paste this into the address bar of your favorite website (cough, TL, cough)
+ Show Spoiler [code] +
javascript: (function(){var%20cornify_url='';var%20file='unicorn_';var%20count=7;if(Math.random()>.7){file='rainbow_';}file+=Math.ceil(Math.random()*count)+'.gif';var%20div=document.createElement('div' );'fixed';var%20height=Math.random()*.9;if(typeof(window.innerHeight)=='number' ){height=height*window.innerHeight+'px';}else%20if(document.documentElement&&document.documentElement.clientHeight){height=height*document.documentElement.clientHeight+'px';}else{height=height*100+'%';};*90+'%';;var%20img=document.createElement('img' );img.setAttribute('src',cornify_url+'corns/'+file);var%20body=document.getElementsByTagName('body' )[0];body.appendChild(div);div.appendChild(img);})()
Like the effect? Paste it again! and again!
Here's some of my work:
+ Show Spoiler [pics!] +
Here's a bonus. Ever wanted to take a fake screenshot? Sure there's the standard SS+Paint or SS+Photoshop but man that takes quite a while. Here's an alternative!
+ Show Spoiler [code!] +
javascript:document.body.contentEditable='true'; document.designMode='on'; void 0
Just paste that into the address bar and go wild!
Here's a sample:
+ Show Spoiler [pic!] +
I may or may not be bored. Nevertheless, Enjoy!
edit: damn smileys ruining my code.
edit2: fixed now
edit3: think it's cool but you might forget it? Here's an idea: Create a bookmark. Title it whatever you want, and for the Location, put the script. Now when you click on the bookmark, it'll have the script effect