Watch that. Blew my mind. Quite possibly my favourite documentary ever.
Colours of Infinity - Fractal Geometry
Blogs > rushz0rz |
Canada5300 Posts
Watch that. Blew my mind. Quite possibly my favourite documentary ever. | ||
United Kingdom5454 Posts
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Canada13788 Posts
This documentary would be a blast to watch while high. (Not saying it isn't a blast in it's own right!) | ||
Canada411 Posts
Of course, this is a recursive definition for the set. At first I was amazed by this shape, I thought the curve had some sort of closed form formula, however upon seeing its recursive definition, it doesn't seem amazing at all anymore? Ultimately, if the recursion goes on forever, the curve will have infinitely many levels of detail. I dont find this mindblowing. For example, take a look at the Koch snowflake: Well thats just my take on it, I didnt watch past part 2, but thats how I understand it They attribute real life to fractals, but was this documentary made before the discovery of the atom? Ultimately, at infinite zoom you will see the smallest form of matter, no? | ||
Denmark610 Posts
On May 04 2010 11 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 04 2010 11 end_of_the_skype_highlighting:30 Koltz wrote: They attribute real life to fractals, but was this documentary made before the discovery of the atom? Ultimately, at infinite zoom you will see the smallest form of matter, no? Watched the whole thing, and they do discuss that, briefly though. What I think it important is that so much in nature can be described in this iterative fashion, making fractal geometry (whatever that is, the only thing I've heard about it is a geometry with fucked up dimensions) a tool to describe nature. At about part 5, a quite astonishing aplication is shown, where images in a given resolution gets restored by making a fractal that will resemble the original image, just in infinite resolution. | ||
United Kingdom5454 Posts
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Hong Kong20321 Posts
i want to try eat broccoflower | ||
Australia3091 Posts
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