After a previous tournament sucessfully run by Artanis, I really wanted another tournament to be hosted. Seems like he is busy so why not just couple of TL'ers play for fun and even arrange a casual tournament?
You can find instructions and everything from OP of this thread http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=71979
For this tournament I would like to make the type: EXTENDED including everything up to Shadowmoor. (No eventide since it officially hasn't been released yet) So no P9 and the banlist'ed cards.
Not really sure how many people actually play, so just PM me or reply in this thread so we can get the headcount and stuff like that.
Suggestions are also welcome!
<- Coming. I don't know why you're playing extended though =/
i was going to jump on until I read this
For this tournament I would like to make the type: EXTENDED including everything up to Shadowmoor. (No eventide since it officially hasn't been released yet)
Eh, what type do you guys prefer? I can always change! Suggestions are welcome ^^
I'd really like a 1 or 2 block only restricted tournament. It would force us to have to make our very own decks. Anyway, Extended does suck. The cards become more imbalanced with every newer block.
Let's play highlander!!!
Or Krohms idea, as long if Mirrodin isn't in there.
I'd say we should nominate 10 separate blocks, then take a vote. (Should we include the expansion, or just say the expansion is a separate block?)
I don't know if anyone else would like this idea though.
But if thats the case, I'd nominate for Visions.
There is a type called 'create your own standard' where everybody gets to pick one core set and two blocks and make a deck from that. It could be interesting and we could ban whatever blocks we consider to be too powerful or whatnot.
If you go with Krohm's idea, I'd nominate Tempest. Please no Urza's Saga and Mirrodin ;;
Melbourne5338 Posts
Block tournaments are easier. Though I won't play for the same reasons I don't help my friend play wow.
I'm in. I don't mind playing Extended, or any format for that matter. As long as I get some Magic circulating in my system.
ill play. for the fun of it ;D
Vote on the block you want to play standard. The block will also consist of the expansion sets from that block.
Poll: Which block should we use? (Vote): Tempest (Vote): Invasion (Vote): Odyssey (Vote): Onslaught (Vote): Ravica (Vote): Time Spiral (Vote): Champions Kamigawa (Vote): Other
I already have a invasion block deck. Voted for it haha
My favorite block though is Mirage. It's really old though, so 95% of the people who play magic today have no clue about any of the cards.
I started playing during Ravnica, so I am a big newbie. (Although I understand the rules well.)
However, I am willing to try my hand at an older block if that is what is chosen.
Do blocks mean pre-determined decks? Cause I'm a newbie at magick although I enjoy playing it. So if these are pre-made decks I'll join the fun.
Not premade decks. Make your own deck with cards from that block.
Ugh @ Time Spiral
If people are thinking about block might as well as try to go for draft, even though online means aren't exactly the best, it is imo far more interesting than block constructed.
Take time spiral off the block list. I'll play extended, and I'll play block, but I don't want to play against dragonstorm. Please.
On July 15 2008 14:40 Meta wrote: Take time spiral off the block list. I'll play extended, and I'll play block, but I don't want to play against dragonstorm. Please.
Haha so true! Playing against a dragonstorm deck is like playing against a wall. . .