Everybody has confirmed! Game will start Thursday, Jan 26 10:00pm GMT (GMT+00:00) in . Roles will be sent 1 hour before the start of the game. Remember that you're expected to be able to vote or nominate a team pretty often in this setup, so if something IRL happens and you need to be replaced please warn the hosts ASAP:
On January 10 2017 07:17 Rels wrote: On their turn, team leaders MUST nominate a team. If they do not, they will receive a warning. During each voting phase, each player MUST vote. If they do not, they will receive a warning and the vote will count as rejection of the current team. A second warning will result in a replacement. No ifs, no buts.
RNGesus has spoken. Here is the team leader nomination order:
Team Leader Nomination Order
- RtaniSoul
- Tumblewood
- Half the Sky
- Vivax
- Silverika
- sicklucker
- Grackaroni
- Superbia
- Chairman Ray
Discharged this morning, as expected. I'll be okay. Looking forward to another good game of resistance. I missed this so much.
I have a copy of Resistance Avalon at home too, but it's been ages since I've been able to play that live with friends.
gl hf all. Thanks to our lovely hosting trio for running the show.
man cakepie and disfo are doing a kickass work on that flavor. You all better have a great game that goes to the final mission so we can witness it
Most of the text is still lorem ipsum lol
also cake is doing 90-95% of the actual work
On January 26 2017 22:12 disformation wrote: also cake is doing 90-95% of the actual work
I'd expect nothing less
Being a muse is hard work, too. y'know =p
<3 disformation <3 cakepie
Also shoutout to Tina...I know time is limited these days but hopefully this will reflect like the days of old (think Carol/Student Mafia 4...)
It's been too long.
It'll probably be me doing most of the posting honestly but hopefully I'm wrong!
I'm thinking that maybe the first nomination should immediately pass without a 24 hours discussion phase. That way we actually have something to discuss, the outcome, as there is no lynching and otherwise we will just be talking about who should go on a mission without any actual arguments to support a decision.
Like in voice I think no one was intent to oppose anyone on the first team anyway, when we played. It was mostly just seeing if it fails or not, there wasn't anything to discuss.
On January 27 2017 00:58 Vivax wrote: I'm thinking that maybe the first nomination should immediately pass without a 24 hours discussion phase. That way we actually have something to discuss, the outcome, as there is no lynching and otherwise we will just be talking about who should go on a mission without any actual arguments to support a decision.
Like in voice I think no one was intent to oppose anyone on the first team anyway, when we played. It was mostly just seeing if it fails or not, there wasn't anything to discuss. That's might not a bad idea. But we won't change the rules so close to the start of the game. Plus, I don't know if I agree that the first 24 hours are totally useless. In a normal mafia game, the first hours are kinda useless to determine alignments, but pretty important to start the game. Regardless of what I think of it though, I don't want to change something this impactful hours before the start. For example it could mean that someone thought he needed to absolutely log in Saturday to not miss the vote, and that he could slack off Thursday during the first nomination; and when he comes back Saturday he actually missed a vote a got a warning.
On January 27 2017 00:58 Vivax wrote: I'm thinking that maybe the first nomination should immediately pass without a 24 hours discussion phase. That way we actually have something to discuss, the outcome, as there is no lynching and otherwise we will just be talking about who should go on a mission without any actual arguments to support a decision.
Like in voice I think no one was intent to oppose anyone on the first team anyway, when we played. It was mostly just seeing if it fails or not, there wasn't anything to discuss.
Brings back some very bad memories from my last resistance game. With respect to day 1 play, part of the problem was that I had RNGed team leader in the #1 slot and of course that was the day I was stuck at the airport on my way home for 12 of those 24 hours, so I wasn't quite able to prove myself town enough - I made good enough reads to nominate completely town teams both with myself on the team and without myself on the team. But people were not willing to give me a chance.
All of my suggestions were shot down without mission being put to pass/fail.
In real life resistance, I have made team nominations without myself on the team especially if I know people are sceptical of me...but I'm very good at reading people IRL. In game here it depends on how you articulate yourself.
So hopefully all of us near the top of the list have good enough availability for a decent chance at reads/reasonable gameplay on everyone's part...I for one am not travelling this upcoming week so I should be in the clear.
sharkie, darthfoley or anyone else, have you played this a bit IRL?
Yep I have played The resistance in real life!
On January 27 2017 00:58 Vivax wrote: I'm thinking that maybe the first nomination should immediately pass without a 24 hours discussion phase. That way we actually have something to discuss, the outcome, as there is no lynching and otherwise we will just be talking about who should go on a mission without any actual arguments to support a decision.
Like in voice I think no one was intent to oppose anyone on the first team anyway, when we played. It was mostly just seeing if it fails or not, there wasn't anything to discuss.
Please no. =/
Résistance VI
La lutte pour la liberté sur la Loire
Welcome to Montlouis-sur-Loire, a village nestled along the banks of the Loire, in the Touraine region. You are in the Garden of France, the Val de Loire, known for its fine wines, beautiful vistas, its exceptional cultural landscape of historic cities and villages, and the grand architecture of its châteaux.
But the year is 1942, and these things matter not. France is under occupation; the world is at war.
It has been two years since the German invasion punched through the Low Countries and completely outflanked the strong prepared defenses of the Maginot Line. Using their air superiority and armoured mobility, German forces drove the British back across the Channel and pushed deep into France, causing the government to flee from Paris in disarray, and ultimately forcing the capitulation of the remaining French forces.
Welcome to a France that has been subjugated to the needs of the German war machine. Agriculture, mining, industry — everything goes toward the war effort. Food is strictly rationed. Fuel is in short supply. Factories are put to work manufacturing weapons, vehicles, tanks and other war materiel. Even the workforce is not to be spared, with the recent introduction of Service du travail obligatoire, the conscription and deportation of French people to serve as forced labour in work camps on German soil, compensating for the German loss of manpower as it continues to enlist more and more soldiers.
To top it all off, under the conditions of the Second Armistice of Compiègne, France is obliged to pay for the costs of the German occupation forces: 20 million Reichsmark per day.
Two years ago from the BBC in London, General de Gaulle delivered his radio address « À tous les Français » :
« Le dernier mot est-il dit ? L’espérance doit-elle disparaître ? La défaite est-elle définitive ? Non ! ... Car la France n’est pas seule ! Elle n’est pas seule ! Elle n’est pas seule ! »
“Has the last word been said? Must hope disappear? Is defeat final? No! ... For France is not alone! She is not alone! She is not alone!”
« Quoi qu’il arrive, la flamme de la résistance française ne doit pas s’éteindre et ne s’éteindra pas. »
“Whatever happens, the flame of the French resistance must not be extinguished and will not be extinguished.”
This marked the beginning of La Résistance.
Here too, in Montlouis-sur-Loire, La Résistance has not been idle. Thus far, the flame here has been kept hidden, burning in the shadows.
But not for much longer.
Silence please! Roles will now be randomized, and PMs will be going out soon. Game will start in . Please wait for the Mission 1 post to begin posting. Bonne chance à tous, et amusez vous bien!
All role PMs should be out. If by mistake you didn't receive one, contact me ASAP.
Resistance VI FAQ
Can I ask questions to the hosts ?
Not publicly in thread. Ask any questions you have to the hosts with private messages. Do not talk about anything you might have talked about with the hosts in thread.
When it's my turn to nominate a team, how do I do it ?
You nominate the team directly in thread, using the pattern ##nominate: Player1, Player2 etc. You can change your nomination as many times as you want until the deadline.
When a team has been nominated, how do I vote ?
You vote by PMing the hosts "APPROVE" or "REJECT". You can change your vote as many times as you like until the deadline. You can talk about your vote in thread if you want, but only the last vote sent to the vote will be official. At deadline the hosts will publish the votes; if there is a majority of APPROVE, the team is sent; if not, the next team leader takes its turn.
If I'm on a team that got sent to a mission, what do I do ?
If you are a member of the Resistance, nothing. If you are a Spy: - if you want to sabotage the mission, send "SABOTAGE" to the hosts. You can change your mind as many times before deadline - the last PM will count. - if you do not want to sabotage the mission, do nothing.
What happens if a team leader fails to nominate a team ?
They get a warning. No team gets nominated, and the next team leader takes its turn. The number of nomination left before the auto-accepted team gets decreased.
What happens if the fifth leader fails to nominate a team ?
They get a warning. The next team leader takes its turn as if he was the fifth leader.
What happens if a player fails to vote to accept or reject a nominated team ?
That player gets a warning. The vote is counted as REJECT.
What is the deal with warnings ?
If you ever get two warnings, you will be replaced. That is because a game of resistance is usually ruined if a player becomes inactive, as unlike a normal game of mafia, they cannot be lynched / vig'd.
Can I talk about the wording of my role PM ?
No. And I updated the OP with the role PM templates.
Am I an awesome person ?
Yes, since you like playing Resistance.