didn't work is because you didn't relax hard enough. That's what always helps me when I slump. I just need to really stop caring about my wins and losses, do something else, and come back after, like, a week.
Yea same here. I was on a 5 game winning streak today. Played some games, studied for a test tomorrow, played another game, etc. I just played 3 more recently and now I'm on a 3 game losing streak. First loss was a retard ranked 3rd or 4th in diamond cause he marine scv all ined. Ran into him the very next game so I roached rush cause ZvT on blistering sands is more painful than having a limb ripped off and I lost that too. Failed the rush, defended the next 2 pushes with pure ling only cause he was completely terrible and ended up losing to 3 cloaked banshees cause I only had 2 queens (busy defending terran marine tank pushes with half the econ im supposed to have) and because I play zerg. Then next game I just got outplayed by a 1800 masters Zerg, although I have to wonder why I'm playing some1 with a way higher rating right after 2 losses.
Dude, play zerg and just 12 worker rush every game (even 4p maps) and then as soon as you win 1 game with that resume standard play, your ranking should be low enough that you shouldn't loose any games until tou get back up there, hopefully with your mojo.