I've lived most of my life listening to punk rock (Pennywise, Bad Religion, NOFX, Authority Zero [check them the fuck out by the way], and other random bullshit associated with the same crowd). Finally, I've moved on and started listening to more electronic shit. Le Castle Vania is the "dopest" most badass motherfucker I've ever listened to in my entire life. Holy shit, that guy knows what the fuck is up. Example will be linked at the bottom of the page.
I don't really have any sort of SC2 updates, except I beat my buddy Xkfyu in a game the other day (anybody could). I played some Random 2v2 ladder tonight because I was too drunk to play solo, then I solo'd and pwned the one game that I played UPPPPPP Holy shit it was sooo sexy. Whatevz who gives a shit.
Peoples I am rooting fororrrrororrrrrrr (in what? who gives a shit)
Liquid`Tyler #1 always. This guy stole my heart back in TSL1 when he said that he was going to steal all of Draco's fans, and then failed miserably. Then came back to win TSL2 in the most unrelenting hardcore fashion ever. That guy is a fucking beast, and I love him to death.
iNcontroL: Love that guy to death, I'll root for him always... Not only because he was my coach, but he's just a fucking good dude in general. And I hope to Christ that karma swings his way, and he takes down a top 8 at the next MLG. The guy is so nice, you wouldn't believe it. Love this guy and root for him. Good people deserve support.
HAYPROOOOOO: break out of your fucking shell for once guy! You got this shit! You zerg scum! Love youuuuu
Socke: Yep, go.
HuK: never really liked you that much. I dunno why, just never really been a fan I hope you do well though...
djWHEAT: Grandmasters is coming man, do what other people do... Because doing what you do isn't working apparently lol <3
IdrA: I loved you ever since in BW when text in replays first came about and you bashed Satanik soooooo fucking hard and it was for the world to see... in replay... when nobody really knew that there was a program that showed text in replays... LoL <3
Meh fuck it I could type more, but I'm lazy and bored and drunk and ready for a cig.
Chill you are kind of a dickhead, but a funny one that I like to listen to on WOC. I hope you win MLG 2014. All of them.
I think I promised a video... Need to scroll up... sec...
Got it: Le Castle Vania - Nobody Gets Out Alive 1:14 ezpz win.