I recently fell in love with Panth. Been trying to play him with a Stormrazor + Shiv core (and Dark harvest) and then tank with moderate success. The lethality build with electrocute still seems vastly superior though. You get your 2 core items (Dusk, Youmoos) and then with a GA you can go ham. I's get BC second if there are tanks in the game. If you play him well it's almost impossible you don't get ahead. Like its been rare for me to have less than 5-6 kills in a game.
I'm pretty hyped about Mordekaisers VGU and I really hope the AD assassin they tease is actually the tank from the picture.
Pantheon is IMO probably the least interesting champ in League currently. Sipping tea while pressing Q at your lane opponent is such uninspiring gameplay. It's so mind numblingly bland it doesn't help new players learn the game since in low Elo they are 100% being carried by the champion and playing against him is so boring I'd rather play a no-gap closer melee vs Gnar or Heimerdinger. He's supposed to be the Aspect of War not a javelin throwing athlete. -.-*
If I was in charge of the rework it'd be something like. Make his Q damage depend on range, more damage the closer you are. His W given Talon Q treatment, stun in melee but a hefty slow with short duration instead when used at range. E would be a cone AoE where he bash with his shield and if it hit a projectile it reflects it back (and since Rito loves text currently make it do something more if it hits in melee range too, hue). R is going to stay and with even more damage in center because goomba stomping people is the greatest part of his kit. Passive stay and the execute part moved to it.
It'll keep his core gameplay more or less but give him a juggernaut feel that can actually do something at medium range but a bit lower murder death kill of the usual juggernauts.
He is quite a fun champion, but you have to admit his kit is a relic from the past, back when champs had much simpler kits. I'm always surprised when I remember he was actually released before I started playing, and he's never gotten a real rework either.
I'd say E cone thingy is the only real problem. It doesn't fit into the kit much because of the channeling aspect. If they want to keep him as an AD assassin, I'd expect them to make Q a skillshot, with E becoming an AOE intended to help his waveclear. However, they also could go in a support direction which would keep the original kit more the same (targeted Q and W) and make E into another move with crowd control like Camille's Sweep (possibly with a defense buff somewhere) and now you have a more aggro Leona.
Damn that’s the truest thing I’ve ever read
Why is this new friendly support cuddly pet champion a cat? It should be a dog!
I too am a bit skeptical of the LCS salaries, but at least Riot built the thing up. Overwatch league has to like double the LCS to ever make sense financially.
On April 27 2019 08:00 JimmiC wrote: I just read that average LCS salary is 320,000 meaning lots make more than that. That is good money, it is higher than average MLS salaries. Who knows if it is sustainable but those guys are making bank at super young ages with no expensive college experience. Hopefully they use that money wisely to set themselves up.
I mean, it also is hard to say depending on the standard deviation.
For example I bet Bjergsson makes much much more than say Goldenglue, likely by a factor of 10+.
A number of LCS players are likely at like the 80 to 120k mark, which is far from luxurious in LA, where the poverty line is like 60k.
Keep in mind what with the current situation many aren't paying for housing since they're in the team house.
Yeah, thats fair regarding getting room and board. Thats a big burden, probably a 30 to 40k raise when you think about it.
It's cool that eSports has made it. I remember when it was largely just Day9 shoutcasting from his apartment on weekends. Its pretty cool, tbh.
Anyone else have a weird bug where you can't hit the find match button? Sometimes after I select my roles the button is highlighted but not activated so I can't press it. If I get invited to another lobby I can be in a match no problem, I just can't hit the button
On April 30 2019 07:57 chipmonklord17 wrote: Anyone else have a weird bug where you can't hit the find match button? Sometimes after I select my roles the button is highlighted but not activated so I can't press it. If I get invited to another lobby I can be in a match no problem, I just can't hit the button I have it happen occasionally. Can fix it with switching menus.