TL ID- Northstar20
ICcup ID- Northstar20
Rank- N/A
Race- Protoss (but willing to switch if another race fits my strengths and weaknesses better)
Extra info- I have been watching the Starcraft franchise for a long time, but I have always let my anxiety about the game stop me from delving in very deep. I played SC2 but only managed to crack silver league, I actually played more bot games than ladder game because of the anxiety. I am looking to network a group of friends who I can play SC with to finally get into the game I have wanted to for so long.
TL ID- Kodan
ICCup ID: oldwoops
Rank: D+
race- zerg
would love to play anytime.
I'm getting back into BW after not playing since high school so I'd love to have someone to practice with in the evening.
USwest ID: FUPAnator Race: Terran Timezone: Pacific
TL ID - 9-bit US West ID - fathereatsass Race - Terran Rank - Bad Timezone - Pacific
I just played the first game since 2010. Fuck this game is fun. Get on #teamliquid #gls #teamliquidbw on quakenet and yell at me for a game
I'm D protoss. Getting better every game. Good times
Nick is Crizpy.. cya there =)
USeast: Bjarnelawkstrou
Race: Terran
Rank- IDK, i'm shit enough that i find protoss very imbalanced in some situations and zerg just frustrating because they can defend everything off so few drones and crackling drops are riddiculous, but i do enjoy the game.
Timezone: Atlantic
Discord: https://discord.gg/HkaDv7g
I have no schedule but feel free to join the discord and converse with other players that are hopefully looking for practice.
Created an account on TL cause I'm getting back into SC. Played SC2 in high school. Diamond Zerg and Terran before masters and grand masters ladders were created. Got frustrated with the moving of goal posts and quit. Always found BW a much greater challenge and wanted to get decent at it
Race: Terran
Rank: D-. I'm trying to get down basic builds for all races and work on my mechanics.
Timezone: Central Standard
Hello, I'm looking for someone who could help me with SC1 and maybe SC2. I haven't played SC in ages, but i feel like coming back to this game.
TL ID: Powerslave ICCup ID: Rank: eee, no idea Max Rank: same as before Race: I like Zerg and Protoss the most Extra Info: European, would love to chat on Discord during training
Looking for some practice partners
TL: Overtime64 Iccup ID: US East ID: Overtime Rank: Unranked, probably D- Race: Protoss Extra Info: US East, but can play west also
United States1433 Posts
I'm looking for a good terran and Protoss practice partner who is willing to play several back to back games, maybe 10. I'm a zerg and am a- rank on iccup, e rank on fish
I'm looking for someone to play 2-3 games against in evenings in KST timezone or somewhere around that. I'm a complete beginner, have watched a lot of tournaments in my time, so I know the theory and basics, but have never played, so my mechanics are quite pathetic.
Playing 1.18, Asia server, can play Fish server too. Nickname rizzin Race: Zerg
TL ID- Alur
ICcup ID- Alurr_
Rank- D
max Rank C- (years ago)
Race- Terran
Extra info: European
Extra info- Timezone: CET
Fish ID: ItsWayz US East ID: Wayz US West ID: Wayz Race: Zerg Rank: D
TL ID: lob_star iCCup ID: CasualLobster Rank: D Max Rank: D Race: Zerg Extra Info: Usually on at 8-9:30 PM EST. Hit up my discord: Casual Lobster#1553 Fish ID: lob_sta
Looking for lowish level Protoss/Zerg players to practice against. I used to play a while back and I want to relearn.
TL ID: Khaosgr3nade iCCup ID: Khaosgr3nade Rank: D Max Rank: D Race: Terran Extra Info: Message on Discord I'm on there more Khaosgr3nade#3805 Fish ID:
I'm playing on USE really low level
TL ID: Antifate iCCup ID: Rank: D Max Rank: D Race: Terran Extra Info: USEast Fish ID:
TLID: Chameleon Iccup: no longer active, was [PUR]Chameleon US West ID: Chameleonia Current rank: not sure, bad+ to ok- Max rank: At least C-, I think C Race: Protoss, but willing to work on my off racing to help new players. Extra: Mostly just on West until remastered. Been a big big broodwar fan since about 2006, better fan than player. Sadly stopped playing when proleague died and everyone moved to...that other game. Ecstatic that bw is back and really hoping for a big influx of players with remastered. Msg me on West or on TL. Bonus points if you wanna play some fun proleague or starleague maps instead of just fighting spirit all the time.
TL ID- klairg
ICcup ID- klairg
Rank- D-
max Rank D
Race- Terran
Extra info: European
Extra info- Timezone: GMT+1, add me on discord or battle net I would like to be on vocal while playing it's more fun. bnet : Clairgé#2680 discord RitterSport #4025
*Reposting to update info*
US East: Tryce
Timezone: (UTC-06:00) Central Time
Race: T
Rank: N/A
Novice level, macro needs work. Would love to voice chat and discuss. (Discord: Tryce#2843)
Trying to get good lol Learning as much as possible hmu
Netherlands4511 Posts
I am looking for practice partners that are willing to mass game please lemme know!
Zergs/Terran especially!
shield battery or iccup