Jju vs Yellow[arnc] OSL 2006 Peaks of Baekdu ZvZ 4pool Win
GGplay vs OversKy 2008 Katrina ZvZ 5pool Win
Jju vs Reach 2006 Rush Hour ZvP 5pool Win
Nal.Keke vs Bisu 2009 Neo Medusa ZvP 5pool (exTr-Lings-late game) Loss **
Jaedong vs Index 2009 Medusa ZvP 5pool (exTr-Drone-late game) Win
Luxury vs YoonJoong 2009 Medusa ZvP 5pool (Lord-late game) Win ***
Luxury vs Bisu 2009 Medusa ZvP 5pool (Lord-late game) Win
July vs Great 2009 God's Garden ZvZ 5pool Loss
Jaedong vs Fantasy 2009 Holy World ZvT 4pool Win
Kwanro vs Calm 2009 Carthage 3 ZvZ 5pool (Lord-late game) Loss
Jaedong vs sKyHigh 2009 Rush Hour 3 ZvT 5pool (Lord-late game) Loss
July vs BeSt 2008 Othello ZvP 5pool (exTr-Drone-late game) Win
July vs Casy 2004 Requiem ZvT 4pool Win
Luxury vs Bisu 2008 Troy ZvP 5pool (exTr-Lings-late game) Win
815 vs Bisu 2009 Fighting Spirit ZvP 5pool (exTr-Drone-late game) Loss
Jaedong vs Free 2009 Tau Cross ZvP 5pool (Lord-late game) Loss
Jaedong vs Stork 2008 Othello ZvP 5pool (exTr-Lings) Win
Jaedong vs Hwasin 2008 Athena ZvT 4pool Win *
Luxury vs Leta 2009 Destination ZvT 5pool Win
MenSol[Zero] vs Bisu 2008 Othello ZvP 5pool (exTr-Drone-late game) Win****
FireFist vs sKyHigh 2009 Colosseum II ZvT 4pool Loss
Savior vs Casy 2007 Reverse Lost Temple ZvT 5pool (Lord before lings!) Win
Savior vs Jangbi 2008 Athena ZvP 5pool (exTr-Lings-late game)Win
Hyvaa vs S2 2009 God's Garden ZvZ 4pool Loss
Effort v Idra 2009 Neo Medusa ZvT 5pool (exTr-Lings) Win
Luxury vs Mind 2008 Troy ZvT 4pool Win
Luxury vs Flash 2008 Katrina ZvT 4pool Loss
Firefist vs Ruby 2009 Ultimatum ZvT 4pool Win
Let me know if I missed any.
**** Can't tell because it switches to Bisu FPview, I think he made drones though based on how the econ looks when it goes back to ob view.
*** Can't really tell what the build was, based on minimap and following PvZ medusa game I would assume it was a lord followed by a drone and 2 sets of lings.
**Link to related thread
* Bad English commentator/stream etc. Anyone have a better one?
Videos of the above list:
+ Show Spoiler [28 Youtube VODs] +
(click to enlarge)
Bonus Stats & Observations:
Total games: 28 (19-9) 67.8%
Versus Protoss:
Total games: 12 (9-3) 75%
Versus Zerg:
Total ZvZ 5 (2-3) 40%
Versus Terran:
Total games: 11 (8-3) 72%
Weirdest build award:
Luxury vs Leta 2009 Destination ZvT
Runner up:
Savior vs Casy 2007 Reverse Lost Temple ZvT
WTF award:
FireFist vs sKyHigh 2009 Colosseum II ZvT
Runner up:
Nal.Keke vs Bisu 2009 Neo Medusa
Win/Loss for 4 & 5 Pools:
4pool Total games 9 (6-3) 66.67 %
5pool Total games 19 (13-6) 68.42%
Usage of 4 & 5 Pools:
As most of you are probably already aware, 4 and 5 pools work almost equally for ZvT, and ZvZ, yet for ZvP only 5 pool works. This may be due to the fact that a few second earlier lings make no difference in the early game Protoss defense, and that most ZvP games do not (usually can not) win early game. The exceptions of early game wins may be regarded as flukes, where the Protoss made a fatal risky build order/micro mistake.
Stats of 5 pool + Extractor tricks:
7-2 77.78%
Short games: 2-0 100%
Long games: 5-2 71.4%
Best Matchup for Success in a Short Game:
Terran. Interestingly, only 1 game out of 11 made it to long game and the zerg lost.
Best Matchup for Success in a Long Game:
Protoss. Again, Interestingly, only 3 games out of 12 were short games (2-1).
Best Matchup for Success Overall:
ZvP, As shown ZvP has a winning record in both short and long games.
This means that even if the game doesn't win outright, it still has a very good chance later on, unlike ZvT (even though both have very good win percentages regardless of length).
Worst Matchup for Success Overall:
Zerg, granted this is the least used in this matchup/game sample (but probably for good reason).
With ZvZ being such a specific matchup the games either win or lose outright. There is never a late game recovery or advantage gain, similar to ZvT. This was the only matchup where the strategy had a losing record.
Top 5 Rushers:
Luxury (5-1), Jaedong (4-2) (tie) 6
July (2-1) 3
JJu (2-0), Savior (2-0), FireFist (1-1) (tie) 2
Top 3 Rushed:
Bisu 5 (2-3)
Casy 2 (0-2)
Skyhigh 2 (2-0)
Top 6 Rush Defenders:
Skyhigh 2 (2-0)
Bisu 5 (2-3)
Flash, Calm, Great, S2 (tie) 1 (1-0)
Top 5 Maps for Rushes:
Medusa 5 (4-1)
Othello 3 (3-0)
Troy, Athena 2 (2-0)
Katrina, Rush Hour 2 (1-1)
God's Garden 2 (0-2)
Worst Defense Award:
Savior vs Casy 2007 Reverse Lost Temple ZvT