I still have a ton of fun playing sc2 and I'm super pumped for HOTS. I even got the collectors edition. These are just things that I think would be awesome that I wanted to share since I don't hang out with many SC2 players.
1) Burrow at hatch tech. I love watching BW burrow micro early game. It's sick. Plus, with new early detection in HOTS maybe this would be not broken?
2) Immortals get dragoon AI. I still literally LOL watching those guys try to walk around in BW.
3) If not #2 then at least a Protoss unit that was all BROtoss and super pumped to just blow stuff up and die for aiur. Basically something with the same attitude as the zealot. All the Dark templar units seem way too uptight and serious.
4) Burrow charge Ultralisks. I havent played beta in like 2 weeks so IDK if this is still in the game, but Ultras are awesome and watching them turn into street sharks is awesome.
5) Ghost snipe buffed (slightly). It was too strong before. It's too specific now. I know ghost is pure anti caster but I feel like snipe is more of a "kill important non-massive target" in my head. Usually thats a caster but not always.
6) HP boost to hydras. I've accepted hydras at tier 2, and watching players like Idra use roach hydra viper is really fun to watch. I think the speed boost at lair is gonna make it a viable play style, but I think they still might need the 10 hp they lost in WOL beta.
7) Forcefield nerf (you knew it was coming). This is just annoying to play against. I dont think fights are interesting when a top level pro can make his army untouchable, or when a Z player who has a game won Insta-loses because a WP snuck in his main with sentries and kills all his tech. Obviously this doesn't happen all the time but its not exciting when it does.
8) I think Viking is a broken unit. Theoretically it might be able to solve alot of T issues because of its ability to land and fight. I see alot of threads talking about buffing their ground so this could be possible. However, Vikings with anywhere near an acceptable ground mode would be so hard to stop. They have too much mobility and are massable so you could just fly anywhere you want, snipe everything, then fly away.
9) instead of widow mine, make a mine layer unit for terran. BUT NOT vulture. a slower unit that only lays mines, but can lay like 5 of them would be cool. you could try to snipe it and it could maybe return to the factory or something for more mines once the 5 it laid are destroyed. Widow mine is cool but it seems like its not doing what its supposed to.
10) Tier 1 and 1.5 units rebalanced for all the races so the winner of skirmishes between these groups came down to either having a better mix/more of these, or having better micro. I feel like marines and marauders are better than ling and bling/roach, which are better than zealot stalker. Sentry helps balance but I still dont like how it does, and medivacs make MMM just poop on the other two races starter units until they add infestor/colossus (which have to be strong because MMM is so strong)
Once again, I dont know if this would be viable. I also still really like watching SC2 and playing it. This isn't a balance whine, Im fine with the game as is. I just wanted to talk about some things I think would be cool in the game.