Un fucking believeable... Get to my promo to plat. 3 games in a row i get the same jungler who runs into lanes, does stupid shit and dies.... 2 games in a row i get the same trynd that dies 5 times in 10 minutes.... 3 games my team is utter garbadge....
Why does this shit always happen in promo games
Had one of those shitter teams where we're winning the whole game, im carrying and doing my job but everythings still my fucking fault.
I roam bot and push towers.
4v5 mid, for whatever reason they fight instead of defending the turret and trade 2 for 1. I push bot and get 2 turrets.
"J4????????????" "J4 u really should have been there then" "WTF j4" "omg..."
2 turrets < a couple kills.
I replied they shouldnt have fought and instead defended turret. I was told that "they started the fight" to which i replied, dont get caught then? because fuck you, mr 8/4 support thresh.
I don't understand. We have jungle Khazix and top Nasus. Then mid decides to pick Zed? How do people get out of silver with so little basic understanding of the game?
Player 1: i main ad but Player 2: play ad
Player 1 thinks that Player 2 means that Player 2 wants to AD. Are people in this game really this stupid?
I may be forced to buy the bouquet ward skin simply for the mass kissing-sound potential at the end of a steamroll with an inventory full of wards.
So fucking frustrated right now.
Finally hit 30, queue up for some soloq ranked. See how I can do. For fucks sake, i go 3/0, 5/0. 5/0, in mid. but wonderful i have a garen that lets a rengar free farm for 20 fucking minutes, all teh while our lee is feeding him kills now and then. a bot lane that dumpsters their lane for the first 10 minutes then goes derp mode and cant get a fucking kill for the next 30minutes. Or an adc that runs from every gank and engage he is given, and goes 0/8, all the while crying that the jungler is killstealing. Its like a goddamned shit show.
enemy maokai and cho mid are duo'd.
Maokai after a red buff start goes level 2 snare and mid. WHO THE FUCK DOES THAT SHIT???? Like it's so fucking stupid to lose 2/3's of your HP simply because the duo decided to completely fuck you with a level 2 gank.
United Kingdom50293 Posts
On January 30 2014 18:37 Amui wrote: enemy maokai and cho mid are duo'd.
Maokai after a red buff start goes level 2 snare and mid. WHO THE FUCK DOES THAT SHIT???? Like it's so fucking stupid to lose 2/3's of your HP simply because the duo decided to completely fuck you with a level 2 gank. Lol I've sometimes done level 2 ganks on olaf/J4 just for the surprise motherfucker factor. Then you actually get level 2 ganked yourself and table flip, sometimes going full retard just works. Level two maokai gank though, that's some new meta shit.
Woke up thus morning still annoyed about this game from.last night have to vent in full...
We get in game, I'm mid lux, we got a Jung lee who is "serious about this ranked man I'll own", his name is swagmasta...ok that should've been a sign but whatever. we got an Annie Caitlyn bot so that should be good. anyway. me vs. yasuo mid, I just play safe, poke his shield down over and over and farm, I'm winning farm by about 15, I'm at 75cs at 10min. yasuo and I both roam a little, he is 0/1 I'm 1/0, and out botlane was stomping, score when bot got their tower is 5/1 us. the Annie is communicating a lot things are good it would seem...uh no. then we realise our top lane opponent, a rengar, has been free farming essentially, our garen just sits under tower, then goes and farms, then goes back, no pressure or harass or any attempt at it.
whatever the game goes on. 20min rolls by, after more roaming, I'm 5/0, got my athenes, voidstaff, spec boots, goin we'll. our cait is 5/0 too, both of us have a respectable farm, about 160. the rengar has 190...our top turret goes down. the garen is already crying that we are all terrible. but whatever everything else is going well, we took the second bottom turret and the first mid, only lost our first top turret. their bot lane has only a kill.or.two and the yasuo is 2/3. yeah well our Annie goes full DO WHAT I SAY BITCHEZ I'M FUCKIN PRO TEIR RAMBO ANNIE FUCK TIBBRRS I CAN INITIATE WITH MY FACE AHHHH WHY ARENT YOU ALL DIVING AFTER ME. the Annie ends up 1/18, the yasuo gets fed to 24/5, the rengar was fed from garen just going full Yolo at him all game and shit just falls apart.
I swear to god, normals are better then this. it makes me wanna punt a baby penguin into the maw of a killer whale. had a fucking fantastically good time in normals getting.to lvl30, click that ranked button and omgwtf. in 4.losses I've been the only one on my team with a positive kda. 1/7 toplaners ahoy! don't forget those 0/8 fucking adcs who, oh totally just got all my kills stolen wtfomg it's not cuz I don't know what an autoattack is or the fact that I run away when my support initiates cuz yeah let them die then go 1v2 cuz that's pro as fuck or whatever the fuck they think......sigh
Not a single gank all game vs. renekton top -_-
that was a thoroughly un-fun game
Yay, 3rd series in a row lost to plat 2. Gotta love dem series, sure makes this game fun lel xd I just love going 1-2 and not moving up a division after winning a bunch straight before that.
Just need to vent here...
Teammate Karma mid, goes 0-7 vs Heimerdinger, asks us all to surrender because he is fed, all other players are positive and doing well.
Blames others all game and makes terrible decisions.
Were coming back into the game...
"we cant win this, i'm leaving"
goes AFK.
Seriously. I even offered to swap lanes with her.
Alright, time to fucking rage.
0/5 mid 2/6 ADC 2/9 support
Mid - im going afk - afks 5 minutes Botlane - shit talks their duoQ botlane then gets owned (fucking hillarious.)
Their top olaf takes ghost into my J4, as any normal dude does, i ult on CD for free kills and a fed mundo. He gets all pissy.
Botlane then sits there whining the whole game how the 3/0/8 jarvan (me) hasnt ganked at all when i went down there twice and picked up 4 kills from it. They just start running around feeding on purpose.
End of the game - Report karthus afking and botlane feeding please.
Olaf - Lol fuck you J4 ur the only one reported. Karthus - fuck you J4 reported noob Botlane - fucking faggot cunt no ganks noob jungler reported.
The rest of the dudes leave and im left with 4 reports while they get one each. THEY FUCKING STATED THEY WERE GOING AFK / GOING TO FEED AND THEN DID IT, HOW DOES THAT NOT DESERVE A REPORT?
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3/8 riven, feeds 0/5 in lane, fought renekton at EVERY opportunity she could when she was 0/3 and he is at 3/0 (farm same situation) and wonders why she dies. Fights when i ping "On my way" then asks where i was.
Bot lane - 0/7/13 alistar who cant combo and denied at least 5+ kills with headbutting people away.
10/12 draven who thinks he is gods fucking gift to the world flaming like a bitch all game and doesnt even know how his ult works. He kept telling me to "look at ali look at ali" - well im looking at you facechecking 3 people i knew were there but didnt ping because IT WAS FUCKING OBVIOUS TO EVERYONE.
Mid lane? She did well, i was so disheartened i turned down her offer of duoQ though. 9/3 or something Akali.
If i went top, bot failed, if i went bot, top failed. Had a situation where i secured double kill bot, they took tower, KEPT PUSHING and got caught by the respawning bot, jungler and mid we pinged SS 2 minutes prior. The top died while i was getting the kills and was spamming "NO HELP, WHERE TEAM, WHERE HELP"
I ended 2/1/17. How much harder do i need to carry?