Practice Partner Thread
Season 10
Season 10
To add an entry, reply to this thread. To modify an entry, edit your post. Do not post again. Only one entry per post. It is fine to make more than one post for you are "Team" interest in addition to Casual or Competitive. If you have more then one account, post more then once in the thread.
IMPORTANT!!!! Your post must match EXACTLY with format listed below. Please copy and past the below exactly in your post, and fill in your entries as needed. Consult the example post for valid entries. Anybodies post who is not valid will not be sorted by the script. If you mess up, please don't post again; edit your post until it is correct. The thread will be updated about once every three days. Thank you.
This thread will be purged at the beginning of each ladder season. If you want to participate for that season, you will have to post in the practice partners thread again.
Link to the previous ladder season, for reference:
Important, these entries must be filled in exactly as listed here. Each "field" must have a valid entry. If something is wrong in your post, like the spacing is wrong or something is capitalized strangely, the script will not sort you. So copy and past the template below and fill in your information. Last season, more than half of all people where never properly added to the thread, because their post wasn't formatted exactly right. So please, copy and paste the template exactly. Spelling matters! If you don't capitalize something that should be, or capitalize something that shouldn't be, that matters to!
Examples of things not to do. EVERYONE READ THIS:
casual/competitive is invalid. Pick ONE interest and spell it correctly.
Its AM server, not NA server.
mid gold is not a league. You are Gold. High Masters is not a league. You are Masters.Or whatever applies to you. If you haven't played the placement match, you are Bronze. So many people mess this up.
You have to include every line. Don't leave anything out. Don't mix up the order either. USE THE TEMPLATE!
YOUR POST MAY BE DELETED type up your post in an office program, or using a different font or something else, and then copy and paste it. Its technical stuff that has to do with the way the script reads characters. Please type your post in the post box and don't put any images or fonts in it. If your post trips up the script, I will have to ask a mod to edit or delete it for the good of the thread.
Look at the error log at the bottom of the thread. If your post isn't sorted, the error log will give you an idea of why. “Too few lines for all headers to be present” means you left something out. If your post has characters the script can't process (like you typed in word and copy and pasted it in, for example) it will generate an “other” error. Retype it in the TL post box.
If something is wrong with your post, edit your post. If you edit your post to the correct format, it will be sorted next time. If you need to change something in your post, edit your post. DO NOT POST MORE THAN ONCE IN THIS THREAD!!!!.
Despite my best efforts, about half of all of you will not post correctly and will not be sorted. That sucks. Read the thread, follow the format, and try and copy other users that got it right. Check back every once in a while after you post to make sure your post gets added. Remember to check the error log as well.
Server: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN
B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Your bnet ID and number
Race: Random, Terran, Protoss, Zerg
Interest: This is new to the practice partners thread. Competitive, Casual, or Team. Competitive players play a lot and have a lot of time to devote to serious practice. Causal is for people who can only practice occasionally, or just want to make friends. This includes noncompetitive teams. Team is for people looking for practice or partners for competitive team games. These are serious 2v2, 3v3 or 4v4 players only.
Valid entries are Competitive, Casual, Team. Casual/Competitive is not valid and will not be sorted.
League: Master, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver or Bronze.
Other: Extra info you want to add. Please limit this to two or three sentences. One paragraph only.
Server: AM
B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: mothergoose.851
Race: Terran
Interest: Casual
League: Platinum
Other: Stuff about me.
Rules and other information:
+ Show Spoiler + identifier
Your identifier is a 3 digit character code. It uniquely identifies your name.
To find your identifier:
- Login to your SC2 account;
- Roll your mouse over your SC2 portrait, and the code will appear.
Your profile URL contains your up-to-date ladder standings. To find your profileURL:
- Goto:;
- Click on StarCraft II link;
- Login;
- At the top-right you will see your name and portrait - click it;
- Copy the address in your address bar - this is your profileURL.
Your Sc2Ranks URL also contains your up-to-date ladder standings, but has a better API for automated interfacing. To find your Sc2RanksURL:
- Goto:
- Click on " URL" Tab
- Paste your ProfileURL (from above) into the " profile URL" box and click on "View"
- Copy the address in your address bar - this is your Sc2RanksURL.
Important Rules
- If your post is missing too much information it won't be sorted. Try not to deviate too far from the example post.
- Only one entry per post. If you want to make multiple entries, you will need to make multiple posts.
Lying, Misrepresentation, & Abuses
Anyone using this thread for evil and nefarious purposes will not be allowed to participate. If you notice someone outright lying or using the information in this thread to cause trouble let me know via PM. Bannable information may be passed on to TL moderators or reported to blizzard staff if necessary.
AM Server
Masters League + Show Spoiler +
Random + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (1) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Grufzar
B.Net ID: grufzar.689
Other: looking for some people to help me improve my general game preferably have skype so we can chat discuss builds etc PLEASE ADD ME i play almost everyday :D I mainly play HOTS right now so add me on that if possible my skype is grufzar as well if thats easierLast edit: 2013-01-06 08:47:10
Casual (0) + Show Spoiler +
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Terran + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (4) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Brandisimo
B.Net ID: Brandisimo.928
Other: I would like to work on my macro tvz, but all other races are welcome practice. I am on all the time.
TL ID: [SG] Jasper
B.Net ID: Jasper.496
Other: I'm a recently promoted Mid Master, and I really need help in my TvP. It's like I'm totally clueless. I've pretty much rode my TvZ and TvT to Master. Also, I don't have a mic right now, but I should be getting one in a month or so.
TL ID: Shikai
B.Net ID: SunTzu337
Other: Looking for as many partners to play with as possible (especially zergs). I generally play very standard styles, although I am looking to expand into a variety of styles. I am on frequently during the week and occasionally on weekends.
TL ID: GTZergy
B.Net ID: Zergy.754
Other: Usually on 10pm-12am east
Casual (0) + Show Spoiler +
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Protoss + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (4) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: EscapingJail
B.Net ID: EscapingJail.860
Other: I'm looking for a nice group of players who use Skype, or any High Diamond/Masters players just looking for someone to talk to on Skype =D. I'm a pretty mannered and funny guy. I like to grind out practice games, I'm a huge fan of Kpop!!! My Skype ID is EscapingJail. Feel free to add me there, pm me on TL or message me in game.
TL ID: EscapingJail
B.Net ID: EscapingJail.860
Other: I'm looking for a nice group of players who use Skype, or any High Diamond/Masters players just looking for someone to talk to on Skype =D. I'm a pretty mannered and funny guy. I like to grind out practice games, I'm a huge fan of Kpop!!! My Skype ID is EscapingJail. Feel free to add me there, pm me on TL or message me in game.Last edit: 2013-01-06 02:35:15
TL ID: mewo
B.Net ID: mewo.335
Other: Took a long break, was very high master. Looking for good practice.
TL ID: SwatRaven
B.Net ID: swatraven.379
Other: Willing to play a few games with anyone, I have most types of voice communication if requested. Always looking to learn and have fun as well.Last edit: 2012-12-27 13:53:00
Casual (0) + Show Spoiler +
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Zerg + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (12) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Andromedan
B.Net ID: AndromedaOD.460
Other: Bad Master looking to improve across all MUs. Other account is SherLocK.930, also Master. PM for games
TL ID: clever_us
B.Net ID: Clever.505
Other: need people to play with, especially at odd times throughout the dayLast edit: 2012-11-12 04:48:55
TL ID: Defenestrator
B.Net ID: Defenestratr.483
Other: I'm an old masters Z getting back into SC. I can play a variety of styles, from allin to macro, so hit me up if you want to play. Prefer ZvT and ZvP.Last edit: 2012-11-13 05:02:06
TL ID: MleTempS
B.Net ID: MleTempS.931
Other: I just got into masters, so I consider myself low masters. Looking for someone who can direct and coach me a little. Any type of practice is also good.
TL ID: Rhodora
B.Net ID: Rhodora.399
Other: Looking for practice vs. all matchups. I've only recently been promoted to masters, so practice games would give me a much needed opportunity to refine my builds and settle in to the league. I try to be on sc2 as much as possible, if I'm not then I'm probably not even home (school, work etc.) I have skype, mumble etc. if you'd like to use those. You can also contact me on steam at: just send me a message first!
TL ID: EnhancedZ
B.Net ID: Sacrilege.523
Other: Looking for primarily masters + players to play with.
TL ID: 080909
B.Net ID: Taijie.496
Other: Looking for ZvZ practice partners as it is my weakest matchup. Willing to help train ZvT and ZvP at any league.
TL ID: bropedo
B.Net ID: VDVikings.680
Other: Looking for practice in every MU, send me a PM on TL or in game if you want to practice, I'm up for grinding games or discussing and going over replays after each game. Im up for practicing against players from every league but preferably diamond +.Last edit: 2012-11-20 05:28:46
TL ID: chaos22
B.Net ID: bZgQuackers.639
Other: Am Looking for high masters and grandmasters to play with am on each night. hope to hear from you!
TL ID: sora1607
B.Net ID: fluxSora.278
Other: I don't ladder much but in practice I'm about high master. Friendly. Looking forward to get to know more people and practice this game. I'm online very often and willing to play long sessions practicing specific things. Have skype if needed.Last edit: 2012-11-19 04:36:17
TL ID: templar rage
B.Net ID: narwhal.255
Other: Low/mid masters player looking for practice in all matchups. ZvZ is preferred, but I'll play with anyone who wants some games.
TL ID: Mavvie
B.Net ID: uwuMavvie.419
Other: Looking for practice vs Immortal/Sentry all in as well as 3 base timings, and I can do various all in styles against you too (mutas, roach/ling max, banerain, roach drops, etc). I'm a mid-master looking for practice partners of all races, except Protoss who play a turtly lategame style (too boring for me sorry ) Otherwise, hit me up! :D I have skype and even stream sometimes, so fun all around Last edit: 2012-11-15 06:32:23
Casual (0) + Show Spoiler +
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Diamond League + Show Spoiler +
Random + Show Spoiler +
Terran + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (6) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: DJMonday
B.Net ID: Bane.1550
Other: Diamond player, previously Protoss switching to Terran and coming back to SC2 after a long extended break. Willing to practice in various styles, highly favoring specific strategies and goals to learn. Looking for all races.Last edit: 2012-12-19 18:20:32
TL ID: Tannex
B.Net ID: Tannex.765
Other: I play mainly Mech in TvZ and TvT, but I am working on Bio-Mech, and pure Bio in TvP, looking for friendly practice partners that are Diamond to Masters, of all races, but my TvP currently needs the most work. I can Skype if wanted.Last edit: 2012-11-21 14:22:19
TL ID: Tausken
B.Net ID: Tausken.852
Other: Just looking for some cool people to practice with. I am online most days 7-10 central time. Don't care what race you are I just want practice
TL ID: TempestMaker
B.Net ID: TempestMaker.122
Other: Looking for practice partners of all races. Prefer high platinum or diamond, but happy to play a game or two vs lower leagues as well. Cool with playing against any style and going over replays on Skype (or not). Cheers.Last edit: 2012-12-17 11:20:28
TL ID: ZardiChar
B.Net ID: Zardichar.598
Other: Trying to get to masters before next season! Any matchup is fine; right now TvT is my worst, TvP best and TvZ somewhere in between. In general I like playing aggressive, but I do not cheese or allin. I have skype and other voice programs. I am on during weekends and some other random times due to school.
TL ID: muyyatin
B.Net ID: muyyatin.241
Other: Looking for practice Terran vs any race (diamond or masters), or off-race against lower-league partners. In particular, I love TvT, my TvP needs work against templar-heavy styles, and I could use practice in engagements and micro. I'm not offended by cheese, I have Skype, and I'm around at somewhat random times (I work from home, and my first son was born almost a month ago).
Casual (0) + Show Spoiler +
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Protoss + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (6) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: CrazyF1r3f0x
B.Net ID: CrazyFirefox.919
Other: If I'm online, I usually have time to play; I don't mind playing a lot of games in a row, especially if you want to practice something specific. I'm cool against playing whatever, you won't have to worry about me raging if you kill me with cheese and allin's 10 games in a row. I should also include that I do in fact have a mic/Skype
TL ID: SlashWpr
B.Net ID: SlashWpr#122
Other: Got promoted like 1 week ago (this post from 12-20-12) and been having some difficulties winning over another diamond players, i would love alot of practive against all races and all play styles, hit me a pm to play. i'm online most of day @ est time
TL ID: shinsnow
B.Net ID: Snow.115
Other: I'm available in the early evenings if my job doesn't take that time. I'm always free on the weekend. I am more of a listener so if you have advice or any constructive criticisms I am all ears. I am looking for some one with all races to help me adapt, perfect my mechanics, and as well as to practice with regularly. I have skype also master protoss players would be awesome. I would like to have their insight for I have never pvp enoughLast edit: 2012-12-09 11:06:08
TL ID: Tunnel
B.Net ID: Tunnel.244
Other: I'm on almost all day during the weekends and occasionally in the afternoons on weekdays, if I'm online I can play. My focuses currently are PvP and PvT, but I'm more than willing to play Zergs. Would love to play against better opponents,i.e. masters, if willing :D
TL ID: Asimov755
B.Net ID: sLAsimov.634
Other: Looking to improve every match up. Always down for games, just add me no matter your rank
TL ID: xDnDx
B.Net ID: xDnDx.719
Other: Looking for a group of similar-skilled people to practice with. Prefer skype to discuss games as well. Willing to practice with any race diamond +
Casual (1) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: spoonmaster
B.Net ID: Spoonmaster.805
Other: I'm a college student looking for practice partners of all races. My strongest matchups are against T and P. I'm rather friendly and love to chat/play. I also have Skype and a Mumble server.
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Zerg + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (4) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Greenhit
B.Net ID: Angryzerg.820
Other: Im a high diamond zerg, frequently facing up to mid masters players. Particularly looking for ZvP practice, but all races welcome! I have skype and enjoy mass practice games on a variety of ladder/community maps. Looking for constructive criticism, good games and analysis via skype. GL HF all! Usually online early morning and mid afternoons EST as I currently work at night :/
TL ID: 3clipse
B.Net ID: Circean.699
Other: Looking for serious practice partners. I'm down for a long run of games or practicing specific builds if you'd like (but I need to take short breaks after 3 games or so or my laptop will overheat, lol). Looking for all races, but my ZvP needs some work, so Protosses will get priority. My ZvT is pretty strong, so I'd prefer Terrans be high diamond or masters. Shoot me a message sometime!Last edit: 2012-12-04 05:40:02
TL ID: kasuia
B.Net ID: Kasuia.266
Other: Looking for practice partner of any race.Last edit: 2012-12-16 23:37:43
TL ID: subl1me
B.Net ID: Sublime.527
Other: Any race is ok, I feel like I'm in the same level against all of the 3, struggling a bit with some terran timings tho, of course I'd like to you to be High plat or diamond. Looking for HARDCORE ASS practice partner,like a lot of games in a row, less talk moar play, any race is ok.
Casual (0) + Show Spoiler +
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Platinum League + Show Spoiler +
Random + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (1) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Danglars
B.Net ID: XiaoXiao.709
Other: Practicing primarily Zerg Terran, if you practice vs. Protoss, find a Protoss. Prior experience in diamond league.
Casual (0) + Show Spoiler +
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Terran + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (2) + Show Spoiler +
B.Net ID: CZR.240
Other: I have been playing a lot of games again from being interested in the game again looking for some player to grind out some games i usually play at night and am willing to learn. Any race really I need the help.
TL ID: mokumoku
B.Net ID: Gomu. 937
Other: Lets improve!
Casual (1) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Alfadir
B.Net ID: Alfadir.729
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Protoss + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (4) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: TheHansBecker
B.Net ID: Hans.957
Other: I'm looking for Zerg and Terran Platinum practice partners. I use to be diamond, but haven't played in awhile, and I'm really rusty.... gl hf!
TL ID: skeyerage
B.Net ID: Index.906
Other: Been quite nervous to play ladder, mainly because I feel like my builds aren't ready yet. Any matchup will be fine to practice with. Former Diamond player, dropped myself, regretted it.
TL ID: InferiorWarp
B.Net ID: InferiorWarp.694
Other: I started only a couple seasons ago and I have been improving quickly but It would be nice to have someone to practice with. I enjoy offracing as well although im not too good with terran. Im fine with playing with any level.Last edit: 2012-11-26 09:52:53
TL ID: eeZe
B.Net ID: UnheardOf.876
Other: Looking for consistent practice partners of all races, Platinum league and above please. I need help with all match ups...PvT I need help with the most, PvZ second.
Casual (0) + Show Spoiler +
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Zerg + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (1) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: MarchToRuin
B.Net ID: March.793
Other: I would love T or P practice partners! Message me in game or PM for a decent Zerg practice partner.
Casual (0) + Show Spoiler +
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Gold League + Show Spoiler +
Random + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (0) + Show Spoiler +
Casual (1) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: deathmirage
B.Net ID: Deathmirage.593
Other: Always looking for new helpful people to practice with. I haven't played a lot of 1's recently, but I normally place platinum league. I say this because after winning my one placement match this season against a diamond league player I was demoted to gold (Will likely get promoted once I start playing more). So just keep in mind I probably practice best with high platinum to low diamond league players.
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Terran + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (4) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Aarna
B.Net ID: Aarna.738
Other: I just got back into the game headfirst and i'm making this my long-term game. In these next few months I'm aiming to get to masters at the very least and i'm looking for people to take the journey with me. Please only add me if you're dedicated to making it high up the ladder and are willing to commit to playing hard. I have skype, and it would be preferable if you did as wellLast edit: 2012-11-22 05:18:18
TL ID: Lonestar46
B.Net ID: ILoveSC.398
Other: I had gotten promoted to gold about a season ago and am hoping to have my mechanics good enough to stay in. Would like help with all matchups. My current focus is making sure I have a solid lategame so that I don't just go bleh when it reaches that point. Practice partner or coach will be fine.
TL ID: Sockarang
B.Net ID: Sockarang.133
Other: I've played P at the diamond level briefly, more frequently played Z at platinum, now trying to pick up Terran and am having a tough time. I'm on frequently and will practice with anyone gold or higher. My TvZ needs the most work but any matchup is fine.
TL ID: Starcaft Alpha
B.Net ID: TerranMan.908
Other: Looking for serious practice partners. I need a lot of work against Zerg players. I'm looking for someone who is down to play a lot of games, analyze replays and overall strive to get better. I'd prefer gold to master level players. I'm fairly strong at TvT and decent at TvP.
Casual (2) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: broomsweeper
B.Net ID: broomsweeper.833
Other: Willing to play against all races. Just message me, I'm pretty friendly.Last edit: 2012-11-20 14:04:21
TL ID: finding
B.Net ID: finding.594
Other: I'm just a friendly casual player looking to play some games and relax. I'll play against any kind of player of any race.
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Protoss + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (4) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Razz
B.Net ID: IChose, 820
Other: I welcome and respect every match.Last edit: 2012-11-17 10:33:50
TL ID: Laserath
B.Net ID: Lasarath.135
Other: I'm looking for people who would like to practice 1v1. I want to play customs vs people where we can analyze the games so that we can both improve. I run a mumble server that we can use for voice chat. Last edit: 2012-11-16 03:56:36
TL ID: Frostlone
B.Net ID: frostlone.574
Other: As a player who recently dropped out of platinum. I need practice. I would prefer anybody who is gold or higher but I don't really mind. I am on from about 7:30pm to 9:30pm (GMT+11) because I live in Australia. Please come ^_^Last edit: 2012-11-28 18:29:52
TL ID: probeater
B.Net ID: nizar.825
Other: Need high golds/plats to practice with when I'm not on the ladder. Usually available on weekends any time, and on monday-friday either 6:00-7:30am or 4:00-5:30pm EST. Must have positive attitude and want to play at least 5 games in a row. PM me if interested
Casual (0) + Show Spoiler +
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Zerg + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (2) + Show Spoiler +
B.Net ID: Wei.585
Other: Looking for practice partners of all races, Silver league or higher. I may be free weekends for a few matches though I'm not always available; however I have Skype and prefer to schedule practice sessions before-hand. Willingness to have a post-practice chat while looking through replays of the practice matches is a major plus.Last edit: 2012-12-30 02:55:23
TL ID: alber
B.Net ID: alber.688
Other: I want to practice builds and matchups. Usually available to play after 8pm(EST) every week night and all day on weekends.
Casual (2) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: CyrusX2
B.Net ID: Cyrus.380
Other: I haven't played in 8 months now, and am trying to get back into it and move up in the ranks, no idea how I got placed in Gold, but whatever, good chance to get better. Hit me up anytime, I'm usually on between 4 and 8 EST.Last edit: 2013-01-07 08:18:23
TL ID: Hypersomniac
B.Net ID: Hypersomniac.457
Other: Gold level Zerg player looking for more people to play with, im usually always on during the day. Feel free to message me for practice games.
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Silver League + Show Spoiler +
Random + Show Spoiler +
Terran + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (3) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Rubix279
B.Net ID: Enix.793
Other: Looking for practice partners of any skill level, and friends. Available nights and weekends, have skype.
TL ID: Kiniro
B.Net ID: Kiniro.422
Other: I'm just starting to learn the race after switching from Protoss. Any practice partners or even someone who just wants to help me learn Terran would be gladly welcome.
TL ID: xogan
B.Net ID: xogan.979
Other: Looking for silver/gold practice partners, hit me up in game.Last edit: 2012-12-09 08:38:18
Casual (0) + Show Spoiler +
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Protoss + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (3) + Show Spoiler +
Other: I'm on randomly after 3pm(EST). Ultimately, looking for other players who are wanting to practice builds, and practice matchups together so we can both get better!
TL ID: Alehan
B.Net ID: Alehan.981
Other: I haven't played in almost year and now am getting getting back into it so need some help with refreshing my memory so I won't be too rusty to play.
TL ID: CaliPark
B.Net ID: CaliPark.243
Other: Looking for some competitive players to practice and improve with, and team ladder possibly. Former Counter-Strike CAL-I pro gamer - quick learner of mechanics as a result and looking to get to gold/plat ASAP and ultimately masters in a couple season's time. I have skype and a mic and usually on late evening/early morning. PM me whenever, cheers!
Casual (2) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Darkieee
B.Net ID: Darkie.977
Other: Want to tryout new strats, kind of hardcore player for now
TL ID: IcyFlow
B.Net ID: IcyFlow.661
Other: trying to transition from terran to protoss, cause i kinda like protoss better , looking for awesome practice partners both noob and pro ! =) hope we can learn some stuffs together =)!
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Zerg + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (4) + Show Spoiler +
B.Net ID: HexTK.802
Other: Been playing for quite a while now but starting to get serious. Recently promoted to Silver hoping to jump to Gold soon. Have Skype and voice chat. Note: Located in Australia (GMT+10)Last edit: 2013-01-05 13:36:53
TL ID: Twitchie
B.Net ID: Twitchie.896
Other: Looking For Practice Partners of all races, I'm trying to get back into the game and improve. I haven't played much lately because of college and moving into a different house. I have Skype and I'm able to get on anytime. I'm up for team matches as well if its for fun :DLast edit: 2012-12-22 09:40:36
TL ID: bananashake
B.Net ID: bananashake.581
Other: Looking for other bronze/silver level players in order to practice, improve, and move up the ranks with! Not competitive to the point of making money, but would definitely be interested in getting to masters and really stepping up my play.
TL ID: zombie105
B.Net ID: zombie.861
Other: I am just looking for a partner to hone on my skills on 1v1, I am falling weak in macro. Shoot me a invite if you wish.
Casual (3) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Algorasm
B.Net ID: Algorasm.523
Other: I haven't played in months, and thought this would be a decent way to spend winter break. Feel free to add me, and PM me whenever.
TL ID: Lakarck
B.Net ID: Lakarck.131
Other: I have no interest in becoming a pro or anything like that, I just want to enjoy the game. My available time is pretty unpredictable therefore I may or may not login during the week but I will login with almost sure during the weekend. I'm looking for partners that can and will point out what I should do better or not do at all, and I'll do the same.Last edit: 2012-11-22 09:46:49
TL ID: DarK[A]
B.Net ID: Mental.398
Other: I was silver last I played and was placed. Looking to get back into the game in a semi-serious manner, but don't really have the time to commit for most people's definition of Competitive. Just looking to learn and grow as a player! PM me or friend me in game!Last edit: 2012-11-21 23:53:06
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Bronze League + Show Spoiler +
Random + Show Spoiler +
Terran + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (0) + Show Spoiler +
Casual (1) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Danagor
B.Net ID: Danagor.210
Other: I wan't to get competitive training, thou i can only play 2 hour a day that's why i entered Casual on my post.
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Protoss + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (0) + Show Spoiler +
Casual (1) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: zeroro
B.Net ID: Zeroro.835
Other: Trying to learn the game. Schedule is open for practicing, have skype/mic. Looking for people with patience as I'm not that good. Last edit: 2013-01-06 07:41:58
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Zerg + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (1) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: s0hl
B.Net ID: sohl.386
Other: I haven't been able to play much at all before because of certain matters but know i can. Anyway, so i'm looking to play everyday and i'm trying to get back into playing this seriously. I'm looking for people to play with on a regular basis who want to get better and put lots of time in studying, training and have some fun.
Casual (0) + Show Spoiler +
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
EU Server
Masters League + Show Spoiler +
Random + Show Spoiler +
Terran + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (4) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: R4z0r1991
B.Net ID: DarkDev.574
Other: Looking for master protoss players to train and talk about the tvp matchup.
TL ID: TontonPizza
B.Net ID: TontonPizza.502
Other: I'm low-mid master trying to really improve by mass playing and discuss. all 3 match up welcome but mature player only, best if you are over 20 years old. I can understand simple english or french
TL ID: dotDash
B.Net ID: prOpDash.992
Other: Looking for mature and mannered practice partners of any race. I want you to be able to keep on playing without any rage. I am mid-high master and you need to be at least the same. I like longer practice sessions. My English is fluent and if wanted I would gladly to get in touch through voice aswell. Do not hesitate to contact me if you are up for some sick practice!
TL ID: TRpredator
B.Net ID: predator. 1746
Other: I m top master(within top 25) trying to find practice partners for every mu.I m fluent in english have no problem in disscissing things over skype. My usual time online is around 17:00 - 21:00 CET.
Casual (0) + Show Spoiler +
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Protoss + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (3) + Show Spoiler +
B.Net ID: CarLM.432
Other: I'm looking for mid-high master players of any race.
TL ID: NoMercy1993
B.Net ID: Simba.746
Other: I'm a 19 year old Protoss from Germany currently mid masters lvl with ~900 pts. Looking for practice in any matchup, prefer PvT and PvP though. Im fluent in english and german. I'm using Skype and Teamspeak for communication
TL ID: nobi
B.Net ID: nobi.120
Other: ~rank 25 Protoss with a Dream
Casual (0) + Show Spoiler +
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Zerg + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (1) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Hulkoff
B.Net ID: LǂHulkoff.793
Other: Looking for some mature mannered practise partners of any race. What I mean by that is I want people who aren't insecure and they can keep playing even when on a losing streak without raging. I'm mid-high master (and I want you to be at least equal) who enjoys doing long practise sessions. I speak fluent English and I have a microphone. Please don't hesitate and contact me for some sick practise sessions!
Casual (0) + Show Spoiler +
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Diamond League + Show Spoiler +
Random + Show Spoiler +
Terran + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (3) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: NicoakaD
B.Net ID: NicoakaD.967
Other: Looking for strong practice partners for every matchup.
TL ID: Qwaky
B.Net ID: Qwaky.327
Other: I'm looking for stable practice partners from platinum, diamond or master league. I'm dedicated player who is free to play almost anytime during the day. Send me PM for skype name or find me online on Battle net
TL ID: TSCPflare
B.Net ID: rnQǂSmurf.917
Other: Although this is technically my smurf account, it has a higher rating than my actual account. In general I like to play any matchup, especially TvP as this currently is my worst matchup. (although my TvT might need some dusting as well) You can generally play with me on this account from about 16:30-22:00 GMT+1. I am free to discuss all the matches and matchups with you and will look forward to practice with some people. :D (I can also do specific playstyles if you want practice against it)
Casual (1) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Thyriaen
B.Net ID: Thyriaen.608
Other: I take StarCraft II seriously and am looking for some extended practise sessions. I recently bookmarked 20 custom melee maps which were released on TL and would like to test those for some additional play experience besides normal ladder maps. All races are welcome - I prefer dia / master opponents.
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Protoss + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (3) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: OnionSheep
B.Net ID: OnionSheep.162
Other: Looking for Dia/Master Protoss who has a somewhat solid execution on the majority of the viable PvP builds. I need help especially for finding ways on how to properly react to phoenix and timing optimization.
TL ID: Jv2_Reventon
B.Net ID: Reventon.143
Other: I'm 25, from London,UK. Training all match ups Z/T/P. I I have just been promoted to Diamond(Previous Season Plat), My goal was to get into diamond and play some very good Starcraft2 which I have achieved. My new goal is to get better and perhaps compete in the Masters League. I've also came in 3rd place on Playhem EU Daily Competition. Feel free to message me for a chat or for training games. Fluent in English. I am online almost every night.
TL ID: redds212
B.Net ID: redds.251
Other: Im 28 years old playing in my free time which i have quite a lot Im interested in practicing any matchups.
Casual (1) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: astor
B.Net ID: czaku#202
Other: Looking for any matchup practice on skype/whatever. Mostly online on evenings, sometimes during the day when i don't have lessons.
Team (1) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: heroboi
B.Net ID: Heroboi.816
Other: Looking for people of similar skill to practice with and against in 1v1 and team games.
Zerg + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (3) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Atthasit
B.Net ID: Atthasit.393
Other: Don't need practice against anything specific at the moment, just want quality games which is usually not the case on ladder. Message me in PM, on the game (online 3 to 6-7 GMT usually) or skype iatthasiti.
TL ID: Zerserk
B.Net ID: Hatred.2844
Other: I am looking for some friendly active practice partners any race from a platinum or diamond league. If u wanna play some custom games, just add me in the game.Last edit: 2012-12-17 06:39:43
TL ID: NomaKasd
B.Net ID: NomaKASD.921
Other: Looking for dedicated practise partners, any race, any strategy. Top diamond+ only. Available almost all the time when I'm not sleeping. Firezerg is my coach.
Casual (1) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Thunderball41
B.Net ID: Thunderball.989
Other: Last edit: 2012-12-11 20:46:17
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Platinum League + Show Spoiler +
Random + Show Spoiler +
Terran + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (2) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Nomzter
B.Net ID: Nomzter.467
Other: Looking for practice partners of every race but i mainly want to practice holding early game agression from zergs and protossLast edit: 2013-01-08 00:43:15
TL ID: SiyaenSokol
B.Net ID: Сияен Сокол.831
Other: My old nickname used to be ViGotH so don't let it confuse you when searching my SC2Ranks URL, also the ProfileURL does lead to my profile, I tested it before posting. Before asking, I am having trouble getting my nickname changed to the Roman Alphabet, Blizzard is not helping me. Please send me an invite as I am looking for some friends to help me out with my techniques as well as patching the flaws in game.
Casual (1) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: badboybC
B.Net ID: RockaZǂAndi.256
Other: Searching for a Silver/Gold Protoss. I play in Platinum, but my TvP is only Silver (max. Gold).
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Protoss + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (3) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: ripr
B.Net ID: Casbah.473
Other: LF chill people for training,bo3's, bo5's.All matchups.Don't be shy if you see my online.
TL ID: Poisonblack
B.Net ID: Poisonblack.553
Other: I'm kinda rusty... looking for evenly matched (gold/plat) players of any race to 1) play BO3/BO5s and/or 2)practice specific stuff and/or 3) compete against each other on the ladder for motivation (I dont ladder much ). PLZ be competitive so that we can help and challenge each other to improve at a good pace!Last edit: 2012-12-10 04:56:19
TL ID: Jv2_Reventon
B.Net ID: Reventon.143
Other: Training all match ups Z/T/P. I haven't played sc2 for a while now, want to get back in to Diamond League and play some very good Starcraft2. I've also came in 3rd place on Playhem EU Daily Competition. Feel free to message me for a chat or for training games. Fluent in English.
Casual (1) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Mystes
B.Net ID: Mystes.846
Other: All Races Welcome! I want to get back to Diamond
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Zerg + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (3) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: zerge
B.Net ID: Jan.1544
Other: Looking for practice partners anywhere near or above platinum (masters as well), all races. We can practice different strategies and talk about them afterwards or just play normal games like it was ladder.Last edit: 2013-01-02 22:26:16
TL ID: SeaMountain
B.Net ID: Seamountain.125
Other: Hi im looking for some practise partners in order to improve. Im looking for all matchups preferebly platinum or higher. But the most important thing is that you want to sit down and discuss games played. My goal is to reach diamond and eventually maybe reach masters aswell . Last edit: 2012-12-20 22:38:50
TL ID: SpitfireZ
B.Net ID: Spitfire.979
Other: Every matchup welcome want to train to get to masters Last edit: 2012-11-13 01:39:33
Casual (0) + Show Spoiler +
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Gold League + Show Spoiler +
Random + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (0) + Show Spoiler +
Casual (1) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: m4soN
B.Net ID: mAsoNDE.292
Other: i choose casual but i am ambitious every second i am spending on this game, so hopefully there is someone same out there. when i am playing i am doing it serious and effectiv. Gold Ladder i should be in 1 or 2 Days again, so may it isn´t true right now
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Terran + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (1) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Chokenel
B.Net ID: Chokenel #606
Other: New player here that has only been playing for roughly a week now, I am new to the RTS scene but looking to one day be able to compete in tournaments and LAN events, Looking for practice partners of any skill level and race that are looking to improve at the game. I am online from 8 am to 10 pm ((GMT)) everyday, So if your interested add me and send me a message.Last edit: 2012-12-26 01:22:10
Casual (1) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Kunamatata
B.Net ID: Kunamatata.826
Other: I am an ex Platinium Terran player. !
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Protoss + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (2) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Kunkle
B.Net ID: Kunkle.285
Other: Loooking for practice partners of all races. I'm primarily focusing on improving my mechanics and macro. Also looking for people to play HotS with! I have Skype. Usually online in the evening and during the whole weekend.
TL ID: Roxin
B.Net ID: Subnated.351
Other: Recently promoted to Gold league, Looking for all races to play against, I prefer practicing against Gold-Diamond level players. Looking to refine builds and work on decision making and improve my mechanics.
Casual (0) + Show Spoiler +
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Zerg + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (1) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Miserie
B.Net ID: Miserie.265
Other: I could use some tips on how to execute certain mechanics / BO's. Prefer Skype but can use TS, Mumble, Ventrilo, etc. as well.Last edit: 2013-01-06 00:29:29
Casual (1) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: h41
B.Net ID: ORKS.525
Other: Hey, searching for some competitive Practice partners (any race). choose casual because i can only play on monday tuesday evening. native german but english is okay.
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Silver League + Show Spoiler +
Random + Show Spoiler +
Terran + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (1) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Soljai
B.Net ID: TAWSoljai.542
Other: Looking for either practice partners or coaches. I play every day at least 2-3 matches, mostly in the afternoon/evening. I am looking to climb up the ladder and then participate in tournaments/competitions whenever they align well with my schedule.
Casual (2) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Acreno
B.Net ID: Acreno.350
Other: Looking for some gold or higher league player who can teach me and help me to get to the gold league Online whole day.
TL ID: Slacker619
B.Net ID: Slacker.276
Other: I'm looking to just overall improve in every aspect you can think of in the game and generally have fun.
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Protoss + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (1) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Bardic
B.Net ID: Bardic.856
Other: British player looking for practice partners of all races, just add me and message me whenever you see me online. Happy to skype and discuss.Last edit: 2012-11-27 22:20:34
Casual (2) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: the_fixxer
B.Net ID: TzinXiang.437
Other: Looking for people silver or better to practice builds and macro with.
TL ID: raven501
B.Net ID: WatsonIsland.591
Other: I am a silver Terran but learning to play as Protoss, so my playing level is probably bronze for that race. Looking to practice against any race just to get better.Last edit: 2012-12-12 20:02:07
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Zerg + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (2) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Battl3mage
B.Net ID: Battlemage.469
Other: Recently promoted to silver. Looking to play silver and above players for practice. Preferably Terran and ProtossLast edit: 2012-12-10 09:26:25
TL ID: NikaLogy
B.Net ID: NikaLogy.800
Other: I recently just switched to zerg and i wanna train all playstyles, doesn't matter wich race i wanna play vs all Last edit: 2012-12-14 02:21:19
Casual (0) + Show Spoiler +
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Bronze League + Show Spoiler +
Random + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (1) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Noddy1989
B.Net ID: Noddy.580
Other: I used to play Terran at a high silver level in which I was facing High Gold/Platinum players a lot and holding my own but after a break of a couple of months I dropped back to Bronze league (placement match win, just dropped for some reason) so decided to pick up Random. I try playing quite creatively within all races so drop me a PM or an Add :D
Casual (0) + Show Spoiler +
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Terran + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (0) + Show Spoiler +
Casual (1) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Wetepose
B.Net ID: wetepose.458
Other: Hi. I am a 16 yr old male from Sweden that just got in to Starcraft. I am frequently trying to learn more and is a fast learner. I use almost every comunication program there is. I have alot of free time so i play alot. PM me for more info!
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Protoss + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (3) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Ammer
B.Net ID: Ammer.699
Other: Used to play BW light years ago, so I`m not that green but I`m looking more for an mentor to get used to new timings, openings, and strategies againts every oponent. Basicly I want to get better and move my way up the ladder, so if there is an patient joda master out there who has the time to teach please look me up.
TL ID: Zswizzy
B.Net ID: Zswizzy.496
Other: I have come back to sc2 4 times now, But every time I will play for a couple of weeks, Suck and leave, I really want to be decent at this game though and I want to be able to have fun consistantly, I suppose Im looking for more of a coach than a practice partner. Also te sc2 ranks profile is lagging behind a bit.Last edit: 2012-12-20 23:43:56
TL ID: compufreak1
B.Net ID: rompy.934
Other: looking for some practice partner race and league doesn't matter.Last edit: 2012-12-12 20:23:12
Casual (0) + Show Spoiler +
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Zerg + Show Spoiler +
KR/TW Server
Masters League + Show Spoiler +
Diamond League + Show Spoiler +
Platinum League + Show Spoiler +
Gold League + Show Spoiler +
Silver League + Show Spoiler +
Bronze League + Show Spoiler +
SEA Server
Masters League + Show Spoiler +
Diamond League + Show Spoiler +
Platinum League + Show Spoiler +
Gold League + Show Spoiler +
Silver League + Show Spoiler +
Bronze League + Show Spoiler +
CN Server
Masters League + Show Spoiler +
Diamond League + Show Spoiler +
Platinum League + Show Spoiler +
Gold League + Show Spoiler +
Silver League + Show Spoiler +
Bronze League + Show Spoiler +
+ Show Spoiler +
Post 10 (user=CrazyF1r3f0x): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 11 (user=monkeyfeet69): Choice Am for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 12 (user=Stunergy): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 13 (user=TheTrogdorman): Choice Compeditive for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 15 (user=seaXcow): Choice Practice for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 18 (user=Guileful): Header Server: is missing or out of order (line=<b>Server:</b> <u>EU</u>)
Post 20 (user=Marmaladee): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 27 (user=Avril_Lavigne): Choice All match ups, Competitive for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 29 (user=Sadist): Header Sc2RanksURL: is missing or out of order (line=SC2RanksURL: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a>)
Post 30 (user=linkknil3): Header Server: is missing or out of order (line=TEMPLATE: )
Post 33 (user=Hylite): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 39 (user=ShardzSC): Choice NA for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 41 (user=CelestialX): Header Interest: is missing or out of order (line=Interests: Competitive)
Post 44 (user=TheOldRookie): Choice Platinium for league is not valid (pick one of: Masters, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze)
Post 49 (user=sharkzle): Choice Silver/Gold for league is not valid (pick one of: Masters, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze)
Post 53 (user=prOxySC2): Choice <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a> for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 54 (user=GreenMash): URL (cant find it) is not valid as a profile URL
Post 61 (user=Freezebuu): Header ProfileURL: is missing or out of order (line=Profile URL <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a>)
Post 67 (user=SlashWpr): Choice competitive for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 69 (user=KrazyKraka187): Header B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: is missing or out of order (line=B.NET ID.IDENTIFIER: NarwhalBacon.415)
Post 73 (user=askmc70): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 75 (user=Cowbatboyx): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 76 (user=OhMyGhosty): Choice NA for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 77 (user=iTeach): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 79 (user=Gaphunkyl): Choice Protoss / Random for race is not valid (pick one of: Random, Terran, Protoss, Zerg)
Post 81 (user=Ptotherice): Choice Competitive/Casual for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 86 (user=netherDrake): Choice KR/AM for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 97 (user=PiPiGranDe): Choice High Masters for league is not valid (pick one of: Masters, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze)
Post 99 (user=Kenshin947): Header B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: is missing or out of order (line=TL ID: Kenshin947)
Post 100 (user=Jardel): Choice diamond for league is not valid (pick one of: Masters, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze)
Post 106 (user=Stardroid): Header B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: is missing or out of order (line=TL ID: Stardroid)
Post 108 (user=SmuZ): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 109 (user=Wertheron): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 112 (user=SoulS): Choice Highmaster Season 4-8 (GM MMR) (season9 Break) and now MidMaster try to get back in shape. for league is not valid (pick one of: Masters, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze)
Post 117 (user=Wiseau): Choice Competitive. for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 120 (user=BlackLotus10): Choice Am for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 122 (user=Iskalla): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 133 (user=darkphantom): Choice Practice for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 136 (user=greas3): Header Other: is missing or out of order (line=Fairly new player coming over to SC2. I may eventually consider some form of competitive play (as I am competitive by nature), but I'm so far from that level, that there's no point in posting that as my intention. I'm looking for people who want to try to get up to about diamond level, that's my current goal. <div style="float:right; font-size:8pt; margin-top:15px">Last edit: 2012-12-13 18:56:29</div>)
Post 138 (user=jjd323): Choice eu for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 140 (user=eSi): Choice atm gold (should be plat, but i was inactiv) for league is not valid (pick one of: Masters, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze)
Post 141 (user=SmuZ): URL I don't think anyone checks this is not valid as a profile URL
Post 143 (user=tns): Choice EU/AM for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 145 (user=ziigmund): Choice zerg for race is not valid (pick one of: Random, Terran, Protoss, Zerg)
Post 146 (user=ineversmile): Header Other: is missing or out of order (line=Other : I need all of the practice I can get, and ladder is just disgraceful these days.)
Post 148 (user=IcookTacos): Choice Competetive for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 160 (user=Maaqs): Choice Gold/Low Plat for league is not valid (pick one of: Masters, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze)
Post 164 (user=xodus88): Choice Practice for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 166 (user=Cowbatboyx): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 167 (user=Prodageex): Choice Practice for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 168 (user=MrAgony): URL is not valid as a profile URL
Post 169 (user=Marmalade): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 170 (user=govie): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 173 (user=-stOpSKY-): Choice NA for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 176 (user=Himself2006): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 177 (user=dasfewfawdx): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 178 (user=friedpork): Choice zerg for race is not valid (pick one of: Random, Terran, Protoss, Zerg)
Post 179 (user=Reckie): Choice -- haven't played any ranked matches yet for league is not valid (pick one of: Masters, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze)
Post 180 (user=Helluva259): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 181 (user=badugib): Choice competitive for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 182 (user=DeWyze): Header Server: is missing or out of order (line=TEMPLATE: )
Post 185 (user=Nizes): Choice silver for league is not valid (pick one of: Masters, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze)
Post 186 (user=SOURD1ESEL): Header Other: is missing or out of order (line=<div style="float:right; font-size:8pt; margin-top:15px">Last edit: 2013-01-04 01:59:42</div>)
Post 187 (user=eSi): Choice gold/plat for league is not valid (pick one of: Masters, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze)
Post 190 (user=FXOkaRmy): Choice NA for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 191 (user=NaViNyorai): Choice High Platinum for league is not valid (pick one of: Masters, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze)
Post 196 (user=eSi): Choice Competitive, Team and practice partners, mostly Ts and Ps for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Special Thanks:
+ Show Spoiler +
Blazinghand wrote:
Original thread by Monokeros. All thanks goes to him for giving life to this wonderful idea!
Auto-updated Golden Age thread by TossFloss that lasted up through the server merge. A great program written by a great man.
+ Show Spoiler +
Original thread by Monokeros. All thanks goes to him for giving life to this wonderful idea!
Auto-updated Golden Age thread by TossFloss that lasted up through the server merge. A great program written by a great man.
+ Show Spoiler +
[people who helped TossFloss] Much thanks goes to apm66, GMarshal, NiGhT_mArE, Raydog and starcraft911 for their awesome improvement suggestions.
Much thanks to Blazinghand for his practice partners thread as well. The format of this post was 90% ripped off from him. A huge thanks to josep. He wrote the amazing script that is used to run this thread.
The TL practice partner thread now has an official battle net channel. If you want to find someone to practice with, you may join the TLPractice channel on battlenet. To do this, log on to battle net, go to the practice channel tab, and type in TLPractice. If TLPractice is full, join TLPractice1, TLPractice2...ect.