Day 2 Pictures
Day 3 at IPL 3 was pretty awesome because of a few things. First and foremost, this was the first day in which the crowds got huge - the open play was mostly over and it was a Saturday. Second, Kiwikaki vs Stephano. Third - Everything went pretty much swimmingly. I also got a better seat to get pictures on Saturday, which was very nice for me.
IPL 3 Day 3 pictures
Some massive Visine addiction here...
Miss Anna Prosser
Lim Yo Hwan!!
MMA preparing for his games while Boxer was being interviewed
The Gracken prepares.
Miss Jingna doing some amazing work
Stephano after the Kiwikaki games
Smix translating for TheSTC
Hope you guys enjoyed the pictures, Day 4 is in the works.