The internet is a funny thing; I find have a love/hate relationship with it which sometimes borders more on hate than love. But like most things, it is what you decide to make of it. And after several years visiting TL.Net and numerous accounts (not that numerous), much of what I hate about the internet has vanished for me here.
But part of losing one's anonymity comes the consequence of actually being responsible for one's actions. I don't post a whole bunch and certainly read a lot more than I contribute, but that doesn't mean I haven't lost the ability to post without repercussion that extends beyond a simple banning.
I'm an inconsistent poster and I make bullshit posts as often as I make decent posts - it's the way I've always posted on any forum and I doubt that's going to change. Still, in being a poster of somewhat random context I've also managed to find that people either like me or hate me, with no one occupying the fence. As such I don't put a lot of stock in something like a blog rating where I assume people who enjoy my posts might come here, read a post, give it a decent vote and other people will come here, grit their teeth, and give me a less than decent vote. But that's fair and that's the internet.
Still, it bothers me that I've been a dick to people under the cloak of anonymity and I want to use this blog to address that.
PuertoRican: I made a lot of dickish posts in your direction after last year's WCG. Someone I consider a good friend said something bad about you and I went all 'internetassassin' on your ass for no real reason besides heresay. It was definately undeserved. All things put aside, you seem to be a stand up guy and do a ton of work with GGL and the Brood War community is better because of you. Thanks for that. You don't need some pisspot like me dissing you for no reason and I apologize for that.
LastShadow: Dude, you crack me up and I enjoy your posts for that reason. But you give a guy like me so much friggin' ammo for random meaningless posts that I'm worried I've crossed the line once or twice. Hell, I know I have. At least you actually put the effort into watching replays and responding to strategy forum posts. Your posts end up being much more worthwhile than my crafty one-liners featuring Morgan Freeman quotes.
And I'm sure there's more but my cat is hungry and I have to go feed her.
So that's it for now =]