[D] YABOT Build Orders - Page 5
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Greece538 Posts
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United States236 Posts
On June 26 2010 07:41 DGenerate wrote: 3 Gate -> Robo -cb 1 017 | Three Gate Robo | FurySparks | This build is to punish the Zerg for taking their second hatch early on. With a quick robo and obs, you can alternate your tech path best suited to combat the Zerg's composition. After the 32 Obs, 33 Pylon, 35 Immo, 39 Gate. The best time to move out is when the Hydra Den or Spire begins construction. | 90 1 22 0 13 0 13 0 | 210 2 26 0 13 0 13 0 | 300 5 26 2 23 2 18 1 | 6 | 15 | 0 | 9 100 0 1 27 0 | 12 150 0 1 24 0 | 14 75 0 1 19 0 | 15 100 0 1 27 0 | 16 100 0 2 26 0 | 18 150 0 1 20 0 | 21 100 0 2 26 0 | 23 50 100 2 23 0 | 24 50 50 4 26 0 | 24 100 0 2 26 0 | 25 100 0 1 27 0 | 25 75 0 1 19 0 | 27 200 200 1 29 0 | 28 150 0 1 24 0 | 32 50 100 2 20 0 I think this build is missing a Gateway. And the food count seems weird. Can you check it out please? Yeah, the build is terrible. It's not missing a gateway, the 3rd gateway is supposed to come later, but the build in the teamliquid wiki is wrong. It wants you to do: [quote ]# 21 Zealot # 23 Sentry # 24 Warpgate research # 24 Zealot # 25 Pylon [/quote] Which is impossible. Sentries and zealots are 2 food, you can't go 23 sentry 24 warpgate. You also can't do 24 zealot 25 pylon, since they're 2 food. Can anybody that can view replays right now find a replay of this build in action and figure out how to do this build? | ||
United States44 Posts
On June 29 2010 18:02 st3roids wrote: Can any1 make this build 5/25 Day[9] Daily #0124 Starcraft 2 White-rA PvZ wherea ra delays gas and favors fast forge, seems as solid build vs zerg . Here is the replay of the original (and links to games 2 and 3 with similar builds): White-Ra vs Sen #4 I'm looking for good FE builds and good PvZ builds right now, so I made that build to try out in YABOT. It's an OK opening, but this is my tl:dr explanation on why I don't think it's too great: + Show Spoiler + The main part of the opening is just 1 gate early pressure, then expand at around 29. It works against a greedy Z that tries to fast expand with minimal defense or who tries to 1 base tech without first getting roaches, or does both. For a slightly better variation, see the first 8 minutes of game #2. It's basically the same build, but with a late second gateway (at 32 in that case). Ignore what Day9 said, the build is not very safe the way White-Ra played it in those games. You generally have two options with this P opening: attack with your first few zealots with constant reinforcements, or mass up 6-8 zealots and then attack. Option 1, you push with your first 2-4 zealots: if your push does well, that's great, but you can't increase the pressure, so your push will die out. If your push fails, he will counter attack your probes and keep you busy for long enough to get roaches (see game 3). Regardless, you'll be playing blind, while he'll have full vision of your base. Your warpgate tech will be very very late and so he'll have a big timing window to exploit. You can't defend with only 1 production building and a forge at 32-36 if that's when his counter comes. All he has to do is feint with some threat and then back off and macro. So regardless of whether your push goes well or not, you need at least a second gate. Instead, you might want to try an early forge (forge fast expand build). If you let him get his 6 lings inside your choke, you won't ever be able to kill them (you won't get your first stalker for about 9 minutes). And since you'll be playing blind, and he'll have his overlord (or two) chilling on top of your base. You won't see his roaches until they run over your base, so you'll have to prepare for them, but he'll see what you're doing and can choose to just tech, or pump roaches if you're spread too thin. Option 2, you wait for 7-8 zealots: the Z will delay making his army until the last minute because his safe overlord can park on top of your army. In this case you might as well just play the 3 Warpgate FE build that is already in YABOT 1.8. The 3 Warpgate build gets you much faster tech so you can get rid of the overlord in your base and prepare for roaches / hydras / mutas. It gets you warpgate tech about 5 minutes sooner! Comparing the two builds, the 1 gate will get you 8 zealots within 10 seconds of when the 3 warpgate build gets you 2 zealots, 2 stalkers, and 1 sentry. By the next production cycle, the 3 warpgate build will be ahead and if your push is going well, you can cut probe production (you'll be well saturated anyway) and ramp up army production even more. That increase in pressure is not an option with 1 gate. Conclusion: Everything that can happen in your favor pretty much happened to White-Ra in the first 8 minutes of game #2. Sen expands at 20, loses his first 6 zerglings without killing any zealots, makes 24 more zerglings (!), 2 queens, and a spine crawler, all of which die to White-Ra's 8 zealots + 2 reinforcements. And after all that, how much was White-Ra up? They were even on mineral income, with White-Ra having 2-3 extra probes on gas, but with no Cyber Core to spend it. And that's pretty much the best you'll do if an opponent has all day to maphax your base with his overlords. Now imagine what will happen if the Z makes a roach den (like game 3), or doesn't lose his zerglings/queens to bad micro, or makes one extra spine crawler, etc. So the 1 gate build relies more than anything on your opponent screwing up by not adapting, not microing, or not checking his maphax vision. IMHO to punish greedy zergs you should just do some kind of 2 gate early pressure build, or just do a normal 3 gate timing attack just after his expansion finishes (or 2 gate robo timing attack, or 3 gate robo, or 4 gate, or walloff+air, or warpgate into DT expand, or...). If you still want to try out the build, this is my version of the game #2 variation: + Show Spoiler + 9 pylon (outside your natural) 10 gate -> scout 11 chronoboost the nexus 13 pylon 14 zealot -> chronoboost constant zealot production until you tech 20 pylon 30 nexus 31 pylon 32 gateway (this is skipped in games 3 & 4) 34 forge 38 assimilator 39 assimilator cyber core and photon cannon whenever wanted stop zealot production and start chronoboosting probes use your judgement and make things earlier or later depending on the situation My fastest game: 3 zealots out @ 3:42 5 zealots out @ 4:35 8 zealots out @ 6:15 It's hard to know how strong it is without a human opponent, but compared to 2gate it doesn't feel good enough to justify the slow slow tech. If anyone thinks that I'm wrong and that the 1 gate build is actually awesome, let me know what I've missed. | ||
United States125 Posts
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India408 Posts
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United States35080 Posts
On June 26 2010 08:53 XtrEEmMaShEEN3k2 wrote: Made this build order after obsessing over Brat_OK's PvT for about a week. It includes the Bunker that was in the Day9 Daily videos and isn't in ATeddyBear's. -cb 1 017 | PvT Ghost + Stim/Shield Marine Push | XtrEEmMaShEEn3k2 | Based on Brat_OK's PvT. Transition into tanks after this, and get a Raven. | 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 | 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 | 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 | 0 | 15 | 0 | 10 100 0 1 15 40 | 12 155 0 1 1 69 | 14 120 0 1 12 89 | 15 95 0 3 0 112 | 15 110 0 2 5 113 | 16 155 16 1 1 121 | 16 115 69 1 16 131 | 16 110 31 1 15 136 | 17 75 67 2 8 148 | 19 145 41 1 2 158 | 20 100 81 1 15 172 | 20 70 89 1 9 175 | 23 120 75 1 12 189 | 23 155 91 1 7 194 | 25 120 85 1 15 209 After running this through the encoder to update it one of the steps shows up as 20supply/70min/89gas - @2:55. Nothing is listed to be built/researched/trained, and those resource counts don't allow much to be done. Is that when the Reaper is supposed to scout/harass? | ||
United States185 Posts
On July 07 2010 05:14 Largeman wrote: Anyone have a good 1/1/1 Build? Been trying to figure it out for awhile now and can't seem to get it down quite right. I would also be interested in including this into YABOT because it is one of my favorite builds. I'll try to get together good timings from TLO replays. | ||
United States184 Posts
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Denmark642 Posts
So my question is, wtf is up with the vikings when testing builds against protoss...? They dont do jack, just fly and stay above you CC. And its in any kinda build test as terran vs toss. Just seems strange and very annoying. | ||
United States185 Posts
On July 23 2010 00:44 Armsved wrote: So im testing my 1 1 1 fast raven opening vs protoss 4 gate shizzle. AND SUDDENLY he comes pushing in with stalkers AND vikings which instantly takes down my raven... So my question is, wtf is up with the vikings when testing builds against protoss...? They dont do jack, just fly and stay above you CC. And its in any kinda build test as terran vs toss. Just seems strange and very annoying. The Protoss units got messed up with the latest patch and I will be fixing this today. Sorry about that. | ||
United States1 Post
Don't load the BO's ingame. Instead go to Documents/Blizzard/Starcraft II/Banks and open the YabotSettings.SC2Bank file with TextEdit (good idea to make a backup of this file in case you screw anything up). Find the BO you want, for example: -cb 1 017 | Fast Phoenix PvP | veteris | A build commonly used by Nony. Aims to get out fast Phoenixes for harass as well as scouting. After the 32 supply Sentry, produce a 34-Zealot, a 36 Pylon and ChronoBoost the Phoenix once the Stargate is complete, usually at 36 supply as well. | 90 1 22 0 13 0 13 0 | 210 0 13 0 13 0 13 0 | 300 0 13 0 13 0 13 1 | 5 | 15 | 0 | 9 0 0 1 27 0 | 13 0 0 1 24 0 | 15 0 0 1 19 0 | 16 0 0 1 27 0 | 18 0 24 1 20 0 | 19 0 56 1 19 0 | 22 90 78 2 24 0 | 24 30 94 1 27 0 | 25 75 104 4 26 0 | 25 105 52 2 23 0 | 28 30 80 1 24 0 | 28 65 18 1 30 0 | 28 0 50 1 27 0 | 28 30 74 2 26 0 | 32 215 86 2 23 0 copy this and go to http://www.xorpwnz.com/YABOT/index.html Paste the above order into the input/output box, then click decode, followed by encode. You should now have this: 100 Fast Phoenix PvP | 5 | veteris | A build commonly used by Nony. Aims to get out fast Phoenixes for harass as well as scouting. After the 32 supply Sentry, produce a 34-Zealot, a 36 Pylon and ChronoBoost the Phoenix once the Stargate is complete, usually at 36 supply as well. Well, it won't look exactly like that because here there are "[/i]" and "[i]" after the 100 and before the series of numbers and "[s]" on either side of the numbers that cause a strike thru font. Sorry, don't know how better to explain that - I'm a bit html retarded! But copy what you get on the encoder and it'll all be good! Go back to you open bank file and paste this between the " " on the <Value string="......." line. Save, load Mapcraft, and it should be there in your available BO's. Kinda long process to load them in initially, but worked like a charm for me. If anyone know a quicker way I'd love to hear it! Let me know if I can be of anymore help! | ||
United States185 Posts
On August 11 2010 08:25 Daveo wrote: [/i]+ Show Spoiler + I'm a mac player and was having similar blank TvT issues. This is the easiest go around for me - Don't load the BO's ingame. Instead go to Documents/Blizzard/Starcraft II/Banks and open the YabotSettings.SC2Bank file with TextEdit (good idea to make a backup of this file in case you screw anything up). Find the BO you want, for example: -cb 1 017 | Fast Phoenix PvP | veteris | A build commonly used by Nony. Aims to get out fast Phoenixes for harass as well as scouting. After the 32 supply Sentry, produce a 34-Zealot, a 36 Pylon and ChronoBoost the Phoenix once the Stargate is complete, usually at 36 supply as well. | 90 1 22 0 13 0 13 0 | 210 0 13 0 13 0 13 0 | 300 0 13 0 13 0 13 1 | 5 | 15 | 0 | 9 0 0 1 27 0 | 13 0 0 1 24 0 | 15 0 0 1 19 0 | 16 0 0 1 27 0 | 18 0 24 1 20 0 | 19 0 56 1 19 0 | 22 90 78 2 24 0 | 24 30 94 1 27 0 | 25 75 104 4 26 0 | 25 105 52 2 23 0 | 28 30 80 1 24 0 | 28 65 18 1 30 0 | 28 0 50 1 27 0 | 28 30 74 2 26 0 | 32 215 86 2 23 0 copy this and go to http://www.xorpwnz.com/YABOT/index.html Paste the above order into the input/output box, then click decode, followed by encode. You should now have this: 100 [i] Fast Phoenix PvP | 5 | veteris | A build commonly used by Nony. Aims to get out fast Phoenixes for harass as well as scouting. After the 32 supply Sentry, produce a 34-Zealot, a 36 Pylon and ChronoBoost the Phoenix once the Stargate is complete, usually at 36 supply as well. [/i] [s] 9 0 0 -1 1 0 27 0 | 13 0 0 -1 1 0 24 0 | 15 0 0 -1 1 0 19 0 | 16 0 0 -1 1 0 27 0 | 18 0 24 -1 1 0 20 0 | 19 0 56 -1 1 0 19 0 | 22 90 78 -1 1 1 24 0 | 24 30 94 -1 1 0 27 0 | 25 75 104 -1 1 3 26 0 | 25 105 52 -1 1 1 23 0 | 28 30 80 -1 1 0 24 0 | 28 65 18 -1 1 0 30 0 | 28 0 50 -1 1 0 27 0 | 28 30 74 -1 1 1 26 0 | 32 215 86 -1 1 1 23 0 [/s] Well, it won't look exactly like that because here there are "" and "[i]" after the 100 and before the series of numbers and "[s]" on either side of the numbers that cause a strike thru font. Sorry, don't know how better to explain that - I'm a bit html retarded! But copy what you get on the encoder and it'll all be good! Go back to you open bank file and paste this between the " " on the <Value string="......." line. Save, load Mapcraft, and it should be there in your available BO's. Kinda long process to load them in initially, but worked like a charm for me. If anyone know a quicker way I'd love to hear it! Let me know if I can be of anymore help! Awesome info... thanks for posting. By the way, the best way to get rid of the strike-through is to put the build orders in a [ code] tag. | ||
United States2068 Posts
http://sc2ranks.com/char/us/356449/Debo Debo's TvX build order:
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Canada83 Posts
-cb 7 016 | Thor Drop Rush | Yaahh | This build exploits early expanding Zerg´s lack of anti-air. Fairly micro-intensive. Transition into Mech. | 90 1 9 0 0 0 0 0 | 210 2 8 0 0 0 0 0 | 300 10 5 5 4 0 0 1 | 2 | 12 | 10 100 0 1 15 | 12 150 0 1 1 | 13 75 0 1 12 | 15 150 0 3 0 | 0 150 100 1 5 | 0 75 0 1 12 | 0 100 0 2 3 | 0 150 100 1 0 | 0 50 25 1 17 | 0 300 200 2 11 | 0 150 100 1 14 | 0 100 100 2 6 | ||
United States2068 Posts
On August 16 2010 17:45 Dajibjaw wrote: Have a slight problem. Everytime I encode this and edit this into the bank file, it causes Yabot to load with the default bank file with the default BO's and the BO's that I put in does not show up in the list. Is there anyway to fix this or find out whats causing this problem? -cb 7 016 | Thor Drop Rush | Yaahh | This build exploits early expanding Zerg´s lack of anti-air. Fairly micro-intensive. Transition into Mech. | 90 1 9 0 0 0 0 0 | 210 2 8 0 0 0 0 0 | 300 10 5 5 4 0 0 1 | 2 | 12 | 10 100 0 1 15 | 12 150 0 1 1 | 13 75 0 1 12 | 15 150 0 3 0 | 0 150 100 1 5 | 0 75 0 1 12 | 0 100 0 2 3 | 0 150 100 1 0 | 0 50 25 1 17 | 0 300 200 2 11 | 0 150 100 1 14 | 0 100 100 2 6 Why is it listed twice? The second listing is missing the -cb thing. | ||
Canada83 Posts
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United States185 Posts
On August 17 2010 15:16 Dajibjaw wrote: Well the top one is the raw one i got from the first post in the thread. Put that into xorpwnz encoding tool which gives me the second one which you have to use when editing the bank file. I think you used to be able to paste the -cb one while in game but it was taken out and you have to edit the bank file manually now it seems. Right the -cb is no longer a part of the build order. Could you please email me your bank file to ben.mcintosh@usc.edu? In the past there have been problems with character encoding. Are you just using notepad to edit the bank file? | ||
Canada83 Posts
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United Kingdom764 Posts
14 Gas 14 Pool 15 Ovie 15 @100 Gas Metabolic 15 Queen 16 Lings Into more lings and Expo 2nd Queen after 1st Queen is finished Lair @100 Gas after 2nd Queen Hydra Den After Lair I think there are builds where you get the Expo in early and put down 1-2 crawlers in time too which is good. | ||
United States1 Post
On August 16 2010 17:45 Dajibjaw wrote: Have a slight problem. Everytime I encode this and edit this into the bank file, it causes Yabot to load with the default bank file with the default BO's and the BO's that I put in does not show up in the list. Is there anyway to fix this or find out whats causing this problem? 100 [i] Thor Drop Rush | 2 | Yaahh | This build exploits early expanding Zerg´s lack of anti-air. Fairly micro-intensive. Transition into Mech. [/i] [s] 10 100 0 -1 1 0 15 0 | 12 150 0 -1 1 0 1 0 | 13 75 0 -1 1 0 12 0 | 15 150 0 -1 1 2 0 0 | 0 150 100 -1 1 0 5 0 | 0 75 0 -1 1 0 12 0 | 0 100 0 -1 1 1 3 0 | 0 150 100 -1 1 0 0 0 | 0 50 25 -1 1 0 17 0 | 0 300 200 -1 1 1 11 0 | 0 150 100 -1 1 0 14 0 | 0 100 100 -1 1 1 6 0 [/s] De-lurking to note that I got the above build to work when pasted into the bank file - I replaced the ´ in "Zerg´s" with a standard ' and that seems to have done the trick. | ||
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