I recently got picked up by http://www.esport.dk/ as a StarCraft II writer (great website, danish people should definitely check it out). I decided I'd try to cover Proleague as well as possible, which means - of course - detailed recap of the matches. So far, I've written timely recaps of 7 of the 8 matches played, and I'm working on the 8th right now.
Now, what that means is I kinda have to watch it live, right? Since I have to get the recaps out in a timely fashion, I need to get the matches as they happen - usually, for the first match of the day, I start writing the recap live as I watch to get it up a bit faster. However, being an european, watching it live means getting up at arse o'clock in the morning - namely, right around 3:45 AM - because of the time zone difference.
In other words, this is what my weekend looks like right now:
Around 15:00 Friday, my classes end, so I go home. Usually I'll either do some coursework, play some HotS (trying to reach masters before release ) or practice some korean (trying to learn the language for the sake of translating etc + possibly travelling there in the future). I'm kinda just passing time, chilling out a bit, etc.
At about 18:00 I grab dinner in the eating hall across campus. It's a 2-minute walk, barely, so it's really not a big deal. I come back at about 18:30 - usually then I'll continue whatever I was doing before for a bit, or just relax and talk to people.
At 19:00-20:30 (depending on how tired I am) I'll hit the sack. Since I live with a roommate who is very much a night person, I'll usually sleep pretty lightly, so once or twice I've woken up at like... 23:00 and been completely unable to fall back asleep. Then I just lay around a bit, maybe I'll recheck the night's lineups before going back to sleep.
03:30, my alarm clock rings and I roll out of bed. Time for proleague! Yay! I take a shower, grab a drink (usually pepsi - yay for unhealthy habits) and get settled in front of the screen. Turn on stream, get notepad / word open. Whenever I can, I try to write detailed live reports in past tense to get as many details as I can. If I can't make myself write detailed, I'll jot down notes in notepad and flesh it out later. At best, the actual recap text is done right after the match is done.
8:00-9:30 I rush over to the eating hall to grab some take-away breakfast (a bread roll for each hand ) and hurry back. I don't want to miss anything, so I eat my takeaway breakfast in front of the stream - usually I can rush over, get breakfast, and rush back in one break period.
10:30 is the regular end time for proleague. At this point I'll usually continue writing, and start going back to watch the replays for the things I missed / didn't get. (seriously, KeSPA, motherf*cking props for instant replays. makes everything so much easier for me.)
12:00 I grab my lunch, no rush this time. Then I go back home, continue writing. Usually I'm done with the second recap around 14-15:00. I flesh them out with pictures, shine up the formatting, and post! I share my recap-ish articles on relevant social media. If it's a really important or dramatic match, I'll leave a link on third-party SC2 groups as non-promotionally as possible ("if you missed this morning's match, you can catch our recap at blah blah", etc). After that, I'll usually practice a bit of korean or HotS for an hour or two.
18:00 - dinnertime! I eat, then go back, continue my pastime activity, and from here it's much like a recap of friday night, lol. I try to go to bed as late as possible (because I'm usually fucktired here) so I won't wake up too much. That usually means 20:00 at the latest.
3:00, proleague time again. Yay~ happens much the same way as saturday morning (are the hours blurring out? same for me! this is sunday morning, for the record).
15:00 sunday my proleague weekend is mostly over. At this point I try to do any coursework I'm missing. If there's nothing, I play some HotS to stress out, then go to bed as early as possible. If I wake up early (4-5) the next morning, I'll play a bit of hots or check up on SC news. If not, I wake up at around 8, then go to class.
It's a lot of fun, even if it's rough, but I still can't wait for break - mostly because that means there's no roommate tapping on his blackwidow 5 feet away when I'm sleeping :D That's my weekend in a nutshell.
안녕 TL!