Make sure you read the OP before asking a question. Asking a question already addressed in the OP will result in moderation action. Also, please put some effort into your questions.
Captain Soban- I would suggest watching Last Shadow's Vlogs. They are incredibly detailed, his knowledge and mindset about the game is really inspiring.
as for you game specifically, I'm assuming that you want advice on the last engagement the most. The game was kinda wacky, you were way behind, and honestly should have lost the game much much earlier. But fortunately, your protoss doesn't like building probes, or attacking, so you eventually clawed your way back in, and if you had even just a handfull of vikings in the engagements ~20 min mark I think you could have killed him as well.
In the last big battle at ~26 minutes there were a couple things that you lacked that could have made the battle a landslide in your favor, I think the 3 biggest things are 1) Killing his observer before the engagement 2)cloaking for your ghosts and 3) the proper amount of vikings to match his collossi. When you move into emp his army, you have 11 emp's ready. 9 if you had cloaked. You only get 5 off because his collossi just kill the ghosts before they can finish getting the emps off. While you did emp the whole army, you want to emp the archons 2 or 3 times, not just once. If you had cloak and properly placed emps you could have done that, rendering all 5 archons useless. You also only had 9 vikings with +1 attack to his 5 collossi with +3 armour. You want 3-4 vikings per collossus, and once you get to the 12-15 viking range, you start to one shot collossus.
2 more general things about tvp big engagements is that you have to be patient with your stims and kiting. Stimming too soon means that your still will wear off mid-engagement, or you will be forced to restim. So you either doing hundreds of hitpoints of damage to yourself midfight, or you lose a large amount of dps/movement speed. Kiting zealots too soon makes it so that all of his zealots don't use up their charge, and if you try to kite zealots that still have their charge, you accomplish nothing other than losing a ton of dps because you're moving, and the zealots are still going to hit you.
^put all that together and I'm sure you'll start winning a lot more big engagements. I still suggest you to watch through as many of last shadow's vlogs as you can as well though. He will go through everything in even more depth.
Skip the starport, instead get a 2nd factory and pump hellions, this will deal with the lings easily. On maps with ramps like Shakuras you need vision, but hellions can usually achieve this by being a little bit brave.
In fact I usually start by keeping the tanks in pom-pom mode and sniping down any spines, tanks kill these VERY fast. With the spines down you can easily pop up and down any ramp as you please.
If zerg has a lot of troops then hold back and defend your expo, or if he has merely a lot then contain him, build a few bunkers/turrets outside his base, he won't enjoy that.
Skip the starport, instead get a 2nd factory and pump hellions, this will deal with the lings easily. On maps with ramps like Shakuras you need vision, but hellions can usually achieve this by being a little bit brave.
In fact I usually start by keeping the tanks in pom-pom mode and sniping down any spines, tanks kill these VERY fast. With the spines down you can easily pop up and down any ramp as you please.
If zerg has a lot of troops then hold back and defend your expo, or if he has merely a lot then contain him, build a few bunkers/turrets outside his base, he won't enjoy that.
The problem is actually that I need to efficiently push before the Mutalisks pop up and destroy everything.
KenDM, you said you're going for a 3-tank push before you expand? It would be a lot better if you expanded first, then you could put down a couple more barracks and have enough marines to cover your tanks for the push.
So after a month playing terran I finally reached Platinum...and I simply cannot win TvZ and TvT.
For TvZ I've been trying that marine hellion push some terrans have been doing lately, but I really don't know the exact build order, I just make a ton of marines, make a ton of hellions wait for stim and push. I have a feeling that my push arrives way to late most of the time, zerg just walks over it and I'm left in a horrendous position. I then manage to stay alive all the way until lategame where I just die to broodlord infestor without even giving a fight.
For TvT I would like to play an aggressive and mobile style, I hate marine tank because I'm a very impatient person, I just like being extremely aggressive and marine tank just doesn't feel right for me in TvT. Most of the time I go for the same build I use on TvP, trying to drop the terran and slowly take him out. but most of the time terrans just push with 1 or 2 tanks with siege, a viking and a ton of marines with stim, I then just proceed to dying instantly. Besides bio is there another build that I could use? like iEchoic's build? or is that way too oudated?
On February 19 2012 01:35 Ko1tz wrote: So after a month playing terran I finally reached Platinum...and I simply cannot win TvZ and TvT.
For TvZ I've been trying that marine hellion push some terrans have been doing lately, but I really don't know the exact build order, I just make a ton of marines, make a ton of hellions wait for stim and push. I have a feeling that my push arrives way to late most of the time, zerg just walks over it and I'm left in a horrendous position. I then manage to stay alive all the way until lategame where I just die to broodlord infestor without even giving a fight.
For TvT I would like to play an aggressive and mobile style, I hate marine tank because I'm a very impatient person, I just like being extremely aggressive and marine tank just doesn't feel right for me in TvT. Most of the time I go for the same build I use on TvP, trying to drop the terran and slowly take him out. but most of the time terrans just push with 1 or 2 tanks with siege, a viking and a ton of marines with stim, I then just proceed to dying instantly. Besides bio is there another build that I could use? like iEchoic's build? or is that way too oudated?
I'm in diamond and I play a style of sky bio in TvT. I usually open with a reaper expand build and drop two more barracks. After I get my two base economy set up, with 5 rax and 1 starport, I'll try to expand again and add two more starports. The two starports are for producing banshees and/or vikings.
How do you guys deal with burrowed banelings? I use scans and catch alot usually, but at some point they get lucky and insta kill my entire marine force. It's already the 3rd time I've lost a game because of this.
Against burrowed banelings, or really zerg in general I tend to use the following strategy. Early game I try the constant aggression, as soon as this starts becoming counter productive, i.e. they have burrowed banelings or other advantage then I start turtling a bit and then push out with a large army once I am almost maxed. Because your army is all together you don't need that many scans to cross the map, and besides at this point you don't really need the MULEs anyway.
On February 19 2012 02:13 kranten wrote: How do you guys deal with burrowed banelings? I use scans and catch alot usually, but at some point they get lucky and insta kill my entire marine force. It's already the 3rd time I've lost a game because of this.
I think one of the easiest ways to deal with burrowed banes is to of course use scans on the most obvious of places (tight corners) or usually on ramps where you army will have to cross. Try not to clump your bio army into a ball in the first place because banelings will just roll face into your army if your caught off guard. In the mid to late game, even just one raven will save you alot of time and energy.
On February 18 2012 08:14 iAmJeffReY wrote: Okay, I need some help in straight up TvZ. I over make SCVs. I can't micro in big battles atm, because my graphics card slows down to insanely low FPS so I'm lucky to stim and split. I played a few practice games against my GM Z friend, he was top 30 on his name last season. (smurf name in this game for him, still GM tho)
I get three bases easily, and drop harass etc etc, but I can never find a way to push out against a good zerg. Is this just a purely out classed games, and I didn't fuck up too much. I had some supply blocks, forgot shields and +2/+2 in game 1 for too long.
And another. I went on a huge fucking tilt tonight. 4-1, then a nice fucking 1-7 skid. All I'm drawing is top 1-3 masters this season, and people who are 1.1k-1.3k or GM. What the fuck is up with this MMR shit.
Any rate, here's another game where I got completely out classed, and wanna know where. I drew him on ladder. me vs colryze
Also this game, I felt I was doing so well, dropping everywhere and sniping shit, but yet still zerg takes gold, and 3rd.
He's a friend of a 'friend' of mine, very BM. I get...VERY BM in this game. I was so fed up with the night, but yet I went on the 0-5 skid, including this game. So anyone at all, check this one. Z is current 15-2 vs feeeedme
High Master on Europe here, sometimes playing GM. Commenting as I watch.
Any particular reason you go Barracks 11?
You're not constantly building SCVs while harassing! The whole point of your harass opening is negated if you do not have flawless macro behind it. I mean, if you kill some drones but miss some SCVs, you're hurting yourself as much as the Zerg, if not more. At 5'30, you're already missing 5 SCVs; you have 17 while you should have 22. This hurts. This really hurts, especially as you're taking your second gas and building with 5 SCVs. As a result, you have 9 SCVs and one MULE at mineral while your opponent has 22 drones at mineral. At your level of play, this is already nearly game over.
I think 4 Reapers is overkill if you do not plan to go for some kind of early elevator.
7'30: 19 SCVs to 42 drones. At this point, you should have 29 SCVs—27 actually since two of them died. If you're investing in more than one Reaper, I think you can build your CC on natural, by the way.
You have nothing to do with your gas. If you do not plan to go Starport right away, do not take your second gas that early.
9'00: 25 SCVs to 52 drones. At this point, you should have 37 SCVs. See, I do not even know what happens afterwards, but I already know why you lose. Against a good opponent, you cannot win a game in which you're already missing 12 SCVs by the 9'00 mark, especially as your Reapers did not kill that much drones and did not force that many Lings.
Since you have map control you should check his third.
11'30: 39 SCVs to 55 drones. Now imagine if you had constant SCV production, it would be even, ~55 to 55, so you would enter midgame with an even game instead of having a severe economic disadvantage.
6 turrets right away upon scouting Mutalisks is overkill. You're still on two bases, so you can defend with stimmed Marines then progressively build Turrets as the Mutalisk count gets higher. With that money, you could have built a much needed Command Center; we're close to the 13' mark, your third should already be completed. It is not because you lack minerals, and you lack minerals because you missed SCVs.
That's a pure snowball factor, really—you miss SCV early game and you take your second gas too early, so your economy suffer, so you cannot build things at the right time, etc., etc. It all comes down to your SCV production since the beginning of the game. 5SS—or whatever your hotkey for SCVs is—will save you. 5SS. 5SS. 5SS.
By the 14' mark, when you start your third, the game is over: 46 SCVs (should be ~70) to 75 drones with a fourth on the way, Mutalisks on the field, you won't go anywhere.
So, to sum up things: build SCVs. Your build order needs some refinement too, but it does not matter that much compared to the SCV production problem.
Watching second game.
Do not make that many Reapers. Obviously, you love Reapers, but still they take 45 sec to build and become terrible once your opponent has Speedlings. Stick with 3, it's enough to pressure. More is detrimental to you while not adding enough on the pressure side.
See, since you made too many Reapers, you are now forced to lift your expansion at natural. Besides, it should already be an OC.
At the 8' mark, you could have something like 10 more SCVs, i. e. you have a real economic advantage with your opening instead of being merely even.
You do not need to transfer SCVs to natural. You have 16 at minerals on the main, so just rally your SCVs on the natural until there are 16 SCVs on minerals there.
Since your opponent is worse your transition does better, but still you're only even while you should have a massive advantage: at the 12'30 mark you have 40 SCVs (42 drones for Zerg) while you could have 63 with constant production. See how that would immediately be game economy-wise.
Your third is done near the 13' mark, yet you land it nearly three minuts later. This hurts.
Once you have a good Tank count you should try to move out to secure the center. Landing your fourth on the gold would have been better, especially as your opponent foolishly took his fourth on the gold.
The problem here is you waited too long. Since you were keeping him busy with drops, you should have tried to move out once you had a good Tank count (say at least 8) with 0-1 on Tanks and 2/2 on infantry. Since it is Antiga, you have to aim at securing the center, which allows you to land your fourth on the gold and a fifth behind while denying his fourth and fifth with drops and/or small Marines groups (it's even easier here since he took the center himself). If you do not have the center, you cannot defend the expand at the left of your main.
By the way, you forgot to Stim in the main fight, probably because you were busy Sniping. Happily, the next patch should take care of that!
So, in the end, beware with those agressive openings that rely on multitasking abilities. If you let your macro slip, it's actually easy to end up hurting yourself more than your opponent. I think you should think about a better follow-up as well, yours look unrefined in regard to second gas / Starport timings.
On February 18 2012 05:25 Blazinghand wrote: Good terrans will lowground the CC against certain builds on certain maps where it is safe to do so. However, if you scout a 4gate WP attack happening, unless you're walled off and have a bunker at the nat wall, you should just fly indoors.
On temple I usually go 1rax FE with CC before 2nd depot without a walloff but ofc with a bunker. It's the same build that thorzain does so it must be possible to hold all sorts of allins especially when scouted in time. I think I'll just pull all of my forces back to my main the next time. When he splits his attack, either wave will be very weak and I can still pull back SCVs from my nat and lift the orbital.
Fly to the high-ground in the event of a 1 base all-in and you will be much safer. You say it's the same build that thorzain does, and I have no doubt that he does this build, but we don't have insight into his decision making process. Maybe he got gas stolen-- maybe he scouted a quick 2nd chrono on probes. Maybe he doesn't use this build on Shattered Temple, which is a map without a ramp at the natural. You can't just blindly use a build "because a pro did it"-- an example would be Lucky 6-pooling MMA on daybreak. He won, but that doesn't mean you should use his build without understanding why he used it; Daybreak is a map where Lucky anticipated MMA would 2-Rax, and build one or more on the lowground, making his main vulnerable to 6-pool. Without this vital insight into why pros do what they do, you should stick to Standard play if you want to win.
On February 18 2012 05:25 Blazinghand wrote: You should be able to overwhelm him with your marines and scvs, even out of a 1 Rax FE. shoot for his units instead of his warp prism unless it's like in phasing mode and not running away.
Pokebunny pointed out that keeping your marines alive as long as possible is the key but I couldn't prevent him from just dropping zealots onto my marines. Another big problem is that the prism comes when stim is far from finished and one rax has a lot of downtime due to the reactor production time.
If he's trying to pick up his zealots, fly over your scvs, and drop them on your marines, you need to stutter-step backwards and don't let his zealots get into melee. Also, I'm very hesitant to build a reactor against a 1 base all-inning Protoss. If you scout your opponent on 1 base with 1 gas for that long, it means he's WP all-inning you or straight-up balls 4gate or whatever, or some weird "pure zealot" VR all-in. Don't take any risks if you can't see a nexus. Don't cut marine production at any point. If you want additional production output, mine less gas and build an extra barracks instead. You need all the units you can get.
On February 18 2012 05:25 Blazinghand wrote: A good player will have his zealots just stab the scvs anyways using micro. Using them to attack will be effective because it increases your damage output and lets you clean up the push more quickly. You can also use mineral-walking to get some of them on the other side of his stalkers and zealots.
If you put your SCVs on hold position, zealots won't attack them when marines are around but they'll heavily block the zealots. Sure, a good player will snipe SCVs but this should be way more ineffective for him and I won't loose that many SCVs. It depends on his zealot/stalker count though if this is worth it imo.
Don't ever rely on your opponent to be bad. If it turns out he is bad and won't attack your scvs, that's fine-- but if he attacks your scvs, order them to attack rather than hold position so they can increase your dps.
For TvT I would like to play an aggressive and mobile style, I hate marine tank because I'm a very impatient person, I just like being extremely aggressive and marine tank just doesn't feel right for me in TvT. Most of the time I go for the same build I use on TvP, trying to drop the terran and slowly take him out. but most of the time terrans just push with 1 or 2 tanks with siege, a viking and a ton of marines with stim, I then just proceed to dying instantly. Besides bio is there another build that I could use? like iEchoic's build? or is that way too oudated?
I think you just have to start to use tanks. Its just a fact of TvT. Unless You're playing sky terran every game, which is very situational and you really have to know what you're doing.
Question regarding dealing with a proxy 2gate that gets in-base.
How the hell do you respond to it? And how many SCVs would I need to pull to destroy a gateway before it can get a zealot out, assuming chrono?
In short, my opponent did the most blind 2gate ever. He put a proxy pylon at his low ramp, then ran straight past my half-finished rax and just started dropping gateways inside my base. TL;DR
1. How many SCVs do I pull to stop a gate from finishing/chronoing a zealot? 2. What's the priority on killing things in this instance? Probe, gate, pylon or?
lol Everyone hates on the reaper opening =( I'm working it out to cut speed on reapers, get stim, and double medics earlier. These are just games where I'm tweaking around with the BO. It's a lot harder to poke holes in those zergs, as both were top 100 GMs last season, one in top 30 on his main.
Captain soban, please, no personal pokes here. My level is fine for my MMR, since every account I play on reaches playing GMs and top 8 masters. Last night, each game was against someone over 1.1k up to 1.3k masters, or grand masters. Yes, my high ass that barely plays is going to be out classed, yet somehow I still win. Odd, since a 1/3 the games last season of you, and 2 accounts higher points and MMR on both. Odd.
Thedwf -- good man. That was the game against feeeedme right?
You do not need to transfer SCVs to natural. You have 16 at minerals on the main, so just rally your SCVs on the natural until there are 16 SCVs on minerals there.
SCV production for me is either non existent as I feel behind, and cut scvs to get units out to HOPE and do damage to equal the econ lead I know I'm way behind. I am a reaper user, that's for sure. It's just better zergs pick holes in my play that already has huge gaping holes in it. Some games I make over 100 scvs, and only take 3 bases. Others, like against kappa, I made 60 on 3 base. I don't really know HOW I win, or draw such good players. Every BO I use is on the fly, just randomly how I feel at that point. I do know I have such bad spots, such as saturation checking, mid to late game barracks and factory flooding, and just general game sense. I can scout things, and react the exact opposite way. I see 3 roaches for reapers, and make 57 marauders, and lose to mutalisks.
By the way, you forgot to Stim in the main fight, probably because you were busy Sniping. Happily, the next patch should take care of that!
Graphics card. Any game that goes over like 15 minutes I can't micro for shit in battles because the FPS drops like, below 10. I figured sniping would do more damage than stimming the marines and getting fungaled down.
I do feel I focus too much on the multi tasking on drops, and not enough actually making barracks and more factories to support the econ I'm trying to achieve.
I'm the kind of player when my aggression has to slow off, I start to slowly lose. Most of every game I play from like minute 7 I'm attacking, or gearing up to do something. I don't have it in me to play passive... lol It's my biggest flaw.
Again, thank you everyone. I know the BO is quite unrefined, it's a build I'm working on. I can't get the exact reaper count down yet. I want to get the double medics out earlier, followed with 2 vikings to clear OLs before the mutas pop, so I can drop during muta harass.
Just a general question here, but is anyone getting absolutely crushed TvZ on Cloud Kingdom? I feel like I can't even hold my 3rd with any certainty, much less move out on the map where you can be attacked from any direction. No good expos that solidify any kind of position on the map for you at all, feels like you can't really split it in half, since counterattacks can come from anywhere. Maybe I just need more practice on it.
On February 19 2012 09:09 Penecks wrote: Just a general question here, but is anyone getting absolutely crushed TvZ on Cloud Kingdom? I feel like I can't even hold my 3rd with any certainty, much less move out on the map where you can be attacked from any direction. No good expos that solidify any kind of position on the map for you at all, feels like you can't really split it in half, since counterattacks can come from anywhere. Maybe I just need more practice on it.
I'll agree with you that Cloud Kingdom is a horrible map in TvZ - at least for me but the statistics from the Korean weekly begs to differ. ' I'm having trouble getting my 3rd up ' is not really a lot of info to be working with. What level do you play on and what build orders do you use? I for my part can say that no gas fast expansion into reactor hellions works well for me to keep mapcontrol usually until spire / infestion pit is done. You can get your 3rd to work with either a planetary or an orbital (use bunker) and wall off the entrance ramp at your natural and 3rd or one of them. This will minimize the runby options by a ton.
If you give me more details about your TvZ, I'll gladly help you out and provide replays if I happen to get a TvZ on my main account again (on Cloud Kingdom)
On February 19 2012 09:09 Penecks wrote: Just a general question here, but is anyone getting absolutely crushed TvZ on Cloud Kingdom? I feel like I can't even hold my 3rd with any certainty, much less move out on the map where you can be attacked from any direction. No good expos that solidify any kind of position on the map for you at all, feels like you can't really split it in half, since counterattacks can come from anywhere. Maybe I just need more practice on it.
I'll agree with you that Cloud Kingdom is a horrible map in TvZ - at least for me but the statistics from the Korean weekly begs to differ. ' I'm having trouble getting my 3rd up ' is not really a lot of info to be working with. What level do you play on and what build orders do you use? I for my part can say that no gas fast expansion into reactor hellions works well for me to keep mapcontrol usually until spire / infestion pit is done. You can get your 3rd to work with either a planetary or an orbital (use bunker) and wall off the entrance ramp at your natural and 3rd or one of them. This will minimize the runby options by a ton.
If you give me more details about your TvZ, I'll gladly help you out and provide replays if I happen to get a TvZ on my main account again (on Cloud Kingdom)
I'm finding two base play is pretty strong. I've generally been opening reactor hellion expand into hellion drop and a 4 tank push just after 10:00 -- with the rocks at the natural ramp you can almost assuredly force a ton of lings or roaches and get within sieging distance of his natural as long as you've denied creep spread. You can take your third behind this and wall off around the minerals on the outside edge of your third, protecting your mineral line. As long as you don't get completely crushed here, I usually just go into a dropping style to try to deny the 3rd as long as possible and keep up with the tech at the main. Push out with 2/2 and about 165 supply and it should be a win. Most zergs will respond to the 2 base play by trying to be really aggressive with ling attacks, so as long as you saturate your 3 base and protect you should be good to go. With a good wall you can split up your army pretty effectively and not really be in danger of getting pushed down.
On February 19 2012 08:52 iAmJeffReY wrote: lol Everyone hates on the reaper opening =( I'm working it out to cut speed on reapers, get stim, and double medics earlier. These are just games where I'm tweaking around with the BO. It's a lot harder to poke holes in those zergs, as both were top 100 GMs last season, one in top 30 on his main.
Captain soban, please, no personal pokes here. My level is fine for my MMR, since every account I play on reaches playing GMs and top 8 masters. Last night, each game was against someone over 1.1k up to 1.3k masters, or grand masters. Yes, my high ass that barely plays is going to be out classed, yet somehow I still win. Odd, since a 1/3 the games last season of you, and 2 accounts higher points and MMR on both. Odd.
Thedwf -- good man. That was the game against feeeedme right?
You do not need to transfer SCVs to natural. You have 16 at minerals on the main, so just rally your SCVs on the natural until there are 16 SCVs on minerals there.
SCV production for me is either non existent as I feel behind, and cut scvs to get units out to HOPE and do damage to equal the econ lead I know I'm way behind. I am a reaper user, that's for sure. It's just better zergs pick holes in my play that already has huge gaping holes in it. Some games I make over 100 scvs, and only take 3 bases. Others, like against kappa, I made 60 on 3 base. I don't really know HOW I win, or draw such good players. Every BO I use is on the fly, just randomly how I feel at that point. I do know I have such bad spots, such as saturation checking, mid to late game barracks and factory flooding, and just general game sense. I can scout things, and react the exact opposite way. I see 3 roaches for reapers, and make 57 marauders, and lose to mutalisks.
By the way, you forgot to Stim in the main fight, probably because you were busy Sniping. Happily, the next patch should take care of that!
Graphics card. Any game that goes over like 15 minutes I can't micro for shit in battles because the FPS drops like, below 10. I figured sniping would do more damage than stimming the marines and getting fungaled down.
I do feel I focus too much on the multi tasking on drops, and not enough actually making barracks and more factories to support the econ I'm trying to achieve.
I'm the kind of player when my aggression has to slow off, I start to slowly lose. Most of every game I play from like minute 7 I'm attacking, or gearing up to do something. I don't have it in me to play passive... lol It's my biggest flaw.
Again, thank you everyone. I know the BO is quite unrefined, it's a build I'm working on. I can't get the exact reaper count down yet. I want to get the double medics out earlier, followed with 2 vikings to clear OLs before the mutas pop, so I can drop during muta harass.
Thank yo uall
==;; dont blame things on your graphic card. 10 fps isnt bad, stims more impotant cause you actually get to kill stuff faster. Anyways im plat. So i know i suck more than you, but ==;; you cut scv in hope to catch up?? you were never behind, he was talking how you dont build scvs in the early game.
and you dont have to be risking while attacking. 8 marines are enough to pressure. Drop here and drop there.
im also going to suggest 2 reapers and get stim with maruader after your reapers. 2 reapers 1 shot lings and drones, but it allows you to get fast stim
Im platinum, so dont get mad, im just giving you my 2 cents.
im also going to suggest 2 reapers and get stim with maruader after your reapers. 2 reapers 1 shot lings and drones, but it allows you to get fast stim
3 to kill a drone You all suggest only 2 reapers, or 3..but I only showed the like last 3 games I failed in this reaper/hellion opening in say...the last 10? It works to make reapers. It's a meta game against 2 base ling bane or ling into muta. I have a laundry list of games were it works, and I actually take an early third because I don't need to get 2 more gas at expo yet, and go into a 5 rax 2 fac 2 ebay defensive third position.
Captain soban, please, no personal pokes here. My level is fine for my MMR, since every account I play on reaches playing GMs and top 8 masters. Last night, each game was against someone over 1.1k up to 1.3k masters, or grand masters. Yes, my high ass that barely plays is going to be out classed, yet somehow I still win. Odd, since a 1/3 the games last season of you, and 2 accounts higher points and MMR on both. Odd.
Hey was just trying to get you an opinion on the game, didn't mean to insult. I guess I meant that I don't think you should be use the reaper opening like that because you don't have the multitasking/apm/whatever to pull it off. The build is pointless if you can't get the scv count up behind it.