Uh oh I'm back. Despite my apparent unpopularity, I think at least some people find value in what I do. Or even if that's not true, I get something from it. So off I go.
I grew up as a model child by traditional standards, a good boy. I was very obedient, followed the rules, and listened to my parents and other trusted elders’ advice. I had a generous sense of courtesy and etiquette, understanding that following the (proper) rules simply made the world better for everyone. I was, and still am, very reserved, never talking out of place. To most people who did not know me well, and even those who thought they did, I was a fantastic son any parent would wish for.
I was always a very strongly independent thinker. I never took face values for granted. I would say that I can definitely view the world in a minimally biased perspective as compared to the majority of the population. In many youths, these attitudes often lead to phases of rebellion and experimentation. However, I am rather the opposite. While maintaining strong independent attitudes, I can quickly identify the short sightedness and stupidity of much of youth culture.
Bullying is a commonplace theme in school age children. Strangely, in the environment where I grew up, kids were abnormally mannered and good natured. I never really had to deal with “bullies”. In fact, those who would be extricated as high potential drug abusers/criminals/gangsters would instead be looked down upon by the rest of the kids and avoided.
Actually what I was trying to get at was peer pressure into youth-related subculture activities. Things such as smoking, alcohol, excessive swearing, loitering, graffiti, vandalism etc. are typically perpetrated by groups of hoodlums. I am so clean from these activities its almost ridiculous. One factor would be that the demographics of my school environment had great upbringings. But I would place more emphasis on my own personal tendency to stick with my beliefs. This would explain why I didn’t even have any temptation whatsoever in partaking in such behaviour.
While other kids might look at these at-risk kids and admire their rebellious behaviour, in my mind they were absolute trash. Why would I want to emulate their stupidity at all? It’s obvious I am better than them, have a greater future, have greater foresight, and have a greater understanding of the world. That is my mechanism to avoid "negative" behaviour.
Some may presume that with such an attitude, I might be an easy target for bullies. Instead, since I choose my acquaintances carefully, I seldom have any interaction with these kinds of people. With this approach there is no motive for conflict. In addition, my body language and eye contact are used in such a manner to stare them down in a possible threat and attain an understanding of respect. No one messed with me.
Some interesting facts: I do not swear. My capacity to reserve my anger is a sign of self control and mastery of emotions. I have never tried drugs or been exposed to illegal substances. I wouldn’t even recognize the difference between a bag of flour and marijuana. I have never been intoxicated. I do not even know a single gay person in real life, personally. My life sounds very sheltered, but I attribute it to my personal navigation and avoidances rather than inexperience or naivety.
And then here comes the inevitable assumptions: I live in too safe an area and have not been exposed to true hardships of street resistance. I hate the dilemma this creates for any writer. It becomes that no one has the rights or position to complain of their own problems when there exist somewhere in the world out there who has suffered greater pains. Should it be that only that one single person with the sufficiently pitiable background is allowed to complain? That cannot be a feasible method for writers to share their stories and thoughts. No, I do not live in a maximally crime-infested neighbourhood, but that should not be a requisite for my observations. My community is very diverse, but shady enough that I am constantly reminded by those around me to be vigilant. That must have had an impact to form my suspicious, guarded personality I have today.
Even though I do not resort to those “usual” forms of teenage rebellion, I see many things wrong with public policy. Growing up in my era, kids were taught that racism and stereotypes were evil, that people should not be judged “by the colour of their skin”. Of course, that is a stupidly shallow way to view the world. Many kids, exposed to this public propaganda popular in this day and age, easily accept and welcome this school of thought. I refer to these types as “new age” kids. I know this is a very altruistic and politically correct perspective to adopt, and I wish I were such a good person. But I cannot ignore my own common sense. I find it is more common in North America than would be normal for many people’s country of origin in Europe and Asia. However, from empirical observation, there is very obviously much more difference than the colour of people’s skin. Ethnicity creates very important differences that are both deconstructive and unwise to ignore.
Basically, the world is populated by too many people who cannot think for themselves. Sometimes, the propaganda they accept are positive, useful, and make the world a better place. The problem arises when they are tempted to follow less constructive paths. One of my greatest “hate” categories is graffiti artists. I mention this specifically because I know there is at least one TL member who boasts of this activity. Defacing other people’s property for no valid purpose is one of the most short-sighted attitudes I can imagine. The wrongness of it is so inherently basic and instinctual for good people, but practitioners are unable to comprehend. Society’s tolerance for such offenders is too lenient. The world would be so much better without them.
Umm this one was kind of long. I tried to keep the focus on one place but there are just so many things I want to tie together, and often my main point is discarded as I go along. Well I guess thats why I need the practice.
You can attack me personally, but I hope the discussion can be friendlier if you viewed this as an entertaining (though perhaps provocative) read instead.
Wait why do you mention homosexuals in the same breath as drugs and alcohol?
Edit: Actually never mind I think I get what you mean.
After reading it seems that basically you think you're better than most people, that seems to be the only point you're making.
Some interesting facts: I do not swear. My capacity to reserve my anger is a sign of self control and mastery of emotions. I have never tried drugs or been exposed to illegal substances. I wouldn’t even recognize the difference between a bag of flour and marijuana. I have never been intoxicated. I do not even know a single gay person in real life, personally. My life sounds very sheltered, but I attribute it to my personal navigation and avoidances rather than inexperience or naivety.
Swearing != anger. You call it mastery of emotions, I call it misusing the essence of being human and creating a plateau out of your emotions rather then a mountain. If you've ever been to the doctors or took any kind of pill, you've had drugs. What the lawmakers call illegal and what is actually bad for you might surprise you. What is wrong with gay people? Gay males tend actually know how to enjoy themselves without having to worry about their place in the world and gay females tend to be more down to earth then any one else. Your life IS sheltered. You avoid anything that could help you make choices later in life, which is the definition of sheltered.
Basically, the world is populated by too many people who cannot think for themselves. Sometimes, the propaganda they accept are positive, useful, and make the world a better place. The problem arises when they are tempted to follow less constructive paths. One of my greatest “hate” categories is graffiti artists. I mention this specifically because I know there is at least one TL member who boasts of this activity. Defacing other people’s property for no valid purpose is one of the most short-sighted attitudes I can imagine. The wrongness of it is so inherently basic and instinctual for good people, but practitioners are unable to comprehend. Society’s tolerance for such offenders is too lenient. The world would be so much better without them.
You can't think for yourself, this entire post is about a person who has done what the majority of others around him are doing. "Less constructive paths" ...Galileo?
You've never seen a real Graffiti artist if you 'hate' them. hhttp://www.banksy.co.uk/outdoors/horizontal_1.htm The city of London has actually made his Graffiti landmark, and any defication of it is cause for slap on the wrist. If you can look at his art, and with truth in heart say you hate it, you have no idea how to view life outside your box since his art stands against social idiocies. You know who society is too lenient on? Westboro baptist church.
Even though I do not resort to those “usual” forms of teenage rebellion, I see many things wrong with public policy. Growing up in my era, kids were taught that racism and stereotypes were evil, that people should not be judged “by the colour of their skin”. Of course, that is a stupidly shallow way to view the world. Many kids, exposed to this public propaganda popular in this day and age, easily accept and welcome this school of thought. I refer to these types as “new age” kids. I know this is a very altruistic and politically correct perspective to adopt, and I wish I were such a good person.
I go to a school where the white kids are in the Minority, myself being one of them. We welcome diversity, and while we know that certain cultures tend to drift towards certain fields, that can't define an individual.
Your intelligence is ill-used which upsets me. So much emphasis on material and not on the grander scheme of being humble and humorous.
I agree with ~90% of what Railz is saying. By reading your blogs i have come to a conclusion that although you are intelligent, you have a very shallow train of thought, and think in a rather black and white way (eg. what is/isn't good for society).
Washington, D.C9933 Posts
admirable, but a bit tragic. preempting criticisms of your naivete certainly does not invalidate them, because despite your perceived hand in where you are today, you still haven't tried or experienced a very large part of being an average youth in this age. i don't mean this in a judgmental way, i just don't think twisting it around works.
aren't you curious? is being straight-edge such a defining a part of your identity that you are willing to close off so many experiences? there is nothing wrong with making an informed decision to abstain from all the shadier practices in life. it's simply impossible though without having tried, right? obviously alcohol and weed aren't fatal and a one-time consumption will never kill you - so why not give them a shot? at the very, very worst you will have a few shitty hours and come out with more conviction, which sounds like an excellent trade.
i understand this independent mindset. it was a source of some pride for me early in high school, and like you not in a condescending manner, just... maybe a bit of smugness. you may come to realize that with such limited information and operating only within the boundaries you've always known, you are bound to make mistakes. i consider myself pretty competent all-around and i never imagined that i could be so wrong on so many subjects without the input of 'regular' people. it is both gratifying and humbling.
as stupid and wayward the public often seems to be, i think it's still very necessary to maintain a balance or compromise its standards and your own. it's incredibly difficult to socialize and hang out with a hermetic fortress of a person. some things you tout as personal 'truths', especially about other people, are pretty frustrating to read but can't really be blamed on you. reconsider!
Well...thanks for sharing I guess... I can empathize with a great majority of what your saying, minus your lack of humanity, and unabashed arrogance...3/5
edit: nvm, read your previous blog post about ladies.
I have read many of your blogs, and I believe I understand a bit about you. I'm honestly not sure if you read these comments, and by your attitude it would appear not to make a big difference if you did. However, on the off chance that you do read this I will write my opinion- consider the following as Bill Nye would say.
From the previous blogs, along with this one I have gained a picture of how you live your life. A thoughtful, considerate, some what isolated white male. Although I'm sure you don't consider yourself any more isolated than your regular acquaintances in life. I'm sure you believe that you have experienced more than they have, and yes I agree somewhat. This is because the common person hasn't done much either, if you are such an exceptional person then go out there, do something else. However, there are many that have traveled and done things that you will perhaps never do; they are infinetly more knowledgeable. intrigue is bang on. As a curious individual you should go out there and experience everything you can. Go volunteer, go do drugs (perhaps not often), go travel: do something. If you don't like it, then at least you know. As un-isolated as you think you are, you really only know of your immediate surroundings. Once you go around and have seen what the rest of the world is like, think about it. Come back and blog about that.
Yes, the world is filled with people who have difficulty thinking for themselves. Is it your place to educate those people? No matter who you help you will gain the satisfaction of knowing that you made a difference to one person. Yes, you are arrogant. This is most likely because you excel compared to your peers, again you haven't seen enough of the outside world- you don't recognize that there are people who are just as educated, well mannered and thoughtful as yourself. Again, go live life, it's a big place.
I hate to go all Freid on you, but honestly what I think you need is guidance. Perhaps this is what you seek with each blog entry. Go out there and do something else, take advice from your parents. Chances are they have seen much more than you have. One of the things that I pride my self on is learning from my own mistakes and others'. There are those, that as unwilling as you will be to take there advice from, will give you advice; heed this advice. From personal experience listen to your elders, don't fall flat on your face and make a fool of yourself.
Damn, I took longer than I thought I would. I too have expeirenced a point in my life, much as you have- and have a lot to write on. pz out,
On May 02 2009 08:53 Shiverfish wrote:
While other kids might look at these at-risk kids and admire their rebellious behaviour, in my mind they were absolute trash.
Although this may seem the "mature" point of view, it actually isn't. It is just rebellion against what is popular (namely rebellion). Really mature would be to see the rebellious behvior and instead of saying "that person is trash", think about what you can do to make their life better. Or contemplate the differences in how people process information and behave, but maintain a positive feeling toward those who process information differently.
Why would I want to emulate their stupidity at all? It’s obvious I am better than them, have a greater future, have greater foresight, and have a greater understanding of the world. That is my mechanism to avoid "negative" behaviour.
This is again immaturity.
Some interesting facts: I do not swear. My capacity to reserve my anger is a sign of self control and mastery of emotions. I have never tried drugs or been exposed to illegal substances. I wouldn’t even recognize the difference between a bag of flour and marijuana. I have never been intoxicated. I do not even know a single gay person in real life, personally. My life sounds very sheltered, but I attribute it to my personal navigation and avoidances rather than inexperience or naivety.
Though I can say the same about never having even tried the "substances" (alcohol, street drugs, tobacco), my best friends growing up did it all and I hung out with them still. Now, one has been shot by a gang member, the other spent 3 years in prison for trying to kill his girlfriend while he was drunk. But I still try to see them as often as I can because we are friends. My life went down a different path than them but I still think they are hilarious to be around. Unlike you, I have known many gay people and was friendly with them and they all consider me their friend...but that does not change the fact that I am personally against gay marriage.
However, from empirical observation, there is very obviously much more difference than the colour of people’s skin. Ethnicity creates very important differences that are both deconstructive and unwise to ignore.
This is the only part of your post where you are just definitely wrong. Its true that there ARE differences in the quanity of crime committed between the various races in North America, but those differences were NOT created by the person's ethnicity. There are cultural and socioeconomic differences between the different races that cause most of the differences. But both culture and socioeconomic conditions change. So while it is true that right now blacks commit more crime per capita than whites, that is a TEMPORARY truth. In another thread we were asked to define racism. I said that it is not racist to note that there are differences between how the various races behave, but it is racist to believe that that behavior is CAUSED by the person's race. For example saying, "black skin makes people commit crime and can therefore not be fixed" can be said to be a racist sentiment while saying "currently, blacks commit more crime than whites per capita" is not. One implies a cause (and it makes race the cause) and the other is simply a statement of numerical, transient fact. It is transient in that it is subject to changes as culture and other conditions change.
I tried to keep the focus on one place but there are just so many things I want to tie together, and often my main point is discarded as I go along. Well I guess thats why I need the practice.
Overall, it was semi interesting post, but it did ramble all over the place with no apparent purpose or structure. Those are the most important aspects of writing ability. Focus on them.