We previously announced that we intended to “loosen” the range of opponents chosen in matchmaking, causing the game to occasionally match opponents that were a bit more disparate from one another in skill than before. This change was carried out, we have carefully evaluated the results we’re seeing, and we have decided to roll back the change for now.
What we saw with this experiment were undesirable consequences for players at the far ends of the range of skill, and we have now returned to the previous matchmaker tuning -- settings that were in use for a long time before this trial. Nonetheless, we may make further adjustments to the matchmaker in the future.
Thank you very much for your participation and feedback on this!
Anyway; i didnt mind the new changes. Being masters, it was about the same, really. Got to play some GM, and some diamond. But, i guess id feel bad if i was diamond having to play a lot of masters, or a GM playing low masters......
Did the new matchmaking make anxiety worse for some? Where theyd lose and be upset?
Well that didn't take long at all
This is awesome. NO MORE PLAYING WITH RANK 1 GM(on sea) 8 times in a row~~~
See that i wouldnt mind. Good practice
I enjoyed it while it lasted... I supposed it would be pretty annoying if you were at the top of GM and all of a sudden you're playing a low masters player and only getting +1 point for winning every time you play a lower skilled player, while getting -10 or whatever when you lose to an opponent at your level. I imagine that was the majority of the problem, high level players were playing too many scrubs while bronzies were playing too many silvers and golds to get any enjoyment.
All I found out from that is top masters players are cheesy as hell. Was a good idea though and got some good experience out of it.
I think the only thing that SUCKED for me that was that I would gain like 9 points a game and I would lose 10-15 points per game... wtf... T_T
All masters is, is more refined cheese :p You defend it; then the macro begins.
tbh i liked the changes oh well =\
I didn't notice at all. Everyone I played against was in my league...
I bet a lot of low bronze noobs got huge loss streaks. I started 12-6 but later it was back to 50/50
well, for GM and bronze, you cant really "have more variance" except for higher up/lower down. Prob good for silver->diamond, though, really.
On April 13 2012 15:27 Malpractice.248 wrote: well, for GM and bronze, you cant really "have more variance" except for higher up/lower down. Prob good for silver->diamond, though, really. Was thinking myself. Actually they could make the variance a function of MMR (hope you get what I mean).
On April 13 2012 15:25 Cheerio wrote: I bet a lot of low bronze noobs got huge loss streaks. I started 12-6 but later it was back to 50/50 I started out 17-6 the first day, didnt play yesteday, and then spent all day today getting my ass kicked. Maybe something to do with this? But I was playing mostly masters people the first day even though I was fresh off my promotion to diamond, so it doesnt look like I was just getting people below me before. Confusing !
thank god, so i take my rant back from the other thread
Lol that was real quick. I kinda liked the change but could definitely see how it could be annoying to people who would either easily win or get stomped.
awww and i was hoping to get to play some gm players
Hey guys, I heard it'd be hard to use a different algorithm based on what your rating range is.
I'm disapointed. Since we can not reset our accounts, I think this was the best solution to have some variance. Just playing against players your skill level is not the best way to improve. Day9 did an old podcast where he talks about this. http://www.teamliquid.net/staff/intrigue/Day90006PlayAgainstWorsePlay.mp3
You need to play against worse players to be comforatable enough to try some new stuff without the fear of instantly losing, and you need to test those ideas against better players to make sure you're not doing anything that can be punished. The only way to do this before the ladder reformat was buying multiple accounts, which a lot of people who play starcraft can't really afford (ie high school, and college students). I wish they'd just let you reset your account when you wanted to.
Also for people in really low skill levels (gold-plat and below), it's a great way to see cleaner build orders and practice versus refined play and thus be forced to play better.
I can see how for really, really good players (pro players), how it could be really annoying, though.
This would be a perfectly good adition to the personal options.... "I don't mind playing weaker opponents" [ ] "I don't mind playing stronger opponents" [X]
Sure, it would only work in cases where the weak and strong are looking for each other, but things like that make the service better.