On June 06 2011 15:45 Milkis wrote:
Message from July:
해외에 계신 많은 여러분 우선 저를 많이 사랑해주셔서 고맙고요
이번 MLG에서 더 좋은성적을 거두지못해 좀 아쉽고 팬들에게 미안하지만
다음 해외대회에서는 더 멋진 성적으로 찾아뵐게여^^
앞으로도 많은 응원해주세요 우리 스타테일도 많이 사랑해주시구요
팀리퀴드 화이팅!!!! ^^
First of, I want to thank my many foreign fans for really loving me,
And although I'm sorry because I haven't been able to achieve a better results during this MLG,
But in the next foreign tournament, I will come back and meet you with an even better record.
Please cheer for me even more in the future. And please also show a lot of love to Startale.
TeamLiquid Fighting!
Message from July:
해외에 계신 많은 여러분 우선 저를 많이 사랑해주셔서 고맙고요
이번 MLG에서 더 좋은성적을 거두지못해 좀 아쉽고 팬들에게 미안하지만
다음 해외대회에서는 더 멋진 성적으로 찾아뵐게여^^
앞으로도 많은 응원해주세요 우리 스타테일도 많이 사랑해주시구요
팀리퀴드 화이팅!!!! ^^
First of, I want to thank my many foreign fans for really loving me,
And although I'm sorry because I haven't been able to achieve a better results during this MLG,
But in the next foreign tournament, I will come back and meet you with an even better record.
Please cheer for me even more in the future. And please also show a lot of love to Startale.
TeamLiquid Fighting!
together with boxer, nada and nestea, july is the one i want to see in internationalen tournament
gogo JULY next month is your time to win =)