The Shikyo Memorial for QQ Therapy - Page 530
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57 Corvette
Canada5941 Posts
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United States46 Posts
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Mozambique16569 Posts
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Canada12016 Posts
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Australia2470 Posts
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Mozambique16569 Posts
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Denmark4564 Posts
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Mozambique16569 Posts
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United States8519 Posts
Level 1- lets Leona walk right up to her without autoing her once (even after I cc Leona). Leona was in vision the whole time. I don't know how you let a Leona walk up to you, stun you, and get you killed at level 1. In your own damn minion wave. Like what the fuck. That is some serious amount of suckage right there. This wasn't a level 2 all in. It was Leona and Sivir getting to lane, me conking Leona in the head, then Leona walking up to Jinx and stunning her. Then Jinx dying to Sivir. That's it. | ||
France2198 Posts
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United States540 Posts
On January 23 2014 16:36 krndandaman wrote: i fucking hate solo queue right now. this isn't a qq of how I lost, because I won 2 and lost 1 game. but the amount of effort I had to put in was ridiculous. im forcefully carrying these kids and these wins don't even feel good. people are just so fucking uncarryable/bad. 1st game double dc first 5 minutes, i'm a mundo against master yi. I get camped and am unable to do anything. I ride it out until the people come back and eventually we come back thanks to some nice TP's by me and the dc'd morgana who came back was actually decent. however, we fucking got 2 barons stolen thanks to our stvicious jungler and we lost the last team fight. 2nd game im support janna, get first tower in 5 minutes with a double kill and get 2nd tower within 7 minutes. made nice rotations, got dragon at 10 minutes and snowballed the game hard. took us fucking 35 minutes to end because people kept yoloing for kills and diving turrets. there was not really a big threat to lose this game but it was a fucking waste of time. 3rd game top nasus vs kayle. I am 300 stacks by 18 min or so and have solo killed kayle twice. I have turret and made some tp ganks to help teammates. gragas dc's and we're 4v5 and fucking shaco gets caught 24/7 doing something stupid. luckily, im just so ridiculously fed with 5 items and 500 stacks at the 35 minute mark that we're able to hold. this one took 45 minutes with us actually losing an inhibitor due to dc+ getting caught. fuck man im so mentally exhausted from these 3 games that I can't play anymore. soloqueue is such a pain but I want to get diamond asap before the year gets busier. If you assume that your average teammate is equal to your average opponent, and you are yourself about equal to the average player in every game, then you'd have a 50% chance of winning every game. Those wins when shit hits the fan and you're supposed to lose, but don't, are the ones that put you above the 50% mark and let you advance in rank/mmr. So kudos to you, you're moving up =) | ||
Canada10567 Posts
0-1 for the next one. Zed DC for 15 min OP. Failed second promo as well. Vi is far too good at ganking midlane unless you have a blink. It's so fucking stupid to get Q flash ulted into free kill even if you have flash up because so much of vi's burst is frontloaded. Lost next game because team is retarded. Can't carry =( | ||
Mozambique16569 Posts
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United States776 Posts
i ended the game with 400 armor nasus(ignores 80% of physical damage, wtf OP). could, not, carry. trist was 16-1 before lane phase ended. she buys bork LW, doesn't matter, still rapes everything. what the fuck is the bad. | ||
Canada11044 Posts
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1073 Posts
Ping like crazy --> Engage --> everyone runs Ok fine, lets counter engage. Enemy engages -> Jump on team (Once caught FOUR members in a J4 ult) -> everyone runs. Ok fine...lets defend the squishies? Squishies run away or into them and die. My worst moment of the day is the caitlyn who would constantly spam back back back back back and never do a fucknig thing in teamfights. Holy shit the spamming of back and being abandoned time after time so infuriating 2/8/11 J4 and 0/7/13 Leona because my teams literally refused to follow up when i let them know well in advance and get good engages. Grr. | ||
Mozambique16569 Posts
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United States15977 Posts
sadface | ||
United States8519 Posts
Then are like "Where is my dead just respawning teammate." Someone even said "wait for x person." Then are like "Gragas has an abyssal and no Zhonya's! No wonder we lost!" (I was was against an Akali). Yeah, walking into an Akali 2v5 doesn't have anything to do with why we lost. | ||
United Kingdom50293 Posts
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