Website: CatsPajamas.tv
Stream available at: http://justin.tv/catspajamassc2
YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/CatsPajamasSC2
Quakenet IRC: #CatsPajamas
Email replays to: catspajamassc2 [at] gmail [dot] com
Current ladder rating: 1450 Diamond Terran
Character code if you want to add me: CatsPajamas.653
Hello everyone who is a current viewer of the stream or just wants to start supporting an aspiring caster! I am the CatsPajamas (both literally and figuratively) and am said aspiring caster. Until the pros start letting me in their games to cast, what I want to do is build experience and cast YOUR matches. I don't care if you are low bronze or high diamond, send me your replays! Playing in a tournament? Invite me and I'll stream your match!
I also stream my own personal ladder matches. I'm not terribly good right now, but am devoted to becoming a competitive player and professional caster. So, stop in my stream, join the chat, and let me know how I'm doing!
Quotes from viewers:
Grankus: "Your voice is like chicken noodle soup for my Starcraft soul."
Hey guys, just had my first night of casting last night, will be casting again tonight around 10:00 p.m. central. We took at look at some MLG Dallas replays to get our setup tested. A couple of minor bugs, but overall went well. Had about 50-100 viewers constantly thanks to own3d.tv's great setup.
Now, we're always looking for feedback. Thanks to Harmonious and Jovian who jumped in on our chat, gave us some feedback, and even sent us some replays to cast and gain some experience. If you want, please head to my stream page at http://www.own3d.tv/live/3155, scroll down to our recent videos, and let us know how we did! There are obviously some hiccups as we get used to this, but we'd love to know what you liked, didn't like, etc.
Hello again everyone. We casted some more pro events, and the VOD's are up on http://www.own3d.tv/live/3155. We are going to be casting a live event here in St. Louis this Sunday, November 21st. Details for the event can be found at http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=159129.
We're averaging over 100 viewers during our live casts, but we'd love to see some chat feedback! We'll be casting tomorrow night, the 17th of November, at 10:00 p.m. central. Join our IRC chat located directly on the stream page.
What we want to cast next time are viewer matches. Send any replays you want broadcasted (we don't care if you're a 20 point bronze or 3000 point diamond) to catspajamassc2 [at] gmail [dot] com, and we'll make sure to broadcast them live!
Awesome. I caught you guys on own3d.tv the other night. You mentioned TeamLiquid and I'm glad I found you on here. I'll be sending some replays so look for those in your e-mail.
Thanks ArcticFire, look forward to it. We've already had one replay submitted to us to cast night, but we'd love more.
Want to remind everyone that we will be casting tonight at 10:00 p.m. central at http://www.own3d.tv/live/3155. Tune in and drop a replay to CatsPajamasSC2 [at] gmail [dot] com so we can broadcast it over the air live!
Hey guys, just a reminder, but we will be livecasting a tournament here in St. Louis TOMORROW at South County Mall starting at 11:00 am. Come on out and check it out if you're in the area!
Once again, about to get going here at the LANDOGS tournament in St. Louis. Check out own3d.tv/live/3155 or my stream on TL to catch the action!
Thanks for watching guys. We had over 200 viewers (actually the most popular non-featured stream on TL for a good bit of that) and positive feedback from as far as France! If you enjoyed that, I am available to cast any tournament you want. Just send me a PM or email at CatsPajamasSC2@gmail.com. I'll be going back to casting replays (both pro and viewer submitted) and my play here until we have a new tournament to cast. If you want any of YOUR replays casted on our stream, feel free to send those replays to that email address as well. We don't care if you are a 50 point bronze or a 3000 point diamond. We want to see them all!
Great guy and fun stream...def check it out!
Thanks to everyone who jumped on the stream last night. Had over 40 viewers for most of the casts and about 10 active chat members at one point. Above all, I got 16 emails during the cast of viewers sending me replays to cast over the stream. Thanks very much guys! I will be casting again today, and playing sometime this afternoon if you want to check it out.
Sorry guys, can't stream tonight. Modem works for about 20 minutes at a time. May actually set me offline until Saturday. Oh well, I've gotten a ton of replays to cast on the air, and can't wait until I can do so.
Hey, if anyone's interested, I'm going to stream tonight. Modem got some troubleshooting done by my ISP's tech support, and it temporarily seems to be holding. So, we may have a couple of stream crashes, but I will definitely be casting here at 10:00 p.m. central. Look forward to it! Send any replays you want casted to CatsPajamasSC2 [at] gmail [dot] com.
Great casting there CatsPJ. I enjoyed your commentaries. They are very enthusiastic and entertaining to watch. You also provided great interpretation behind each side's intentions and thought process. This is what I think to be one of the most helpful tools to viewers around. Keep up the good work
Get back to it Cats! All these other guys are too mainstream for me.
Thanks to everyone who has been tuning into the stream. Peaked at 50 viewers tonight, and I believe that's a new high for a non-tournament stream. We had some great highlights. Thanks to many users for sending in some GREAT replays. In addition, I also had the privilege of casting some matches between some incredible professional players like ROOTDdoRo, TaurosPKM, Ryze, and CubonePKM. So, thanks very much to the PKM clan for getting me in on some great matches.
In other news, I have been picked up as the official shoutcaster for eleven gaming (elevengaming.com). I will be bringing you their matches both live and in replay form. Next, I will be working with a couple of other organizations here in the near future that I can't quite talk about yet, but be rest assured, we will be expanding the St. Louis Starcraft scene greatly.
Next, I have also established a presence on YouTube! Subscribe to my YouTube page at http://www.youtube.com/user/CatsPajamasSC2 I promise that like other cool YouTube pages that I will have sweet specials for different amounts of subscribers (I have something really cool planned for 100 subscribers, so GET ON IT).
And last but not least, I also am toying around with the idea of doing a KotH tournament completely hosted on my stream. We did an impromptu KotH style set of matches, but kicked around the idea of something more official. I think I may be able to pull together a sponsor to make a free to enter, but $100-$200 KotH tournament here in the near future. If you guys have any thoughts, feel free to send them over to CatsPajamasSC2 [at] gmail [dot] com. As always, kick over any suggestions, comments, or replays to that address as well!
Alright. Big things in the works. Have registered http://CatsPajamas.tv as a website! I'll be using that as another place that you can check out my stream, check news updates, send contact info, check my Twitter, and chat! I'll have more information on stream soon.
Sorry I wasn't on tonight folks, computer went down hardcore (basically AVG updated with a sweet update that causes your computer to crash every time you try to boot). Was on hold with tech support for 45 minutes, and was severely pissed off. So, SUPER MEGA CASTING TOMORROW NIGHT RAWWRRRRRRR. I will be on about 8:00 p.m. if not earlier, and will be casting until at least 3:00 a.m. So, get those replays in to me at catspajamassc2 [at] gmail [dot] com if you want them over the air.
Ok, CatsPajamas.tv is live! Now, I know it looks like a two year old did the design. I'M NOT A GRAPHIC DESIGNER! So, I have some great images being done for me. I just wanted to make sure everything was functional. If you have any suggestions, let me know!
yo this guy is a good caster check his stream out ppl. he's a friend stealer though so watch out....
Thanks for the compliment, Lucky.
GREAT night tonight. Had 88 people, new high for non-tournament stream. Moving up in the world! Glad people keep tuning in night after night.
Couple of things, I will be live casting a tournament in the St. Louis area on December 19th (details at http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=174599). Also, I'll be doing some weekly tournaments for a couple of organizations.
The BIG tease, though, is to keep tuned... I have word of a HUGE midwest event coming up soon. Stay tuned and I'll let you guys know more as I can reveal it.