Hello, this is a thread about the first Magic: The Gathering tourney hosted for Starcraft players. The program we will be using is Magic Workstation. I will make the assumption that you know Magic: The Gathering and the game rules when reading the thread. If you do not yet, please visit Wizards of the coast's official introduction to the game. It might be a long read, but it's worth it to understand the basic concept of the game. It is however ill-advised to participate in this tournament if you are new to the game.
It is freeware, downloadable here. Go to download evaluation. Once you've downloaded it, install it and it should work.
You can get the pictures here. Use the torrent of your choice where you can pick the sets you want pictures from, then save them in the pics directory in your Magic Workstation directory. If it's not there yet, you have to create the directory yourself.
Building a deck
Once you've installed magic workstation, start it up and press 'new deck'. The most functional way to create a deck is by putting the master.mwbase (this contains all cards) at the top, and keeping the deck at the bottom. If successful, it should look something like this (doubleclick to enlarge):
![[image loading]](http://img185.imageshack.us/img185/8779/example1qp2.jpg)
To add cards, simply select the card you wish to find and press the green arrow pointing downwards.
Filtering cards
This will be important to filter the information you want. Since the information you have now will flood over, you will want to filter to only the information you need. When building a black deck, you might not want any white cards. The game type we will be playing is T1, so the first thing you want to do is to click the dropdown editions box and selecting T1.
In this tournament, we have decided not to use any sets beyond Fifth Dawn. This is because I am not familiar with these sets and would not be able to judge situations correctly, and I believe there are quite a few ex-MTG players around here that quit around this time as well, so you might want to check these off. The example below is a filter you might want to use for a black deck.
![[image loading]](http://img260.imageshack.us/img260/2953/example3rt7.jpg)
After you have filtered the cards and wish to reverse the filtering, simply press the "reset all filters" button located next to the save button.
Playing online
The software we will be using to play online is MWSPlay. This software is automatically downloaded with Magic Workstation. To use it, simply start it up and press 'new game'. Select your deck, then connect to the server. From here, you can join a game.
Tournament rules
1. Cheating in any way is not allowed.
2. Any set later then Fifth Dawn is banned. If cards appeared in previous sets, they are allowed. Also, all 'power 9' cards are banned. These are: Black Lotus, Mox Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald/Jet/Pearl, Timetwister, Time Walk, and Ancestral Recall. For the rest, the T1 banned/restricted list as seen here is applied.
3. The server that will be used to play is 'mwsgames.net'.
4. All participants will be randomly attached to another opponent. If there is an uneven amount of players, byes will be given.
5. Signing up will be handled by PMing me. Posting in this thread will not qualify as signing up. You can not sign up until the official date is released.
6. The decklist of your deck, including sideboard, must be added in the PM in which you sign up. Editing your deck after this is not allowed.
The decided time for the event is Saturday 7th of June at 7PM CET (1PM EST)
2 groups of 5, randomly assigned, will each play eachother in a bo2. You are allowed to use your Sideboard in game 2. If you win 2-0, you gain three points. If you play 1-1, both players gain one point. Losing gives no points.
The reason I've decided for a bo2 instead of a bo3 is that there will be a lot of games in Round 1.
From here, the player placing first from each group advance to the semifinals. The players placing second and third will advance to round 2. Group A's second place will play Group B's third place and the other way around. These matches will be bo3, and the winners advance to the semifinals.
The semifinals will be bo5 and the finals will be bo7. There will be a loser's finals as well, which will be bo5.
The groups are as following:
Group A:
1. fgsvsd (TL.net)
2. Caller (TL.net)
3. LordWeirD (GG.net)
4. Demoninja (TL.net)
5. kirtar111 (TL.net)
Group B:
6. FragKrag (TL.net)
7. brambolius (GG.net)
8. Krohm (TL.net)
9. Lisk (TL.net)
10. DeaTh_LT (TL.net)
My library isn't working properly. What do I do?
Please redownload the master.mwbase file. I've uploaded it here for those who have problems with it. Simply download it and place it in your magic workstation directory. Let it overwrite the old master.mwbase.
Thank you in advance.