Clint Eastwood is such an amazing director, holy shit. All his recently directed movies have been so amazing, most recently Gran Turino, which is the best movie I've seen all year and probably one of my all time favorites now.
- Gran Turino - Changeling - Flags of Our Fathers - Letters from Iwo Jima - Million Dollar Baby - Mystic River
kjdsfkjdshfskd , so good. It's a shame he's so old because he has really become something special, I hope he continues directing for many years to come.
shit fuck,k dddddddd. god damn i want to see that movie. fukkkk ... not playing anywhere near me
The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly =). First movie I ever watched with him in it.
he also is a great actor, often acts in his movies, produces them, and even composes a lot of the music for his movies too.
gran torino was awwwwwesssssssomeeeeeeeeeeeeee
i prefer when he was in the movies dirty harry series man with no name series unforgiven etc...
though million dollar baby and letters from iwo jima were pretty good :o
Don't forget he was dirty harry. Badest badass of all times ;;
I listen to the The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly soundtrack when I Brood War. It's truly amazing.
I like Clint Eastwood and everything but MAN.. Gran Torino was horrible
lol i had to analyze a film for its music for one of my classes my first pick was Mystic River
dont get me wrong, its a fantastic fucking movie
has very little music. and considering the poignancy of some of the drama, music would have highlighted it well. I never watched any of his other movies for the music, but he really should have left that to someone else in that one.
million dollar baby+gran torino = overrated BS.
But Spike Lee sure doesn't like him.
i thought you were talkin bout the song by gorillaz :O i liked "The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly", but he acted in that, not directed also, "Paint Your Wagon" is a really good one from his younger days
Clint Eastwood is a SERIOUS badass thats for sure :D
i love the movies he acted in i love the movies he directed (tho havent seen the new ones yet)
He used to be a singer also :O now thats old school
The fact that there was little music to Mystic River adds to the film - makes it more gritty and rough.
How the hell was Gran Turino BAD? lol.
i saw the trailer for gran turino and im very skeptic i have to say, why did you like it? what about it did you like?
the only real reason not to have music is if you want the audience to recognize the situation as more real. sometimes, and only sometimes, music can abstract the audience, take it down a level of closeness or reality.
but in every other aspect music adds to the drama. im not talking music to overpower any dialogue or sound whatsoever, not filler music. most of the time you would not even hear it, but it would enhance the drama of the situation none the less.
verrryyy rarely does a movie have as little music in it as Mystic River
Yep, Grand Torino is my new favorite movie too after watching it a few days ago. Props Mr.Eastwood... Props
On December 30 2008 15:41 ShaperofDreams wrote: i saw the trailer for gran turino and im very skeptic i have to say, why did you like it? what about it did you like?
What I like about it? The movie has taught me more shit than all the movies I've seen combined. It's one of those things where you gotta watch and possibly learn a few things or two.