On May 09 2017 21:16 TheNewEra wrote:
Congrats on picking sSak for your group JD
Congrats on picking sSak for your group JD
Lmao yea everyone was counting ssak out during the round picking.
Forum Index > Brood War Tournaments |
United States75 Posts
On May 09 2017 21:16 TheNewEra wrote: Congrats on picking sSak for your group JD Lmao yea everyone was counting ssak out during the round picking. | ||
Canada3324 Posts
On May 10 2017 07:31 Liquid`Drone wrote: Increasing stim research by 10 seconds would have big impact. Terrans would have a much harder time against various 2 hatch builds if stim was delayed by 10 seconds. When zergs go 2 hatch muta, the point where terran has both stim and range is when they start being able to defend. Myself, I like to go 2 hatch lurker into 9 minute dark swarm. I operate in 10 second windows all the time then; a 10 second later stim+range would mean it's much easier for me to establish my contain, which usually means I win the game. There are lots of windows like these; the better the player, the smaller the windows are. Defilers already start with dark swarm. Maybe you meant consume? (When I do that 2 hatch defiler rush, my consume finishes researching before my defilers reach their base anyway. slight difference in defense, though. ) That said, I just don't agree with the approach of continuous small balance changes. Balance wise, it's the same game we played back in 2001. Gameplay wise, it's incredibly different. Strategies have evolved based on a) skill of players b) maps c) popular strategies among your opposition. This organic strategical evolution is proven to work. Up until 2012, the OGN starleagues had 14 terran champs, 10 zerg, 10 protoss, 12 terran runner up, 13 zerg, 9 protoss. The Sonic starleague, starting 2012, has given 4 terrans, 4 zergs, 3 protoss winners, 5 terran 3 zerg 3 protoss runner up. These statistics are completely fine with me.. The previous ASL had a tvt final. But among the top 8 players, you also only had 2 terrans. (4 protoss, 2 zerg). I'm all for choosing different maps, or making slight adjustments to maps. For example make it slightly harder to defend naturals against muta harassment. Maybe have more inverse ramp maps - terran is slightly worse on those. But the game does not need changes. Cool. Stim 10 second change no go. How bout 5 seconds? If that's too much, shrink it down to 3 seconds or alter something else. The exact numbers aren't important here. But moreso than from us non-pros, it's this type of fine-tuning from the professionals that I think would really work wonders. I think there exists a set of small changes that could be great for balance without affecting the meta too much. I think if the pros got together and discussed it and proposed some small tweaks to Blizz for remastered, it could be great. If anyone's reading who has some pro contacts, . Yeah, my bad I meant consume. While I definitely think maps are the most viable solution, I don't think it's reasonable to assume that these maps will come out and be standard. I don't think there has ever been a map that was Z=>T, T=>P and P=>Z with a decent sample size. Now, I don't think that's impossible, but the fact that there hasn't been a full reverse split map implies that it's difficult to make a map that balances for all three matchups. Yes, this is the same game as 10 years ago technically. But the meta has shifted. What is the difference between a meta shifting slightly because of balance and naturally from new maps and new creative strategies? Sports change rules to make the game better all the time. I point to Go as an amazing game that has had an incredible rich history of changing strategies and tactics. That said, when the opportunity came to improve balance through rule changes (Komi), they took it. Komi is still not completely standardized and they're looking to improve it all the time. Yes, the rules are slightly different but it's still the same amazing game. Now, I do think that something SC2 level is overboard. We don't want huge changes every month. And I absolutely love the current meta and how it evolves. But when something as eternally present like TvZ ZvP matchup issues continue to be a problem, I don't think it's outrageous to suggest making some changes. The tournament statistics are relatively balanced. That's great. Brood War is already really well balanced and all races are viable. That said, I think there's definitely room for improvement. I think it's clearest when you look at the Afreeca stats overall. I'd be down for map solutions to the problem, but I just haven't seen it happen. The newest map is a Terran favoured map. Andromeda is better for ZvT, but has a lot of problems in ZvP. Don't get me wrong, if starting tomorrow, the map pool was changed so that balance was achieved overall, I'd be a super happy camper. I just don't think it's a reasonable scenario and I think remastered is a great opportunity to propose a super minor balance patch that helps the scene. | ||
Bulgaria1565 Posts
Drone, I actually think making adjustments to the TvZ matchup is not so hard of a task. I have been having this thought for some months now that targeting the medic must be the best way to start such a task. I was really amazed how I read neobowman's comment of increasing the medic build time by 3 seconds which coincided with me having the exact same thought like 5 minutes before I opened the thread to see the new replies. I thought "wow, are you inside my brain or something?" but in reality it's not so hard to figure it out. Initially my idea was to increase medic gas cost by 15 gas, but since every unit's gas cost is divisible by 25, then +15gas looks just off while +25 gas will be too much. The real options are 10-20% add to the build time or +25 minerals. The medic is literally the only unit of all Z and T units, upgrades cost and build times that we can touch and have such a calibrated result while having the most minimized effect on other MUs. | ||
Canada80 Posts
On May 10 2017 06:33 Liquid`Drone wrote: 4: I think the flash vs soulkey game showcased that zerg has options. Because that was not a game where flash fucked up. It was a game where soulkey played absolutely brilliantly, and I think if more zergs played at the level he did in that game, then I honestly have a really hard time seeing how terrans can maintain positive winning ratios. Hey, what flash vs soulkey game are you referring to? I don't think I've seen it :o | ||
Malaysia2578 Posts
On May 10 2017 08:06 Denzak wrote: Show nested quote + On May 10 2017 06:33 Liquid`Drone wrote: 4: I think the flash vs soulkey game showcased that zerg has options. Because that was not a game where flash fucked up. It was a game where soulkey played absolutely brilliantly, and I think if more zergs played at the level he did in that game, then I honestly have a really hard time seeing how terrans can maintain positive winning ratios. Hey, what flash vs soulkey game are you referring to? I don't think I've seen it :o Teamleague! Starts at 2h8m35s | ||
United States3016 Posts
On May 10 2017 04:03 LRM)TechnicS wrote: Show nested quote + On May 10 2017 02:41 darktreb wrote: People are making this into a false dichotomy between "BW is perfectly balanced on every map" and "JD deserved to lose for not playing perfectly". TvZ probably isn't "perfectly" balanced right now. Jaedong didn't play that great, especially past the 20 minute mark. Both can be true - I think both are true. What's definitely true is that Jaedong could have won this game had he played better, and not in "everything perfect god mode" ways, but in ways that are completely reasonable to expect for an elite Zerg player. I bet Effort, Soulkey, Zero, perhaps hero, and perhaps Larva (when not on stage) win that game if they get into the position Jaedong did right after the late game Muta switch. Nobody thinks BW is balanced on every map. But better players can beat worse players most of the time, on most maps. The thing is though, Last is the better player right now. Using this of all games as the prime example of TvZ imba is asinine. There are so many better examples. I've been watching Jaedong since 2006. One of Jaedong's weaknesses has always been his propensity for aggression (which is also one of his greatest strengths), and relatively mediocre game sense / late game decision making for a person who is probably the second greatest player of all time. Jaedong generally wins off of a combination of hyper aggression, and amazing mechanics. He was always able to scrape advantages other players couldn't, both because they didn't have the mechanics, and because they didn't have the balls. The problem is this playstyle is so damn effective that Jaedong never developed quite as good of "sloppy game" game sense. He still won a ton of these games because he was almost always the better player, and superior mechanics and killer instinct are still worth a lot in a sloppy game. But as soon as it looks like "attack attack attack" will work, his natural instinct is to go with that route, even if there's a better route. In this game, that situation came up after the Muta switch. He got a lot of value out of the Mutas, but he could have gotten FAR more value out of them by keeping them alive instead of throwing them away at the top left. If he keeps ~10 Mutas alive and harasses / flanks with them constantly, while taking both mineral only bases and perhaps even 3 o'clock, then he probably wins. This would have been Soulkey's instinct, and probably Effort's and Larva's as well. This is the stable way to win ZvT on Circuit Breaker once you have a brief late game advantage, because if you take both Mineral only bases, not only is the 6 o'clock gas buffered a bit, but each harass is proportionally less damaging for the very straightforward reason that when an expo is harassed when you're on 6-7 base, it's less damaging than when you're on 4-5 base. Once Jaedong lost the Mutas, all of a sudden Last could again march all the way down to the high ground outside of one of the mineral only bases. There was very little flanking, partly because Jaedong couldn't afford it having burned like 2000 / 2000 on Mutas. For all of Jaedong's great Lurker drop harass in the beginning of the late game, where was a Defiler and a Lurker under swarm to interrupt the flow of Terran units? All of this is very hard to do, but what is also getting ignored is how great Last played after the 20 minute mark. It definitely wasn't a great game by him in the first 20 minutes, but whereas a lot of Terrans would have crumbled or gotten passive, Last kept pumping out units and kept going to the high ground. It's really scary to move out as Terran when you don't have the full death ball put together, but Last kept doing it super effectively (though again would have been less effective with the threat of Mutas). Also, while Vultures are super strong, it does take a ton of work to lay mines over and over again. This is why the mineral only bases on CB benefit Zerg more than Terran. For Zerg, it just means infinity cracklings, which take very little effort to use. You can throw 6-24 cracklings at some expo on A-move in the late game and there's a decent chance they do damage. Sure they might all blow up to one mine, but Terran has to keep laying those mines. Problem is, Jaedong just never stabilized those mineral-only bases, in spite of the advantage they provide for Zerg in late game ZvT. Now you might say, "Jaedong badly wanted to kill top left, because if he doesn't it's really hard". I agree. But throwing Mutas only doesn't work. Mutas do like no damage to buildings, and as long as there are a few Factories up there, eventually enough 3-3 Goliaths will pop. It's like in PvT, as soon as the Zealots die, pull back the Dragoons. Here, as soon as you're down to just Mutas, pull them back because they are 10x more valuable as harass / flank / just being annoying, than slowing chipping away at Factories while Goliaths come out 3 at a time. This is a very straightforward concept. I'm not saying I "know better" than Jaedong - he surely knows this too, but his attack instincts are just too much sometimes in the heat of a game. I think you should read trutaCz posts here. They might not be as lenghty as your post but pretty informing on what happened in actuality. So ... as long as I don't go "omg ZvT impossible JD perfect" my opinion becomes invalid? Nothing I said here is even contradictory to anything Trutacz said! He also said that if Jaedong didn't throw away the Mutas he probably wins. Yes, Jaedong went for a build to prevent the top left, and it didn't work out for a variety of reasons, as Trutacz pointed out. I'm saying Jaedong still could have won had he made better decisions after the 20 minute mark. I'm not even disagreeing with staying on 4 base for a long time. I'm saying after the initial plan didn't work, there was still a good chance to win, but because of some of Jaedong's flaws, flaws that he's had for his entire career, he didn't adjust to the situation. I guess I had the gall to remind everyone that Last is a better player, and it's not that much of a travesty when the better player wins. Guess what, the better player usually wins in ZvP, TvZ, or PvT as the game drags out ... that's always been the nature of the game. To point to a 30 minute game where the better player won as a prime example of a matchup being broken is ludicrous. I even do think ZvT might be a tad broken at the moment, as I've noted. I'm just saying that this game isn't the best example and have at least attempted to explain my thought process. Could you be less of a jackass and at least point out what you disagree with, so we can have a productive discussion? | ||
United States3016 Posts
On May 10 2017 06:44 Last Romantic wrote: The problem with something like a 60/40 MU is then in a bo5 Z has essentially no chance - <10% to win. I don't mind the slight edge that Terran has always held over Zerg and in this particular instance agree that Jaedong could have played better. However, don't feel that JD played so markedly worse as to deserve getting crushed like that. The matchup is just not as fun to watch anymore; Z feels like it has no counterplay besides one or two small windows. Jaedong got "crushed" in a 30+ minute game where he had multiple chances to win...? The thing about ZvT series is because Zerg at least has all kinds of cheese to try to throw at Terran, the probability doesn't slope down as badly. Stuff that Zerg players wouldn't use over and over on ladder, but might pull out for a big game. Jaedong vs Flash in the last ASL was a prime example of that. So I don't think "60/40 -> 90/10" is an accurate representation of the situation. All that said, yeah, it is rough that it feels like we basically have to count on a Zerg pulling off shenanigans to win a series against an elite Terran.... | ||
Bulgaria1565 Posts
On May 10 2017 02:41 darktreb wrote: What's definitely true is that Jaedong could have won this game had he played better, and not in "everything perfect god mode" ways, but in ways that are completely reasonable to expect for an elite Zerg player. I bet Effort, Soulkey, Zero, perhaps hero, and perhaps Larva (when not on stage) win that game if they get into the position Jaedong did right after the late game Muta switch. The window to make a decision what to do with these mutas was really narrow as turrets and goliaths are cheap and built fast. Last had a huge advantage and Jaedong did a ton of miracles already to get to this point. Pretty understandable and I would consider myself behaving inappropriate if I were to judge Jaedong he should have done this or that with this specific cloud of mutas. Making 65-80% of the best possible outcome is fine and I think he did plenty of damage although surely, there *might* have been better options. On May 10 2017 02:41 darktreb wrote: One of Jaedong's weaknesses has always been... a relatively mediocre game sense / late game decision. This is straight up wrong. On May 10 2017 02:41 darktreb wrote: The problem is this playstyle is so damn effective that Jaedong never developed quite as good of "sloppy game" game sense. He still won a ton of these games because he was almost always the better player, and superior mechanics and killer instinct are still worth a lot in a sloppy game. But as soon as it looks like "attack attack attack" will work, his natural instinct is to go with that route, even if there's a better route. No, I've seen him many times calm down and capitalize on the advantages by adding additional expansions to gain even a bigger advantage. On May 10 2017 02:41 darktreb wrote: In this game, that situation came up after the Muta switch. He got a lot of value out of the Mutas, but he could have gotten FAR more value out of them by keeping them alive instead of throwing them away at the top left. If he keeps ~10 Mutas alive and harasses / flanks with them constantly, while taking both mineral only bases and perhaps even 3 o'clock, then he probably wins. This would have been Soulkey's instinct, and probably Effort's and Larva's as well. Well, again, no. The time window to decide was really narrow, it is pretty normal to not be sure what to do. There are 7 bases and while watching the whole map is easy to decide where jaedong should have went, it is not when you have the fog of war from the zerg's perspective. After the muta switch he really didn't amass enough ground army so this was his last attempt at breaking T so he should perhaps have just went straight up for the real deal to kill the top left turrets and goliaths only with scvs in the meantime, not targeting tanks as this was the closest thing to make damage on. Still, reinforcements from the terran's main would have cleared those. The other option was to take out top left mineral only and 12 oclock base while probably cutting reinforcements from the main but most probably that still wouldnt have been enough. On May 10 2017 02:41 darktreb wrote: This is the stable way to win ZvT on Circuit Breaker once you have a brief late game advantage, because if you take both Mineral only bases, not only is the 6 o'clock gas buffered a bit, but each harass is proportionally less damaging for the very straightforward reason that when an expo is harassed when you're on 6-7 base, it's less damaging than when you're on 4-5 base. Jaedong was at an enormous disadvantage throughout the whole early/mid and the majority of what i call early-late game. Not mentioning that shows a complete lack of ZvT/TvZ understanding. He briefly *looked like* being ahead, not actually ahead. On May 10 2017 02:41 darktreb wrote: Problem is, Jaedong just never stabilized those mineral-only bases, in spite of the advantage they provide for Zerg in late game ZvT. Again, read trutatCz's posts. | ||
Belgium6459 Posts
im not convinced by trutacz game plan and i really doubt that was intention,sure it is the classic 4 gaz zerg but once u are 4-2 close to the 3-3 u are ready to make moves and double expand,this is yes or yes.however this game has so many different situations to take that is amazing. | ||
Bulgaria1565 Posts
On May 10 2017 08:37 darktreb wrote: Show nested quote + On May 10 2017 06:44 Last Romantic wrote: The problem with something like a 60/40 MU is then in a bo5 Z has essentially no chance - <10% to win. I don't mind the slight edge that Terran has always held over Zerg and in this particular instance agree that Jaedong could have played better. However, don't feel that JD played so markedly worse as to deserve getting crushed like that. The matchup is just not as fun to watch anymore; Z feels like it has no counterplay besides one or two small windows. Jaedong got "crushed" in a 30+ minute game where he had multiple chances to win...? Jaedong didn't have multiple chances to win this game. On May 10 2017 08:37 darktreb wrote: The thing about ZvT series is because Zerg at least has all kinds of cheese to try to throw at Terran, the probability doesn't slope down as badly. Stuff that Zerg players wouldn't use over and over on ladder, but might pull out for a big game. Jaedong vs Flash in the last ASL was a prime example of that. So I don't think "60/40 -> 90/10" is an accurate representation of the situation. Actually, it's the other way around. Zerg has only very limited amount of allins vs T early game compared to terran's all-ins. Players of the caliber of Last don't fall to ling allins almost never so most probable allins are 4pool, 2hatch lurk, 3 hatch lurk or 2hatch/3hatch hydra bust as I wouldn't consider 3hatch muta and 2 hatch muta all in strategies. If lurk busts are rare, hydras busts are super super rare. Whereas with T you have 10x as many viable allins and variations/combinations of strategies/units to play around with. | ||
Bulgaria1565 Posts
On May 10 2017 09:14 [sc1f]eonzerg wrote: @technics he actually tried to double expand he took 6 and also sent drone to the mineral only but one mine denied it,rewatch the game.i also made the hype mistake that tastosis provided on stream.after watching the game with the korean casters i was abble to watch it calm in a more analitical perspective and you are right,Last made mistakes and thanks to that Jaedong created some holes to be exploited but he didnt.Last was ridicoulous ahead the whole game. im not convinced by trutacz game plan and i really doubt that was intention,sure it is the classic 4 gaz zerg but once u are 4-2 close to the 3-3 u are ready to make moves and double expand,this is yes or yes.however this game has so many different situations to take that is amazing. Yeah, I think it was Last who gave jaedong a chance to survive and win. Last was enormously ahead. I rewatched the game and Jaedong was very, very low on both minerals and gas and it really seems what trutacz said is true - that his intention was to go gasheavy army style (that's why he took only 6 o clock) and perhaps it was really good because Last always replenished his vulture army and he was ready at all times to harrass the mineral onlies of Jaedong. The mineral onlies are very vulnerable to vultures and Last was prepared to harrass those at all times I think. I think Jaedong knew that splitting the map with having the mineral onlies wouldnt be rewarding as he will slowly but surely die with his larger mineral bank so he used his moment to go gas heavy attack style. Yeah, if that drone placed that mineral only it would definitely have been better if it would not have hurt all jaedong's attacks the way they were. But stopping the aggression completely and giving Last time to breathe in order to invest to take and defend well these 2 mineral onlies would not have won him the game most probably. Last would have probably harrassed those with vultures and would have amassed a huge army, resource bank and factories to replenish his army while not allowing JD to take a new gas (3 or 9 o'clock). And I really can't blame JD for not moving his drone to send 1 ling to clear those mines for the drone in the heat of attacking a 7base terran while nicely denying his attacks. I really just can't. He didn't have the minerals to take and protect the 2 bases. He had for 1 mineral only (with this strategy). Sure, it would have been great if he took that one mineral only he initially wanted to. But it might have been better if he went bold and took the 9 o clock's gas expo. Still, I really don't consider myself on the needed level to fully oppose his decisions. | ||
Canada3301 Posts
Maybe tis time go to back to deviating with map concepts a little. | ||
Norway28528 Posts
TvZ: 67-67 ZvP: 64-64 PvT: 64-59 Might actually be something to how the bases are spread out. Tau cross doesn't give equal amount of bases to t and z; t only gets a 4th gas if they've already won the game, z can get 5 gas with 3 ground entry points total. Of course, it's also very possible that current meta mech switch would be kinda dominant. | ||
Canada1706 Posts
- TvZ is the most imbalanced matchup in BW history (in favor of T) - Zerg is the whiniest race in BW history | ||
Norway28528 Posts
On May 10 2017 08:00 LRM)TechnicS wrote: I think when making adjustments to MUs first thing to work on is map design. However, it takes a whole lot of work and imagination to turn words into actual results here as there's a whole lot of combination of MUs to have in mind when playing around with creating said maps. Drone, I actually think making adjustments to the TvZ matchup is not so hard of a task. I have been having this thought for some months now that targeting the medic must be the best way to start such a task. I was really amazed how I read neobowman's comment of increasing the medic build time by 3 seconds which coincided with me having the exact same thought like 5 minutes before I opened the thread to see the new replies. I thought "wow, are you inside my brain or something?" but in reality it's not so hard to figure it out. Initially my idea was to increase medic gas cost by 15 gas, but since every unit's gas cost is divisible by 25, then +15gas looks just off while +25 gas will be too much. The real options are 10-20% add to the build time or +25 minerals. The medic is literally the only unit of all Z and T units, upgrades cost and build times that we can touch and have such a calibrated result while having the most minimized effect on other MUs. don't ruin the tvp blind rush!! :[ | ||
Bulgaria1565 Posts
On May 10 2017 09:49 Dazed_Spy wrote: If zvt is so hard for zerg, I would suggest first consider changing the maps from the exact same ones that have dominated for nearly a decade. If zerg cant keep up in the meta, fuck, design a natural thats a bit more abuseable for mutalisk? Any number of features that are pro zerg or experimental can be added in. Our current meta is "4 player map, easy to take natural, symmetrical, wide open center". Maybe tis time go to back to deviating with map concepts a little. + On May 10 2017 09:54 Liquid`Drone wrote: For a truly balanced map, look at tau cross! TvZ: 67-67 ZvP: 64-64 PvT: 64-59 Might actually be something to how the bases are spread out. Tau cross doesn't give equal amount of bases to t and z; t only gets a 4th gas if they've already won the game, z can get 5 gas with 3 ground entry points total. Of course, it's also very possible that current meta mech switch would be kinda dominant. Yeah, map design is definitely the way to go at first here. The challenge is that it will really take a whole lot of efforts, imagination, headaches and possibly luck for the teams of players and mapmakers to succeed in creating the desired maps. It really should involve a lot of collaboration between the players and the mapmakers imo. | ||
United States3016 Posts
On May 10 2017 09:16 LRM)TechnicS wrote: Show nested quote + On May 10 2017 08:37 darktreb wrote: On May 10 2017 06:44 Last Romantic wrote: The problem with something like a 60/40 MU is then in a bo5 Z has essentially no chance - <10% to win. I don't mind the slight edge that Terran has always held over Zerg and in this particular instance agree that Jaedong could have played better. However, don't feel that JD played so markedly worse as to deserve getting crushed like that. The matchup is just not as fun to watch anymore; Z feels like it has no counterplay besides one or two small windows. Jaedong got "crushed" in a 30+ minute game where he had multiple chances to win...? Jaedong didn't have multiple chances to win this game. Show nested quote + On May 10 2017 08:37 darktreb wrote: The thing about ZvT series is because Zerg at least has all kinds of cheese to try to throw at Terran, the probability doesn't slope down as badly. Stuff that Zerg players wouldn't use over and over on ladder, but might pull out for a big game. Jaedong vs Flash in the last ASL was a prime example of that. So I don't think "60/40 -> 90/10" is an accurate representation of the situation. Actually, it's the other way around. Zerg has only very limited amount of allins vs T early game compared to terran's all-ins. Players of the caliber of Last don't fall to ling allins almost never so most probable allins are 4pool, 2hatch lurk, 3 hatch lurk or 2hatch/3hatch hydra bust as I wouldn't consider 3hatch muta and 2 hatch muta all in strategies. If lurk busts are rare, hydras busts are super super rare. Whereas with T you have 10x as many viable allins and variations/combinations of strategies/units to play around with. You are correct that Terran has way more cheese than Zerg. The only reason I'm saying it's a little less unfair than it looks (but still unfair) is that when a top notch Terran plays a Zerg, they tend not to be as cheesy because they feel like they can play "solid" and win. Of course, this is not good logic, because part of T > Z is things like 8 Rax beating 12 Hatch because Zerg barely mismicroed, just like part of P > T is things like the occasional DT or DT drop auto-win. But I'm just pointing out that some players fall into this mindset, and it changes the math a bit, because a "hungry" Zerg sometimes can pull out wins with speedlings, or Lurker shenanigans, or drop play, versus a Terran that they can bank on going 1 Rax FE. | ||
United States3016 Posts
However, you took some things I said out of context, and I'd like to correct that. On May 10 2017 09:10 LRM)TechnicS wrote: The window to make a decision what to do with these mutas was really narrow as turrets and goliaths are cheap and built fast. Last had a huge advantage and Jaedong did a ton of miracles already to get to this point. Pretty understandable and I would consider myself behaving inappropriate if I were to judge Jaedong he should have done this or that with this specific cloud of mutas. Making 65-80% of the best possible outcome is fine and I think he did plenty of damage although surely, there *might* have been better options. I concede that the decision to back off in the middle of a crazy game is not an easy one, especially lacking full vision. The specific moment I think he needed to reconsider was when we he moved into the top left with only ~8 Mutas left, and there was a couple Goliaths, a few Factories, and a couple Turrets still. Without lings coming in (which he did not have), there was no circumstance in which staying there was going to be beneficial. But, it's still a very hard spur of the moment decision. On May 10 2017 09:10 LRM)TechnicS wrote: Show nested quote + On May 10 2017 02:41 darktreb wrote: One of Jaedong's weaknesses has always been... a relatively mediocre game sense / late game decision. This is straight up wrong. Come on man - you're gonna quote me except also cut off the second half of what I said? That's intellectually dishonest. I said relative to how he is one of the greatest players of all time. Jaedong's game sense isn't on the level of Flash or Savior, or even Stork in some ways. I'm not saying he has mediocre game sense overall. Of course you don't become one of the 2-5 greatest players ever without being great in just about any way that matters. But Jaedong's calling card was mechanical dominance and will to win. This is similar to saying that Flash's raw mechanics (until nowadays) might not be as great as you'd expect given that he's the best player of all time. On May 10 2017 09:10 LRM)TechnicS wrote: Show nested quote + On May 10 2017 02:41 darktreb wrote: The problem is this playstyle is so damn effective that Jaedong never developed quite as good of "sloppy game" game sense. He still won a ton of these games because he was almost always the better player, and superior mechanics and killer instinct are still worth a lot in a sloppy game. But as soon as it looks like "attack attack attack" will work, his natural instinct is to go with that route, even if there's a better route. No, I've seen him many times calm down and capitalize on the advantages by adding additional expansions to gain even a bigger advantage. I didn't say he never calms down and adds expansions. I said his natural instinct is to end games quickly when he can. He's not a robot who follows it 100% of the time, but you can't deny that he goes for the kill with higher frequency than most players. When the ZvP meta had moved toward big time turtling, Jaedong adopted it well and went, what, a whole year without losing a ZvP basically? Of course he can do the other stuff, he's Jaedong. On May 10 2017 09:10 LRM)TechnicS wrote: Show nested quote + On May 10 2017 02:41 darktreb wrote: In this game, that situation came up after the Muta switch. He got a lot of value out of the Mutas, but he could have gotten FAR more value out of them by keeping them alive instead of throwing them away at the top left. If he keeps ~10 Mutas alive and harasses / flanks with them constantly, while taking both mineral only bases and perhaps even 3 o'clock, then he probably wins. This would have been Soulkey's instinct, and probably Effort's and Larva's as well. Well, again, no. The time window to decide was really narrow, it is pretty normal to not be sure what to do. There are 7 bases and while watching the whole map is easy to decide where jaedong should have went, it is not when you have the fog of war from the zerg's perspective. After the muta switch he really didn't amass enough ground army so this was his last attempt at breaking T so he should perhaps have just went straight up for the real deal to kill the top left turrets and goliaths only with scvs in the meantime, not targeting tanks as this was the closest thing to make damage on. Still, reinforcements from the terran's main would have cleared those. The other option was to take out top left mineral only and 12 oclock base while probably cutting reinforcements from the main but most probably that still wouldnt have been enough. I agree he had to go for top left. I'm just saying that without ground reinforcements, there's no way a handful of Mutas was ever going to take it. But in that situation, to even make it into the top left base, it's fair that the instinct is you just gotta throw everything you got at it if there's any chance at all you can take it out. I still think there has to be a trigger where it's like, Mutas alone cannot possibly take top left out by themselves. Similar to "Zealots gone -> pull Dragoons back". On May 10 2017 09:10 LRM)TechnicS wrote: Show nested quote + On May 10 2017 02:41 darktreb wrote: This is the stable way to win ZvT on Circuit Breaker once you have a brief late game advantage, because if you take both Mineral only bases, not only is the 6 o'clock gas buffered a bit, but each harass is proportionally less damaging for the very straightforward reason that when an expo is harassed when you're on 6-7 base, it's less damaging than when you're on 4-5 base. Jaedong was at an enormous disadvantage throughout the whole early/mid and the majority of what i call early-late game. Not mentioning that shows a complete lack of ZvT/TvZ understanding. He briefly *looked like* being ahead, not actually ahead. All I'm saying is that there was a brief moment where Last was on his heels. Maybe Jaedong wasn't straight up "ahead", but he was in a playable position. On May 10 2017 09:10 LRM)TechnicS wrote: Show nested quote + On May 10 2017 02:41 darktreb wrote: Problem is, Jaedong just never stabilized those mineral-only bases, in spite of the advantage they provide for Zerg in late game ZvT. Again, read trutatCz's posts. Maybe it's a reading mixup. I was making a general comment about the value of those mineral only bases. I also pointed out that Jaedong never stabilized them, thus hurting him. I'm not saying it was easy to do so, or even the right thing (perhaps the resources were better spent elsewhere, like he did). Just saying those mineral only bases help Zerg a lot and thus it's a consideration to try to secure them. But maybe in this game Jaedong's windows of opportunity were just too small like you said, and he had no realistic opportunity to secure those because it would have squandered his momentum. After all, even by not taking the mineral only bases sooner, he still wasn't able to create enough forward damage momentum. | ||
United States3016 Posts
On May 10 2017 09:55 SlayerS_BunkiE wrote: With the length of time I've spent on TL, I can make either or both of the following conclusions: - TvZ is the most imbalanced matchup in BW history (in favor of T) - Zerg is the whiniest race in BW history As you noted, it's possible for both to be true! But in all seriousness, ZvP has also been super broken for long periods of time (just not today), and Protoss has had by far the least success overall. But everyone else turns on Protoss players when they complain =P | ||
China10252 Posts
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