'The heroes of the GSL are players, but even they have to make a living'
Most SC2 players do not earn salaries. This is the area that contrasts the most when compared to BW pros. How are the economic conditions of players in reality? Are players able to make a living simply from the GSL prizes? We wanted to know what Nestea thought about this issue.
TIG> As the year was closing, we got to see the data about player's prize income. When we took the average of the total prize for each player, it came out to be about 1,000,000won. Of course, the top players are making good money, but isn't it too difficult for other players?
Nestea> Of course. But it's all the same for both BW and SC2. It's always difficult for low tiered players. And then, there are players that are in between. They are good players who have been to semi-finals but it's hard for them to make a living. In our team, that player is Happy. When the team is not rich and the player is not able to secure a good prize money, that player is now exposed to some possible changes in his career. I can actually relate to the situation they are in and understand the choices they make (note: he's talking about korean players joining foreign teams). In fact, I received some offers as well. I declined them all because I'm making a good living and the impact of my depareture is huge to my team. However, if I were in a situation of a player like Happy, I might have chosen a different option for my career.
TIG> Then why are they insisting on staying in the team house?
Nestea> Team house environment is really good for practicing. I think that's one of the reasons how players can improve and thus make good results.
Coach Won> The most important thing is the practice regime. In our case (StarTale), everyone except RainBow stays in the team house and practice according to the schedule. We also have frequent meetings to discuss various strategies or new ways to improve their skills. These activities are very important. Those who do not stay in the team house must have a great self control and right mindset. However, young players often do not have those attributes. For these players, it's up to the team to show them the proper way. The single most important thing a team can offer is the team house where players can live their lives together. They learn not only about the game itself, but also how to live amongst others and ultimately in this society. It's a job place as well as school.
Nestea> That's what I meant to say. I just could not elaborate it well (laughing)
'Whose responsibility is it for the lack of professionalism? Is a binding organization or association required?'
With a start of 2011 GSL came the SC2Con association. However, it no longer exists. It was disbanded back in Sepember 24, 2011 after realizing that they could not perform the necessary duties. Coincidently, after it was disbanded, a few incidents of players acting unprofessionally began to surface. Since then, many players and officials talked about the need of an organization that will enforce and train players of the proper dealings between players and their teams, the teams and the league, as well as the dealings between teams each other.
TIG> Since SC2Con disbanded, there were a few incidents in regards to the professionalism. Byun and Coca is one example. A proper training of professionalism is needed, but the question is who should be in charge of it?
Mr. Chae> Sounds like you are telling me we should do it (laughing). Actually, I do think it's our job (note: GOMTV actually held a professional conduct seminar with many players not too long ago)
TIG> Ah.. No, I didn't meant it that way. I'm just saying, it looks like we need some organization who can perform such tasks. Currently there is no entity who can organize events or mediate different ideas.
Coach Won> I think it's absolutely necessary that there should be an association. The SC2Con had no power. We could not even discipline players. That's why, for the success of the league and the teams, we must have an association which involves all stake holders so that we can train players properly and resolve any disputes of player transfers. Currently, there is nothing that stops these from happening. There hasn't been a big problem yet, but I think it can happen at any time. It's not good that players are losing their match on purpose. In my opinion, the fact that these problems keep coming up desipte the trainings from each team indicates that players are missing the most basic education.
I also have to mention this since we are speaking about the SC2 association. There is a rumor that BW teams are starting SC2 sometime this April. Nothing's been official, but that's the word on the street. This is another reason why there must be a SC2 association. I'm not saying we are competing against them. But, we should posture ourselves to protect our interests. I think the SC2 association is a must in that regard.
Also, if KeSPA, Blizzard, or GOMTV wants an information about SC2 to be public, I think they must talk to the teams first before doing so. It's the same with the fans. They are all esports fans. There is no need to distinguish between BW fans and SC2 fans. We shouldn't be fighting for the already small market. We should all try to find a common ground and have discussions and gather opinions from fans, and SC2 association is a necessity tool for this to happen.
TIG> Is there a possibility of you starting the SC2Con again? I also feel that it's existance is necessary.
Coach Won> I want to. I'm thinking about it. However, it's not as simple as having team coaches together. As you know, coaches are already busy with the team operations that not many coaches are willing to commit to running the SC2 association. And, the association must have its own office and financially stable in order to gain credibility and accreditation. However, someone needs to do it. This is not going to get done over a night, but I think we should continue to talk about this with GOMTV and other team coaches.
TIG> Actually, there was a movement to start the SC2 association last year. With the beginning of the new year, I wish we'd continue those meetings again with GOMTV and a 3rd party mediator. It's important for player management and player contract disputes. I think this is something we should do it with a haste. We all should be part of it, including GOMTV - because players are already part of your league. We should all share our opinions and I think that having a 3rd party moderator is important.
'What if SC1 teams start SC2?'
While we were talking about the SC2 association, it was mentioned that BW pro teams are starting SC2. So, we started talking about how it will impact the current SC2 pro teams. This is a bit of sensitive topic, but we could not just turn blind eyes to it. In this world of unknown future that is e-sports, what are the views of current SC2 pro teams?
TIG> It's no secret that BW pro teams are getting ready to play SC2. Actually there has be numerous proposals about it. It's almost a fact now that BW pro teams are getting ready to step into the SC2 world. I'm not saying this is going to be a problem. However, we have to think about the current SC2 pro teams first.
Coach Won> I can't talk about the details but it's true that I've received a proposal relating to that.
Nestea> I've also received it. They asked me to introduce some players for them. Some players come from BW background, so they exchange some of the know-hows with them already. It's the same case for me, but I don't really do it seriously. I can't just hand out my strategies that I worked so hard for to these new BW pros. I don't even do that for other current SC2 pros.
TIG> That's the story. This is a problem for SC2 teams, and has a potential to be a big problem. They are weaker in both financially and influentially when compared to BW teams.
Coach Won> It's a problem. We should all think about this. Frankly, I'm not even sure if BW teams will even acknowledge SC2 teams as a legit professional team. After all, there was a rumor of how they are going to exclude current SC2 scene and all. Honestly, we cannot compete with them financially. How will we stop them from taking our players by offering more money? There needs to be some protective measures and plans for when the time comes, but realistically it's very difficult.
TIG> how would players react to an offer from BW pro teams?
Nestea> They would definitely consider it. What I heard was that they want players that are very bottom tiered, the ones who can't even break Code A. They want to buy them cheap and invest in them. Actually, I was approached for my opinions on which players are willing to come and for how much. They even asked me to introduce them and one player actually went.
TIG> Does GOMTV have any plans? Is it possible to do anything about this? You have the sole contract with the Blizzard and have the most SC2 players with GSL and GSTL.
Mr. Chae> Our stance is that there is no problem as long as current SC2 players perform better than BW pros when they switch.
Coach Won> I would like to ask one thing. I heard that you do not have any plans of preventing BW teams from participating in GSTL, is that correct?
Mr. Chae> No, we won't stop them from participating. We can't. Haven't you forgotten about the "classic" incident? (note: not sure what he's referring to here)
Coach Won> I'm curious how it would be. Will current SC2 teams be competitive enough to advance in the GSTL? (note: he's implying that GOMTV may choose the top 10 teams or so in the GSTL, instead of all available teams)
TIG> That's right. This is an important discussion. To add to it, the best thing GOMTV can do is protecting the current SC2 players and pro teams. I also think that way. I don't think we should stop BW pro teams from participating GSL or GSTL. However, current SC2 players should be allowed to participate in their tournaments and leagues. I think that's something GOMTV has to do. Everything else is up to the pro teams. Also, nothing's been finalized but it's true that too many things get done behind the closed door. Both GSL and current SC2 pro teams think that the basis of the league should grow bigger and bigger, instead of getting smaller. With that in mind, I think it would be wonderful if both BW teams and SC2 teams work together in that regard. GOMTV can provide the environment for that to happen, and each pro team can focus on growing their own team. Let's close the topic here and move on to the next.
My note: they talk about a lot more than just these topics and most of them are pretty good read. I won't be translating them all, but I thought I'd share this with you all since it pertains the information about BW teams switching. Now, discuss away!