▶May 30th, 2009 - Shinhan Proleague 08-09 round 5
◆ SK T1 vs WeMade Fox set 3 - Neo Medusa - Bisu vs. keke
This week we will be analyzing a very intriguing match; one of round 5's initial games between Bisu (P) and Keke (Z)
Bisu's decision-making was phenomenal as always. His scouting probe not only allowed him to set up proper defenses but also played in part in his victory. Keke could have won, but Bisu's quick judgement was simply amazing here.
First, let's compare the two's match-preparation process.
Comparatively, you could say that Keke had the easier job of preparing for the match. Because he had specially prepared the 5-pool build, he could practice on what to do if his ling attack failed.
Keke opens with the risky 5 pool
Since 90% of the Tosses go FE against Zerg on Medusa, Keke should have destroyed the pylon or forge first when practicing. Whatever came afterwards was probably all planned out in Keke's mind.
On the other hand, Bisu probably did not expect a 5 pool when practicing. Not only Bisu but all Tosses on any map usually are not 100% prepared for a 5 pool build. In fact, there is no set counter against 5 pool. Even though the game flow might be standard, Toss has to confirm the Zerg's intentions and react accordingly, thus much of their play depends on quick thinking.
As a result, Keke would have practiced against the various options that the Toss chose after failing the attack while Bisu would have had little preparation about this at all. In addition, most 5 pools today are more to destroy the pylon and forge than finish the game so the way Keke started was not bad at all.
Bisu scouts Keke's 5 pool with a fast probe
Firstly, as Bisu scouts Keke's 5 pool he immediately places his forge without blocking the choke as he usually does. This is a reasonable decision that anyone would have done.
Keke's choice of moving his lings into Bisu's main without touching either of these buildings wasn't bad but he failed to deal damage or finish the game. Keke probably knew the results of this best.
Bisu quickly builds his forge to block Keke's zerglings
Bisu later sends his zealots while building his Nexus at his nat. He chose to send his zealots because he could see how many zerglings Keke had with his scouting probe. He knew his opponents economy was slow, and planned to weaken it even more with his zealots.
Keke however gained everything from the situation. He started his lair and upgraded ling speed - it was Keke who actually put pressure on Bisu.
But Keke himself also made a mistake here. When he finished off Bisu's nat, his ling count was 16 while Bisu only had 3 zealots and a dragoon. What's more was that Bisu's cybernetics core was out of his cannon's reach so this moment was packed with opportunities for Keke.
Because he had already devoted himself to lings, if he kept making lings and had destroyed bisu's core, his chance of winning would have been higher.
Keke takes the lead after destroying Bisu's natural
Keke decided to focus on mutalisks instead, which Bisu patiently countered while rebuilding his natural. (The mistake in this part would be stopping the production of lings)
Keke's build ultimately failed because Bisu decided to go for Dragoons. Bisu did have cannons and corsairs but if he hadn't made his dragoons, he could have lost to Keke's mutalisks. Building dragoons was simply Bisu's the gamebreaking decision.
Dragoons vs Mutalisks in small numbers do not lose so Keke probably grew flustered when he fought Bisu's 3-4 dragoons. Because he chose an all-in-ish build, he should have kept producing mutalisks and scourges but it was his mistake to not to.
the situation proves to be dangerous for Bisu as he loses his main cannon
Keke's last chance at victory was when he destroyed both of Bisu's cannons. What he could have done was maximize the cliffs behind the mineral line to pick off Bisu's probes. Because he was already so poor, pulling back his mutas and opting for standard game was risky and not the best way to go.
Bisu reconstructs his two cannons and eventually uses dragoons/corsairs to win the game. His small number of dragoons earlier had won him the game.
He was already ahead when he started his nat and if he hadn't built his dragoons, the outcome might have been different. Keke's play against Bisu's corsairs then dragoons was regretful.
To the viewer, Bisu's response might not have seemed that impressive, but in truth, it was excellent.
To start off, he could have not even went dragoons, and he could have messed up his timings with zealots, expanding in his natural, or raising his tech. If he screwed up even one of these factors, he would have lost the game. This is why it may look simple to the watcher, but it is much harder for the player. If you don't know the opponent's build after 5 pool, it is easy to lose even after the ling attack.
Bisu responds with two gateways and gas after his natural is destroyed.
One more commendable thing by Bisu was his during the early game. He builds 2 gateways after his natural is destroyed. The impressive thing was that he built his assimilator quickly as his resources permitted.
Had he panicked and tried to secure his natural with zealots would have been more dangerous. Constantly building zealots off 2 gateways would not have been fast enough to defend against lings. Keke in turn could have pressured Bisu once he saw that he was going zealots.
Moreover, his tech would have been slowed and he would not have been able to produce the dragoons and corsairs that he needed for victory. (This failed decision happened sometimes in previous games ^^;
Bisu gradually reaches for victory after blocking a 5 pool
He could have made zealots and take his natural but it would have been a dangerous build and a delayed gas would have limited his goons and corsair numbers.
Bisu's astounding 80% win rate is possible because he is able to think of the minor details that need to be accounted for.
Although he lost, the team won in the end and like he usually brings a win to his team, I hope to see great achievements from Keke.
For Bisu, I don't think there is much that needs to be said for him. ^^
I hope the excellent games continue for the fans.
Article: MBC game Commentator Kang Min (Nal_Ra)