I rarely feel the need to blog something, but right now I need to vent.
I really like this game. Have been playing on and off since beta; nowadays, I'm spending more time watching streams and tournaments than actually playing myself. Still, I have SC2 installed and want to play every now and then, feeling some remote sense of missing something when I'm just watching the game instead of controlling some armies myself.
But every time I log on, I end up quitting again soon after. Usually losing a game starts worsening my mood (I've always been a sore loser, but shaped up a bit in that regard over time). Then I try some customs and am appaled by the horrible manners of most players. Then, I realize that I'm alone, since all of my friends that played back in beta or after release stopped playing. And then I realize how much the UI sucks one year after release, complicating things like finding new people or killing some time alone. Finally, I quit the game, only to repeat the cycle some days later with a random combination of some or all of those steps.
Let me rephrase that initial comment: I really want to like this game. I've been a huge SC fan for over a decade but I feel like I'm completely losing the passion that made me play countless matches over the years. I didn't have that problem in SC:BW or in War3 - sure, they weren't perfect and many of the issues except for the interface (playing alone, losing, manner) would happen as well, but I never felt as frustrated with those games as I've been for a long time now with SC2.
I'm at a loss. I'm utterly frustrated by a game I desperately want to like. This sucks.
You don't like playing as much as you like watching. That's honestly nothing new. Join the club.
Try the Practice Partner thread on teamliquid. Thousands of nice people on there and all are trying to improve. Plus, you can play some custom games with them (1v1), so you won't have the burden of fearing a loss.
My b.net account in jackbauer.777, if you want some practice games or just want to hang out and play some customs, I'm usually on.
I feel the same way, I love everything about this game but the game itself. I can't stand losing, but I also can't stand how I lose and I feel like I'm playing purely to remove some rust of the basic mechanics of the game rather than actually playing the strategy side of things.
Do like I do, do not give a shit about SC2 ladder.
Its just horrible anyway, being forced to play 10 PvPs in a row plus all the bad designed units made me quit the game for 3 weeks, then I decided to try random shit on ladder started playing as random and the game still feels like bland, but at least its not as bad as it was before.
Now I play some games sometimes (probably will quit again when HoMM6 launches though)
Need to overcome it, or you won't be able to keep playing
Anger is a natural emotion that arises when losing,
For me it's mostly just digust in myself because I know I can do better
The most intelligent of people are this way because they can see themselves being better than what they are
Everyone gets mad at the game... you can't expect to be the best without even playing
Even the progamers lose constantly. It's what keeps the game going.
Seems to me like it's time for a new hobby.
If you don't enjoy SC2 that much, why would you keep playing it?
There are plenty of hobbies out there and if you worked deliberately on your SC2 performance, this experience translates nicely into most of those.
Pick up an interesting real sport or if you're indoorsy, pick up an instrument or something.
I understand exactly how you feel. It helped me a lot to find a clan. Every day when I get on I have to turn down invitations to KOTHs or practice games they happen so much, we all have skype and laugh and talk during the KOTHs.. And we have frequent tournaments and clan wars.
Even if they don't support clans very well there are still many things like skype and easily set up forums.
Anyway, that's how I keep myself from growing to hate this game. Then again I play Z so I"m predisposed.
SaYyId.113 Anytime you need a friend to do random shit, I'll be there (my e-mail is alex_balde12@hotmail.com in case I'm not in game)
Do you ever type glhf/gg? I've noticed that if a game makes rage and feel frustrated, typing gg at the end of every single game helps calm those feelings. I guess it's just as simple as not giving into the rage. It's also a lot easier to watch the replay afterwards.
I think a lot of it is just in the interface that still creates a sort of "isolated" feeling for players. Same sentiment I expressed months ago with the flaws in B.net 0.2. In SC1/WC3, chat channels occupied the entire screen, and you had to not be in a game to participate in the chat. The first impact of that is the feeling that aesthetically, you had focus around the chat/social interaction, whereas the whole tiny chat box (yes, you can increase its size, but not permanently/by default) in SC2 makes the chat much less notable and much less attention-grabbing. The second result is that the system of SC2 often results in tons of people appearing idle in chat channels, which really often means that they aren't there at all, often playing a game. So, in a place like the NTBL chat channel, you might have 25 people, but in reality, only 2-4 might be there to actually talk to/play with.
Next is the custom game system. The lack of hosts creates a disconnect between players. Automated games means automated play, and it's that extra step to get the game started with hosting in previous Blizzard games that often pushed an extra step in gamers interacting with each other. Back in WC3, I stumbled onto an entire diplomacy community just by getting to know people who could host/finding their games.
Thanks for your responses and the contacts; I might hit you up if I find you online.
Some of the replies focused solely on losing games; this is a part of my issue with SC2, but not all of it. All the other parts, chief among them the horrible interface and complete lack of "community" feel inside the game, add to my frustration.
@ caruso:
I've though about this. Not that I need new hobbies - I have enough. But maybe I only try to like SC2 so much because I fondly remember the great time I had with other b.net titles over the years. Could well be.
@ Sotarmursu:
I try; when I don't, it's not because of rage, but because I simply forget. I usually start my games with gl&hf and some banter, and try to end all with a "gg" regardless of outcome.
@ Llama:
Yes, that's part of my problem: The fact that the interface that was supposed to make us "never want to be offline again" feels about as alive, exciting and interactive as the frontpage of amazon.com.
I get similar feelings, I'd say if I play 3 matches I'll lose 2 on the average day. It's a very punishing game, and wins and losses on the ladder count for something, and that's pretty hard. Win or lose I'm still learning though, so it's not all bad
"...Stuck in a cycle, I just can't win, and after that it all happens again.."
Comes to mind.
Anyway, I know the feeling of being completely bored and annoyed with a game. It's not an entirely valid comparison considering the differences between the two games, but I got a feeling like this with WoW after a while. I'd play it tons for a few weeks, then whenever I logged on I just got bored and logged off. I barely play any WoW at all nowadays, so I don't know what that means for you.
I'd suggest just taking a break, and just watch streams and do whatever you want. Occasionally I'll just burn out on SC2 and I'll go do whatever (in other words play pokemon TT) for a couple days, and go back to the game. Doesn't seem like that's entirely your case though.
Maybe you just don't like SC2. It kind of seems like it.
I have had the same feeling and it all started when I started to watch an INSANE ammount of content.
My Advice is: Watch/study less, play more.
OFC you will have to deal with your emotions in the process. But hey, you will end up loving the game as much as you need if you handle it well. The worst thing that can happen is that you end up playing another game and watching sc2 as much as you do now, wich is not so bad actually.
Remember that you can't love or like something that you are not used to do/to have/to feel.
Hope this helped somehow. Cheers
It depends on what you really want do, like the game, or improve and be good at the game? If you just wanna have fun Random playing in team and 1v1s is fun for me. If you wanna improve stick with a race and play a bunch of games. Not sure about you, but whenever I feel frustrated with the race I'm currently playing I play a 2-3 team games as random and then I'm good to go. Hope this helped ^_^
I think it just has to do with the ways you lose in sc2 vs bw and wc3 FT because I get way more frustrated with sc2 than i ever did with either of those games. I would get the occasional turtler or tower rusher in WC3 but a grand majority of games were quite good. Yes, I had a ton of trouble with the human early T2 caster push against me (orc) but it was usually my fault and after a while got very good at holding them.
Sc2, on the other hand I think i got a good 5-6 one base terran pushes yesterday in a row. Yes, i've stopped them etc but unlike wc3 it always feels like a guessing game, is it a thor rush? blue flame hellions? light banshees or heavy banshees? I lost all 5-6 and that just sets me off. A player on one base who beats me even after having an expo for a very long time. Just feels stupid, and I have no idea how to get past the frustration like the op. I'll go on a ladder session and get all-inned 10-15 games in a row. (pulling 15 scv's is not a pressure build....).
PvZ is difficult, but even though I hate the mu more than PvT, the one base PvT builds cause me more frustration than anything else in sc2.