On March 29 2012 18:55 AnalThermometer wrote: I'll be amazed if Protoss ever wins a standard game on Metropolis. Zerg can go muta and make untouchable hatches on both islands, Terran has a free 1/1/1 + expansion build into mass air as they can just kill the tumor with their first banshee while harassing. Stupid map. Zergs REALLY don't want island expansions, you need nydus or constant drops to get your units away from there since hatcheries are our unit-producing structures, and you have to spend a lot more APM to make sure flying units/drones are built from the island expos while lings etc are built from the non-island ones.
The new maps are nice, but please start making new maps for the 2v2 etc. Mappool!!!
Daybreak Planetary Edition T_T
I shouldn't really whine after comparing the map pool from a couple of seasons ago
antiga entombed daybreak ohana taldarim metropolis
The best thing about these stupid changes to the maps will be the rant by iNcontrol on the next State of the Game
Wow people are so whiny . I like the new maps, Lets atleast try to play on them b4 we prepare the pitchforks?
Will the neutral supply depot there on the new maps?
Daybreak is awesome. Don't like metropolis. Haven't tried ohana o.o
On March 29 2012 18:06 Superouman wrote: I was looking at Daybreak overview in the op and i was "yyyyyyyyyyyyyeaaaaahhhh the smalll base survived!!!!!" and then i saw the post showing it's not...
I can't believe they ruined Daybreak
Map pool in SC2 could be better in ladder and tournament level, the maps are mostly not so amazing. I think the number of Terran players will sink to an all time low this season, maps are looking less and less friendly for Terran players in ladder map pool.
I'm happy metalopolis is still there - we need some classics. It was more so in BW and WC3, right? Some maps just stuck for longer?
why blizzard isnt learning ? still no one play this map everone train on the 6mineral map for everything cause its used in all tours ... it was even importent its a smaller base so i have NO idea why they changed it to a worse map ... best map ever made ? we HAVE to change that they thought and bam ... i feel so frustrated about blizzard
On March 29 2012 20:27 Zythius wrote: I'm happy metalopolis is still there - we need some classics. It was more so in BW and WC3, right? Some maps just stuck for longer?
bw really no had a ladder made by blizzard that was used (they needed 11 years for change it to faster speed) but in the big leagues (most on illegal servers) as well as in the proleagues the maps changed VERY often
personally I hate cloud kingdom and I hate metropolis.
Daybreak is a good addition.
Ohana looks like that other map from last season or something.
On March 29 2012 18:11 coolcor wrote:Show nested quote +On March 29 2012 16:50 zocktol wrote: Dustin Broweder said a year or more ago in a interview, that they don't want to confuse newer players with different minieralpatch and geyser counts. So this was totally expected.
And newer people already know gold bases from the campaign, that is why they are staying. The campaign had a whole bunch of different layouts for resources for bases and nobody ever complained about the base with 3 gas or anything. There is nothing about the campaign that suggests blizzard thinks players can only handle one standard resource arrangement it is only in multilayer they think that for some reason. Can you or anyone explain why a newer player will be confused so much that a base with less resources gives less resources so much it will completely ruin their fun in a ladder game against their equally skilled opponent. How many new players are there 2 years after release anyways should blizzard really be afraid to introduce tiny new things on the maps after this long?
mh i can see why blizzard thinks people get confused, when they made metalopolis only cross or close air i had like 80% of my enemys in ladder scout the wrong direction first. 2-3 months later there were still like 20% scouting the wrong spot first and even nowadays you get some players scouting the wrong direction. [=low master] You may ask how is this related, well people are idiots and the creep tumor on the island thing was not gonna stay ingame, but i don't understand why they would change the amounts of minerals, wasn't the old shakuras 7min patches on every base but the main, it's probably just some ego thing to not lose control of the mappool completly and they back it up with "we balanced the game around the specific amount of minerals per base" and its confusing for newer players.
Sweet, only need to veto Metalopolis till it's gone also.
Fuck this bullshit, Blizzard just destroyed all my interest in mapping for their shitty ladder. Why they feel the need to change something that has been proven to work perfectly fine. Idiots! I wouldn't want to see my map getting obscure changes by Blizzard and I feel deeply sorry for my fellow mapmakers who have to experience this shit.
And no, new players being confused by a half base is a ridiculous reason. First of all new players are confused by EVERYTHING and second of all they think stuff that's "non-standard" is cool anyway.
Metropolis will seriously be a terran favored map on ladder even if the creep tumors are present.
The main problem is the proximity to the main base. I've experimented on custom games doing the semi standard 3 orbital build. With a creep tumor you can load 1 scv into the cc, float it/unload/scan and kill the tumor. If the tumor is not there,
you can take your natural, and the island with relative ease. The map itself is very macro oriented, but because terran have medivac mechanic they can deny the island expo with ease relative to zerg or protoss. Granted zerg has nydus which is as powerful.
I have to say, gsl maps are hella awsome, seeing them on ladder is such a good thing.
three thumps up, And get i get a wewt wewt for map pool 100% destructible debris.
Well, atleast the Mappool in Season 7 will be the best that we ever had. In my opinion, Metalopolis should go first, but it´s still okay, i have vetoed this map since 3 Season now^^
I´m so happy that i can play Daybreak on Ladder next, some epic matches are incoming!
Awful lot of whining in here.... I dont really see the big deal of making a 6min1g into a normal expansion. Grow up children, we at least get some awesome maps this season and we had a chance to vote for which ones we wanted!
Sick map pool! I'll veto entombed and maybe TDA I guess. Metropolis looks nice, but the island expansions could be a bitch for Zerg to deal with though. Makes it interesting at least ^^