On January 22 2014 22:53 57 Corvette wrote: My friend is a bigger retard magnet than destiny's overlord and yet I keep duo queueing with him knowing whats gonna happen. I am dumb.
Oh I got the same friend !
Been playing support because that's how I can let someone "carry" other than myself and keep stupid people alive when they overextend... although people are just too heavy to carry as support most of the time. It's just insane how many just keep insisting on making stupid choices all the time. And getting mapcontrol is just exhausting... Warding? Mostly me. Pinks? ONLY me. Sweepers? You gotta be kidding me. This game is not that difficult, the people playing it make it difficult for me. I wish I could play a carry lane, but that just makes botlane that much more dangerous to fucking up, and I can't risk that because supports are too incompetent most of the time, thinking they can play Leona and YOLO24/7SWAGTAGALLDAYERRYDAY
Well lately I've always had the retards and the afk in my team, I mean, what the fuck have I done to deserve this. I'm playing fine, paying attention to my position, what do I risk, etc, bull all my mates don't even know what does position means. They just randomly dive in teamfight and leave me alone vs WW/Shen, yeah that's smart. And at 4v3 they still lose.
I mea, when they have Ashe that can stun me, Annie sup full ap who WANTS to stun me, Shen who WANTS to taunt me, WW who WANTS to ult me and Ziggs that can zone me so hard if I get close I'll be in range of every cc in earth.
I was Lucian I had Soraka support. Ofc a single silence on Annie in lane isn't going to save me from all the burst.
I swear to god I don't fucking deserved to get placed in silver 1 after placements, after being Gold 3 during S3.
Jungling is a nightmare after they reset the divisions. Every game I have people on my team shit talking me. Not just whining, I mean straight up shit talking. One time I was bot setting up a gank where we got a kill. All the way up at top our renekton dies 1v1 to their rumble. As soon as he dies /all raging about how I suck as a jungler and wouldn't help him. What. The. Fuck.
I get fb and double kill on countergank mid as Vi. 2nd blue of the game spawns and I proceed to take it. 30sec later Annie curses at me for not getting blue and immediately runs back to base and curses more and says she's gonna afk. 5min later we get the "Quit" notice, she got kicked for being inactive. We actually were like 15-20 score and we're holding our own 4v5 for like 10min. We had the lead when she afk'd. The immaturity of some people like wtf?
There goes 15 elo.
I hate this game sometimes. 1-8 or something like that today, 1-12 or something like that in last bunch of games. Just been playing really poorly as of late(enough to win, not enough to carry), although some games are just uncarryable(I know fizz beats lux, but do you have to die 5 times before 6 to prove it?) and 3 DC's throughout the day.
On a team with Shen and Nasus, I had the most resists 36 minutes in as Jinx. Awesome.
New York City13113 Posts
In a 20minute game, Shen and Alistar finished a combined 0/25/7 and 40cs. Shen got destroyed by Pantheon, giving up 8 kills in 10 minutes. So naturally, he does what you are supposed to do when you're getting wrecked by Pantheon:
+ Show Spoiler +
+ Show Spoiler +He didn't finish it. His final build, 20 minutes in, was Merc Treads (yes, Merc Treads vs Pantheon) and Recurve Bow
That feel when you shit on enemy top laner and he talks shit despite winning with a score of 0-3-3 yeah bro TEAMWORK aka get carried
The feeling when youre in promo and you get a duo and a poppy mid.......ONLY IN PROMOS
On January 27 2014 00:24 GrandInquisitor wrote:In a 20minute game, Shen and Alistar finished a combined 0/25/7 and 40cs. Shen got destroyed by Pantheon, giving up 8 kills in 10 minutes. So naturally, he does what you are supposed to do when you're getting wrecked by Pantheon: + Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler +He didn't finish it. His final build, 20 minutes in, was Merc Treads (yes, Merc Treads vs Pantheon) and Recurve Bow
Have to get merc treads vs Pantheon so that when he ults near you, the slow is gone 35% faster.
I seriously hate league sometimes. Going 2-3 in my 5th plat series is such a shitty feeling. Imma take a break for a week while I wallow in sadness.
game tilts me so hard i just obliterate my lane every game then watch as the mouthbreather that i just demolished ends up getting double kill after double kill against my support nid + cait (that's losing to a vayne lane from level 1)
then the enemy laner pads his stats by eating my teammates and i can't do jack shit against BotRK+PD at 18-minute vayne
i realize that the numbers don't mean as much as the W/L, but going 6-6-4 in a game where i was up 3 kills and 30cs only to be the only threat (and therefore, focus of the enemy team every fight) and working my ass off for every kill, only to see my braindead lane opponent end up 13-6-10 on virtue of feeding off my teammates makes me so salty.
also what's up with all these bloodthirsty junglers? since season 4 started, i'd say that i've gotten the kill on a gank maybe less than 20% of the time? junglers just save all their spells for the killing blow (before proceeding to not carry at all). it honestly feels like if i didn't use my stuff to get the opponent low, my jungler would just run alongside them all the way into their base, just vulturing until they could get the killing blow that would never come
On January 27 2014 17:44 gtrsrs wrote: game tilts me so hard i just obliterate my lane every game then watch as the mouthbreather that i just demolished ends up getting double kill after double kill against my support nid + cait (that's losing to a vayne lane from level 1)
then the enemy laner pads his stats by eating my teammates and i can't do jack shit against BotRK+PD at 18-minute vayne
i realize that the numbers don't mean as much as the W/L, but going 6-6-4 in a game where i was up 3 kills and 30cs only to be the only threat (and therefore, focus of the enemy team every fight) and working my ass off for every kill, only to see my braindead lane opponent end up 13-6-10 on virtue of feeding off my teammates makes me so salty.
You are missing "the best part", when your lane opponent starts writing how he carry/carried this shit xD And if they do this just to annoy you because you beat the shit out of them, I would accept it. It's childish but I can live with it, however, most of the times I have the feeling that they really believe it, I don't know something about the way they talk about it, makes me feel like they are dead serious, which to tell you the truth is quite disturbing for me. I mean these are people that are surrounding me one way or another and I communicate with them and perhaps they are not only on i-net. One day I may be in a situation where I have to rely on one of those. This is disturbing... :-)
The games were I go 17-0-10 are not worth the pain I go through in the games that arent carryable. I dont get why Riot even did a ladder reset. Games are just not fun with that much skill discrepency.
Man I'm just tired of going 15-5 every game as Lucian and still ending up losing them.
damn grag damage is stupid LOL gets athenes and wraith elder suddenly does a million damage out of the jungle ok.jpg