As I have grown up I have noticed a pattern in humans, and how we respond to being content. Having food and water shelter and friendship I have no reason to be unhappy yet like many fellow North Americans I find myself continually feeling bored . Yet I look to my German Shepard who has all of the same things I do and he is just in a perpetual state of happiness.
I have come tot he conclusion that humans are probably one of the only animals on the planet who when they have everything they need and want they get bored instead of being happy that life is good because of having all their needs met! We have too much time on out hands I think having excess free time is actually BAD for you and allows you to have time to be bored.
One example is that without a job you'd probably just sit at home and do nothing most likely BEING BORED. AS much as you probably hate working ( some of us are blessed with a job we enjoy ) it saves you from being perpetually bored for hopefully ( 8 ?) hours of the day.
Thoughts? Discuss? Conflicting opinions ?
Happiness doesn't require activities, money or anything to acquire.
No one likes work, but it's necessary to buy necessities. So without a job, you'd have nothing. Boredom doesn't matter when you can't afford utilities, food, etc.
On June 20 2012 07:39 Clicker wrote: Happiness doesn't require activities, money or anything to acquire.
No one likes work, but it's necessary to buy necessities. So without a job, you'd have nothing. Boredom doesn't matter when you can't afford utilities, food, etc.
I think he means hypothetically. Like you lived with your mom or retired or a contractor on break or something.
I agree. But maybe the dog is bored too. I have three dogs, most of the time they sleep. I don't think dogs need a lot more sleep than humans, but when they're done playing with each other and it's not time to go outside/get food, what else are they to do?
You just need to know how to spend your extra time. There's always something that needs to be done, or something that can be learned.
when they have everything they need and want they get bored instead of being happy that life is good because of having all their needs met! I think you need to look out for arguments with holes like this. Being bored, someone would obviously not have everything they want, would they? Would they not want entertainment?
On June 20 2012 07:39 Clicker wrote: Happiness doesn't require activities, money or anything to acquire.
No one likes work, but it's necessary to buy necessities. So without a job, you'd have nothing. Boredom doesn't matter when you can't afford utilities, food, etc.
I don't think this is really true. Having a job that challenges you and allows you to have a feeling of success and importance can be a really good thing. I wouldn't like to be a cashier at a supermarket or a salesman but I really enjoy doing research and pushing my knowledge further and further, learning and understanding more and more (yeah you get it, I'm a student but I also work as a student scientist or whatever the name is). I also think it is this boredom that really keeps us moving forward. If noone wanted to work actually, there wouldn't be much input to research at universities and at big companies, leading to maybe no technology at all (after all, isnt it enough to feed everybody and give him a home, then we wouldnt have to work any more!)
Happiness and everything is internal. Without the mind, nothing exists including boredom. Rest on that thought.
It is hilarious when people think that you have to work to not be bored.
There is always something to do.
On June 20 2012 07:35 ShakAttaK wrote: As I have grown up I have noticed a pattern in humans, and how we respond to being content. Having food and water shelter and friendship I have no reason to be unhappy yet like many fellow North Americans I find myself continually feeling bored . Yet I look to my German Shepard who has all of the same things I do and he is just in a perpetual state of happiness.
I have come tot he conclusion that humans are probably one of the only animals on the planet who when they have everything they need and want they get bored instead of being happy that life is good because of having all their needs met! We have too much time on out hands I think having excess free time is actually BAD for you and allows you to have time to be bored.
One example is that without a job you'd probably just sit at home and do nothing most likely BEING BORED. AS much as you probably hate working ( some of us are blessed with a job we enjoy ) it saves you from being perpetually bored for hopefully ( 8 ?) hours of the day.
Thoughts? Discuss? Conflicting opinions ?
The exact reason we are the king of this planet, why science is where it is, why the business mindset dominates etc If we were cool with life we'd give up right now. Although I dont ascribe to the idea that we'd have given up thousands of years ago... people seem to forget that life was actually really really horrible only 100+ years ago for the vast majority of people, starvation, disease and a life of relentless manual labour to keel over before 40.
Also I would say that the content you describe isn't the content we really 'need' to feel content. We are sentient, but we are not fully aware, we have a conscious and subconscious and often we rationalize our immediate desires as our true desires... oh if I only I had that cool car, all the people would like me and I'd be happy and sociable.. we associate the car with the thing to attain when really its the people.
We're social creatures after all, we are content being around others who like us, our friends, our family. Modern life has crammed more people into smaller spaces and communities have grown to a scale that is difficult to fathom so we get confused by it. I know for a fact that I will be bored if I sit around the house all day by myself, add in a friend and suddenly, despite no change in surroundings I will no longer be bored because someone else is there and we can think up things to do.
Thats why some of the happiest nations aren't the wealthiest, they're the ones who have community festivals and dance in the streets with their neighbours, true story. As much as it might make you cringe, that's the kind of stuff people really need to stop themselves getting bored and to be content.
TL;DR - we are social creatures and we forget it.
On June 20 2012 07:35 ShakAttaK wrote: As I have grown up I have noticed a pattern in humans, and how we respond to being content. Having food and water shelter and friendship I have no reason to be unhappy yet like many fellow North Americans I find myself continually feeling bored . Yet I look to my German Shepard who has all of the same things I do and he is just in a perpetual state of happiness.
I have come tot he conclusion that humans are probably one of the only animals on the planet who when they have everything they need and want they get bored instead of being happy that life is good because of having all their needs met! We have too much time on out hands I think having excess free time is actually BAD for you and allows you to have time to be bored.
One example is that without a job you'd probably just sit at home and do nothing most likely BEING BORED. AS much as you probably hate working ( some of us are blessed with a job we enjoy ) it saves you from being perpetually bored for hopefully ( 8 ?) hours of the day.
Thoughts? Discuss? Conflicting opinions ?
A dog can't compare 2 separate states of well being like having sex and winning a game for ex, as we do. Once we do it, we realize that we have preferences.. and it goes downward spiral from there because we sacrifice our current state of well being for the prospect of a future, better one.
My Grandma always used to say if you're bored then you're boring. Boredom is another word for depression. Get outside.
Boredom happens when your mind isn't busy. Happiness doesn't come from being content to just live and survive, but from keeping your mind occupied.
I am happy, and would probably be happier if I didn't have to work that much.
There are many books filled with interesting thoughts. It is like having very smart people who live on your shelf and tell you things.
Working is what's boring.
Whenever i watch shows like House, or Dollhouse, it makes me envy the characters who never seem to leave the workplace, and always are thinking about work even when they are off. I wish i could have an absorbing job that eats my freetime and spits outs pride.
I don't think you've taken a large enough look at what contentment is like for everyone. Some people have very little, don't really want anymore and are happy. Some have far more than enough, but are never happy. Happiness doesn't come from luxury or moments or memories, it comes from your heart.
Also, human consciousness is expressed very differently than dogs are other intelligent animals. The human brain is the largest in terms of brain-to-body size ratio, and this gives us aspects of conscious thought that animals do not possess. We can be creative, innovative, logical and have problem-solving and comprehension skills that animals do not possess. It stands to reason that the human mind needs more than an animal mind.
yeah we arent very good at living lawl or we are too good ಠ_ಠ
I think having satisfying work is important
If you stop thinking about happiness and mental state in terms of fulfiling needs and such, it is much easier to appreciate life that way.