So xen0 and me have recently discovered a new, very strong 2v2 build.
---This BO ONLY works with a Protoss and Terran Team---
Who are we??
Im a casual player in the diamond working my way up to masters.
xen0 is also a good 3v3'er and plays random in the diamond league.
In 2v2 we are mid to high Diamond but with this build we have reached #1 MASTERS in just 2 DAYS!!
This Build is all about feeding the Protoss and attacking with Chargelot/Archon.
Build order (Terran):
10- Depot
12- Rax
13- Gas
15- 2nd Depot
16- OC/Marine
17- Marine#2
18- SCV/M.U.L.E.
19- Marine#3 (In case of early aggression by opponent => Bunker + Marine#4)
20- 2nd Gas
Then you should have about 800-1100 Minerals and about 300-400 Gas.Constantly feed and M.U.L.E. now!!
**You can go "Freestyle" too this build is just optimized for the feeding... it doesnt need to be this exact BO**
Build Order (Protoss):
9- Pylon/Scout
13- Gate#1
14- Gas
16- Pylon#2
17- Cyber-Core
20- Gas#2/Forge/Twillight Council/Templar Archives
21- Forge#2
22- Pylon#3,4/+1 Weapon/Shield/Charge/10 Gates/3 Additional Pylons
Time when you push- place 1-2 Warp-In Pylon's
*Charge should finish at 7:20 and +1/+1 at 7:30*
*Constantly queue Upgrades*
*Spend all your additional gas on Archons, the minerals completely on Zealots!*
*You are immune to Forcefields due to Archons*
*Maps with splitted bases , only 1 entrance and a small choke are bad for this Strat so veto them if possible! (I recommend The Boneyard, Scorched Haven, and Lunar Colony V)*
*Cut Worker at 17 (You should have exactly 17 workers)*
*Put 3 Workers in Gas instantly!*
*If you are not sure wether some sort of cloak is on the way, scan at key times for cloaked Banshee's and DT's*
* Make 2 Scentries in order to forcefield your Choke in case of early aggression (for a 6 minute timing attack)*
*The Player who feeds, has to macro up because the army one has to have almost 200 army supply*
Chrono Boost: First 2 on Nexus,Next 2 on Warpgate,One on Weapon/Shield/Chagre,Next on +1/+1 and the following on the Gates!
(- 2 Scentries if you scout early aggression)
-10 Zealots + 2 High Templar
-9 Zealots + 4 High Templar
You Should push with 3-4 Marines, 19 Zealots, 3 Archons with Charge and +1 weapon/shield at 8:10~8:15
About the Engagement:
-Against Tanks you wanna spread yourself out a bit and place 2 zealots on front of your army to absorb tankshots!
-If there are Rocks, use them!
-If you have to fight on a choke, scan right before!
-The Terran Player takes the army and micros, the Protoss only macros and warps new units in (about 8 Zealots and 1 Archon per Warp-in Round)
-If they early-expanded, you will win!!
-Pull away weakened Archons and put them to your reinforcement!
-If you break the wallin, run with your zealots in as far as possible!
-You NEED to win before they have 200/200 because their army will be twice as bis as yours!
-You are save vs drops because you can just warp in 10 zealots!
-Always wall in because of scouts! You are much more likely to loose when they scout it!!
---If the engagement went good, just attack several times with your reinforcement and win!
---If the engagement went bad, start a soft-contain with the reinforcement, check hidden expansions and expand behind it!
---If the engagement went middle-ish, just wait for additional upgrades to kick-in and attack with your next 2-3 Warp-in Rounds (You can macro up VERY quickly!!!)
Vs early rushes: This Build's obvious weakness is in the early game beacuse ýou have kinda late warpgate and only 3-4 marines and a bunker to defend with. So scout the hell outta your opponent.If you scouted a rush, build a stalker out of the gateway, continue Marine-Production and make additional Bunkers and repair!
If You Want to flame or Thank us, xeno#531 / LukKing#519 EU Server Only
Recently Asked Questions:
Also, do you ever dark shrine?
- No! Because the gas-timing from the Terran is optimated for a high-templar Archon. But it can be helpful to let your opponent scout your Twillight Council so they THINK DT's are on the way!
why not more marines from the terran?
- Because the zealots have 1 shield and 1 weapon upgrade. The Terran would also supply cap himself and an extra depot is not worth the extra dps!
I simply dont think a random allin in a gamemode that is very unexplored deserves its own thread in the strategy-forums :/
(This is no question but anyways)
-First of all...this is NOT an allin!! in one replay we won after 27 this build has definately a follow up!!!
And we also made about 100 games with this and as said we have over 70% winrate with that and we had even a 8-winstreak while we were rank #1 !
What races is this good against?
-This is basically good against all races that can have no wallin because the units instantly get to attack. I have to admit, this build has some weaknesses vs Roaches because they are killed slowly and can be reinforced quickly and vs Banelings it is not bad as you can see in our replay against Z/Z. i Guess Void Rays would ba a problem because Archons are massive but then the Terran can just pump marines.
What if your facing two zerg and they just ling bane you. Hell they might even bust you before your attack is set lol.
- This is basically what you scout for. if you see a quick banelingnest or no exop at all, make one additional bunker and more marines while the protoss one can just defend the ramp with cannons!!
Btw, why do you stop at 17 scvs if you're gonna attack only at 8 minutes?
- First of all, because of the supply cap and you have at least one M.U.L.E. at a time so the soft-saturation is reached.
I guess this has to be tried out but i think the Protoss cant afford to get 11 gates that quickly. Its because you want 11 Gates quickly not 14 Gates after like 15 minutes.
I'm with this guy, what happens if someone makes banes or hellions while his ally makes anything ranged (rine/marauder/stalkers or roaches to a lesser extent)
-This, i have to admit is the Build's weakness because you cant stop marauders from shooting your gate or pylon. We tried to place the Bunker in the middle of the wallin but this hasn't worked fine either. I guess you could place cannons to defend.
How do you transition out?
- You keep making Archons but you can choose if you want to make blink stalkers or continue with chargelot. The Protoss mass expands behind it!!
Some nice Quotes:
-Woho guys! tested it and it's legen wait for it dary ! -> Diamond :D
and my terran teammate is a noobie (playing sc2 for about 5 days)
thx for the thread
-Hhahahaha I tried this build with my friend. Did so many mistakes but still managed to go 7-0 with it, mid master level.
Thank you O' Mighty Falcon Puncher.
-Wow awesome!
-LOL this works! ^^
-Just hit rank1 masters in our division with this strat. Its pretty faceroll.
Protoss is not even my main race and I'm only Diamond in 1v1 and my partner is Gold 1v1!
Pretty funny stuff
-I tried this with a friend. Wrote "YOU JUST GOT FALCON PUNCHED", got accused of hacking. Good times.
-Well, we did this last night.. as close as we could.
The first couple of games we won.. but it was close. As my protoss partner perfected his build we started really hitting a nice window and won 8-10 games in a row. It causes a lot of crying from the opponents because if you do it right it is very very hard to stop.
-Awesome strat =)
I was high masters in 2v2 before, but that way it^s just a lot faster, our record is like 10-1 with this build^^
-Thank you for sharing this build! Im currently 10-0 with my mate doing this build ^_^