Practice Partner Thread
Season 5 2013
Season 5 2013
To add an entry, reply to this thread. To modify an entry, edit your post. Do not post again. Only one entry per post. It is fine to make more than one post for you are "Team" interest in addition to Casual or Competitive. If you have more then one account, post more then once in the thread.
IMPORTANT!!!! Your post must match EXACTLY with format listed below. Please copy and past the below exactly in your post, and fill in your entries as needed. Consult the example post for valid entries. Anybodies post who is not valid will not be sorted by the script. If you mess up, please don't post again; edit your post until it is correct. The thread will be updated about once every three days. Thank you.
The assumption is that everybody is playing the most current release of starcraft, Heart of the Swarm. If you are using a different release of starcraft, please indicate that in the “other” portion of your post.
This thread will be purged at the beginning of each ladder season. If you want to participate for that season, you will have to post in the practice partners thread again.
Link to the previous ladder season, for reference:
Important, these entries must be filled in exactly as listed here. Each "field" must have a valid entry. If something is wrong in your post, like the spacing is wrong or something is capitalized strangely, the script will not sort you. So copy and past the template below and fill in your information. Last season, more than half of all people where never properly added to the thread, because their post wasn't formatted exactly right. So please, copy and paste the template exactly. Spelling matters! If you don't capitalize something that should be, or capitalize something that shouldn't be, that matters to!
Examples of things not to do. EVERYONE READ THIS:
casual/competitive is invalid. Pick ONE interest and spell it correctly.
Its AM server, not NA server.
mid gold is not a league. You are Gold. High Masters is not a league. You are Masters.Or whatever applies to you. If you haven't played the placement match, you are Bronze. So many people mess this up.
You have to include every line. Don't leave anything out. Don't mix up the order either. USE THE TEMPLATE!
YOUR POST MAY BE DELETED type up your post in an office program, or using a different font or something else, and then copy and paste it. Its technical stuff that has to do with the way the script reads characters. Please type your post in the post box and don't put any images or fonts in it. If your post trips up the script, I will have to ask a mod to edit or delete it for the good of the thread.
Look at the error log at the bottom of the thread. If your post isn't sorted, the error log will give you an idea of why. “Too few lines for all headers to be present” means you left something out. If your post has characters the script can't process (like you typed in word and copy and pasted it in, for example) it will generate an “other” error. Retype it in the TL post box.
If something is wrong with your post, edit your post. If you edit your post to the correct format, it will be sorted next time. If you need to change something in your post, edit your post. DO NOT POST MORE THAN ONCE IN THIS THREAD!!!!.
Despite my best efforts, about half of all of you will not post correctly and will not be sorted. That sucks. Read the thread, follow the format, and try and copy other users that got it right. Check back every once in a while after you post to make sure your post gets added. Remember to check the error log as well.
Server: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN
B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Your bnet ID and number
Race: Random, Terran, Protoss, Zerg
Interest: This is new to the practice partners thread. Competitive, Casual, or Team. Competitive players play a lot and have a lot of time to devote to serious practice. Causal is for people who can only practice occasionally, or just want to make friends. This includes noncompetitive teams. Team is for people looking for practice or partners for competitive team games. These are serious 2v2, 3v3 or 4v4 players only.
Valid entries are Competitive, Casual, Team. Casual/Competitive is not valid and will not be sorted.
League: Master, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver or Bronze.
Other: Extra info you want to add. Please limit this to two or three sentences. One paragraph only.
Server: AM
B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: mothergoose.851
Race: Terran
Interest: Casual
League: Platinum
Other: Stuff about me.
Rules and other information:
+ Show Spoiler + identifier
Your identifier is a 3 digit character code. It uniquely identifies your name.
To find your identifier:
- Login to your SC2 account;
- Roll your mouse over your SC2 portrait, and the code will appear.
Your profile URL contains your up-to-date ladder standings. To find your profileURL:
- Goto:;
- Click on StarCraft II link;
- Login;
- At the top-right you will see your name and portrait - click it;
- Copy the address in your address bar - this is your profileURL.
Your Sc2Ranks URL also contains your up-to-date ladder standings, but has a better API for automated interfacing. To find your Sc2RanksURL:
- Goto:
- Click on " URL" Tab
- Paste your ProfileURL (from above) into the " profile URL" box and click on "View"
- Copy the address in your address bar - this is your Sc2RanksURL.
Important Rules
- If your post is missing too much information it won't be sorted. Try not to deviate too far from the example post.
- Only one entry per post. If you want to make multiple entries, you will need to make multiple posts.
Lying, Misrepresentation, & Abuses
Anyone using this thread for evil and nefarious purposes will not be allowed to participate. If you notice someone outright lying or using the information in this thread to cause trouble let me know via PM. Bannable information may be passed on to TL moderators or reported to blizzard staff if necessary.
AM Server
Masters League + Show Spoiler +
Random + Show Spoiler +
Terran + Show Spoiler +
Protoss + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (1) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: EscapingJail
B.Net ID: EscapingJail.860
Other: I'm a pretty mannered and friendly. I like to grind out practice games, I'm a huge fan of Kpop!!! My Skype ID is EscapingJail. Feel free to add me there, pm me on TL, or in game.
Casual (0) + Show Spoiler +
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Zerg + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (1) + Show Spoiler +
B.Net ID: zam.770
Other: Just want to play a bunch of games, willing to play vs any league and can play offraces at around low-mid master level, just hit me up~Last edit: 2013-09-17 02:29:34
Casual (0) + Show Spoiler +
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Diamond League + Show Spoiler +
Random + Show Spoiler +
Terran + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (1) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: ander
B.Net ID: Kingdom.851
Other: Former top-Master Protoss player, looking to attempt to reach that same level with Terran. Any matchup, any time! (MST) Definitely willing to play players outside of diamond as well; I need all the practice I can get. I hope to push into masters this season. Thanks! :D
Casual (1) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Doc Brawler
B.Net ID: doc.1233
Other: Looking to practice builds especially against TOSS. Love to micro practice in unit tester as well. Hit me up whenever!
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Protoss + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (1) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: kylclor
B.Net ID: RirikuSorata.828
Other: Diamond level Protoss looking to practice all match ups (i need the most help in PvZ and PvP). I feel that i'm getting close to masters level I just really need some practice ironing out macro builds and just working the kinks out in general. I am willing to grind out lots of games or specific builds. I am generally on a lot weekdays and weekends from the evening into the early morning. People to practice with that are mid diamond+ are prefered but I will practice with anyone. If you have a lot of game knowledge and like discussing strategies and tactics and stuff like that would be great. Message me in game please, no rage no ego no bm gg glhf all! ^^
Casual (0) + Show Spoiler +
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Zerg + Show Spoiler +
Platinum League + Show Spoiler +
Random + Show Spoiler +
Terran + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (3) + Show Spoiler +
B.Net ID: Bojinkins.813
Other: Looking to get to diamond this season, but hitting seriously bad luck. If any higher level players want to give me some advice or coach, or just some Plat - Diamond players that want to play games. Message me in game and I will add you for practice!
B.Net ID: ChiLL.418
Other: Just looking for a practice partner in each race option so I can make Diamond finally. I'm in the military so my time differs day to day but I am guaranteed to be on weekends and will play many games in a row for hours. I am very open to criticism and willing to change my build order and style depending on what you need to train against. Whatever your practice style is, whether it be grind games or play a game and discuss, I am down. Just add me and message me on here or in-game. GL HF!
TL ID: manicshock
B.Net ID: Manicshock.979
Other: Plat Terran, former master. Coming back after not playing for 2 years, so starting to find my feet again with all 3 MUs. Main ones I need help with are TvT and TvP, but TvZ definitely wouldn't hurt. Feeling comfortable against high plats/diamonds at the moment, so anyone including masters I'm okay with. Also okay with going on EU server. PM on TL, or w/e. I'm okay with most times at the moment. Not always on at a set time, but generally on in the evening to late evening (6+ to 9+ MST).
Casual (0) + Show Spoiler +
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Protoss + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (2) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: TaeHwan
B.Net ID: KimTaeHwan.251
Other: I'm on usually in the evening 5pm - 8pm EST.
TL ID: frosecold
B.Net ID: frosecold.154
Other: I just dont want to wander around in starcraft all alone
Casual (0) + Show Spoiler +
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Zerg + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (4) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Porkchop
B.Net ID: DaFF.325
Other: Have been in Plat for way too long, having trouble with Protoss and Terran for the most part.
TL ID: Odds
B.Net ID: Odds.633
Other: Top Plat player looking for practice partners of any race in plat/diamond/masters willing to grind out a bunch of games at a time. Teamspeak preferred, but will use any voice chat.
TL ID: knucklez
B.Net ID: knucklez.463
Other: Used to be masters in WOL, tryna make a a grind back to masters. Currently stuck in platinum, need T and P practice partners!Last edit: 2013-09-28 09:30:01
TL ID: slain72
B.Net ID: slain.709
Other: Looking for practice partners in any matchup. Typically on during weekends and weeknights.
Casual (1) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: grassHAT
B.Net ID: HotRod.221
Other: I play mostly after work (4:30PM PST) and enjoy getting better. I am looking to get some practice partners so I can more efficiently use my time when I do play.
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Gold League + Show Spoiler +
Random + Show Spoiler +
Terran + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (3) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: CorsaL
B.Net ID: CorsaL.455
Other: I want to get better. My prime objective it's to climb ranks and to get at least to Masters.Last edit: 2013-09-10 04:54:07
TL ID: Matta
B.Net ID: Matta.262
Other: Really looking for help mastering TvP and TvT; TvZ I feel really good about unless you're upper level zerg that wants to school me until I learn how to play TvZ even better. TvP feels like my worst matchup, TvT is something I need to learn more about. Evening time is best for me, PST.Last edit: 2013-09-03 14:56:37
TL ID: PAtrIOt_37
B.Net ID: Rush.598
Other: Want to get back to Diamond. Played WoL and got into HoTS recently. I know that early WoL diamond isnt the same as diamond now but I still want to strive for it. All partners welcome! Even bronze (I will help anyone in a lower league than I am if I can) Thanks!
Casual (1) + Show Spoiler +
B.Net ID: Everchanging.323
Other: Primarily play in the evenings (after 8pm est) and weekends. Would prefer to play a few games in a row, maybe a best of 3 or best of 5. Any match up is welcome, TvP is probably my most uncertain matchup.Last edit: 2013-09-21 13:59:17
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Protoss + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (2) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Discuss
B.Net ID: Drewcifer.600
Other: Looking for gold/plat in all matchupsLast edit: 2013-09-22 08:10:47
TL ID: PsychoS
B.Net ID: PsychoS.1926
Other: Want to get better, eventually work up to masters!
Casual (0) + Show Spoiler +
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Zerg + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (0) + Show Spoiler +
Casual (1) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: warhawk112
B.Net ID: WarHawk.775
Other: All matchups are welcome!
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Silver League + Show Spoiler +
Random + Show Spoiler +
Terran + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (1) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: furin121
B.Net ID: Furin.996
Other: Interest is really casual / competitive. I have no desire to play tourny's or anything but I do play a lot and have a lot of free time to practice. Just looking for some people to work on build orders with and to work on my ability (or lack thereof) to react to various builds and army comp changes. I have a ton of replays on GGtracker ( ) so feel free to take a look. MSG me or find me online if you want to get some games going. I am in central time zone in the US and usually play between the hours of 6PM and 11PM.Last edit: 2013-09-18 23:53:13
Casual (0) + Show Spoiler +
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Protoss + Show Spoiler +
Zerg + Show Spoiler +
Bronze League + Show Spoiler +
Random + Show Spoiler +
Terran + Show Spoiler +
Protoss + Show Spoiler +
Zerg + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (1) + Show Spoiler +
B.Net ID: HexTK.802
Other: Took a bit of a break but now getting back into it. MMR Decay means I dropped a league, hoping to get back into Silver and pushing into Gold. Have Skype and voice chat. Note: Located in Australia (GMT+10)Last edit: 2013-09-25 12:25:55
Casual (0) + Show Spoiler +
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
EU Server
Masters League + Show Spoiler +
Diamond League + Show Spoiler +
Random + Show Spoiler +
Terran + Show Spoiler +
Protoss + Show Spoiler +
Zerg + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (1) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: NomaKasd
B.Net ID: NomaKasd.664
Other: I'm a diamond level Zerg currently trying to get back into masters. I'm Looking for good practice partners who can learn builds/strategys that I struggle with so that I can practice against them --- I'll gladly return the favour! I've been coLFireZerg's student for over a year.
Casual (0) + Show Spoiler +
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Platinum League + Show Spoiler +
Random + Show Spoiler +
Terran + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (1) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: V3nom
B.Net ID: King.1606
Other: Looking for platinum/diamond players to play with, especially Protoss and Terran.
Casual (1) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Kuroud0
B.Net ID: KuroudO.210
Other: Looking por Plat/Diamond players for practice to reach diamond and improve mechanics. Any race.
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Protoss + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (2) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Becuula
B.Net ID: Becuula.451
Other: Looking for Plat/Dia practice partners of all races. I like playing my standard macro build vs different builds. But I am also open to play special builds so that you can test your builds against them.Last edit: 2013-09-08 22:30:24
B.Net ID: MrFUBAR.186
Other: I would like to make it to master league and hopefully go further! I am having trouble mainly against Terran and Protoss but, help versing Zerg would be great as well.Last edit: 2013-09-28 04:20:37
Casual (0) + Show Spoiler +
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Zerg + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (1) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: IzzoN
B.Net ID: IzzoN.639
Other: Diamond 2 seasons ago, want to get back to that level to start with, and reach masters during this winter. I could use practise partners in any matchup, but I am having a really hard time in ZvP and somewhat difficult in ZvZ. I'm usually online every evening/sometimes at daytime CET, and I can spend a lot of time on the game, and don't be afraid of PM'in me in SC2 if you are in another league, I don't really care about leagues.
Casual (0) + Show Spoiler +
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Gold League + Show Spoiler +
Random + Show Spoiler +
Terran + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (2) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: SonGoku
B.Net ID: SonGoku.957
Other: Switched mainrace from protoss to terran. Still end up in gold now looking to improve my play, especially against P and Z.
TL ID: menK
B.Net ID: menK.816
Other: Stopped playing 2 years ago and trying to get back into the world of Sc2. Need practice in all matchups, would welcome it if there would be some kind of recap after games instead of just massing games. Just add me whenever.
Casual (3) + Show Spoiler +
B.Net ID: DirkDiggler.456
Other: Interested in all matchups! Can use Teamspeak or Skype if interested.Last edit: 2013-09-28 14:38:58
B.Net ID: SCRK.664
Other: Started playing again a while ago and want to get back into platinum (currently top 8 gold). Need help especially against Protoss and Zerg.
TL ID: sOpsAEck
B.Net ID: sOpsAEck.406
Other: Looking for someone to practice my lack of ability to hold off early pressure from all three races.
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Protoss + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (1) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: nightshade2109
B.Net ID: NightShade.409
Other: Looking for Zerg, Protoss and Terran players to practice against and learn from.
Casual (0) + Show Spoiler +
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Zerg + Show Spoiler +
Silver League + Show Spoiler +
Random + Show Spoiler +
Terran + Show Spoiler +
Protoss + Show Spoiler +
Zerg + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (1) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Cyroch
B.Net ID: Cyroch.377
Other: Looking for all races. For warm up before ladder, testing of new BOs etc.Last edit: 2013-09-28 16:20:16
Casual (0) + Show Spoiler +
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Bronze League + Show Spoiler +
KR/TW Server
Masters League + Show Spoiler +
Random + Show Spoiler +
Terran + Show Spoiler +
Protoss + Show Spoiler +
Zerg + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (1) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: ThanksD0ge
B.Net ID: Doggy.629
Other: Hey, I'm a Korean master league zerg player looking for only other master or GM players. I don't mind what race you are, although I prefer Protoss. I live in Korea, I'm usually up from around 4:30pm KST to 4:00AM KST, I usually come online every day and I don't mind grinding 10 games in a row as long as we're watching replays and improving!Last edit: 2013-10-09 13:29:48
Casual (0) + Show Spoiler +
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Diamond League + Show Spoiler +
Platinum League + Show Spoiler +
Gold League + Show Spoiler +
Silver League + Show Spoiler +
Bronze League + Show Spoiler +
SEA Server
Masters League + Show Spoiler +
Diamond League + Show Spoiler +
Platinum League + Show Spoiler +
Gold League + Show Spoiler +
Silver League + Show Spoiler +
Bronze League + Show Spoiler +
CN Server
Masters League + Show Spoiler +
Diamond League + Show Spoiler +
Platinum League + Show Spoiler +
Gold League + Show Spoiler +
Silver League + Show Spoiler +
Bronze League + Show Spoiler +
+ Show Spoiler +
Post 1 (user=rcL): Choice Competetive for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 3 (user=AZN)Boy): Choice AM, EU for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 5 (user=DashedHopes): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 7 (user=Meltzington): Choice Diamond/Masters for league is not valid (pick one of: Masters, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze)
Post 10 (user=ktimekiller): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 11 (user=Argenic): Choice AM, EU for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 14 (user=sionweeks): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 18 (user=DjayEl): Choice Diamond (this season got me into Plat because of the initial placement, but no I'm dia don't worry ^^) for league is not valid (pick one of: Masters, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze)
Post 22 (user=KazmA): Header B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: is missing or out of order ( ID.IDENTIFIER: Greenpine.531)
Post 27 (user=PaperplanesGang): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 28 (user=dream-_-): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 33 (user=RocketStar): Header ProfileURL: is missing or out of order (line=ProflileURL: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a>)
Post 34 (user=Stinkmachine): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 37 (user=Doc Brawler): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 41 (user=tokinho): Choice NA for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 42 (user=HotDilandi): URL is not valid as a profile URL
Post 44 (user=Stinkmachine): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 45 (user=JanLui): Header B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: is missing or out of order (line=TL ID: JanLui)
Post 47 (user=damnMangos): Header ProfileURL: is missing or out of order (line=ProfleURL: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a>)
Post 48 (user=Angus): URL is not valid as a profile URL
Post 49 (user=KobeAnd8): Header B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: is missing or out of order (line=B.Net IS.IDENTIFIER: Snoopy.146)
Post 53 (user=Sacrilege): Choice NA for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 54 ( Header Other: is missing or out of order (line=Other : Add me if you want practice !<div style="float:right; font-size:8pt; margin-top:15px">Last edit: 2013-09-27 18:45:03</div>)
Post 58 (user=d_runk): Choice Casual, Team for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 59 (user=Mavvie): Choice NA for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 62 (user=Suichoy): Choice Gold (former Plat) for league is not valid (pick one of: Masters, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze)
Post 63 (user=Mojito99): Choice Competetive for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 64 (user=Vorment): Header Sc2RanksURL: is missing or out of order (line=Interest: Competetive)
Post 65 (user=Shevrel): Choice Competetive for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 68 (user=SalvatioNNN): Choice Competetive for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 69 (user=SKITLZ): Choice Competetive for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Special Thanks:
+ Show Spoiler +
Blazinghand wrote:
Original thread by Monokeros. All thanks goes to him for giving life to this wonderful idea!
Auto-updated Golden Age thread by TossFloss that lasted up through the server merge. A great program written by a great man.
+ Show Spoiler +
Original thread by Monokeros. All thanks goes to him for giving life to this wonderful idea!
Auto-updated Golden Age thread by TossFloss that lasted up through the server merge. A great program written by a great man.
+ Show Spoiler +
[people who helped TossFloss] Much thanks goes to apm66, GMarshal, NiGhT_mArE, Raydog and starcraft911 for their awesome improvement suggestions.
Much thanks to Blazinghand for his practice partners thread as well. The format of this post was 90% ripped off from him. A huge thanks to josep. He wrote the amazing script that is used to run this thread.
The TL practice partner thread now has an official battle net group. If you want to find someone to practice with, join the TL Practice Partners group by clicking on the groups tab, find, and searching for it.