Practice Partner Thread
Season 9
Season 9
To add an entry, reply to this thread. To modify an entry, edit your post. Do not post again. Only one entry per post. It is fine to make more than one post for you are "Team" interest in addition to Casual or Competitive. If you have more then one account, post more then once in the thread.
IMPORTANT!!!! Your post must match EXACTLY with format listed below. Please copy and past the below exactly in your post, and fill in your entries as needed. Consult the example post for valid entries. Anybodies post who is not valid will not be sorted by the script. If you mess up, please don't post again; edit your post until it is correct. The thread will be updated about once every three days. Thank you.
This thread will be purged at the beginning of each ladder season. If you want to participate for that season, you will have to post in the practice partners thread again.
Link to the previous ladder season, for reference:
Important, these entries must be filled in exactly as listed here. Each "field" must have a valid entry. If something is wrong in your post, like the spacing is wrong or something is capitalized strangely, the script will not sort you. So copy and past the template below and fill in your information. Last season, more than half of all people where never properly added to the thread, because their post wasn't formatted exactly right. So please, copy and paste the template exactly. Spelling matters! If you don't capitalize something that should be, or capitalize something that shouldn't be, that matters to!
Examples of things not to do. EVERYONE READ THIS:
casual/competitive is invalid. Pick ONE interest and spell it correctly.
Its AM server, not NA server.
mid gold is not a league. You are Gold. High Masters is not a league. You are Masters.Or whatever applies to you. If you haven't played the placement match, you are Bronze. So many people mess this up.
You have to include every line. Don't leave anything out. Don't mix up the order either. USE THE TEMPLATE!
YOUR POST MAY BE DELETED type up your post in an office program, or using a different font or something else, and then copy and paste it. Its technical stuff that has to do with the way the script reads characters. Please type your post in the post box and don't put any images or fonts in it. If your post trips up the script, I will have to ask a mod to edit or delete it for the good of the thread.
Look at the error log at the bottom of the thread. If your post isn't sorted, the error log will give you an idea of why. “Too few lines for all headers to be present” means you left something out. If your post has characters the script can't process (like you typed in word and copy and pasted it in, for example) it will generate an “other” error. Retype it in the TL post box.
If something is wrong with your post, edit your post. If you edit your post to the correct format, it will be sorted next time. If you need to change something in your post, edit your post. DO NOT POST MORE THAN ONCE IN THIS THREAD!!!!.
Despite my best efforts, about half of all of you will not post correctly and will not be sorted. That sucks. Read the thread, follow the format, and try and copy other users that got it right. Check back every once in a while after you post to make sure your post gets added. Remember to check the error log as well.
Server: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN
B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Your bnet ID and number
Race: Random, Terran, Protoss, Zerg
Interest: This is new to the practice partners thread. Competitive, Casual, or Team. Competitive players play a lot and have a lot of time to devote to serious practice. Causal is for people who can only practice occasionally, or just want to make friends. This includes noncompetitive teams. Team is for people looking for practice or partners for competitive team games. These are serious 2v2, 3v3 or 4v4 players only.
Valid entries are Competitive, Casual, Team. Casual/Competitive is not valid and will not be sorted.
League: Master, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver or Bronze.
Other: Extra info you want to add. Please limit this to two or three sentences. One paragraph only.
Server: AM
B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: mothergoose.851
Race: Terran
Interest: Casual
League: Platinum
Other: Stuff about me.
Rules and other information:
+ Show Spoiler + identifier
Your identifier is a 3 digit character code. It uniquely identifies your name.
To find your identifier:
- Login to your SC2 account;
- Roll your mouse over your SC2 portrait, and the code will appear.
Your profile URL contains your up-to-date ladder standings. To find your profileURL:
- Goto:;
- Click on StarCraft II link;
- Login;
- At the top-right you will see your name and portrait - click it;
- Copy the address in your address bar - this is your profileURL.
Your Sc2Ranks URL also contains your up-to-date ladder standings, but has a better API for automated interfacing. To find your Sc2RanksURL:
- Goto:
- Click on " URL" Tab
- Paste your ProfileURL (from above) into the " profile URL" box and click on "View"
- Copy the address in your address bar - this is your Sc2RanksURL.
Important Rules
- If your post is missing too much information it won't be sorted. Try not to deviate too far from the example post.
- Only one entry per post. If you want to make multiple entries, you will need to make multiple posts.
Lying, Misrepresentation, & Abuses
Anyone using this thread for evil and nefarious purposes will not be allowed to participate. If you notice someone outright lying or using the information in this thread to cause trouble let me know via PM. Bannable information may be passed on to TL moderators or reported to blizzard staff if necessary.
AM Server
Masters League + Show Spoiler +
Random + Show Spoiler +
Terran + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (10) + Show Spoiler +
B.Net ID: CHAO.871
Other: Usually on from 10pm est - 12am est.
TL ID: meditor
B.Net ID: Meditor.996
Other: gogogo
TL ID: CelestialX
B.Net ID: Monopolix.146
Other: Looking for practice partners, low to mid masters of any race.
TL ID: Phission
B.Net ID: Phission.515
Other: Looking for dedicated practice partners in the upper diamond to master levels. Can skype occasionally. Feel free to message me if you want to play.
TL ID: StillAlive1025
B.Net ID: StillAlive.848
Other: Master Terran player that recently switched from Zerg. Looking for practice partners of any race. Message me anytime when i am online for some games.Last edit: 2012-09-27 01:01:19
TL ID: Shikai
B.Net ID: SunTzu337
Other: I am looking for many practice partners of any race/league to play with whenever I am on. I am open to analytical practice sessions, as well as mass games or even BoX format (although I am confined to 1-2 builds per MU at the moment, I am willing to adapt strategies you are having trouble with). I try to be open to criticism, so if you'd like to help each other improve, send me a message sometime.
TL ID: Tausken
B.Net ID: Tausken.852
Other: I play between 6PM-11PM central time each day. Going to be honest I am probably more diamond than masters and wouldn't be surprised if I got demoted. So I am open to partners of all races from diamond-masters.
TL ID: jason_wujch
B.Net ID: TuA.506
Other: Was random a year ago and haven't played much since then. Now come back to play some more and switched to Terran. Now is around mid-master level. Welcome practice partners from all races. But I only have 1-2 builds for each MU currently. Open to different builds tho.
TL ID: GTZergy
B.Net ID: Zergy.754
Other: Usually on 10pm-12am east
TL ID: Mastazaka
B.Net ID: xyz.634
Other: I am a serious player however I am a very laid back person. Looking for friendly players to practice with anytime and I am willing to help anyone as well. Im Available from 3:00PM to 10:00 PM (EST) Weekly and hit and miss on the weekends
Casual (0) + Show Spoiler +
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Protoss + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (7) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Lemonayd
B.Net ID: Ayd.866
Other: Looking for pp's of each race. Just hit masters need to improve every aspect of my game.
TL ID: EscapingJail
B.Net ID: EscapingJail.860
Other: I'm looking for a nice group of players who use Skype, or any High Diamond/Masters players just looking for someone to talk to on Skype =D. I'm a pretty mannered and funny guy. I like to grind out practice games, I'm a huge fan of Kpop!!! My Skype ID is EscapingJail. Feel free to add me there, pm me on TL or message me in game.Last edit: 2012-10-02 08:41:16
TL ID: Kelaonar
B.Net ID: Haliax.967
Other: Looking for practice partners of any race. Very active, feel free to send a tell anytime. Masters only, no skype.
TL ID: Beauwinkkle
B.Net ID: MGHappyhobo.953
Other: I'm high masters, in and out of top 8, looking for people to practice builds with and actively improve skill with.
TL ID: DontGiveUp
B.Net ID: bertu.738
Other: Looking to practice against Terran, but any matchup will do. I like to play with and against the same styles over and over until we can close all the holes in our play. Feel free to msg me.
TL ID: ineversmile
B.Net ID: ineversmile.950
Other: I have over 10 years RTS experience and when my workload diminishes in a month, I plan to play a lot of tournaments. If you're interested in serious practice, I'm your man. I'm also willing to play with/against unconventional strategies because I believe in a fluid metagame.
TL ID: jyuj
B.Net ID: jyuj.980
Other: Looking to grind games
Casual (0) + Show Spoiler +
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Zerg + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (13) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Sajaki
B.Net ID: AmonRa.484
Other: Low - mid master zerg. Available Wednesday through Friday only, weekly. Looking for partners of all match-ups especially ZvT!
TL ID: Andromedan
B.Net ID: AndromedaOD.460
Other: All matchups welcome. I'm bad.
TL ID: Dave4468
B.Net ID: Dayv.775
Other: mostly interested in playing against high diamond or masters players but I am willing to play whoever. Hoping to find some long-term practice partners!
TL ID: Denix
B.Net ID: Denix.427
Other: Looking to grind out games any match up. Though zvz pvz preferred. I have skype and am more than happy to talk strategies. Mid-High masters( . Just add me and Ill be free at some point. Hope to hear from ya
TL ID: osiris17
B.Net ID: FCGCrazedRat.456
Other: Im looking for ZvZs right now. I practice alot.
TL ID: zergJared
B.Net ID: Jared.581
Other: I play Zerg. Looking for all matches. I have Skype if we want to talk.Last edit: 2012-11-04 08:47:46
TL ID: Pseudorandom
B.Net ID: Pseudorandom.230
Other: Looking for people to play games with and bounce ideas off of. I'll play any match-up, and can do a few different styles in each. On early mornings PST, and have skype if.
TL ID: VaderZerg
B.Net ID: Vader.520
Other: Looking for practice partners for all races.
TL ID: Slidez
B.Net ID: Yummerz.944
Other: Looking for any practice partners. Feel free to add me and message me for practice games. Would preferably like to play with other masters players, but will play with anyone if you're friendly . I have Skype so if you're awesome we can chat and discuss strategy and game tactics. Thanks alot!
TL ID: sora1607
B.Net ID: fluxSora.278
Other: Friendly. Looking forward to get to know more people and practice this game. I'm online very often and willing to play long sessions practicing specific things. Have skype if needed.
TL ID: `phobiA
B.Net ID: phobiA.205
Other: Looking for any high masters race. Looking to get better!
TL ID: Link[uk]
B.Net ID: sGLink.547
Other: Best Matchups: ZvZ, ZvT. I need a protoss player to do some 6 gate + 1 allin's vs me. Contact Please! ^_^ GLHF
TL ID: Mavvie
B.Net ID: uwuMavvie.419
Other: Looking for Diamond or Masters practice partners. All matchups are welcome, I'm about even in all. Probably best at ZvZ though; I actually understand the metagame! Add me if you want to play! I'm willing to skype, but am often busy/unable to. If I'm online I'll be happy to play!Last edit: 2012-10-02 05:54:39
Casual (2) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: EvanC
B.Net ID: Evan.1309
Other: Friendly, low masters. Just looking for people to play with off-ladder. Down for a game anytime! Please add me and introduce yourself!Last edit: 2012-11-04 04:08:11
TL ID: leb
B.Net ID: leb.859
Other: back from over a year off and working my way back up. I'd rather play a couple games then go through the reps and talk about how we can improve our play, as opposed to just mass gaming.
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Diamond League + Show Spoiler +
Random + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (1) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Harvestt
B.Net ID: Cthulhu.885
Other: Willing to help anyone practice and can play any race at dia level. Give me a shout if you'd like to practice! ^^
Casual (0) + Show Spoiler +
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Terran + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (6) + Show Spoiler +
B.Net ID: AamDamnd.327
Other: Add me and message me if you want to play. I will play with anyone from any league.
TL ID: agrimball
B.Net ID: Control.343
Other: I'm looking to improve; I'll play anyone. I consider cheese fair play. I also have a late-game style. I also have Skype and enjoy discussing games. Last edit: 2012-09-27 16:22:16
TL ID: Tannex
B.Net ID: Tannex.765
Other: Looking for some friendly practice partners around Diamond-Masters level, any match-up is fine, and I can use Skype if wanted. I also currently am using Mech in every match-up, although that is subject to change.
TL ID: cschoolb
B.Net ID: Thugnificent.686
Other: Terran getting back into the game, looking for partners of all race to discuss strategy and practice builds
TL ID: Vega62a
B.Net ID: Vega.489
Other: Really looking for help with TvP, as I'm basically at a platinum level or below in this matchup. Willing to help teach ZvT against mech terran, need help with TvZ using bio. For someone who has a lot of patience I can help hammer out some TvT games. Would like to watch replays post-game, possibly on TS or RC. Contact me on B-net or TL for an add, basically anytime I'm on I'm up for games.Last edit: 2012-10-23 00:23:07
TL ID: FalkonX
B.Net ID: WhiteAngel.892
Other: Looking for a Protoss partner who has a macro oriented play style. I like to go into the late game, meaning 15 minutes and plus. I'm looking for someone who can help me improve my micro using late game army. In return, I will help you improve whatever that is you desire.
Casual (2) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Aulisemia
B.Net ID: Aulisemia.753
Other: I play exclusively Mech in all three matchups in preparation for HOTS. I'm Diamond currently, but probably play at a Plat level consistently.
B.Net ID: KLooLESS.212
Other: All matchups (plat and up preferably). I have skype. Feel free to message me on TL or BNet.
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Protoss + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (7) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: AsherSC
B.Net ID: Asher.835
Other: Looking for all races to play against. I am flexible with my playstyle, so just tell me what you need to go against and I can probably do it.
TL ID: rpetrucha
B.Net ID: Infallible.824
Other: I'm looking to make friends and frequent practice partners. I'm willing and capable of being extremely active, and I'd like to meet people who are also reasonably active. I'm very serious about improving but I'm also willing and would like to have fun and play a few arcade games, 2v2s, or just talk, so long as you're a relatively cool person. I'll introduce you to my friends and feel free to introduce me to yours, ideally I'd just like to have a group of people with players from every race that I can practice with, give and receive advice from, talk to, poke fun at, and just generally have a good time with.
TL ID: Prakas
B.Net ID: Prakas.526
Other: I'm usually on 10pm-1am EST. I'm looking for PvT and PvP practice. Please add me or message me on TL if interested.Last edit: 2012-09-21 14:28:32
TL ID: The Yankee
B.Net ID: Yankee 396
Other: want to play some games please message me ty ty
TL ID: krezt
B.Net ID: king.125
Other: I have been top 8 diamond for a few seasons now. Looking for practice partners of all races to find weaknesses in eachothers games to help eachother get into Masters league.
TL ID: kyruru
B.Net ID: pikachu.226
Other: I'm looking for a mid-platinum to low-masters Terran or Zerg who does not rage or BM to practice against. Especially willing to practice all-ins and all-in defense. Here is my sc2 tumblr with a quick analysis of each of my games: If you click on the images, you get a slideshow with many descriptive captions. Skype post-game for analysis and discussion is welcome. Email me at to set something up, although my playing time is somewhat erratic. I am a stay-at-home dad with a 21 month old ^.-Last edit: 2012-10-01 04:38:16
TL ID: Queven
B.Net ID: queven.211
Other: Moved up from platinum this season. My PvZ needs the most work but willing to play any race. Want to work on army control in end game engagements and multitasking. Also willing to help lower league players.
Casual (1) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: xxsweet.candyxx
B.Net ID: xsweetcandyx.812
Other: I took a long break from playing. I'm hoping to practice with anyone willing to play games (any level of play) and just make some friends along the way Please add me and let me know!
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Zerg + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (18) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: 14hatch14pool
B.Net ID: Apoptosis.916
Other: USA East Coast player, Looking mainly for Z or T diamond players to practice with, but feel free to add me if you're diamond. Happy to skype.
TL ID: taylorcameron
B.Net ID: Cameron.436
Other: Feel free to msg me anytime to practice. If you want practice defending specific builds, I can accommodate. Thanks. GLHF GG!
TL ID: DaemonVirus
B.Net ID: DaemonVirus.923
Other: I'm looking to have a good time and get better in all my matchups. ^_^
TL ID: Defenestrator
B.Net ID: Defenestratr.483
Other: I'm an old masters Z getting back into SC. I can play a variety of styles, from allin to macro, so hit me up if you want to play.Last edit: 2012-10-05 10:15:15
B.Net ID: Frost.1478
Other: Any race is good, but I would prefer Protoss or Terran. I try to be as active as possible, mostly on at night time EST.
TL ID: raf3776
B.Net ID: Graves. 429
Other: Just switched to zerg recently. At a midish diamond level. Looking for all matchups to grind out a lot of games for practive ^^. I also play the other races better than my zerg but learning zerg at the moment. Message me anytime im on, which is all the time
TL ID: smOOthMayDie
B.Net ID: Grey.927
Other: Although I listed myself as Competitive, I don't spend countless hours on SC2. I play everyday, maybe 3-4 hours and thats it. I squeeze in maybe 15-20 games every day, including the weekends. I play mostly nights Monday-Friday after 8 pm, and during the days on the weekend. Hope to hear from some of you. I'm looking for practice partners for each race, preferably 1 or 2. My goal is to hit masters by the end of the season.
TL ID: XxMulexX
B.Net ID: LeChiNe.833
Other: My MMR seems to currently be at about masters level, so I may get a promotion soon if I don't screw up. Would like partners of all races, solid diamond or low masters, best MU = ZvZ, worst MU = ZvT. The goal is to be able to practice the situations I struggle in several times in a row so I can get rid of those stupid losses where I don't react properly to some timings.
TL ID: Etra
B.Net ID: Lii.668
Other: Practicing against any race. I am very competitive and serious about Starcraft. Message me if you are serious about getting better.Last edit: 2012-09-23 06:58:04
TL ID: Maxamix
B.Net ID: Maxamix.775
Other: Hardest MU is ZvZ and my best is ZvP, i have skype and i'm looking for a practice partner to talk strategy and discuss games. Add me skype Maxamix2 because i'm not always on SC2.
TL ID: Munk-E
B.Net ID: MunkE.486
Other: Looking to practice with people around my level. Any race is fine. Message me when I'm on if you're interested.Last edit: 2012-09-25 23:17:24
TL ID: Rhodora
B.Net ID: Rhodora.399
Other: Looking for active practice partners of all races as a means of improving and hopefully getting to masters! I have skype, vent, etc. if you would like to use those. Feel free to contact me through steam too, just send me a message:
TL ID: Scarface09
B.Net ID: Scarface.479
Other: Hello everyone. I am looking for a few practice partners, ideally at least 1 of every race. We can practice against each other than maybe watch the replays and help each other improve. My goal is to make masters before this season ends and then I will focus playing on HOTS. I have skype so thats also an option.
B.Net ID: Silver.543
Other: Looking for a Protoss practice partner to work on my ZvP
TL ID: subl1me
B.Net ID: Sublime.527
Other: Any race is ok, I feel like I'm in the same level against all of the 3, struggling a bit with some terran timings tho, of course I'd like to you to be High plat or diamond. Looking for HARDCORE ASS practice partner,like a lot of games in a row, less talk moar play, any race is ok.Last edit: 2012-10-15 10:08:47
TL ID: LordSubtle
B.Net ID: Subtle.428
Other: All matchups fine, diamond+, or high plat... I have skype just ask.Last edit: 2012-09-19 16:33:49
B.Net ID: Wolf.2247
Other: Just looking to improve in all match-ups.
TL ID: nickcode
B.Net ID: vVvNickcode.926
Other: I'm looking for any race, preferably people who are on alot and love to practice.
Casual (2) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: EvanC
B.Net ID: EvanC.783
Other: I have never practiced before, hoping that it will improve my skill faster than just laddering all the time.
TL ID: hockeyrulez
B.Net ID: kraHockey.548
Other: Looking just to practice, any race is ok, looking for people in diamond league. Took a 2 week vacation and trying to practice again,
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Platinum League + Show Spoiler +
Random + Show Spoiler +
Terran + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (5) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Danzo
B.Net ID: Satsui.252
Other: High platinum player looking for other players with similar league or higher to practice league. Preferrebly high plat/diamond level players.
TL ID: worldpeace30
B.Net ID: SmashUToGoo.311
Other: I like to play and need to learn more. A good partner for repetitive practice looking for.
TL ID: ZardiChar
B.Net ID: ZardiChar.598
Other: I have mostly been playing diamonds on the ladder; I want some practice partners of any race; but my worst matchup is TvT by far. TvZ is my best matchup, with TvP somewhere in between I don't really cheese, but I do need some practice against it. I mech in TvT and TvZ, Bio in TvP.
TL ID: ZardiChar
B.Net ID: Zardichar.598
Other: Willing to practice with anyone 1v1. I mech in TvZ; best matchup, bio in TvP with lots of drops, and I have no set plan for TvT (worst matchup by far) Anyone who is cool should contact me on bnet; I am on at nights and on Sundays.
TL ID: mothergoose729
B.Net ID: mothergoose.851
Other: Send me messages and stuff. Last edit: 2012-09-20 13:05:56
Casual (4) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Alfadir
B.Net ID: Alfadir.729
Other: Platinum Terran looking to improve. I have skype and teamspeak for practice.
TL ID: vitorbal
B.Net ID: Curu.665
Other: Terran looking to get to masters on the long-term. I'm up for practice games with any race, but I'm mostly looking to make some new friends that also play sc2. I put up casual but i can also play more competitively when I have time (usually during the weekends). Cheers!
Other: I play a hyper aggressive style against all races and I need help with my marine/tank vs marine/tank TvT. It is the only thing holding me back from diamond league promotion. Naturally, aggression doesn't work too well against turrets + sieged up tanks so I could use tips on positioning, timings, and how to break a 2/3 base contain, or gain an advantage in what feels like a 45 minute stalemate.
TL ID: thesums
B.Net ID: Mystogan.716
Other: I want to play some 2v2 or 3v3 to chill as well. I am planning to play a bit everyday from tomorrow, but I had a break from SC2 so I am a rusty.
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Protoss + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (8) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: AuraFire
B.Net ID: AuraFire.614
Other: Looking for more practice partners to help improve. I can play Zerg and Terran at around gold level.Last edit: 2012-09-23 05:39:09
TL ID: DemonWav
B.Net ID: DemonWav.137
Other: Mainly looking for Zerg partners, some Terran would be nice too. I struggle against macro Zerg mainly, and I want to get to Diamond soon.
TL ID: GregGoose
B.Net ID: GregGoose.136
Other: I'm looking for practice vs any race-- would love to jump into YABOT and refine build orders and record benchmarks. I'm also down to just play some and have a good time. I'm good mannered, positive, and extremely competitive ). Hit me up!
TL ID: Gunnvaldr
B.Net ID: Gunnvaldr.589
Other: Recently started playing Protoss a lot. Probably stil best with Zerg, but I'm decent with toss at this point. Would like to have at least a decent grasp on all races, but my terran is awful. But I figured I should play around with all three before seeing if I want to stick with zerg as main race. Serious about practicing, but also serious about the funteimz! Oh also skype is good.Last edit: 2012-10-20 08:32:36
TL ID: SlashWpr
B.Net ID: SlashWpr#122
Other: I would like to play player from gold to diamond, any race, any map, i feel i've been slowing down my improvement and maybe with some partners i can get on my feet.
TL ID: Synizta
B.Net ID: Synizta.276
Other: Got skype, often on at kind of weird times, as im playing on a Central Australian timezone. Any match up, with post-game anylsis over skype or something of the sort. Looking to break down my builds and find weakness and re-build them again. Can also try to do specific builds aswell. Would prefer around Plat-Diamond level, though can practice vs most leagues.Last edit: 2012-09-20 01:13:10
TL ID: Frostlone
B.Net ID: frostlone.574
Other: I used to be mid Plat level but due to a break I am now playing at a high gold level. I am interested in playing any race due to needed practice in all of them. Any league will do. Thanks
TL ID: shogeki
B.Net ID: shogeki.133
Other: Players of all skill levels who are serious about improvement are welcome to message me for games.
Casual (0) + Show Spoiler +
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Zerg + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (6) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Akaris
B.Net ID: Gamera.894
Other: Was recently promoted to platinum. Looking for any and all races to play with. I have skype, ts, and rc. Feel free to message me anytime you see me online as I am always looking for some practice games to distract me from raging on ladder.Last edit: 2012-10-15 14:40:29
TL ID: TheKwangBang
B.Net ID: JoaTKwang.728
Other: Would enjoy playing anyone from bronze to grandmaster. I do have skype so we can go over strat and replays, etc. :D
TL ID: Seshmasta C
B.Net ID: SeshmastaC
Other: Trying to improve on all Matchups. Worst at the moment would seem to be ZvZ. Also have raidcall server... Voice communication is better, always. Welcome to join and play anytime. Hit me up on bnet!!!
TL ID: Seshmasta C
B.Net ID: SeshmastaC.327
Other: Want to play lots of games, all matchups welcomed. Need to progress to Diamond at least this season. Also have my own vent server, and looking for lots of people who can practice and discuss together!
TL ID: Xulton
B.Net ID: TwoHeadedBoy.558
Other: Wanting lots of practice games with all races to get back into Diamond/Master. Previously Diamond ,but took a break from playing.
B.Net ID: inXS.231
Other: Looking to work on all matchups especially ZvZ. inXS is my new username waiting on Blizz to change.
Casual (3) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: chez148
B.Net ID: Chez.586
Other: Looking to practice with anybody. I would like to try to improve all matchups, with a bit of emphasise on ZvT. Would also like to practice defending early cheese and timing attacks. Thanks
TL ID: Kiithid
B.Net ID: Kiithid.915
Other: Looking for players to practice every matchup. Specially intereste on macro oriented practice matches.Last edit: 2012-09-20 14:07:28
TL ID: Lukien
B.Net ID: Lukien.528
Other: Looking for good mannered practice partners of any race and any league. I'm just looking to improve at SC2 and have a good time. Usually online sometime between 6pm - 9pm weekdays PST.
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Gold League + Show Spoiler +
Random + Show Spoiler +
Terran + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (4) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Kazahk
B.Net ID: CCCP.636
Other: I am technically plat but I don't ladder enough; I like to play custom games to improve my skill. I would like to play against any one as long as they log in every day, and play a minimum of 4 hours a day.
TL ID: gDubS91
B.Net ID: FiReBaLL.678
Other: Gold League Terran looking for practice partners, any matchup. Trying to improve to diamond level+. Feel free to message me any time on SC2 and we will talk/ hopefully play some practice games. Cheers!
TL ID: Xanthyz
B.Net ID: Xanthyz.264
Other: I am looking to find 1 or 2 practice partners for each match-up to play regularly. I am hoping the consistency of playing against a practice partner will help me learn faster than the randomness of the ladder. I would prefer players in Gold or Platinum. I tend to be online either late afternoon or late at night Mountain Standard Time.
TL ID: finding
B.Net ID: finding.594
Other: Recently switched back to Terran. Looking for any practice partners somewhat near my skill range (Silver - Plat). Preferably friendly players.
Casual (1) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: SideAffect
B.Net ID: SideAffect.517
Other: Would enjoy playing against any rank/race.
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Protoss + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (4) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: lonecricket
B.Net ID: 6
Other: Looking for lots of games
TL ID: DaemonVirus
B.Net ID: MasterRaiden.862
Other: I'm looking to have a good time and get better in all my matchups. ^_^
TL ID: shinie
B.Net ID: dGShine.481
Other: I'm seriously planning to hit Diamond sometime in the next 2-3 Months. I've made a wager with someone that I will do it so I will be playing a lot of games. I'm looking for someone who shares the same goal as I do.
TL ID: probeater
B.Net ID: nizar.825
Other: Need plats to practice with when I'm not on the ladder (if you're gold i might not play, just saying). Usually available friday-sunday any time, and on monday-thursday either 6:00-7:30am or 4:00-5:30pm ESTLast edit: 2012-11-06 08:06:49
Casual (0) + Show Spoiler +
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Zerg + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (2) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Akaris
B.Net ID: Gameraf#894
Other: Been at the top of the division since the ladder opened. Hoping for some people to help me learn and to finally get that promotion to Platinum. Skype, RC, and Steam
TL ID: rip1987
B.Net ID: Rip.239
Other: i would love a better player to come and smoke me all day long as much as you can watch replays with me and tell me how to improve i dont care to lose as long as im improving i have vent we can use dont really care to practice all match ups in fact i prefer it so come and get some easy wins and show me how to play thanks
Casual (5) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: CougarsGonnaCoug
B.Net ID: Cougar.128
Other: USA Zerg here looking for some friends to play practice 1v1s and customs with. I casually play with all races, and I know most styles if you need practice against anything. I'm currently splitting my time between games so I'm not on as much as usual, but that will change soon. I look forward to seeing you guys in-game!
TL ID: Eksrae
B.Net ID: Douze.241
Other: Looking to practice with any race.
TL ID: AWren
B.Net ID: GlassVeins.918
Other: Trying to get better, didn't have internet for a while so I'm rusty. Sick of all the 6 pools and worker all-ins in ladder...want to work on macro.
TL ID: Manch1ld
B.Net ID: Manchild.560
Other: Formerly a platinum level player that got caught playing DIII and Dayz for a while and looking to finally get into the ever elusive Diamond level.Last edit: 2012-09-26 11:27:35
TL ID: Roxas146
B.Net ID: Roxas.146
Other: Want to work on my macro. I am bad at dealing with harassment. I'm also bad at dealing with turtling protosses, immortal/sentry all-in, and ZvZ in general. Not going to be on a whole lot because of school, but when I am on, I mean it. I have skype and all that jazz.
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Silver League + Show Spoiler +
Random + Show Spoiler +
Terran + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (0) + Show Spoiler +
Casual (1) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: broomsweeper
B.Net ID: broomsweeper.833
Other: Willing to play against all races. Just message me, I'm pretty friendly.
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Protoss + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (3) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Codzilla
B.Net ID: Codzilla.406
Other: Any race is fine, I struggle a bit with terran sometimes but all in all I would just like someone to play about 5-10 games a day with to see where we both could improve! =DLast edit: 2012-10-07 15:58:03
TL ID: JimTheCat
B.Net ID: JimTheCat.449
Other: I have posted in this before but I am posting again to see if anyone has or wants to set up a team for practice partners, Just an idea, message me in game if your interested. Currently I'm weakest against Zerg.
TL ID: jcstrat02
B.Net ID: MTGjcstrat.853
Other: Looking for constructive practicing with anybody from any league.
Casual (1) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Ikris
B.Net ID: MortHobbs.523
Other: Looking to practice my basic skills with someone in silver or gold. Need to work on early game decision making and late game macro.
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Zerg + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (4) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: MangoGreg
B.Net ID:
Other: Looking for some ZvZs, But any of the other races are fine. I want to be able to talk about the re.eplay of games as well. Just a lot of communication really. I'm all for 7-10 games in a row but I would like a lot of feedback after each game. Also using skype if that's easier for the you. I don't check messages on TL that often so just message me in game if possible. Thank you advance! =]
TL ID: KravishIQIce
B.Net ID: Ice.750
Other: Used to be Gold, but demoted because I didn't have the time to play enough to uphold my ladder rank. I'm on sporadically, but I'm willing to play anyone Silver-Diamond. Looking to be Plat sometime soon.Last edit: 2012-10-08 03:50:27
TL ID: SeventhSin
B.Net ID: SeventhSin 853
Other: Looking for any race to practice with. Just looking to get better. Improve mechanics, recations, and just general fundementals of the game. I get frustrated just as much as the next guy (with cheese and stuff) but I'm very willing to get passed all that for the sake of improving. :D
TL ID: Twitchie
B.Net ID: Twitchie.896
Other: Looking For Practice Partners of all races, trying to improve and maybe become gold by the end of the season.
Casual (1) + Show Spoiler +
B.Net ID: ZePGeR.762
Other: Because of limited time I call myself casual however I just want to get better at this game and have better mechanics and good builds. Would like to play a few games each time.
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Bronze League + Show Spoiler +
Random + Show Spoiler +
Terran + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (1) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Talksickzz
B.Net ID: Barcode.274
Other: I just want someone to improve with who plays alot
Casual (0) + Show Spoiler +
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Protoss + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (2) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Ozborne
B.Net ID: Ozborne.527
Other: I would love to play against people of all 3 races of varying leagues. Been struggling with pvp lately, but been doing well with PvT. Zerg is a toss up. I'll help peeps who need it, but I would like people to help me out as well.
TL ID: intMain
B.Net ID: intMain.723
Other: Any race. Little experience, but looking for someone to grow with.
Casual (3) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: JimTheCat
B.Net ID: JimTheCat.449
Other: I was playing alot late last season. I would be in atleast silver but they locked leagues I have been told I play at around gold level but I just haven't been playing much this season, therefore I am still in bronze. so that doesn't mean all that much but if you are a gold level player looking to practice I should be in around your skill level I sometimes play terran too.
TL ID: Kiloku
B.Net ID: Kiloku.773
Other: Desperate for help in PvP.
TL ID: viceddy
B.Net ID: viceddy.772
Other: Looking for practice partner (bronze/silver/gold) or coach (anyone willing to help), to learn how to play right. Mostly struggling with mid/end game macro and multitasking. Online pretty much every day 9-12PM EST.
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Zerg + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (3) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: BladeV7
B.Net ID: GreenHookah.903
Other: I want to learn everything I can. I would love a practice partner to improve with. I'm a competitive person and I feel that my mechanics aren't close to what they could be.
TL ID: Parzival
B.Net ID: Parzival.239
Other: Any race is fine, looking for someone somewhat easygoing.
TL ID: jtswimmerboy
B.Net ID: hYdra.325
Other: Any race is fine, I've improved a lot and should be promoted to silver/gold this season just lost all matches when i first started playing then took time off got demoted etc, looking for a hardcore practice partner or any practice partner, add me if your down thanks willing to play with any league
Casual (1) + Show Spoiler +
B.Net ID: HexTK.802
Other: Been playing for quite a while now but starting to get serious. Need a little bit more practice to jump into Silver. Have Skype and voice chat. Note: Located in Australia (GMT+10)
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
EU Server
Masters League + Show Spoiler +
Random + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (1) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: svikter
B.Net ID: Svikter.389
Other: im master with all three races, im looking for any race to practice with and im taking practice serious so dont add me for just 1 game, bew atleast master. cya
Casual (0) + Show Spoiler +
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Terran + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (2) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Ceyox
B.Net ID: Ceyox.318
Other: Swedish Low master league terran, recently switched from protoss and currently looking to improve all the matchups.Last edit: 2012-09-24 02:50:27
TL ID: Thyriaen
B.Net ID: Thyriaen.608
Other: Got promoted to Master and still being bad. Thats why im looking for players i can practice with in a friendly environment to get better. My MMR is at the brink between Dia and Master - so I hope to find someone in an equal situation for some interesting and challenging games.
Casual (1) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: solid.PhanT
B.Net ID: Phant.227
Other: All races welcome.
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Protoss + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (3) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: HandyDandy
B.Net ID: HandyDandyDO.952
Other: Looking for practice partners from all races, but especially a top25 master Terran player with a well rounded style (able to both all in AND macro). I am currently practicing quite a lot between 10am to 19pm or so and using skype. If you´re Swedish that´s great, otherwise please have decent English.
TL ID: Macen
B.Net ID: Macen.523
Other: Don't be afraid to throw in some cheese against me, it keeps me alert. Any race is welcome, I have Skype
TL ID: nobi
B.Net ID: nobi.120
Other: Trying to get as good as I can. All MUs are fine.
Casual (0) + Show Spoiler +
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Zerg + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (2) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Joneleth
B.Net ID: Attelso.507
Other: Im a high level master player, thats looking for that extra push to get into GM, looking for equal skilled or higher players to train with.Last edit: 2012-10-01 21:24:40
TL ID: Hulkoff
B.Net ID: LǂHulkoff.793
Other: Looking for some mature mannered practise partners of any race. What I mean by that is I want people who aren't insecure and they can keep playing even when on a losing streak without raging. I'm mid-high master (and I want you to be at least equal) who enjoys doing long practise sessions. I speak fluent English and I have a microphone. Please don't hesitate and contact me for some sick practise sessions!
Casual (1) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: magicjet
B.Net ID: magicjet.924
Other: Find custom partners (master), any race.Last edit: 2012-09-28 01:06:36
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Diamond League + Show Spoiler +
Random + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (1) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: XythOs
B.Net ID: ShuaiRan.972
Other: Looking for friendly practice partners of all races. I'm switching races alot, I'm roughly the same skill with all of them though.Last edit: 2012-10-11 02:09:06
Casual (0) + Show Spoiler +
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Terran + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (2) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: zoidwolf
B.Net ID: Zoid.738
Other: Looking for some nice people to share some epic games with! Thanks =)
TL ID: crashpoint
B.Net ID: crashpoint.727
Other: Any Race is ok! Searching for a friendly person who loves and want to understand the game. Dont want to hear any OP or IMBA flames
Casual (0) + Show Spoiler +
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Protoss + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (6) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Bubakush
B.Net ID: Bubbakush.168
Other: add me, always willing to do custom games, also several in a row or specific strategies! got skype etc!
TL ID: FrenzyPeon
B.Net ID: FrenzyPeon.194
Other: Mainly looking for Terran/Zerg practice partners. Hoping to find someone with a good attitude toward the game. My goal is to get to Masters League or better. Aiming high! =)
B.Net ID: SKITLZ.251
Other: Searching for a diamong or higher league terran to play a ton of games with. I will also glad to play with any other ML player.Last edit: 2012-10-08 21:22:17
TL ID: SickMyDuck_
B.Net ID: SickMyDuck.954
Other: Former Mid masters player,currently starting new season in diamond after 1 year of inactivity.Need any kind of matchup to get back to track.Skype if possibile.Mannered/friendly,no OP/ignorant understanding of the game,thanks.
TL ID: TooGreedy
B.Net ID: TooGreedy.572
Other: I want to become a professional sc2 player. I want to play a lot of games against one person, and geive feedback to each other to improve.
TL ID: rozenito
B.Net ID: rozenito.564
Other: All race welcome. I want to play a ton of games, and understand a bit better mechanic of this game. Msg me here or in game.
Casual (0) + Show Spoiler +
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Zerg + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (5) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Atthasit
B.Net ID: Atthasit.393
Other: I suck and I want to improve. Active in EU evenings. All races welcome.
TL ID: RequiemAe
B.Net ID: Requiem.277
Other: Looking for practice partners of any race.
TL ID: Morgonstaken
B.Net ID: TechPoke.190
Other: Looking for serious but friendly practice partners. Any race will do! I use skype
TL ID: limpie
B.Net ID: limpie.771
Other: Any race is oke for me, I just want some people to grind 1 match-up instead of going ladder mode and play all 3 match-ups. Skype can also be available.
TL ID: Primate
B.Net ID: primate.149
Other: I'm interested in all matchups, I have skype and I'm usualy on every night.
Casual (0) + Show Spoiler +
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Platinum League + Show Spoiler +
Random + Show Spoiler +
Terran + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (1) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: TSCPflare
B.Net ID: rnQǂMafab.315
Other: I like playing against any race (especially Zerg though, as TvZ is my weakest matchup, my strongest being TvP)
Casual (0) + Show Spoiler +
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Protoss + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (4) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: ripr
B.Net ID: Casbah.473
Other: 3
B.Net ID: EnPo.992
Other: Just PM me on TL or in Bnet. Preferred partners races: Terran and Zerg =)
TL ID: Poisonblack
B.Net ID: Poisonblack.553
Other: lacking practice, haven't played properly in months.. looking for equally matched players (gold/plat) of any race to challenge and improve with, competition motivates me the most!! :D
TL ID: Rohan
B.Net ID: ttQT.772
Other: Was an old masters player, but ended up quitting the game for a year or so to focus on work. Came back, bit of a husk of my former self. Really looking for anyone between Platinum and Masters to bounce games off of. Any race is good for me, too, and I have a skype account/microphone to chat about the games in between and things. Really used to take a great deal of time perfecting builds, and really enjoy playing vs people and getting a good practise session in from time to time. I know a wide variety of builds, so happy to bounce them off of people should they need it. GL HF!
Casual (0) + Show Spoiler +
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Zerg + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (4) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Galock
B.Net ID: Galock.322
Other: Looking for practice with any race to help develop both our skills and subsequently get promoted to diamond. Preferably an intelligent player who knows their timings/builds. Must be able to speak English and most preferably someone who has skype.
TL ID: Infernium
B.Net ID: Infernium.406
Other: Currently inactive! I'm looking for active Terran practice partners with a calm, friendly and mature attitude that also share goals similar to my own. I expect to share strategies, build orders, watch discuss replays and to play a series of games in a row (3+) on a regular basis with the goal of mutual improvement and to advance in leagues. Must speak decent english or fluent swedish, discussions via skype is a plus but not required. Aiming for a small and active practice group to rotate games, play small tournaments, group events and best of x series with. Hope to hear from you Last edit: 2012-11-01 19:05:01
TL ID: Leimus
B.Net ID: Leimus.130
Other: While I do seek any race practice partners to improve with, I'm also open for any friendly chat in the game - be it helping newer players, or just talking about the different strategies. I've played all the races up to plat league, and now looking to improve my Zerg. Just add me in game, and send a message, I'm around quite often. Also got NA account - need to PM me on this site for that tho, I don't use it much.Last edit: 2012-10-27 17:14:08
TL ID: Blenor
B.Net ID: ScGǂBlenor.105
Other: A comeback after a 3-4 month break and a race switch. Looking for players to bounce off my ideas and practice with. I have Skype/TS/mumble and a mic.
Casual (0) + Show Spoiler +
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Gold League + Show Spoiler +
Random + Show Spoiler +
Terran + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (0) + Show Spoiler +
Casual (3) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Gabbagooba
B.Net ID: Gabbagooba.876
Other: I usually play weekdays at 20:00-23:00 CET. Looking for practice and friendly games with any race.
TL ID: Onionkebab
B.Net ID: Onion.2841
Other: Willing to practice vs anyone. Tips and tricks are also appreciated.
B.Net ID: SCRK.664
Other: Looking for gold/low-platinum players. Preferably Zerg (gold) and Protoss (gold) players, but Terran players are fine too, but my level is a little bit higher (low-platinum), as my nephew plays Terran and we're around the same level.
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Protoss + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (2) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Barroo
B.Net ID: Barroo.663
Other: Wanting to practice with anyone. I used to be Diamond, however haven't played for a while - hence the drop to gold. Any race is welcome, any level is welcome.
TL ID: Mackem
B.Net ID: Mackem.625
Other: Looking for practice partners for all matchups. Online now!
Casual (1) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: FraJeezy
B.Net ID: FraJeezy.867
Other: Protoss looking to improve in all matchups, looking for regular practice partners to play with on a regular basis and make friends
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Zerg + Show Spoiler +
Silver League + Show Spoiler +
Random + Show Spoiler +
Terran + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (1) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Detra1992
B.Net ID: Detra.545
Other: I'm willing to practice against all races, I have skype if u want to. My weakest matchup is Protoss atmLast edit: 2012-10-25 18:59:40
Casual (1) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Lebertran
B.Net ID: Lebertran.157
Other: Looking for practice partners for any matchup. I would prefer Zerg because it's my worst MU but Terra and Protoss is also ok .
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Protoss + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (1) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Bardic
B.Net ID: Bardic.2469
Other: British player looking for practice partners of all races, just add me and message me whenever you see me online. Happy to skype and discuss.
Casual (4) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: StillLearningOne
B.Net ID: SLO.924
Other: Looking for practice partners of any race to share good games, watch replays and discuss strategies. I speak french and decent english.
TL ID: Phny
B.Net ID: Yehjo 353
Other: willing to practice against any race, willing to use skype.
TL ID: breaky
B.Net ID: eXileD.127
Other: I started the game last month and I haven't done much practice. I wish to improve rapidly, but I want to have fun at the same time, doing silly builds and stuff. For that I'm looking for a friendly partner of any race and to enjoy the game with.
TL ID: not quagmire
B.Net ID: quagmire.540
Other: I need practice against any and all races. I got into Gold league a few times, but fell out again. My current hassle seems to be zerg, definitely need more practice (mobility of zerg seems to trip me up).
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Zerg + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (2) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: ikoniko
B.Net ID: Ikon.749
Other: Looking to practice with all the races players from any league. Feel free to add and contact me anytime. Able to communicate through skype and ingame in English.
TL ID: Kunkle
B.Net ID: Zergrush.198
Other: I am looking for practice partners of all races.Last edit: 2012-10-08 18:07:21
Casual (0) + Show Spoiler +
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Bronze League + Show Spoiler +
Random + Show Spoiler +
Terran + Show Spoiler +
Protoss + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (0) + Show Spoiler +
Casual (1) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Dangiga
B.Net ID: Dangiga.848
Other: Same or higher lvl of skill partners. would like a P or Z practice partner more, but i dont mind a T.
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
Zerg + Show Spoiler +
Competitive (1) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: Battl3mage
B.Net ID: Battlemage.469
Other: Happy to play any race, still battling it out in the Bronze league. Just want to be able to move up a league. Happy to learn from anyone and give my own feedback to anyone. Wishing to play anyone from Bronze to Gold.
Casual (1) + Show Spoiler +
TL ID: snoogins
B.Net ID: snoogins.442
Other: Haven't been playing properly for very long. I've had the game for about a year but it took me about 8 months to play my placement games but I really want to get into not just the game but the whole community aspect that comes with it. I'm looking for anyone to practice with, all races welcome just anyone who is will to deal with a slow learner who genuinely wants to improve. I have Skype and should replace my mic by Friday. Again I'm willing to play with anyone.
Team (0) + Show Spoiler +
KR/TW Server
Masters League + Show Spoiler +
Diamond League + Show Spoiler +
Platinum League + Show Spoiler +
Gold League + Show Spoiler +
Silver League + Show Spoiler +
Bronze League + Show Spoiler +
SEA Server
Masters League + Show Spoiler +
Diamond League + Show Spoiler +
Platinum League + Show Spoiler +
Gold League + Show Spoiler +
Silver League + Show Spoiler +
Bronze League + Show Spoiler +
CN Server
Masters League + Show Spoiler +
Diamond League + Show Spoiler +
Platinum League + Show Spoiler +
Gold League + Show Spoiler +
Silver League + Show Spoiler +
Bronze League + Show Spoiler +
+ Show Spoiler +
Post 1 (user=408xParadox): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 3 (user=iKill): Choice Serious practice partners of equal skill or above, looking to improve rapidly as T (switched a week ago). for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 14 (user=Carnage_sc2): Header B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: is missing or out of order (line=B.Net ID. IDENTIFIER: Carnage.740)
Post 19 (user=ATOMICfy): Header Server: is missing or out of order (line=Server : NA)
Post 21 (user=Thecheef): Choice NA for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 22 (user=solidluck): Header Server: is missing or out of order (line=<b>Server</b>: AM)
Post 27 (user=chino891): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 28 (user=Ruinsteel): Choice NA for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 29 (user=TuckerX): Choice Protoss/Terran for race is not valid (pick one of: Random, Terran, Protoss, Zerg)
Post 32 (user=Juggernaut477): Choice Am for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 33 (user=limpie): Header Other: is missing or out of order (line=other: Any race is oke for me, I just want some people to grind 1 match-up instead of going ladder mode and play all 3 match-ups. Skype can also be available.<div style="float:right; font-size:8pt; margin-top:15px">Last edit: 2012-09-24 21:11:00</div>)
Post 34 (user=checazzofai): Choice Competetive for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 35 (user=Qwaky): Header Server: is missing or out of order (line=<b>Server:</b> EU)
Post 41 (user=Shakespeare101): Choice Competative for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 42 (user=wond3rer): Choice High Silver. Althought it says Plat on my acc this was from season 2 so I've gone way down since then. for league is not valid (pick one of: Masters, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze)
Post 44 (user=BilboBaggings): Choice NA for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 47 (user=OnYXuS): Header Server: is missing or out of order (line=<b>Server:</b> AM)
Post 49 (user=WNxTninja): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 52 (user=Rekondo): Choice Platinum/Diamond for league is not valid (pick one of: Masters, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze)
Post 54 (user=aLxGG): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 56 (user=xerox23): Choice Trying to improve to hopefully one day get grandmaster for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 57 (user=Swazi): Choice Protoss/Zerg for race is not valid (pick one of: Random, Terran, Protoss, Zerg)
Post 60 (user=Myrtle): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 62 (user=greyicon): Choice NA for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 64 (user=TangYiChen): Choice NA for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 65 (user=raf3776): Choice NA for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 69 (user=prOpSaiton): Choice High Diamond-Mid Master(Mid Master before a huge break and i anticipate to close that skill gap quickly) for league is not valid (pick one of: Masters, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze)
Post 71 (user=Yalaka): Choice Silver (former Diamond) for league is not valid (pick one of: Masters, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze)
Post 72 (user=Lokk): URL N/A is not valid as a profile URL
Post 74 (user=sCCrooked): Choice Zerg main (do play others from time to time) for race is not valid (pick one of: Random, Terran, Protoss, Zerg)
Post 75 (user=ReCS1ck): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 78 (user=MJesk): Choice Competative for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 80 (user=Ranir): Choice NA for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 81 (user=Regorr): Choice NA for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 82 (user=Bladedog): Choice NA for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 85 (user=Nott): Choice Casual/Competitive for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 86 (user=sM.Zik): Choice NA for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 88 (user=Gustafsson20): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 97 (user=limpie): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 100 (user=Reek): Choice Competetive for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 103 (user=blitzclown): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 106 (user=Blargle): Choice NA for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 108 (user=Biologicalsc): Choice NA for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 114 (user=Kyrize): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 116 (user=jchan): Header Server: is missing or out of order (line=<b>Server</b>: AM)
Post 117 (user=Skouaire): Header Server: is missing or out of order (line=<b>Server</b>: EU)
Post 123 (user=Forevabronze): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 124 (user=meemsbror): Choice zerg for race is not valid (pick one of: Random, Terran, Protoss, Zerg)
Post 132 (user=Ishu): Header B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: is missing or out of order (line=B.Net. ID: CoreIshu.172)
Post 135 (user=StaraCroft): Choice Casually Competitive for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 136 (user=SorrowShine): URL is not valid as a profile URL
Post 137 (user=phodacbiet): Choice US for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 139 (user=Wingit): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 145 (user=Nizes): Choice silver for league is not valid (pick one of: Masters, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze)
Post 150 (user=Basher_): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 154 (user=Narobz): Choice casual for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 155 (user=Cb_RaZeR): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 156 (user=KnacKlol): Choice zerg for race is not valid (pick one of: Random, Terran, Protoss, Zerg)
Post 157 (user=wester25): Header Server: is missing or out of order (line=<b>Server</b>: AM)
Post 158 (user=OhMyGhosty): Choice NA for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 164 (user=eXeprOxy): Choice Competetive for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 165 (user=MiTakko): Choice zerg for race is not valid (pick one of: Random, Terran, Protoss, Zerg)
Post 166 (user=PanzerElite): Choice platinum for league is not valid (pick one of: Masters, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze)
Post 167 (user=igotmanatoblow): Choice casual for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 168 (user=Krisiun): Choice Bronze. for league is not valid (pick one of: Masters, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze)
Post 169 (user=Baracktor): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 170 (user=EnTaroAdun411): Choice <b>AM</b> for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 173 (user=Turbo.Tactics): Choice Want to play competitive again for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 189 (user=dSpChrisJ): Choice High master for league is not valid (pick one of: Masters, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze)
Post 191 (user=Biologicalsc): Choice Sliver for league is not valid (pick one of: Masters, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze)
Post 194 (user=xerox23): Choice highmaster for league is not valid (pick one of: Masters, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze)
Post 195 ( Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 198 (user=HaZeY.): URL Can't get it to work. is not valid as a profile URL
Post 200 (user=loveKITTY): Choice 1v1 practice only for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 201 (user=FlerinnnN): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 204 (user=DashedHopes): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 206 (user=DESTROIN): Choice protoss for race is not valid (pick one of: Random, Terran, Protoss, Zerg)
Post 207 (user=Coreylee): Header ProfileURL: is missing or out of order (line=Profile URL: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a>)
Post 209 (user=wond3rer): Choice Mid Silver for league is not valid (pick one of: Masters, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze)
Post 211 (user=AntiP0pe): Choice I just switched to Terran and a friend and I are working really hard to get better before HotS. He (a Zerg player) and I are looking for some practice partners that are on around our time to play constructive practice games. We're currently Diamond level players and are looking for a Terran and a Protoss to practice with. We're both on most nights from around 2am-8am (I'm GMT+/-6:00 or "Mountain Standard Time") for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 216 (user=Kenshin947): Header B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: is missing or out of order (line=TL ID: Kenshin947)
Post 217 (user=MaxxBiff): Header B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: is missing or out of order (line=TL ID: Maxxbiff)
Post 221 (user=KingdoM123): Choice Casual/Competitive for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 223 (user=reKon): Choice Am Server for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 225 (user=MiTakko): Choice Z / learning T for race is not valid (pick one of: Random, Terran, Protoss, Zerg)
Post 228 (user=Shawdy): Choice Silver/Gold for league is not valid (pick one of: Masters, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze)
Post 229 (user=UnBoRnFeTaLslaYeR): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 230 (user=SiNoCiDe): Choice <b>EU</b> for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 231 (user=Zerserk): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 232 (user=pengu1ns): Choice US for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 237 (user=Hylite): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 238 (user=EoE): Choice Gaming, Gears, Competitive for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 240 (user=chicksbro): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 241 (user=HoMM): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 242 (user=Tyrtl): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 243 (user=Tyrtl): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 248 (user=Fody03): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 250 (user=mrbernhardlauer): Header B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: is missing or out of order (line=B.Net ID.IDENTIFER: MrBL.492)
Post 252 (user=StarLightSC2): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 254 (user=Lazzi): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 255 (user=jdismu1): Header Sc2RanksURL: is missing or out of order (line=Sc2ranksURL: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a>)
Post 256 (user=Jynlol): URL - )Not showing up currently) is not valid as a profile URL
Post 258 (user=XtremePhysX): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 259 (user=Joseppir): URL (Not Working) is not valid as a profile URL
Post 260 (user=crEx07): URL (Not Working) is not valid as a profile URL
Post 261 (user=geniusgaming): Choice 1v1s for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 263 (user=agris369): Header Sc2RanksURL: is missing or out of order (line=Sc2Ranks: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a>)
Post 264 (user=Dynamaxion): Choice NA for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 265 (user=Gromo): Choice Golec for league is not valid (pick one of: Masters, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze)
Post 266 (user=JayPower): Choice Competetive for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 267 (user=RequiemAe): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 270 (user=GoingGoingGone): Choice Protoss (plat), Random (gold/plat) for race is not valid (pick one of: Random, Terran, Protoss, Zerg)
Post 271 (user=LardMaster): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 272 (user=WeRRa): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 283 (user=shippuu): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 284 (user=Bald Eagle): Choice Zerg/Protoss for race is not valid (pick one of: Random, Terran, Protoss, Zerg)
Post 289 (user=MLGOuch): Choice NA for server is not valid (pick one of: AM, EU, KR/TW, SEA, CN)
Post 291 (user=Adtor): Choice Competetive for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 293 (user=kis3N): Header B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: is missing or out of order (line=N.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: kiseN.717)
Post 300 (user=Abecedarian): Choice Protoss/Random for race is not valid (pick one of: Random, Terran, Protoss, Zerg)
Post 301 (user=StaraCroft): Choice Casually Competitive for interest is not valid (pick one of: Competitive, Casual, Team)
Post 304 (user=ToNoAvail): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Post 305 (user=ShardzSC): Too few lines for all headers to be present.
Special Thanks:
+ Show Spoiler +
Blazinghand wrote:
Original thread by Monokeros. All thanks goes to him for giving life to this wonderful idea!
Auto-updated Golden Age thread by TossFloss that lasted up through the server merge. A great program written by a great man.
+ Show Spoiler +
Original thread by Monokeros. All thanks goes to him for giving life to this wonderful idea!
Auto-updated Golden Age thread by TossFloss that lasted up through the server merge. A great program written by a great man.
+ Show Spoiler +
[people who helped TossFloss] Much thanks goes to apm66, GMarshal, NiGhT_mArE, Raydog and starcraft911 for their awesome improvement suggestions.
Much thanks to Blazinghand for his practice partners thread as well. The format of this post was 90% ripped off from him. A huge thanks to josep. He wrote the amazing script that is used to run this thread.
The TL practice partner thread now has an official battle net channel. If you want to find someone to practice with, you may join the TLPractice channel on battlenet. To do this, log on to battle net, go to the practice channel tab, and type in TLPractice. If TLPractice is full, join TLPractice1, TLPractice2...ect.