Aight, gotta rant this one up. Got this shit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Infectious_mononucleosis and its no fun i tell ya... Yesterday i went home early from school because I had pains in my throath and froze like fuck. Got home and fell asleep and woke up with fever and shit, fine i thought, everyone gets a fever now and then. But then the night came and I couldnt sleep cus I was sweating and freezing, and then it happened, i threw up like fuck. So today i went to the doctor, not because of the fever or the puking but because I cant close my mouth because it hurts so much, i cant swallow anything so i havent eaten in two days and i only drink but that hurts like fuck then i end up throwing it up anyway.
I just want this to be over... this is probably the first time i feel sad for myself in my whole life
Also that night I had the wackest dream ever, or tbh I dont know if I dreamed or not, but I remember I watched HuK vs NesTea, and since NesTea dropped down I had this dream were incontrol was in code a and managed to beat nestea and the world stopped still and shit
well... you at least got the kissing?
Nah thats the problem, dunno how I got this tbh :/ The doctor said if you get it when your a baby you only get a cold but if you never got it as a baby it explodes when you get it
A guy I knew got that when we were freshmen in high school, he didn't come to school for like a week or something and then he was fine after that.
Mono's probably the worst shit ever. I had it when I was a freshman in college and it came back to trouble me years later. It's a member of the herpes family, so it stays in your body (dormant) FOREVER. For most people it never makes a comeback but for people like me who have shitty immune systems, eat poorly, and never get enough sleep, there can be relapses.
My only advice is to sleep as much as possible. I probably slept 15 hours a day when I had mono (acute phase lasts ~1 month). Let your teachers know ahead of time and skip class if you have to. I wish you a fast recovery bro.
You can get it if you ever shared a cup/bottle with someone or shared any food with someone that had it recently (even if they don't have symptoms anymore). Not only through kissing unfortunately =/.
A friend of mine got this in highschool, also. He had to postpone his school-leaving exam because of that... So I guess stay strong and positive Good luck.
Thanks all! Thats the worst thing about this, you cant make yourself immune in order not to get and when you get it you simply has to wait it out... Makes me wonder, I often share bottles and such but no of my friends had this...
United States5162 Posts
Holy shit, I didn't realize mono was so bad. I though you just slept a lot and felt kinda shitty overall. Hope you get better soon!
Mono is terrible, unless you get lucky and have a mild case, but a severe case is dreadful. I got it somehow (no idea how) in my senior year of highschool and was out for three months. Was sick in bed for 2-3weeks, almost had to go to the hospital cuz my throat was so swollen. Then once you're past feeling like shit, you're tired and weak as hell for at least a month. fun.
Did you forget to circle, circle, dot, dot? What you have sounds like cooties
what ? circle circle dotdot, cooties?
American saying I guess. " Circle, circle, dot, dot. Now I've got my cooties shot"
I had mono when I was in the first or second grade... It wasn't fun at all. I don't remember much of it, but I do remember the day my family brought me to the doctor I had fallen to the floor in the bathroom because I was in so much pain. You really can't do much of anything with mono. Hopefully you can stick through it without many more problems! I got lucky because I got it young, so I don't really remember much, but I can remember bits and pieces. I do remember, however, that it passed quickly enough, so with hope you find similar luck! ^_^
FYI, I didn't get it because I was the most pimpin' 1st/2nd grader around, but rather because 1st/2nd graders have no idea how to not slob all over the water-fountain. T_T;
On November 17 2011 08:57 Fuhrmaaj wrote: Did you forget to circle, circle, dot, dot? What you have sounds like cooties
get well soon!
Shouldn't have kissed someone... it seems to have worked for throughout my life thus far :-/.
On November 17 2011 08:13 nttea wrote:well... you at least got the kissing? I think you can also get it by sharing drinks with people. Happens on sports teams a lot.
Also to the op i know you want it to be over but mono lasts a longgggggg time it sucks.
oh man I remember when like 5 people in my class had it all at once and were out for almost 2 weeks... Good luck OP
Hit up 30,000 IU of vitamin D per day until it goes away.
It will help significantly.