I'm sorry to hear about your struggles with depression. I had a similar troubles back in 2013/2014 (the tail end of my time actually writing things for TL) and my Blizzcon article was actually one of the things that slipped through the cracks as I also fell way behind on my studies and became pretty much a shut in. I was really ashamed of it. Eventually I told people. First my brother and then later the rest of my family. It went about as you described. People try to say the right things but it does come across a bit fumbling from people who haven't experienced depression like that. When I told my parents that I had seriously considered suicide they decided to send me to a therapist.
I went to therapy for about a year. I went back to school and did better. I'd like to say that I'm "cured" but obviously nobody ever really is. Some days are worse than others but overall I'm doing much better. And usually at high points in my mental states I come back to TL because of all the fond memories I have of filling up LR threads with banter and of course writing about Starcraft with you (and others).
I hope you're doing well. You're dope.