Day 2 was pretty interesting as I went to the Circus Maximus in the morning to see Select setting up only to find out that a freak truck accident destroy the internet to all of Atlantic City. So I went off to the opens area to see which pros were hanging out in that area. This was also when the famous "Brood War saves E-Sports with Lani-bot" happened. It was pretty fun to watch Boxer and Huk duke it out in Broodwar, and to see Boxer just chilling with everyone.
The internet came back towards the end of the day and the rest of the group games were played off quickly to end the day. Hope you guys enjoy the pictures.
For the full set: IPL 3: Origins - Day 2 pictures
DJ Wheat, in the house!
Select preparing to start his games in the morning
The overclocked AMD processor with liquid helium cooling it
Gordan Hayward playing on that AMD processor
oGs.SK MC in an interview
aaaagh, dammit STC!
Ret playing some Brood War
Spoiler for more pics so people don't have to scroll forever down.
+ Show Spoiler +
DeMuslim watching Ret play
A wild Boxer appears!
Massive BM from Huk at this point
Slayers Sleep not so used to the interviews
MC checking on Hero after his losses
Master Jane
MC guidance from behind the scenes
Haypro playing his opens matches
Machine doing the same
IdrA's "imba" smirk
Special Tactics master interviewed
MMA playing in the group
STC playing in the group