Match A 1. Neo Medusa, Destination, Neo Medusa 2. God’s Garden, Destination, God’s Garden 3. Outsider, Destination, Outsider 4. Shades of Twilight, Destination, Shades of Twilight 5. It’s a Surprise!, Destination, Surprise Match B 1. Neo Medusa, Heartbreak Ridge, Neo Medusa 2. God’s Garden, Heartbreak Ridge, God’s Garden 3. Outsider, Heartbreak Ridge, Outsider 4. Shades of Twilight, Heartbreak Ridge, Shades of Twilight 5. It's a different Surprise!, Heartbreak Ridge, Surprise!
Match A 1. food 2. mannerMan 3. d1shong 4. Insane 5. redtooth
Match B:
1. kawaiirice 2. sunnyveil 3. holgerius 4. stickmatrix 5. rc3ilynt
The corresponding # is the map set you will be playing on. Everyone is going to play once. I put some thought into this. After saracen reveals other teams lineups, we can have possible changes. But most likely, the map you are playing on will stick.
Mannerman - Bw is an individual sport. You can practice on iccup. practicing together can only strengthen your strategy. Mechanics for now are more important.
If the pm i sent conflicts with this post, refer to this post, not the pm.
note to self:
t1: insane/kawaii//food
t2: redtooth (zvz specialist) , rc3
t3: stick
t4: holg
unknown: mannerman, d1shong
heres a pic + Show Spoiler +
you can reach my msn at rchung89at hotmail. com
as for maps on good for neo medusa, destination, gods garden. decent at tvt and tvz but suck hard against tvp.
On July 26 2009 13:28 kdog3683 wrote:
Mannerman - Bw is an individual sport. You can practice on iccup. practicing together can only strengthen your strategy. Mechanics for now are more important.
ROFL this is something artosis would say, pretty wise for a youngling like you, coach
On July 26 2009 13:28 rc3ilynt wrote:heres a pic
gangsta terran
btw if anyone wants to "practice" im up for it, obviously kawaii and insane dont need any of that but anyone else PM me
i also wonder if coach can play himself, kdog is a strong user rofl
how are we supposed to coordinate when these matches are?
so when do i find out what these "suprised" maps are or better yet is it limited to the maps chosen? as for practice I'm up for a terran partner on heartbreak ridge.
Suny - Saracen will be posting Team A and Team B's lineups. It is then the respective responsibilities from players on both team to contact each other. You do have 1 week, so if the guy pm's you asking for a game on monday, and you haven't played it once, play it for a few times and pm him back on wednesday.
rc3: Those surprise maps are some more of saracen's odd format bullshit. I have no idea. But I'd assume before monday so probably tonight.
Matchups have been posted: http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=98438
d1shong and Insane: The 2 of you have your matches flipped. Saracen will be updating that.
Goodluck! For those of you who hate the MU you got / dislike map... have faith. Your opponent is uglier and less skilled than you. So just play solid.
I'm quite pleased with my MU/maps! I will try to practise as much as possible in order not to disapoint you guys. Wallies hwaiting!
GL everyone!
LOL too late, ive seen this before you did
we managed to avoid oystein in our matchup. anybody need a zerg practice partner? i'm going to be practicing on icc if anybody needs me just hit up a pm.
I need to learn Shades of Twlight for a PvP, I'll be online all day tomorrow and possibly tonight. PM me thanks.
good job team
insane wins as expected
the 2 t's RC and Stickmatrix won for Match B quite nice. Especially on tvt and heartbreak.
I failed; 0-2.
Need to practise more next time.
2-0 win for me. i love ZvZ the total time spend on both games was like 20 minutes
also, for my picture use this:
Coach, I'm going out of town and will not be back to play next week. Just so you know.
that's fine
for the people who lose their sets - can you upload your reps please.
sup boys
i bring back victory and a win in match A