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Patch 9.8: Live on Apr. 17, 2019
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Stomrazor was a good item before they buffed it, think people (other than Kaisa) might actually start building it now.
Decent buffs to Fiora. Defs feels managated in her tower push compared to other split pushers.
What the fuck is that Gnar buff? Typo? 30 seconds at max rank???? 60 sec at lvl 11??
Haha wtf, how long does it take for Gnar to get max range late game, might be situations where he changes form before ult is up again.
Renekton looks so scary with those buffs. And I wonder if trundle support will pop up again with those buffs.
I like the approach of 1 buff per patch until a champion is playable but I think they are too far behind live when it comes to Nautilus, he was already quite playable on live, he wins trades vs almost all physical damage users because his base armor is so high now
Really his only problem is that morg is popular, but she is banned a lot too
The Fiora mana change is really nice, especially with all the tank buffs on this patch, going cleaver first might be an option again. Right now she definitely has trouble staying out on the map without essence reaver.
Kayn buff looks nutty on paper but turning blue is auto loss on live so I’m down to see it, Red Kayn is so stupidly strong atm I doubt blue is the correct choice even with this buff, but maybe vs a split push comp or a fed adc. I low key have a theory he might be a competitive pick, as the new old reksai. Even if assassins suck in competitive standing in a wall gives so much free vision it will be very easy for him to scout the enemy.
Trundle buff is scary because that champ is impossible to lane against if your jungler sucks
Only other honorable mention, no Rageblade nerf zz, I hope they nerf that item before considering nerfs to Vayne or ppl will just play other abusers.
Yeah, I almost posted that Kayne looks OP, then I saw it was blue form, have to see if this is the right step, single spell OP champs are indicators of poor design, he might be broken for a bit, nerfed and then back to where he started, or become a cheese pick.
Adc has been in a poor spot for a while now, rageblade is so strong, but only on certain champs. I think if rageblade was tuned, and Vayne got small nerfs then it could be fine, but please don't double nerf into the ground.
I'm worried Kayn buff won't change much, other than making fed blue Kayns even more faceroll
Personally I think this probably needs a nerf to his vision (in case someone reading this doesn’t play Kayn, when he enters a wall he gets like 500yd vision from the entire walls boundary) but I think red is still probably the best choice 80% of the time. Unless he can get a good match up mid, he could be the new tf/Aurelian/Talliyah
Looking at the Kayle changes, did I miss Riot splitting AS into "base AS" and "base AS used to calculate %AS increases"? While also having champions with innate AS% bonuses to make up for their base AS, like Diana and (iirc) Cait?
That formula's looking needlessly complicated.
On April 18 2019 01:05 Sent. wrote: I'm worried Kayn buff won't change much, other than making fed blue Kayns even more faceroll
probably. in most scenarios prob changes nothing and in those miserable games where blue kayn somehow gets fed, feel even more helpless. I guess it might bring out the FF's quicker so thats good
On April 18 2019 01:05 Sent. wrote: I'm worried Kayn buff won't change much, other than making fed blue Kayns even more faceroll It'll for sure make his overall win-rate tank because some people might now think blue form is good.
Fed blue Kayn will oneshot one or two. Fed red Kayn can straight up 1v5.
To be fair I’ve played blue Kayn probably like 2 times ever before this week because I’m not really into greifing, but my assessment after testing the buffs is that he still sucks. I think the problem is no form Kayn sucks, so you’re basically intentionally playing an assassin from behind on purpose unless you hard smurf your no form phase or exploit horrendous pathing mistakes. Meanwhile your other choice is just fine when behind and god mode when ahead, you can do some funny in and out assainations with the buff but the window of being blue before outscale is so small when you aren’t a one trick smurphing, maybe like 5-8 min for me at best, but I’m not a blue Kayn player anyway.
Basically my opinion is the only way to make blue Kayn pickable is to nerf red Kayn and doing that without buffing base Kayn would delete the champion from the game. But my opinion is mostly based on logic as my experience with blue Kayn is probably like 8-10 games including this week.
I think Kayn's in a fine spot. This is where he should be really from a balance point of view. Champ with trash early game, but if you can get through it, red Kayn has the potential to be one of the best skirmishing champs in the game.
Ezreal's win rate is like 48%, what do you mean?
Ezreal is stupidly strong in the hands of those that can play him, his laning isn't poor at all. Think he's a noob trap in lower elos though, he basically does nothing, even in plat people don't know how to play him. Loads of better carry oriented champs.
Naut buff is retarded from what I've seen, he's always been a strong early champ but right now people are spamming him like crazy because his early burst potential got buffed. I've never seen mid lane Naut before, people really get caught unaware.
Dunno I think Ezreal is like the most optimal choice when your team offers little peeling/frontlining. If I wanted to climb as adc I'd spam Jinx/Ezreal every game.
In theory yes, hence pros pick him. But in most soloQ games, Ez ends up doing astonishingly little damage, and doesn't understand how his lane works. Not hitting Q's and smart usage of E, or not AAing at all in team fights, is pretty common.
47% in soloQ isn't a bad place for EZ. He's always a little over-popular with the pros.