Anyone who has been at TL.net for a while or who has read the 10 commandments should know that the tolerance of bannable behavior from certain individuals is not only commonplace, but intentional. This makes for an interesting atmosphere that some may like, or not. An atmosphere in which some of us exploit and some are exploited.
I myself am not one of these upper-echelon members although I do enjoy a certain comfort zone. One day, though, I hit a sensitive spot of an administrator with whom I have no personal relation. The form of my post was identical to countless others but because of the particular subject and readership, I was given a temp ban. And if I recall correctly, I would’ve been given a permanent ban if not for the nature of tolerance here.
I do remember, though not with clarity, some very outright offensive posts I’ve made in the past. Though I can personally “justify” them by recalling the mood-altering medical conditions I was suffering, I imagine the consensus of the admins to not ban me was hinging on my otherwise good status as a poster. So that would make two times I’ve “gotten away” with it.
Finally, during my heyday as a poster at TL.net (I post less now), I made my share of generally useless and content-lacking posts. No particular incident but just a general waste of space. But since they were mixed in with my contributions, these microscopic offenses were tolerated.
So I can imagine three major ways in which I’ve made TL.net a worse site, and yet I’m still allowed to remain because of my contributions and/or reputation.
Have you ever been temp-banned or received threats? Share those experiences.
Have you noticed identical content from two posters, one of which is acceptable and the other not (perhaps even resulting in a ban)? Does that bother you?
Have you noticed anyone who has, at one point, made contributions but by now has probably out-weighed those positive contributions with too many negatives?
PS: It wouldn’t be incredibly difficult to make some strong cases (ie by using anonymous quotes of text from prominent posters and banned posters to demonstrate the similarity) for banning some big names here. But that’s not really the point. I’m beyond complaining about TL.net’s disregard for content as its #1 priority. I’m just curious what the population thinks about it, if at all.
i'll rephrase this entire shit in a few minutes
Sweden33719 Posts
Hm, I've been temp banned twice I think.
Once, because I tried to contact born)slippy in a topic (I think this was before we had PMs :D) and rekrul closed it, so I re-made it cause I wanted/needed to reach him. Very clever.
The other time I don't even remember, I think it was a joke (the banning) but eh, I'm just almost sure I've been banned twice.
I've never been temp banned.
a little tough to read that actually.. hrmm.. Well Mensrea warned me once in a perfectly mannered way and fair way once =) only time though
I think one thing that's always identified TL.net as a community is that it's so tolerant, but only to a point. For example, some people come post here, and within 10 posts they're already gone. I've got a lot of posts--and I can honestly say few of them are actually constructive. Most of my constructive posts were in the strategy forums, as that's really the only forum I used when I first signed up. When I first came here I did my best to be polite, as I was afraid of Rekrul's scythe, but after a while I realized it was "ok" to be a bit of a jackass, as you can more or less do whatever you want as long as you don't piss off one of the admins.
Once I quit playing Starcraft religiously, my post quality and content went way downhill. The only thing I cleaned up was my typing. If you can go find my first few hundred posts you'll see that I don't capitalize, punctuate, etc. I actually find myself occasionally wondering how I don't get banned. To be frank, I just don't care anymore. I post stuff in the general forum that I think is worthy of a thread, and generally just don't take things too seriously.
I've made some rather rude posts that probably offended a handful of people here, for which I apologized for. I always question why I was never banned for it, but other people would have been gone within seconds.
I've only gotten warnings in the past, and usually it was for just posting too much (if I'm on during a more active time, I might be posting in multiple threads). One time I had a question about software, and I guess the thread title referred to some kind of illegal software which is illegal to be posting about here, and so I got a warning. That was an honest mistake though, as I didn't know it was illegal--I just didn't know the terminology.
And well, it doesn't really bother me that some people can get away with anything here. This isn't an objective forum run by a company. It's owned and operated by Starcraft fans, and that's why most of us are here. Hell, I don't even play anymore but I still come here. It's not like we can tell them how to run their own site. It's like owning a Counter-Strike server. It's yours, and you can ban whoever you want, etc.
So, for example, any of the blues here (Mana, Bill, and Hot_Bid) could probably get away with anything. Doesn't bother me, for the reason I just stated. If you don't like it, don't post. It's pretty simple. I can also think of a handful of just regular posters who, if banned, who cause an upset.
I remember vaguely being banned because I complained about some thread being closed. I hardly remember what thread it was or any other detail. I do like the "we'll ban you if we feel like it" attitude. Lots of other forums have a bunch of dickwads who spend all day bitching at the administration for their (deserved) bans. Because the administrators had written that they moderate fairly and strictly by the rules.
when was darki unbanned? i've been banned for flaming a guy asking for help in the strategy forum. thus, repent my sins i try to help whenever i can.
i got my other name banned because i was a cock
Belgium8305 Posts
okay so
ive gotten away with bannable offenses before but its relative. i have 1k+ posts and in my opinion, i'd venture to say atleast 1k of them have been worthwhile posts.
that being said, the people who get banned before they reach 20 posts have a much higher percentage of those posts deemed bannable.
so yeah, of course it would be easy to compare my one bannable post to some scrubs 20 shit posts. the point is ive made a thousand other worthy posts while all he's contributed is shit. you cant compare apples with oranges.
Never been banned yet, and I think it's completely fair that someone who has been here as long as me, or longer than me gets more respect, and more leniency than a guy who's been here for less than ten days. You've obviously done something right if you've made it to 2k or more posts (too many 1k post users for me to take them seriously), because this site bans a ton of people. It's just like the workplace, most of the time good workers get more leniency with the management than the asshole shitty workers get.
On September 04 2006 15:23 Gene wrote: okay so
ive gotten away with bannable offenses before but its relative. i have 1k+ posts and in my opinion, i'd venture to say atleast 1k of them have been worthwhile posts.
that being said, the people who get banned before they reach 20 posts have a much higher percentage of those posts deemed bannable.
so yeah, of course it would be easy to compare my one bannable post to some scrubs 20 shit posts. the point is ive made a thousand other worthy posts while all he's contributed is shit. you cant compare apples with oranges.
That's what I'm saying, too, but I doubt very greatly that you have that high a ratio of good posts to bad posts. Even FA has a lot of bad posts, but he also has a lot of very good posts.
I haven't gotten banned or temp banned Hell, I haven't even read the ten commandments yet haha
Always heard of "OMG 10 COMMANDMENTS THIS" "TEN COMMANDMENTS THAT" but never read it at all
Hmmm. I think I've been banned. I vaguely remember going typing in tl.net and being sent to disney.com, but at the time I had no idea what it meant.
i got temp banned for saying old once >.>
but that was after a fair warning, so i deserved it. Along with about 6 other people =]
4492 Posts
On September 04 2006 15:12 FrozenArbiter wrote: Hm, I've been temp banned twice I think.
Once, because I tried to contact born)slippy in a topic (I think this was before we had PMs :D) and rekrul closed it, so I re-made it cause I wanted/needed to reach him. Very clever.
The other time I don't even remember, I think it was a joke (the banning) but eh, I'm just almost sure I've been banned twice.
3rd one will be once you hit 20 fuckin' k of posts. (!!!)
I've never been temp banned! ^^
Oh, by the way, have any of you guys heard of Papa Roach's new (est) album: Getting Away With A Bannable Offense.
I've been life banned because I posted a torrent site not knowing we weren't allowed to do so. Even though everyone keeps posting them... I just guessed some admin didn't like me