Australia4514 Posts
Haven't seen an actual topic set aside for this so thought i'd do one up. As currently spread over 3 topics. So post yours and Pros clicks. (my cut and paste from earlier post with some additions)
I've noticed theres almost no Protoss players above 200.
* = not competition game Ever)P(Ssun 338-346!!!!! (guy i played 2nd rnd itv) AranG 301 Eji 260-273 Reach 263-272 Foru 272 Intotherain 195-201 Intotherainbow 186 GGon 181-217 Me 180ishy Breeze 160-180 Giyom/Grrr 164 *Autumn 163 *Garimto 154 *Naz 119-130
PS someone do zergers and terrans
Mr.X 155 Blackman 270-301 Myself 111-140 Elky 150ish Maynard 111
Somone do Chojja ^_^ that would be interesting
Tomson 180-200 sYs(DUNE) over 200
everything above 100 is fine, More clicks you made are mostly unnecesarry ones. I often see people with 300 clicks selecting cc 50times, pressing scv 150 times in a row:/ you dont need more then 100 cliks a min if you make few misclicks
Oversky 286 edit: Chojja 340's [korwcg '02 replays, gotten faster over the last year prolly ] re-edit: first game i picked of chojj'a he did 340, the other 6 in the packet he did 303-312, so low - mid 300's Boxer - 257 first game vs yellow (223) at wcg not to be mean, but im just showing u the difference in the level of people at the pro level, u can be pro and not be as good, for many reasons one of which is this- Nazgul 129 -vs hellghost (192) when he lost in dbl elim wcg Froz (230) vs Ranger (129?!) the tvt on lc that put froz out or gave him his first loss in the tourny. Which kinda reminds people why we always thought froz could do well if he wanted to in korea~
On May 05 2003 11:08 LumberJack wrote: Oversky 286 edit: Chojja 340's [korwcg '02 replays, gotten faster over the last year prolly ]
Thats just disturbing on so many levels.
another interesting thing i saw, in the first game of Boxer vs Froz, 12/9 HV game actions were:
Froz (227) vs Boxer (224), granted boxer was sort of confined and in a tight spot for most of the game, couldn't do much, or didn't do the right thing, imho. just interesting~
another random thought at 5am, was looking through wizard's '02 wcg games, i think alot of people give him a hard time, and not enough props. He was close to 200 in his games, doing better than grrrr... and elky in their games. Granted he also got owned like 12yrold girl vs elky, but still, he's got the "skill"
but why you think doing faster is doing better? I bet someone doing better on reflex from missionred.com would be doing slower rates.. I think anyone above 100-120 has the speed to do everything required, and keep in mind this is an average, doesnt mean someone couldnt be really fast when speed is needed.
yes indeed, if some player is drinking or not paying attention when he already won etc the average goes down fast. I see you people defining skill by how fast they click lol, i bet i can kick the ass of a person that clicks 300 while im remaining under 100. only intresting of average clicks is to see how fast someone is not how good
well, b/c we see that in a general sense the higher actions performed per minute are in almost all cases the better skilled player, now "skill" has many definitions and forms in bw, im just talking about the physical sense for a moment. the player who can do more than the other, in a zvz for instance will almost always have the advantage? Now in the overall sense of skill we see that boxer does 250's? and he's considered to be the "overall best" player, All of the scores for pro gamers seem to also hover above 200 and below 260, cept for our resident alien zergs that are out there, u know who u are~! anyways, we see by that comparision that skill/placement/rank in the world is also associated with have a greater than 200 apm rate, so one can thus say in a theorized way that u need at least a 200+ action/min rate inur gameplay to at least compete. Compete as in, "in the same league". We know that there are strategic elements and knowledge based items in bw that allow a person to take advantage of certain aspects in the game to overcome certain gaps, hence why even nazgul can compete at all in korea, b/c of his vast knowledge and understanding of the game. Now its also apparent that reach know just as much or more than nazgul about bw, but reach also does 100more action/min on the average than naz, so reach will always be the better player no matter what? That doesn't always = the win, but still its something, and thats also why .. eh 5:30am, fuck it, just trust im right? okok, one more shot, lets say a player does 100 vs boxer who does 250, now in a battle lets say both do the exact amount of commands, well since boxer did his 2.5x faster, he gets to go back to his base and make more tanks, and 4 scvs from his 2 cc, and build 1 more fact and send the idle scvs to mine ALL the while the other player is still doing the same commands boxer did, so boxer's econ/macro will be more efficient than the other guys, but there is also the idea that boxer gets to spend 2.5x MORE into microing than the other guy while having equal macro with the opponent, imagine that? and everything else inbetween~ okok i think thats good :o
Have to agree with Strafe and Naz on this one, lately ive been checking my replays and my average is around 120 , and i play quite fast but not doing random pointless clicks , and i have plenty of wins vs 200+ and some of them quite really easy wins , ive even seen Noobs with 200+ clicks !. When i go check the reps they like press s 20 times on a row when theres 3 4 s left till you get money for the next svc , and stuff like that.
Hovz: 120 Madcow: 140 rS.Day[9]: 150 [Feel]..Arch: 180 McNasty: 170 Mondragon: 110-160 is)city(: 200 JJu: 190 SunMoonStar: 200 vs IntoTheRain 214
It also proves that the guy you were playing against was actually trying , and not watching TV / drinking / his sister bothered him or any other excuse he used when he lost
I'm sure when rek beat Nada , nada said he was 'tired' i know he said that when suker beat him :o
Tsunami: 90 vs Arang: 230 Daaman 180 vs Gundam 230 (really old reps)
interesting that mondragon is relatively low for being so good :o Doesn't that also show his weakness though? i mean, its obvious mondragon's style of play that he likes to dictate what goes on in the game with very specific strats that he knows all the counters to, what if someone were to play unconventional vs him? And mondragon would have to "work for it" and just play the game in the conventional sense of making men, defending, etc. Instead of having a set gameplan which he's mesmorized b4? maybe im just rambling, but i think knowing that my opponent has (if i did have a significantly higher apm rate,) a lower apm rate, that i think i could use that to my advantage and incorporate that into my gameplan. Just an idea, its kinda like leveling the playing field and letting players just duke it out, whover is the better player should win regardless. And no better doesn't always = fastest, but i think its a general trend that if u can make more actions than ur opponent then u can be just as accurate at them as well, if not more, and if you hold true to that, i think it would be a rather huge advantage to have a higher apm rate
someone do gameik0s for me plz?
Me 60 fk.Zubo 180-210 Why am I that slow? What is wrong with me? I just checked some reps and total newbs are faster than me.