What is it? Specialized Terran training program for Silver – Plat What does it cost? Nothing, community supported How does it work? Using the provided replays you practice Phase 1 and Phase 2 until you are proficient, this should not take a lot of time, for some can be done in one night. A practice partner will be needed for Phase 3, please see below for people willing to help, grab a friend, or contact me. I did not read the entire post but I want to learn what should I do? Read the entire post
I feel this is a promising way to educate mid to low level struggling Terrans in the most efficient way possible.
With that said I would like to add that I am not a professional coach or even a pro player. I am a high diamond Terran and play against masters on ladder almost every game. My ID is Kinetic.661 on the NA server.
Important: Please work on learning the build (Phase #1) and The Watchtower (Phase #2) on your own using the replays for reference. Once you think you have the build and the watchtower down contact either myself or someone from the list below to put all your skills to the test in Phase 3.
If you are having problems understanding anything you can post questions here, catch me on b.net or PM me.
Players willing to help with Phase 3 listed below. If you would like to add your name to the list please post your ID and server.
AM Server
Xanthyz.264 cLvzickoray.848 Merlin.787 Fallians.904 Dice.179 BlueInk.418 Nemasyst.598 Imperfect.459 Ubeta.567 Banchan.483 Kreatur.607 ZaeZ.131 Sightbain.374 BrisklyGrape.397 PinoyfuryZ.411
EU Server
AlekS.933 WraithIV.252 Sokep.758
The story behind this. + Show Spoiler + While doing some friendly (non-professional) coaching I was thinking about the most efficient way to teach a mid to lower level player how to play at high level. Not just how to quickly win more ladder games but how to learn the skills needed to play at a high level once they get promoted.
I came up with a simple architecture for teaching Terran and tested it out. It worked very well, beyond even my expectations.
Now there is no secret here, I am going to cover exactly what the 3 phases are. And only the 3rd phase requires a practice partner.
What others are saying + Show Spoiler + Replies from other members
"This is pure grandmaster."
"This is really what I need right now."
"Really awesome program."
"i LOVE it"
"this training is incredible!!"
"Can't wait to try it on ladders!"
"This is like exactly what I've been looking for"
"I love the work put in here."
"Helps me heaps and Im sure helps others too."
"I've won my last 14 games in a row"
"rank 1:D"
"Rank 1"
The Program
Phase 1. Discipline. + Show Spoiler +Let’s make sure you have a simple build order and can perform it well. We start out with a simple and effective build order. 3 Racks. Why? We are not working on micro or cute play right now and we want a build that makes use of only 1 category of unit producing structures; the Barracks. This is also a build that ensures you have a strong meaty and simple army through the start of the game. This allows you to concentrate on what is important, macro and discipline. You should have 50+ food at 6:40 game time with stim done with conc finishing up. In order for this to be possible your build needs to be executed very well. For some this is common knowledge already and others may be surprised to know that you can meet such a short time frame. See the replay at the bottom for reference. From here on out if you miss an SCV production cycle you should start over on all exercises. Other mistakes are acceptable. I am extra strict here because this is the best time to engrain the automaticity of SCV production in your mind. Most will start out with some excessive queuing to deal with this and over a bit of time the queuing is reduced, this is much better than starting from the other end. Here is the build order by food count + Show Spoiler + 10-Supply 12-Rax 13-Refinery 15-Orbital 15-Marine 16-Supply 16-Tech Lab 18-Marauder Repeat When complete 21-Stim 21-Rax 24-Supply 27-Rax 28-Supply 28-Reactor 32-Supply 35-Tech Lab 35-Double Marine Repeat When complete 38-Supply 38-Shells 38-Maurader Repeat When complete 46-Supply
Phase 2. Leaving your comfort zone. + Show Spoiler + After you have done some ladder games with your 3 Racks build and can perform well under pressure it is time for the 2nd and most educational session.
Tip: Watch the replay first from POV! Spend as little time in your base as possible to prepare for Phase 3.
Here you perform the same build as before with a twist. You must move your first marine out to the watch tower. Your camera must stay focused on the marine at the watch tower at all times except the following. To build something To drop a mule To hotkey a new building or add-on
Many players, even experienced, reveal a lot more about their play than expected here. You will be shocked at how much you rely on locality in order to perform your build. The purpose of this exercise is to train your mind to track events in a way that is more efficient for RTS games. You must keep track of your supply, your resources, and what you should be doing based on what you just did (known as brain chains). These are fundamental skills you will need for proper execution of the following. We will also put them to the test in phase 3. Scouting Dealing with harass or dealing harass Attacking / Defending Working with multiple bases
Phase 3. Exercises and Minimap awareness. + Show Spoiler +We start with a scouting exercise. Here you play against a Protoss that makes only a single zelot. You must move an scv to scout and it must stay in your opponents base (Xel Naga) for the entire build (can't go back down the ramp). The zelot will chase it with micro, so it will require constant active control. Remember the marine at the watch tower and your simply adding constant clicking to the exercise. Mechanics get refined here. I also ask after every game a few questions about the Protoss energy usage, gas timing, etc. Note for those volunteering to play the role of Protoss here. + Show Spoiler + You should micro your Zelot but not excessively, try to account for the current skill level of the player. If this is their first time attempting it only micro half the time. If they are getting very good then try to push their limits by controlling the Zelot almost 100% of the time.
Also vary your build, build pylons outside your base, get them counting pylons, and gas, use your energy differently.
There is one very important concept that has not been covered until now. Minimap awareness. Here you play against a Terran and you move your first marine out to the furthest watchtower. This time you can keep your camera in your base. The Terran opponent will periodically move a group of marines out to attack your watch tower marine. You must run away and keep him alive and immediately return to the watch tower. The Terran opponent will never remain at the watch tower and will always retreat after you run. After the training is complete I recommend practicing the marine at the watch tower (Phase 2) once each time you log in to ladder for awhile. Some players will stick with 3 racks for awhile and then learn some new builds found on these forums. Other will may get bored of 3 racks more quickly. I do recommend playing with 3 racks until you feel your macro and mechanics are solid however the skills learned here will be vital to working with a more complex build. I do not teach builds, there is plenty of information here on the forums. I hope everyone was able to get something out of this post including some Terran coaches. Thank you for reading and GL HF on your SC2 career!
Please post your info if you are willing to help others with Phase 3, thanks!
I am also looking for a Zerg and a Protoss example. If you think you have a good starter build that will work well with the watchtower exercise please provide a replay equivalent to the watchtower replay found here but with your race. This would be greatly appreciated!
+ Show Spoiler +
Tips + Show Spoiler +-Determine where your buildings will go from the start of the game. This will free your mind. -Optimal queuing is right before a unit finishes, not after. -Quality APM comes from confidence, don't second guess yourself as you execute an action. -Don't forget UPGRADES (Stim / Conc)! Forgetting upgrades in any build will be detrimental. -You should be familiar with the game mechanics and units before attempting this. If you just bought the game; bookmark this and come back in a month. How to use 3 Racks on Silver - Gold LadderPush at 6:40 with 50+ food. Try not to use more than one Stim, make it count. vs Zerg keep your Mauraders in front (this is good vs banes, lings, and crawlers) vs Terran send one marine up ramp to check for siege/bunker or double bunker. vs Protoss pre-stim up ramp then attack (this is careless in diamond play but should get most units past FF before they notice) 3 Racks on Plat LadderPush at 6:40 with 50+ food Stop enough production to put down an expo as you push Deny expo, scout ramp and go home if needed Double the build into 6 Rax or go into tech and have fun Keep in mind it does not matter if you win or lose a match. What matters is if you executed the build and did not miss an scv. This is a Win in my book at this stage! Looking for the next step? Surviving DiamondAlso Why Zombies Win at Starcraft
Wow, that actually sounds like a really well thought out, efficient program. I'm a plat Terran myself and it sounds really, really good and it sounds like it'd really help.
What hours would you be available for these sessions? I'd like to participate, but I want to make sure our schedules can work out and whatnot.
Regardless, I think I'm going to be incorporating this type of training into solo practice, to the best of my ability. It sounds really effective.
I am very often logged in after 5:30pm Pacific on weeknights. Also throughout the day / night on most weekends.
I have 2 more slots.
I added a replay of the 3 Racks build used in the training for those I am not able to work with right now. More replays coming soon.
I would be very interested in participating in these excercises. I'm currently a plat Protoss, but I'm about a gold Terran.
wolffman.500 message me!
I added the Marine at the Watchtower replay. Watch replay from POV.
HenryGale.974 Very interested!
Emerald. 762 interested in lessons
MaD.616 awesome idea, great chance to give back to the community
I'm a zerg player, and i wouldnt be able to make the times posted anyways, but if you could upload a replay of one of your coaching sessions, that would be greatly appreciated. I think that your style of coaching is great and will be very effective, and I would like to incorporate what you are doing into my own practice, but would like to see it in actions first.
I am willing to act as a practice partner for games and lessons if needed.
On July 24 2011 14:57 Sightbain wrote: I am willing to act as a practice partner for games and lessons if needed.
Thanks!! I added your info to the main post for help. Anyone else available to help with Phase 3 please post.
On July 24 2011 13:36 Karellen wrote: I'm a zerg player, and i wouldnt be able to make the times posted anyways, but if you could upload a replay of one of your coaching sessions, that would be greatly appreciated. I think that your style of coaching is great and will be very effective, and I would like to incorporate what you are doing into my own practice, but would like to see it in actions first.
I will be posting a replay of Phase 3 soon, I have a few promising players who are already doing very well and hope to get an outstanding example of the scout exercise before posting.
If you need any practice partners for your coaching, I am a high diamond Protoss. BrisklyGrape.397. Feel free to PM me in-game or here on TL if you need anything
Way to accelerate learning for silver to plat 1/ good build - many build out there on TL forum but 1 build is insanely effective and can give all thE silver and plat player an incrediBle winning streak. I'm using 1 right now and so far 20 win streaks,lose 1 due to smart burrow banneling, then win another 10 gAme streak. Before this build, my record is very decent 50/50.
My currenT build involve 3 reapers and 4rax(3teCh 1 reactors), use 3 reapers to destroy mineral line and force other guy to all in , crush that all in with defensive stim marines marauder. Sometimes huge contain into expand.
2/ macro - people fail at this including me. When u mess up 1 thing , you feel uneasy, give othEr guy advantage. Think ahead. Like me. At 9/11, scv to ramp. At 10/11, supply. When move out have 3-4 supply depot build. Queue all unit before move in and attack. You can't macro And micro at the same time( normal ppl , not hardcore or pro) so after u finish micro, go to ur base and macro like a mad men.if u did build 3 or 4 and queue ton of unit before micro, u will have less mineral in banl less macro to do after micro.
Think ahead is the key. Suprise is your worst nightmare. U will be less suprisE once u gain more experience fRom playing many games.
3/eXperiEnce- saDly only gain through meet a creative player that is bad at macro ( mass bansheen voidray, battlecruiser, hidden expand) or pro play
4/ scout- partly belong to expeerience but timing scout is something I don't know down to the core so can't really write anything.
5/ reaction - partly bElong to scout and exp. If zerg see hellion opener, 2 crawler,queen block ramp, all worker to Main,drone like a mad man, put down roach warren. Those are bEst reaction for hellion opener , not making a million of zergling and do a micro war with oTher guy.
On July 25 2011 10:01 cuoongwhomy wrote: Way to accelerate learning for silver to plat 1/ good build - many build out there on TL forum but 1 build is insanely effective and can give all thE silver and plat player an incrediBle winning streak. I'm using 1 right now and so far 20 win streaks,lose 1 due to smart burrow banneling, then win another 10 gAme streak. Before this build, my record is very decent 50/50.
My currenT build involve 3 reapers and 4rax(3teCh 1 reactors), use 3 reapers to destroy mineral line and force other guy to all in , crush that all in with defensive stim marines marauder. Sometimes huge contain into expand.
2/ macro - people fail at this including me. When u mess up 1 thing , you feel uneasy, give othEr guy advantage. Think ahead. Like me. At 9/11, scv to ramp. At 10/11, supply. When move out have 3-4 supply depot build. Queue all unit before move in and attack. You can't macro And micro at the same time( normal ppl , not hardcore or pro) so after u finish micro, go to ur base and macro like a mad men.if u did build 3 or 4 and queue ton of unit before micro, u will have less mineral in banl less macro to do after micro.
Think ahead is the key. Suprise is your worst nightmare. U will be less suprisE once u gain more experience fRom playing many games.
3/eXperiEnce- saDly only gain through meet a creative player that is bad at macro ( mass bansheen voidray, battlecruiser, hidden expand) or pro play
4/ scout- partly belong to expeerience but timing scout is something I don't know down to the core so can't really write anything.
5/ reaction - partly bElong to scout and exp. If zerg see hellion opener, 2 crawler,queen block ramp, all worker to Main,drone like a mad man, put down roach warren. Those are bEst reaction for hellion opener , not making a million of zergling and do a micro war with oTher guy.
With all due respect I don't think this is correct. This is how you hit the wall. The wall everyone hit when I showed them 3 Racks and they enjoyed a bunch of wins only to find that they did not know how to play at a higher level. You can micro and macro at the same time and this is how you learn to do so. Thanks for your input though.
I was gonna say 'this is pure gold,' but to an sc2 player that would sound like an insult.
This is pure grandmaster.
One of the crucial things about this program that a newer player might overlook is the difference between becoming a better player and becoming better at laddering. If you become a better player, you will most likely be better at laddering. But becoming better at ladder doesn't necessarily make you a better player. If you want to be Diamond or Masters, there are much easier and faster ways. But, if you care about about your skill level and not necessarily your ladder ranking, this program is perfect for you.
This program forces the player to quickly improve general mechanics while simultaneously ingraining fundamental skills and concepts that will form an incredible foundation - both mechanical and informational - for the player's starcraft2 future. Many diamond and some low masters player's struggle with things like actively and continuously scouting, macroing and microing at the same time, constant minimap awareness, etc.
This program could easily be altered and extended to create a training program for a player of any skill level, even a grandmaster, and I also believe that the core aspects of the program - practicing a specific build until your macro is extremely tight and all your timings are crisp, actively trying to improve minimap awareness, working on scouting (during all phases of the game), practicing the ability to macro while also actively microing units - an absolutely essential skill, and very closely related to the cognitive skill-set required for gosu multi-prong drop harass and army engagements with multiple formations and flanks.
anyone who practices these exercises diligently and masters them will develop a very solid mechanical foundation and will have the beginnings of what is sometimes called "great multitask" (although it isn't even actually similar to multitasking >.<)
OH, AND Adrenaline Seed, I'MMA LET YOU FINISH, BUT cuooongwhomy HAD ONE OF THE WORST POSTS... OF ALL TIMES. OF ALL TIMES. (seriously, anyone who is new to the game, don't even read that post and if you have already read it, hit yourself hard enough in the head with a blunt object to cause concussive brain trauma so you get short term memory loss and forget that the post even exists)
On July 25 2011 14:02 somadbro wrote: I was gonna say 'this is pure gold,' but to an sc2 player that would sound like an insult.
This is pure grandmaster.
One of the crucial things about this program that a newer player might overlook is the difference between becoming a better player and becoming better at laddering. If you become a better player, you will most likely be better at laddering. But becoming better at ladder doesn't necessarily make you a better player. If you want to be Diamond or Masters, there are much easier and faster ways. But, if you care about about your skill level and not necessarily your ladder ranking, this program is perfect for you.
This program forces the player to quickly improve general mechanics while simultaneously ingraining fundamental skills and concepts that will form an incredible foundation - both mechanical and informational - for the player's starcraft2 future. Many diamond and some low masters player's struggle with things like actively and continuously scouting, macroing and microing at the same time, constant minimap awareness, etc.
This program could easily be altered and extended to create a training program for a player of any skill level, even a grandmaster, and I also believe that the core aspects of the program - practicing a specific build until your macro is extremely tight and all your timings are crisp, actively trying to improve minimap awareness, working on scouting (during all phases of the game), practicing the ability to macro while also actively microing units - an absolutely essential skill, and very closely related to the cognitive skill-set required for gosu multi-prong drop harass and army engagements with multiple formations and flanks.
anyone who practices these exercises diligently and masters them will develop a very solid mechanical foundation and will have the beginnings of what is sometimes called "great multitask" (although it isn't even actually similar to multitasking >.<)
Thanks, great overview of the concept. It is much more rewarding to have a diamond or masters title when you can also play like one.
Great ideas here. I know there is a multitasking trainer already for keeping your scv alive while doing a build. I don't have much knowledge of map making but if someone does it would be awesome to have a map that implements the "keeping marine at watch tower alive when someone periodically attacks it" concept.
Adrenaline Seed. I am interested in both lessons and helping out with practice. I live in PST time also but I do not get off work until 6. I want to get back to learning fundamentals because I feel like I am lacking them.